Today’s topics Networks & the Internet Basic HTML The basis for web pages “Almost” programming Data Representation Upcoming Connections Algorithms Reading Internet history readings Computer Science, Chapter 4 How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Chapter 1 CompSci 001 2.1 HTML Specifying Colors Can be specified in different ways e.g., for standard colors can specify “white” or “red” Can specify arbitrary colors by specifying the amount of red, blue, and green involved. (RGB) Uses base 16 arithmetic: 0, 1, …, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f Red: “ff0000” Green: “00ff00” Blue: “0000ff” Black: “000000” Gray: ”7f7f7f” White:”ffffff” Yellow: ”ffff00” Orange: “ff7f00” Purple: ”c000e0” Can experiment! CompSci 001 2.2 More Hexadecimal CompSci 001 from L. Snyder, Fluency with Information Technology 2.3 HTML/Web/UNIX practice In UNIX, your web page folder is found in a standard location: ~userID/public_html/ and for OIT Duke files is accessed with a web browser at // Many people don’t code in raw HTML Write in TextPad Save as Web Page in Microsoft Word Netscape Composer, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Bluefish These all generate HTML for you View other people’s web page source (HTML) from most browsers -learn from others CompSci 001 2.4 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Style sheets describe how documents are presented CSS is a standard for providing formatting (i.e. style) information for web documents Specify fonts, colors, spacing, etc. Why would we want to separate the style information from the content? In the CSS file, you specify: a selector, that picks out the element you want the properties and values that you want to apply to the selected element (or elements) select everything in the <body> tag and use a serif font for the text body { font-family: serif; } 2.5 CompSci 001 from © 2006 DW Johnson & University of Washington Selectors The element type: body, div, span, h1, h2, img, p, a, … selected with <h1>Introduction</h1> html file h1 { color: green; } css file Specific "id" given for the element <div id="footer"> … </div> selected with html file div#footer { font-family: sans-serif; } css file General "class" given for the element <span class="familyMember"> … </span> html file selected with span.familyMember { font-weight: bold; } css file 2.6 CompSci 001 from © 2006 DW Johnson & University of Washingtonton Properties The properties of the element determine how it it styled, including: background of the element text colors, alignment, spacing font selection border thickness, color, style padding and margins around the element list styles Some properties and their values color: and background-color:and norder-color aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow font-family: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace font-style: normal, italic font-weight: normal, bold border-width: thin, medium, thick border-style: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset 2.7 CompSci 001 See Lab 1 for CSS tutorials The Internet How valuable is a network? Metcalfe’s Law Domain Name System: translates betweens names and IP addresses Properties of the Internet Heterogeneity Redundancy Packet-switched 1.08 billion online (Computer Industry Almanac 2005) Warriors of the Net! Who has access? How important is access? CompSci 001 2.8 Digital Computers What are computers made up of? Lowest level of abstraction: atoms Higher level: transistors Transistors Invented in 1951 at Bell Labs An electronic switch Building block for all modern electronics Transistors are packaged as Integrated Circuits (ICs) 40 million transistors in 1 IC CompSci 001 2.9 Binary Digits (Bits) Yes or No On or Off One or Zero 10010010 CompSci 001 2.10 More on binary Byte A sequence of bits 8 bits = 1 byte 2 bytes = 1 word (sometimes 4 or 8 bytes) Powers of two How do binary numbers work? CompSci 001 2.11 Data Encoding Text: Each character (letter, punctuation, etc.) is assigned a unique bit pattern. ASCII: Uses patterns of 7-bits to represent most symbols used in written English text Unicode: Uses patterns of 16-bits to represent the major symbols used in languages world side ISO standard: Uses patterns of 32-bits to represent most symbols used in languages world wide Numbers: Uses bits to represent a number in base two Limitations of computer representations of