SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC) The Walker Home and School 1968 Central Avenue, Needham, MA 02492 Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Minutes Attendance: Members Present: N. Baumer, A. Capoccia, R. Diaz, D. Lehr, M. McLaughlin, S. Moyse, M. Murray, E. Nellum, J. Phillips, T. Ramos, S. Roberts, D. Rubino, S. Slautterback, M. Testa Members Absent: C. Dolan, M. Dennehy-Colorusso, D. Drake, P. Fairbanks, J. George, C. Jentz, G. Havelick, C. Kenney, Y. Otero, J. Spera ESE Representatives: A. Green, T. Williams Valentine Opening Activities T. Ramos called the meeting to order at 9:25AM. Members introduced themselves. Members reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. S. Moyse made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by D. Ramos. Minutes were unanimously approved. Review of Policies and Committee Expectations T. Williams Valentine reviewed Open Meeting Law, MA Board of Education Advisory Council guidance, and federal and state law regarding advisory councils. She discussed procedures and rules concerning voting and non-voting members, attendance, the role of the ESE liaison, the requirement to write an end-of-year summary report, Robert’s Rules, and Co-Chair roles. T. Williams Valentine proposed holding the State Steering Committee on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 8, 2015, after the SAC meeting on that morning. This proposal was discussed and tabled for consideration later in the meeting. ESE Updates T. Williams Valentine presented ESE updates, including: o In June 2015, ESE was notified that the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs determined that Massachusetts meets the implementation plan and improvement requirements that are part of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This is the highest, or best, determination that a state can receive. o The Massachusetts Part B SSIP proposal was accepted by OSEP and implementation of the selected evidence based strategy – Program-Wide PBS through Pyramid Strategies – has begun. o The new Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies to provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) to students with disabilities, in collaboration with school districts. o Massachusetts recently changed the metric used to assess low income student enrollment in Massachusetts as a result of the U.S. Department of Education’s introduction of the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). o ESE has produced new fact sheets and guidance on statewide assessment. o The Board is continuing to evaluate the state’s two-year tryout of Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) in anticipation of its Page 1 of 3 o o o o vote at the meeting on November 17 on whether to sunset the MCAS and adopt PARCC for statewide implementation. ESE has produced new guidance on time-out and seclusion, SIMS data reporting, student self-determination, and inclusive practices. Through summer institutes, Massachusetts Focus Academy (MFA), and other training and networking opportunities in FY15, the ESE has provided a variety of professional development options for school professionals. In July 2015, the U.S. Department of Education approved the agency's request to renew and modify the state's Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver, which will provide Massachusetts schools and districts continued flexibility from provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act through the end of the 2015-16 school year. The U.S. Department of Education has approved the final version of ESE's Plan for Equitable Access to Excellent Educators, originally submitted on June 1, 2015. ESE Presentation on Secondary Transition Resources A. Green provided an update on ESE’s training, advisories, online forum, upcoming website, and other secondary transition resources. Expectations for Presentation Groups T. Ramos and M. McLaughlin led a discussion of this year’s presentation groups. Members present confirmed which groups they will join. Members not in attendance indicated their preferences last spring: o Educator Preparation: Pre-service and In-service – A. Capoccia, P. Fairbanks, D. Lehr, M. McLaughlin, S. Moyce, S. Roberts. Group will present in May 2016. o Social Emotional – N. Baumer, J. George, C. Jentz, E. Nellum, J.Spera. Group will present in March 2016. o Equal Access to Special Education – R. Diaz, D. Drake, M. Testa. Group will present in May 2016. o Indicator 4B/Discipline – M. Murray, T. Ramos, D. Rubino. Group will present in March 2016. Presentation group charges were edited. It was decided that each group will give an hourlong presentation (one half hour for presentation, one-half hour for discussion). Discussion of State Steering Committee Meeting T. Ramos reintroduced discussion of the proposed date for this year’s State Steering Committee Meeting. The proposal to hold the State Steering Committee on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 8, 2015, was adopted, contingent upon meeting space availability on that date. Presentation Groups Meet Presentation group members met to discuss their topics and plan next steps. The meeting adjourned at 1:02 PM. Respectfully submitted, Amanda Green List of Handouts 34 CFR 300.167–169 Page 2 of 3 ESE Memorandum Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Guidelines for Advisory Councils Massachusetts G.L. c.15, § 1G Massachusetts Open Meeting Law Guide Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-251 Inclement Weather Cancellation Policy SAC Agenda – October 13, 2015 SAC Annual Report – June 2015 SAC Draft Meeting Minutes - June 16, 2015 SAC Membership 2015-2016 Contact List SAC PowerPoint October 13, 2015 Page 3 of 3