
Instructions for Completing and Submitting the Perkins
Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook
School district staff should review the following prior to completing the Perkins Secondary
Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook:
Request for Proposals (RFP) titled Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 at
Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 P.L.109-270 (Perkins IV)
at http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgibin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109_cong_bills&docid=f:s250enr.txt.pdf;
Massachusetts Perkins IV Manual at http://www.doe.mass.edu/cte/perkins/perkins_manual.doc;
Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan that the district submitted.
School district staff are encouraged to contact their liaison in the Massachusetts Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education for
technical assistance.
The Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook includes macros that
enable the Workbook to compute totals. If you have Microsoft Office 2000 or a newer
version, you will need to go into EXCEL and change the security setting before opening the
file. In EXCEL, click ‘Tools’, ‘Macro’, and then ‘Security’. When the dialog box appears,
change the security setting to ‘Medium’, and then click ‘OK’. You can now open the budget
1. Opening the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook. Click
on the link to the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook that is
on the Request for Proposals titled Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016. A
dialog box may appear as the file opens prompting you to disable or enable macros. In
order to use the Workbook, you must click ‘Enable Macros.’
2. Saving and Naming the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget
Workbook. Once the Workbook is open, select ‘File’ and then select ‘Save As’. Indicate
where you want to save the file. Rename the Workbook as follows:
FY16 Perkins 400_####.xls (Note: #### denotes your 4-digit LEA code.)
Example: FY16 Perkins 400_0016.xls
A. Cover Sheet, Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages and NOTES PAGES
1. Go to the Cover Sheet by clicking on the gray tab labeled ‘Cover Sheet’ at the bottom of
the screen. Note: Once the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages are completed, the Cover
Sheet must be printed and two (2) originals must be mailed to Margie Roberts,
Massachusetts Department of Education, Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906 – see B. Submission of the Perkins
Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook.
A. Cover Sheet, Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages and NOTES PAGES - continued
2. In the first box of the Cover Sheet (labeled A. Applicant), click on the down arrow to view
the pull down menu for ORGANIZATION NAME. Scroll down to find your school district
name and select it - address information automatically appears on all relevant pages. Then
enter the name, email address, and phone number of the grant contact person.
3. The ‘Amount Requested’ and the ‘Total Amount Requested’ box will fill in automatically
once the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages are completed.
4. To access the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages, click on the gray tab labeled ‘Budget
Pages’ at the bottom of the screen. Input amounts into each line item – totals and sub
totals will calculate automatically. Some cells are password protected as they contain
formulas; you cannot type in these cells. MTRS will automatically calculate 9% of all boxes
Comment Boxes
When the cursor is moved over cells that have a red flag in the upper right hand corner, a
comment box will appear. The comment boxes include reminders such as expenditure restrictions
and MTRS eligibility. Close a comment box, by simply moving the cursor.
Indirect Costs
The indirect costs line (Line 9) includes a formula that will calculate the indirect costs automatically
when the approved rate is entered. Note that the formula block is not protected, because there is
an option to type in an amount that is less than the approved amount. If a number is entered into
the last column of the indirect costs line, the formula will be erased. If you later need to change the
rate, you will need to calculate the indirect costs amount. The formula for indirect costs is: ROUND
(I68*(M16+M24+M30+M38+M49+M55+M60+M67), 0)
Every sub-line of the three staffing categories (administrators, instructional/professional and
support) except the stipends line must have entries in the ‘# of Staff’ and ‘FTE’ columns. All
required information relative to line item expenditures must be completed. Any cell with required
information will turn red if left incomplete. Every sub-line of ‘Contractual Services’ (Line 5) must
have entries in the ‘Rate’ and ‘Hour/Day’ columns. Please use the dropdown menu to select
As stated in the Request for Proposals titled Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016, at
least a portion of allocation funds must be used for activities and services aimed at closing the
achievement gap. In addition, at least a portion of allocation funds must be used for professional
The NOTES PAGES are for describing/explaining proposed expenditures that are on the Project
Expenditure (Budget) Pages because the Department (ESE) must ensure that all expenditures
meet Perkins IV requirements. Specific instructions for each NOTES PAGE, i.e., NOTES PAGE
ONE and NOTES PAGE TWO are provided below.
As stated above, at least a portion of allocation funds must be used for activities and services
aimed at closing the achievement gap. In addition, at least a portion of allocation funds must be
used for professional development. The Department (ESE) may request additional information on
the proposed expenditures upon review of the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages and the
Line Items 1 (Administrators), 2 (Instructional/Professional Staff), and 3 (Support Staff)
In Column 1, provide sufficient written information to show the connection between the Line Item
on the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages and closing the achievement gap, if applicable to this
Line Item. In Column 2, check Yes/No regarding applicability to closing the achievement gap.
