Attachment 2 District Intervention at Levels 3 through 5 Framework for District Accountability and Assistance Accountability State Actions 2 State Actions - Provide Comprehensive Annual District Trend Profile for every district & school, Levels 1-5; - Conduct random district reviews Review & approve District & School Improvement Plans Use Trend Profile and other data to revise Improvement Plans. Conduct random district reviews District Actions Consider using ESE’s district selfassessment process. Consider how each school can implement appropriate Essential Conditions effectively Provide VOLUNTARY Access to online models & tools planning tools and templates, selfassessment tool & protocol, teacher working condition survey, classroom observation protocols, etc. SUGGEST assistance Above plus targeted assistance for identified student groups, professional development opportunities, etc. Ensure identified schools implement at least some Essential Conditions effectively LOOSE 3 Use ESE’s selfassessment process to revise improvement plans and strategies for monitoring and implementing them. Conduct selective district reviews Give PRIORITY for assistance Complete ESE’s district Above plus assistance, e.g.: self-assessment process. guided self-assessment, Ensure identified schools planning guidance, etc. implement most Essential Conditions effectively LEVEL 3 {A} 4 Level 3 Criteria Assistance & Intervention District Actions 1 Collaborate with ESE Conduct district on Intervention Plan; review and develop uses it to review, Intervention revise, and re-focus plan with district; Improvement Commissioner Plans and approves district’s strategies Intervention and for supporting Improvement their Plans for implementation BESE; and appoints Accountability Monitor. For Intervention Schools, ensure use of all Essential Above plus ESE Conditions appoints effectively; or Assistance adopt a Liaison to turnaround TIGHT coordinate model intervention from options identified by ESE REQUIRE Intervention ESE Selective District Reviews {B} 5 Districts enter Level 3 based on the following AYP determinations: Districts in Corrective Action and/or Districts with Schools identified for Corrective Action or in Restructuring Status Co-Governance Joint District-ESE Decision Making & Governance District completes ESE's District Self-Assessment Process District revises the District Improvement Plan based on Self-Assessment findings Improve to Level 2 or 1 ESE Targeted Assistance guides process, planning, and available resources Remain in Level 3 Level 4 Level 4 Criteria Framework for District Accountability and Assistance Accountability Assistance & Intervention District Actions 1 State Actions 2 State Actions - Provide Comprehensive Annual District Trend Profile for every district & school, Levels 1-5; - Conduct random district reviews Review & approve District & School Improvement Plans Use Trend Profile and other data to revise Improvement Plans. Conduct random district reviews District Actions Consider using ESE’s district selfassessment process. Consider how each school can implement appropriate Essential Conditions effectively Provide VOLUNTARY Access to online models & tools planning tools and templates, selfassessment tool & protocol, teacher working condition survey, classroom observation protocols, etc. SUGGEST assistance Above plus targeted assistance for identified student groups, professional development opportunities, etc. Ensure identified schools implement at least some Essential Conditions effectively LOOSE 3 Use ESE’s selfassessment process to revise improvement plans and strategies for monitoring and implementing them. Conduct selective district reviews Give PRIORITY for assistance Complete ESE’s district Above plus assistance, e.g.: self-assessment process. guided self-assessment, Ensure identified schools planning guidance, etc. implement most Essential Conditions effectively {A} 4 For Intervention Collaborate with ESE REQUIRE Conduct district Schools, ensure use on Intervention Plan; Intervention review and develop of all Essential uses it to review, Above plus ESE Intervention Conditions revise, and re-focus appoints plan with district; effectively; or Improvement Assistance Commissioner adopt a Plans and approves district’s Liaison to turnaround strategies TIGHT Intervention and coordinate model for supporting intervention Improvement from their Plans for implementation BESE; and options identified appoints by ESE Accountability Monitor. LEVEL 4 Districts enter Level 4 based on the following quantitative and/or qualitative criteria: On the basis of having one or more Level 4 School, i.e., schools with low absolute achievement (high proportions of students with failing/warning scores); little or no improvement over time (CPI and, if applicable, graduation rate); and low annual student growth over time (MCAS Growth Model); and/or Fundamental district weaknesses (e.g., governance, leadership, and/or finance) through District Review {B} 5 Co-Governance Joint District-ESE Decision Making & Governance ESE conducts or uses existing District Review – examines district processes, assesses capacity, and identifies actions required to strengthen district performance ESE Accountability Monitor monitors the planning to ensure that strategies and benchmarks are sufficiently bold District develops a District Intervention Plan – with progress benchmarks and timetable to ensure that priority indicators and Essential Conditions are met Commissioner approves/rejects District Intervention Plan ESE Accountability Monitor monitors implementation ESE Assistance Liaison provides guidelines for intervention strategies and benchmarks ESE Assistance Liaison recommends assistance as needed including grant funding Commissioner reports annually to BESE on districts’ progress Improve to Level 3, 2 or 1 Remain in Level 4 BESE considers Level 5 based on Commissioner’s recommendation Framework for District Accountability and Assistance Accountability Assistance & Intervention District Actions 1 State Actions 2 State Actions - Provide Comprehensive Annual District Trend Profile for every district & school, Levels 1-5; - Conduct random district reviews Review & approve District & School Improvement Plans Use Trend Profile and other data to revise Improvement Plans. Conduct random district reviews District Actions Consider using ESE’s district selfassessment process. Consider how each school can implement appropriate Essential Conditions effectively Provide VOLUNTARY Access to online models & tools planning tools and templates, selfassessment tool & protocol, teacher working condition survey, classroom observation protocols, etc. SUGGEST assistance Above plus targeted assistance for identified student groups, professional development opportunities, etc. Ensure identified schools implement at least some Essential Conditions effectively LOOSE 3 Use ESE’s selfassessment process to revise improvement plans and strategies for monitoring and implementing them. Conduct selective district reviews Give PRIORITY for assistance Complete ESE’s district Above plus assistance, e.g.: self-assessment process. guided self-assessment, Ensure identified schools planning guidance, etc. implement most Essential Conditions effectively {A} 4 Collaborate with ESE Conduct district on Intervention Plan; review and develop uses it to review, Intervention revise, and re-focus plan with district; Improvement Commissioner Plans and approves district’s strategies Intervention and for supporting Improvement their Plans for implementation BESE; and appoints Accountability Monitor. For Intervention Schools, ensure use of all Essential Above plus ESE Conditions appoints effectively; or Assistance adopt a Liaison to turnaround TIGHT coordinate model intervention from options identified by ESE REQUIRE Intervention Level 5 Criteria BESE designates a district in Level 5 based on the following qualitative and quantitative criteria: A fact-finding review concludes that the district requires stronger intervention One or more Level 4 Schools fails to meet progress benchmarks in the Intervention Plan District is unable to present an acceptable Intervention Plan and/or meet the progress benchmarks {B} 5 LEVEL 5 Co-Governance Joint District-ESE Decision Making & Governance Level 5 District – ESE Co-Governs BESE appoints a receiver/independent commission to share responsibility for major decisions at the school and/or district level as needed September 2, 2009 Centers for Accountability and Assistance