Hoe een computer schaakt

Hoe schaakt een computer?
Arnold Meijster
Why study games?
Why study games?
Historically major subject in AI
Interesting subject of study because they are hard
Games are of interest for AI researchers
Solution is a strategy (strategy specifies move for every possible
opponent reply).
Time limits force an approximate solution
Evaluation function: evaluate “goodness” of game position
Examples: chess, checkers, othello/reversi, backgammon, poker,
Game setup
Two players: MAX and MIN
MAX moves first and they take turns until the game is over.
Another view: games are a search problem
Initial state: e.g. board configuration of chess
Successor function: list of (move,state) pairs specifying legal moves.
Goal/Terminal test: Is the game finished?
Utility function: Gives numerical value of terminal states. E.g. win
(+1), loose (-1) and draw (0)
MAX uses a search tree to determine next move.
(Partial) Game Tree for Tic-Tac-Toe
Optimal strategies
Assumption: Both players play optimally !!
Find the strategy for MAX assuming an infallible MIN opponent.
Given a game tree, the optimal strategy can be determined by computing
the minimax value of each node of the tree:
maxs  successors(n) MINIMAX-VALUE(s)
mins  successors(n) MINIMAX-VALUE(s)
If n is a terminal
If n is a max node
If n is a min node
MinMax – First Example
Max’s turn
Would like the “9” points (the maximum)
But if Max chooses the left branch, Min will
choose the move to get 3
left branch has a value of 3
If Max chooses right, Min can choose any one of
5, 6 or 7 (will choose 5, the minimum)
right branch has a value of 5
Right branch is largest (the maximum) so choose
that move
MinMax – Second Example
Tic-Tac-Toe: Three-Ply Game Tree
MinMax – Pseudo Code
int Max() {
int best = -INFINITY; /* first move is best */
if (isTerminalState()) return Evaluate();
while (MovesLeft()) {
val = Min(); /* Min’s turn next */
if (val > best) best = val;
return best;
MinMax – Pseudo Code
int Min() {
int best = INFINITY; /*  differs from MAX */
if (isTerminalState()) return Evaluate();
while (MovesLeft()) {
val = Max(); /* Max’s turn next */
if (val < best) //  different than MAX
best = val;
return best;
Problem of minimax search
Number of game states explodes when the
number of moves increases.
Solution: Do not examine every node
Idea: stop evaluating moves when you find a
worse result than the previously examined moves.
 Does not benefit the player to play that
move, it need not be evaluated any further.
 Save processing time without affecting final result
The α-β pruning algorithm
α is the value of the best (i.e.,
highest-value) choice found
so far at any choice point
along the path for max
If v is worse than α, max will
avoid it
prune that branch
Define β similarly for min
MinMax – AlphaBeta Pruning Example
From Max’s point of view, 1 is already lower
than 4 or 5, so no need to evaluate 2 and 3
(bottom right)  Prune
Minimax: 2-ply deep
α-β pruning example
α-β pruning example
α-β pruning example
α-β pruning example
α-β pruning example
Properties of α-β
Pruning does not affect final result (same as minimax)
Good move ordering improves effectiveness of pruning
With "perfect ordering," time complexity = O(bm/2)
Branching factor of sqrt(b) !!
Alpha-beta pruning can look twice as far as minimax in the same amount of time
Chess: 4-ply lookahead is a hopeless chess player!
4-ply ≈ human novice
8-ply ≈ typical PC, human master
12-ply ≈ Deep Blue, Kasparov
Optimization: repeated states are possible.
Store them in memory = transposition table
MiniMax and Chess
With a complete tree, we can determine the best possible
However, a complete tree is impossible for chess!
At a given time, chess has ~ 35 legal moves.
35 at one ply, 352 = 1225 at two plies … 356 = 2 billion and
3510 = 2 quadrillion
Games last 40 moves (or more), so 3540
For large games (like Chess) we can’t see the end of
the game.
Games of imperfect information
SHANNON (1950):
Cut off search earlier (replace TERMINAL-TEST by
Apply heuristic evaluation function EVAL (replacing utility
function of alpha-beta)
Heuristic EVAL
Idea: produce an estimate of the expected utility of the game from a
given position.
Performance depends on quality of EVAL.
Computation should not take too long.
For non-terminal states the EVAL should be strongly correlated with the actual
chance of winning.
Only useful for quiescent (no wild swings in value in near future) states
Requires quiescence search
Evaluation functions
Typically a linear weighted sum of features
Eval(s) = w1 f1(s) + w2 f2(s) + … + wn fn(s)
e.g., w1 = 10 with
f1(s) = (number of white queens) – (number of black queens), etc.
Rule of thumb weight values for chess:
Bishop, Knight=3
Heuristic difficulties
Heuristic counts pieces won!
Consider two cases:
1) Black to play
2) White to play
It really makes a difference
when to apply the
evaluation function!!!
Horizon effect
A program with a
fixed depth search
less than 14 will
think it can avoid
the queening
Horizon effect
Mate in 19!
Mate in 40!
Mate in 40 with Ke7.
Worse are Kc5, Kc6, Kd5, Kd7,
Ke5 and Ke6 which throw away
the win.
Source: http://www.gilith.com/chess/endgames/kr_kn.html
Mate in 39!
White mates in 39 after Ng7.
Worse are:
Kg4: white mates in 16
Kg5, Kg6, Kh4: white mates in 15
Kh6: white mates in 13
Nc7, Nd6: white mates in 12
Nf6: white mates in 10.
Mate (in 0)
Mate (in 1)
Mate (in 0)
Mate (in 1)
Previous states (black to move)
Nalimov dbase: backward search
for all mate-in-n-positions do
for all reverse moves m by black do
if move m leads (forced) to mate in n
then determine all mate in n+1 positions
Endgame databases…
How end game databases changed chess
All 5 piece endgames solved (can have > 10^8 states) &
many 6 piece
Rule changes
KRBKNN (~10^11 states): longest path-to-mate 223
Max number of moves from capture/pawn move to
Chess knowledge
KRKN game was thought to be a draw, but
White wins in 51% of WTM
White wins in 87% of BTM
Games are fun
They illustrate several important points about AI
 Perfection is unattainable -> approximation
 Uncertainty constrains the assignment of values to states
A computer’s strength at chess comes from:
 How deep can it search
 How well can it evaluate a board position
In some sense, like humans – a chess grandmaster can evaluate
positions better and can look further ahead
Games are to AI as grand prix racing is to automobile design.
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