Name of Grant Program: After-School and Out-of-School Time Quality Grant Fund Code: 530 PART III – REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROGRAM SUMMARY COVER SHEET Total Amount of Grant Funds Requested: Total Amount of Match Proposed: $ $ (must be at least 20% of Grant Request) Applicant Agency: Program Coordinator Name/Title: Address: Phone: Email: ASOST PROGRAM ENROLLMENT Total number of children/youth enrolled in existing ASOST programs (FY2011): School Year Summer Proposed number of children/youth to be served by or who will benefit from proposed grant activities (FY2012): Grade Level(s)to be served: (check all that apply) K-5 6-8 9-12 Targeted Population(s): For each category below, indicate the approximate number of students in each category who will be served by or who will benefit from proposed grant activities. Low-Income #: Students with IEPs #: English Language Learners #: Total number of sites where proposed ASOST Quality Grant activities will take place: SITE(S) WHERE PROGRAM ACTIVITIES WILL TAKE PLACE (Please add additional rows if necessary. To do so, select one of the rows below so that the entire row is highlighted, right click your mouse and click “insert rows”) Site Name: Address: City/Town: Provide a brief summary of the proposed ASOST quality grant activities (50 words or less): Name of Grant Program: After-School and Out-of-School Time Quality Grant Fund Code: 530 Responses to the Program Characteristics section below must be completed within this document, and cannot exceed 12 pages and must maintain the existing margins, question text, and font style and size. PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS Please answer the following questions about current programming provided through your program(s) and/or your partners program(s). 1. Licensing: Which of the following applies to your program (lead agency) with respect to licensing? EEC Licensed License Exempt Public School Operated Other Community Based Organization 2. Program Fees: Does your program charge tuition for participation in program activities?* No Yes – IF YES, how much do you charge? Do you accept EEC vouchers? Do you have a sliding scale for families who may not be able to afford tuition? *Please note that funded programs are required to ensure that scholarships, sliding scale fees, or other resources are available for families who may not be able to afford tuition. 3. Program Description: Please provide a one-paragraph description of existing ASOST program services offered by both the lead applicant and partnering agencies. In addition, please provide a one-paragraph description of the quality enhancements proposed through these grant activities. This description may be used to summarize program activities on the Department’s ASOST webpage. 4. PROGRAM SCHEDULE – Please fill in this schedule with information about the proposed activities. Site: Site: Site: School Year Program Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Summer Program Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Time: to Underline days program meets. Mon. Tues. Wed. Th. Fr. Sat. Total weeks: Start date: End date: Anticipated Number of Students: Name of Grant Program: After-School and Out-of-School Time Quality Grant Fund Code: 530 5. Quality Enhancements: Please describe the proposed quality enhancements to be implemented through this grant program. For each applicable enhancement, please provide a brief description for the need for undertaking the described activities. Note: All applicants must address enhancements in both the Partnerships (II) and Evaluation Systems (VI) criteria listed below. Additional information about each of these guidelines can be found in the Guidelines for Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time Programming found in the Additional Information section of the RFP. I. Comprehensive Academic and Non-Academic Programming: Describe plans to support and enhance a balance of academic and non-academic services, with a focus on one or more of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: II. Partnerships: [REQUIRED FOR ALL APPLICANTS] Describe plans to work collaboratively to build on community strengths to deliver effective services that provide continuity for students between the school-day and after-school programs. Include coordination with other community-based organization partners, if applicable. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: III. Serving Special Populations: Describe plans to enhance services and supports for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and/or English language learners so that they may participate in after-school and out-of-school time programs and activities with their same-aged peers who do not have IEPs or who are proficient English speakers, respectively. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: IV. Family Involvement: Describe plans to provide many and varied opportunities for families to be engaged in their child’s after-school program. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: V. Highly Qualified Staff: Describe professional development plans that address topics and issues related to strengthening the quality of after-school and out-of-school time programs, including but not limited to training on the Department's Curriculum Frameworks, leadership and partnership development, social-emotional learning, and working with a diverse student populations. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: Name of Grant Program: After-School and Out-of-School Time Quality Grant Fund Code: 530 VI. Evaluation Systems [REQUIRED FOR ALL APPLICANTS] Describe plans to design and implement a comprehensive evaluation system that assesses the effect of all programs and services. a. Activities Proposed: b. Need for these enhancements: 6. Addressing Barriers to Participation: If applicable, describe grant activities that are aimed at reducing barriers to participation. 7. Program Goal(s): Describe briefly the goal(s) of the ASOST programs and services to be provided through this grant. 8. Measurable Outcomes/Objectives: Describe briefly the program outcomes/objectives that the proposed activities and services aim to achieve. The outcomes described should be the result of the work—its impact on children/youth, staff and others that you serve—not the activities that will be implemented. (For example: By June 2012, 80% of 8th grade youth participating in the ASOST program will report that they have learned specific math skills that have helped them in school.) Note: Applicants must propose at least one outcome related to the youth being served. Add additional lines as needed. Outcome/Objective Baseline data (if applicable) How will this be measured? What tools will be used? Who will be responsible? 9. Funding to Support ASOST Programming: Please complete the chart below describing all funds that support the ASOST programming provided by the lead applicant and partners. Please indicate the amount of funding, and in the “Detail” column list the sources. Funding Category Federal (include 21st CCLC here) State Local Private (include foundation grants, private donations, etc.) Tuition Other Total Amount Detail Name of Grant Program: After-School and Out-of-School Time Quality Grant Fund Code: 530 (FOR APPLICANTS THAT ARE AGENCIES OTHER THAN A PUBLIC SCHOOL/DISTRICT, CITY, OR TOWN ONLY) *Note: This page will not be counted in the 12-page limit and should only contain the response to part a. below. The response should not exceed one page maintaining the existing margins question text, and font style and size. 10. Program Capacity: Applicants that are from agencies and organizations other than a school, school district, city, or town must provide the following additional information. a. Describe your previous experience with similar amounts of funding at state, federal, or local levels through government, foundation, or private grants. b. Append to this application proof of fiscal responsibility, for example, a copy of the most recent annual audit letter (the entire audit need not be attached.)