item3 history

Attachment #3: History of Accountability and Assistance in the Lawrence Public Schools
June 1996
Fall 1996
April 1997
July 1997
Fall 1997
January 1998
January 1998
January 1998
Spring 1998
Summer 1998
March 2000
Spring 2000
March 2000
Spring 2000
Summer 2000
August 2000
Fall 2000
Fall 2000
November 2000
Fall-Winter 2000
January 2001
2001-2002 SY
Summer/Fall 2001
Fall 2001
September 2001
November 2001
January 2002
Winter/Spring 2002
Spring 2002
NEASC 3 year review of LHS; school receives “warning.”
NEASC 5 year review of LHS; school designated on “probation.”
Misuse of funds reported in Lawrence Eagle Tribune and Boston Globe.
NEASC ten year review of LHS; accreditation denied.
DOE conducts a Coordinated Program Review of Title I, Special
Education Programs.
State Auditor’s report on Lawrence School Department raises concerns.
DOE Fact Finding Review identifies urgent key issues.
Mayor Patricia Dowling inaugurated.
Fact Finding Review released; calls for state intervention.
First M.O.A. signed, establishing the Partnership between DOE and
NESDEC conducts superintendent search; DOE participates by
assigning a consultant to serve on the search committee.
Mae Gaskins hired as superintendent.
DOE consultants and staff work with Lawrence High School, School
Committee, and Central Office to develop and implement revised
operating procedures.
Superintendent Gaskins’ contract terminated.
Dr. Eugene Thayer named interim superintendent.
Arlington School declared underperforming.
DOE consultant leads superintendent search.
Commissioner appoints Partnership Team: Dow, George, Thayer and
Wilfredo Laboy hired as Superintendent.
Executive coaching focus of Partnership activities with new
DOE conducts Fact Finding review of Arlington School.
DOE conducts District Performance Evaluation.
DOE monitoring and advising on District and school level improvement
New Mayor, Michael Sullivan, inaugurated.
Success for All (reading/literacy program) adopted District-wide.
Partnership facilitates LHS principal search with Superintendent Laboy.
City implements new District School Committee election procedures.
Mayor Patty Dowling resigns.
Newly elected Mayor Michael Sullivan assumes role as Mayor and
Chair of School Committee.
Newly elected School Committee inaugurated (2 year terms until
December, 2003)
Partnership members conduct training sessions for School Committee.
Partnership agreement extended for one year.
Attachment #3: History of Accountability and Assistance in the Lawrence Public Schools
Spring 2003
June-July 2003
March 2004
April 2004
November 2004
March 2005
July, 2005
November 2007
June 2008
June 2009
March 2010
May 2011
June 2011
September 2011
September 2011
Partnership focuses on leadership mentoring, School Committee
training and budget process improvements.
Partnership agreement extended until 2005
RMC contracted to conduct Lawrence case study
NEASC on-site visit for LHS accreditation review.
EQA District Review
EMAC votes to conduct a follow-up (Tier III) Review based on findings
in April, 2004 EQA review
EQA District Review
EQA places Lawrence on “Watch” status and provided a district
EQA District Review
ESE approves state-mandated District Plants School Intervention
Review report published.
Two Level 4 schools are identified in Lawrence: Arlington Elementary
and South Lawrence East Middle
ESE conducts a Level 4 District Review
Commissioner places a Department representative on the
Superintendent search committee.
ESE secures a Plan Manager to support Lawrence in developing the
Level 4 District Plan.
Level 4 District Lawrence Review Report released.