Name of Grant Program: Innovation Schools Implementation Grant Fund Code: 157 PART III-REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION-COVER PAGE Please complete each of the fields below. General Information School Name: School Type (New/Conversion/Academy): Year Open: School Accountability Level (if applicable): Total Enrollment (as of September 2013): District Name & Accountability Level: Grades Served: Please indicate Yes/No for priority areas 1 and 2 below. Important note: the Department will assess whether the applicant meets priority 3 or 4 as stated in the RFP based on a review of the approved Innovation School Plan and Strategic Change Chart. 1. Does the applicant operate an approved Innovation School in a Level 3 or 4 district? Massachusetts’ district and school accountability and assistance system Indicate Yes/No:___________ 2. Is the Innovation School designated as Level 3 or 4? Massachusetts’ district and school accountability and assistance system Indicate Yes/No: ____________ Innovation School Public Statement – Please include the public statement included in the approved Innovation School Plan (to be used for dissemination purposes). Page 1 of 3 Name of Grant Program: Innovation Schools Implementation Grant Fund Code: 157 PART III-REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION-NARRATIVE Instructions: All applicants are required to complete Sections A and B. Only applicants that have been in operation for a year or more are required to complete Section C. Section A – Description of Fund Use In a separate Word document that is no more than 3 pages in length, please describe how the grant funds will be used to support the successful implementation of the approved Innovation School Plan. Responses must describe what the intended changes that the school and district expects to occur as a result of the grant, and how it will determine the effectiveness of the use of funds. Section B – Strategic Change Chart* Innovation schools operate with increased autonomies and flexibilities in six key areas (curriculum, instruction, and assessment; schedule and calendar; staffing; professional development; district policies and procedures; and budget) with the goal of establishing the school conditions that lead to improved teaching and learning, and as such, all applicants are required to complete this section. Please provide a chart that follows the format below: 1. List the areas of autonomy and flexibility authorized by the plan; 2. Describe the current district practice as it relates to each area of autonomy and flexibility; 3. If conversion, describe the former school or academy practice as it relates to each area of autonomy and flexibility; 4. Describe the current school or academy practice as it relates to each area of autonomy and flexibility (to be addressed by new and conversion innovation schools and academies); 5. Describe any key anticipated challenges to implementation and the existing capacity of the school and district staff to address these challenges; and 6. Describe the expected impact on student achievement outcomes for each area of autonomy and flexibility. *Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit thoughtful and comprehensive charts as this section will significantly impact the overall scores obtained. Autonomies and Flexibilities Current District Practice (as it relates to column 1) Former School or Academy Practice Current School or Academy Practice Autonomy/Flexibility Description of current district practice. Description of former school or academy practice prior to implementing approved Innovation School Plan. Description of current school or academy practice. Anticipated challenges and Capacity to address these Challenges Description of the challenges to implementation and capacity for school and or district staff to address these challenges. Expected Impact on Student Achievement Outcomes Description of how the thoughtful utilization of autonomy/flexibly is expected to positively impact student achievement outcomes. Section C – Measurable Annual Goals (MAGs) Applicants that have operated an approved Innovation School for one year or more are required to complete this section. In either chart form or an excel spreadsheet, please list each Measurable Annual Goal as outlined in the Innovation School Plan and report on the school’s performance to date toward meeting the stated goals. Page 2 of 3 Measurable Annual Goals are required in the following seven areas*: 1) Student attendance; 2) Student safety and discipline; 3) Student promotion, graduation, and dropout rates; 4) Student achievement on MCAS; 5) Progress in areas of academic performance; 6) Progress among subgroups; and 7) Reduction of achievement gaps among different groups of students. *Please note that each of the seven required MAGs are not applicable to all grade spans. Additionally, applicants are required to report on individual school level MAGs. Page 3 of 3