

Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Fund Code: 647-B1

– Supporting Additional Learning Time (for new ELT and OST sites)

Addendum F – Additional Information

This addendum contains information about the following:

Additional Eligibility Criteria

Competitive Priority – Full Partnership

Model 1 (ELT) Competitive Priorities – Additional Descriptions/Resources

Planning Resources

Guidance for Completing Budget Request

Grant Award Notification

Additional Eligibility Criteria:

If choosing Model 1 (ELT) -

Applicants may not request funding for schools that received funding in FY16 for ELT through FC 647-B1 or


Applicants may not request funding for schools that are eligible to receive FY17 funding for ELT through the state-funded Expanded Learning Time program .

Applicants requesting funds at a school that is eligible to receive FY17 continuation funding for OST through FC

647 must continue to meet all requirements of that existing grant award, including the originally required number of OST hours.

If choosing Model 2 (OST) -

Applicants may not request funding for schools/sites that received funding in FY16 for OST through FC 647

(including: 647-B1 , 647-B2 , and 647-A).

Competitive Priority – Full Partnership:

To be considered for this competitive priority, applicants must demonstrate plans for implementing ELT or OST in strong partnership between a school district and one or more community-based organization or other entity. A strong partnership is defined as one in which there is shared responsibility for all/most aspects of programming (planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluating, etc.), and where partners are each contributing financial and in-kind resources to the success and sustainability of programming.

Model 1 (ELT) Competitive Priorities: Additional Description and Resources:

Expanded School Calendar: To be considered for this competitive priority, applicants must demonstrate a thoughtfully designed and subsequently implemented school calendar (required for all students) that significantly changes the way that instructional time is distributed in a September-June calendar, and/or schedules significantly into July and/or August. Resources: Additional resources that may assist applicants seeking to expand the school calendar may be found at the National Summer Learning Association website and the National Center on Time and Learning website.

Blended Learning: Blended learning is a formal educational program in which a student learns at least in part through online learning. Characteristics of blended learning include students having some element of control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of their learning. Furthermore, the online and face-to-face components are woven together to provide students with an integrated learning experience; in other words, the online component is not an add-on to what students otherwise would do in a brick-and-mortar setting. To be considered for this competitive priority, applicants should describe how the school intends to implement blended learning in at least one of the following four ways: (1) a program in which students rotate between different learning modalities, at least one of which is online learning; (2) a program in which online learning is the primary modality, where students learn mostly at the school with varying degrees of in-person teacher support; (3) a program that allows students to take a course entirely online, either at the school or off-site; and

(4) a program in which students participate in the majority of their learning online, with required learning experiences at the school. Important note: applicants that currently implement blended learning models must describe how the proposed design will differ from what currently exists.

Resources: Additional resources that may assist applicants seeking to implement blended learning may be found at the Department's Office of

Blended Learning's website and iNACOL's website.

Name of Grant Program: Massachusetts 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Fund Code: 647-B1

– Supporting Additional Learning Time (for new ELT and OST sites)

Teacher Career Ladders: To be considered for this competitive priority, applicants must clearly articulate how a teacher career ladder will be thoughtfully designed and implemented. The purpose of the teacher career ladder would be to provide differentiated roles for teachers that are linked to evidence of performance and impact with students. The proposed ladder must include a professional growth model for teachers with clearly defined titles, selection criteria that includes measures of teacher's impact on student growth and learning, responsibilities, compensation structure, and duration. The proposals must also describe the ways in which the teacher career ladder system is aligned to the school's educator evaluation system. Resources: Additional resources that may assist applicants seeking to implement a teacher career ladder may be found at the National Education Association's website and EngageNY website.

Planning Resources:

Applicants proposing Model 1 (ELT) are expected to use the ELT Expectations for Implementation to guide planning/implementation of this proposal and of ELT in general. Keep in mind that applicants must use grant funds to support new or enhanced enrichment and/or intervention that aligns with the Elements of Content-Rich 21st CCLC

Programming .

Applicants proposing Model 2 (OST) are expected to use the Elements of Content-Rich 21st CCLC Programming to guide planning/implementation of this proposal and of a comprehensive OST program.

Guidance for completing Grant Budget Request :

Section IIB of the Grants for Schools: Getting Them and Using Them, A Procedural Manual provides guidance for completing the required budget workbook.

Grant award notification:

The Department will provide notice to all applicants when grant awards are finalized and will post a list of funded grantees on the Department’s Grants Awards webpage. All applicants not selected for funding will be provided with information about the process for requesting feedback about their application. See the Note Regarding Competitive Grant

Awards at the bottom of the 21 st CCLC Funding Webpage and the Department’s formal appeal process for more information.