numeric values Overflow – happens when a value is too big to be represented Truncation – happens when a value is between two representable values CompSci 001 2.12 Images, Sound, & Compression Images Store as bit map: define each pixel • RGB • Luminance and chrominance Vector techniques • Scalable • TrueType and PostScript Audio Sampling Compression Lossless: Huffman, LZW, GIF Lossy: JPEG, MPEG, MP3 CompSci 001 2.13 Decimal (Base 10) Numbers Each digit in a decimal number is chosen from ten symbols: { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } The position (right to left) of each digit represents a power of ten. Example: Consider the decimal number 2307 2 position: 3 2 1 3 0 7 0 2307 = 2103 + 3102 + 0101 + 7100 CompSci 001 2.14 Binary (Base 2) Numbers Each digit in a binary number is chosen from two symbols: { 0, 1 } The position (right to left) of each digit represents a power of two. Example: Convert binary number 1101 to decimal position: 1101 = = CompSci 001 1 1 0 1 3 2 1 0 123 + 122 + 021 + 120 18 + 14 + 02 + 11 = 8 + 4 + 1 = 13 2.15 Powers of Two Decimal CompSci 001 Binary Power of 2 1 1 20 2 10 4 100 8 1000 21 22 23 16 10000 32 100000 64 1000000 128 10000000 24 25 26 27 2.16 Famous Powers of Two CompSci 001 Images from 2.17 Other Number Systems CompSci 001 2.18 Images from Binary Addition Also: 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 with a carry of 1 CompSci 001 2.19 Images from Adding Binary Numbers 101 + 10 -------111 101 + 10 = ( 122 + 021 + 120 ) + ( 121 + 020 ) = ( 14 + 02 + 11 ) + ( 12 + 01 ) Add like terms: There is one 4, one 2, one 1 = 14 + 12 + 11 = 111 CompSci 001 2.20 Adding Binary Numbers 11 carry 111 + 110 --------1101 111 + 110 = ( 122 + 121 + 120 ) + (122 + 121 + 020 ) = ( 14 + 12 + 11 ) + (14 + 12 + 01 ) Add like terms: There are two 4s, two 2s, one 1 = 24 + 22 + 11 = 18 + 14 + 02 + 11 = 1101 BinaryNumber Applet CompSci 001 2.21 Converting Decimal to Binary Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CompSci 001 conversion 0 = 020 1 = 120 2 = 121 + 020 3 = 2+1 = 121 + 020 4 = 122 + 021 + 020 5 = 4+1 = 122 + 021 + 120 6 = 4+2 = 122 + 121 + 020 7 = 4+2+1 = 122 + 121 + 120 8 = 122 + 022 + 021 + 020 Binary 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 2.22 Converting Decimal to Binary Repeated division by two until the quotient is zero Example: Convert decimal number 54 to binary 0 21 2 2 2 2 CompSci 001 1 1 2 3 0 6 1 13 1 27 0 54 Binary representation of 54 is 110110 remainder 2.23 Converting Decimal to Binary 1 1 32 = 0 1 6 1 32 plus 1 sixteen 2 3 0 3 16s = 3 16 plus 0 eights 6 1 13 4s = 6 8s plus 1 four 13 1 27 2s = 13 4s plus 1 two 27 0 54 0 21 2 2 2 2 8s = plus 1 thirty-two = 27 2s plus 0 ones 54 Subtracting highest power of two 54 - 25 = 22 1s in positions 5,4,2,1 6 - 22 = 2 CompSci 001 22 - 24 = 6 2 - 21 = 0 110110 2.24 Problems Convert 1011000 to decimal representation Add the binary numbers 1011001 and 10101 and express their sum in binary representation Convert 77 to binary representation CompSci 001 2.25 Solutions Convert 1011000 to decimal representation 1011000 = 126 + 025 + 124 + 123 + 022 + 021 + 020 = 164 + 032 + 116 + 18 + 04 + 02 + 01 = 64 + 16 + 8 = 88 Add the binary numbers 1011001 and 10101 and express their sum in binary representation 1011001 + 10101 ------------1101110 CompSci 001 2.26 Solutions Convert 77 to binary representation 2 2 2 2 2 CompSci 001 0 21 1 2 2 0 4 1 9 1 19 0 38 1 0 Binary representation of 77 is 1001101 77 2.27 Boolean Logic AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR Each operator has a set of rules for combining two binary inputs These rules are defined in a Truth Table (This term is from the field of Logic) Each implemented in an electronic device called a gate Gates operate on inputs of 0’s and 1’s These are more basic than operations like addition Gates are used to build up circuits that • Compute addition, subtraction, etc • Store values to be used later • Translate values from one format to another CompSci 001 2.28 Truth Tables CompSci 001 Images from 2.29 In-Class Questions 1. How many different bit patterns can be formed if each must consist of exactly 6 bits? 2. Represent the bit pattern 1011010010011111 in hexadecimal notation. 3. Translate each of the following binary representations into its equivalent base ten representation. 1. 1100 2. 10.011 Translate 231 in decimal to binary 4. CompSci 001 2.30