“21st Century Skills” Student Reflections Camp Northbridge Public Schools Summer Math Camp - July, 2010 Math Summer Math Rocks! Dear Students: Besides learning math this summer, there are other skills that are important for students to learn in order to be successful in school, college, and careers. These “21st Century Skills” include: Planning and Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Creativity and Innovation Leadership Each week we will be asking you to complete a reflection on how you’ve done with these important skills so you can learn and grow during our Summer Math Camp program. Teachers will meet with you every week to go over the information and help you think about your skills. Thank you for your honest reflections, and for all your hard work! Student: Week: 1 2 3 Teacher: Haynes Mancini Palmer Never Sometimes Most of the time PLANNING AND PROBLEM-SOLVING: I plan my work to make sure I have the necessary understanding, time, and resources to complete the task. I make adjustments in my work if it doesn't go as planned. I reflect on my completed work to understand what went well, and how to make it better the next time. COMMUNICATION: I listen well to other students and adults when they talk. I communicate my thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly when speaking. I communicate my thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly when writing. COLLABORATION: I am able to work effectively and respectfully with others. I am willing to make necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal. I assume responsibility for my share of the work in completing the task. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: I develop, apply, and implement new ideas to improve the work I'm doing. I am open to new ideas from others, and incorporate group ideas into our work. I use my mistakes to reflect on ways to improve my work, and be more creative and innovative in finding workable solutions. LEADERSHIP: I use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal. I demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power. I inspire others to reach their very best through my behavior and communication. Student signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________ Staff signature _______________________________________________ Date _____________ Always Doesn't apply Comments