In addition, in Column 1, provide sufficient written information to show the connection between the
Line Item and one or more of the REQUIRED or PERMISSIVE FUND USES, and the CORE
INDICATOR CODES * that are listed in the in the APPENDICES in the Perkins Secondary
Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook. List the applicable FUND USE CODE and CORE
INDICATOR CODE in Columns 3 & 4, respectively.
* The process for ensuring that the proposed budget on the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages
would meet REQUIRED FUND USE CODE 9R (sufficient size, scope, and quality) was explained
in the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan by each school district, so it is not necessary to include 9R
Line Item 4 (Fringe Benefits) - No explanation required on the NOTE PAGES.
Line Item 5 (Contractual Services) – Use the instructions for Line Item 1 for this Line Item as
Line Item 6 (Supplies and Materials) - List the items proposed to be purchased. Note that
supplies and materials are items costing less than $5,000 per unit or having a useful life of less
than one year. Use the instructions for Line Item 1 for this Line Item as well.
Line Item 7 (Travel) - Use the instructions for Line Item 1 for this Line Item as well.
Line Item 8 (Other Costs) - Use the instructions for Line Item 1 for this Line Item as well.
Line Item 9 (Indirect Costs) - No explanation required on the NOTE PAGES.
Line Item 10 (Equipment) - List the equipment to be purchased, its purpose, and estimated dollar
amount for each item. Note that equipment is defined as tangible non-expendable items having a
useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Use the
instructions for Line Item 1 for this Line Item as well.
If REQUIRED FUND USE CODES 1R-8R are not entered on NOTES PAGE ONE, the district must
explain on NOTES PAGE TWO how it will meet the requirement to use Perkins funds for the
required uses. Example, “The district is devoting FY16 technology grant funds for 4R (developing,
improving, or expanding the use of technology in career and technical education.”
To expand the boxes on NOTES PAGES, use the following instructions:
Place the pointer in the far left gray column. When the pointer is on the line separating two
numbers, it should turn into a cross. Pull down on this cross until the box expands.
Schedule A Form
A Schedule A Form is to be completed if the district operates and administers a grant using funds
assigned by other school districts. A signed original must be mailed to: Margie Roberts,
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office for
Career/Vocational Technical Education, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906.
Part III-A – Equity and Access Form
This Form must be completed for each Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016.
B. Submission of the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook
The Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook must be submitted through
the Department’s (ESE) Security Portal. UPLOAD the entire file FY16 Perkins 400_leacode.xls to
the ESE Security Portal, through Drop Box Central into the “Perkins Grant Application and
Amendments” box.
Directions: Access and Uploading in the Department’s (ESE) Security Portal:
You will need to ask your district’s "Directory Administrator" to use the Directory Administration
application, also available through the ESE Security Portal, to assign the "Perkins Grant
Application and Amendment" security role to the person or persons in your district who will be
responsible for submitting the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook.
1. Login to the ESE Security Portal.
View general information about the Security Portal.
2. Click "Drop Box Central" from the list of Applications.
3. Select "Perkins Grant Application and Amendment" at the Drop Box Central screen and click
"Next.” (If you do not see this Drop Box, contact your district’s Directory Administrator to have
access granted.)
4. On the next screen, select your organization and click "Next".
5. You are now in the “Perkins Grant Application and Amendment” Drop Box, where you can
upload the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant Budget Workbook 2015-2016. Be sure to add
your four-digit LEA Code in place of the words “leacode” before uploading the Workbook to the
Drop Box. The Drop Box will only accept filenames with the extensions ".doc" and ".xls"
(Microsoft Word and Excel, respectively).
6. When the Workbook is uploaded, a Success! window informs you that your upload was
successful. You will also see the file appear under "Perkins\District Name\ESE Inbox" along
with the date and time of transmittal. ESE will be notified via email that a Workbook file has
been uploaded and is ready for review. To view all of the files in your Inbox or Outbox, click
"Expand All".
7. Click "Logout" to exit the Security Portal.
8. If you have questions concerning the submission process, contact Margie Roberts in the ESE
Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education - Tel. (781) 338-3951, Email
mroberts@doe.mass.edu .
In addition, submit two (2) original Cover Pages (Part I - General – Program Unit Signature Page –
Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants), each with an original signature of
the Superintendent. Mail to:
Margie Roberts
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
Part II - Instructions for Completing Grant Amendments
All amendments for the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 must be submitted to
ESE through the Security Portal using the Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget
Workbook. School districts should not use Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form) from the
ESE Grants Information website for this process because Form AM-1 (Amendment Request
Form) on the Grants Information website differs in format and submission guidelines.
A. Accessing/Opening File/Saving File
The district’s ESE - approved Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook
will be posted to the ESE Security Portal once it is approved. The file name will be FY16 Perkins
400_leacode_Final. This is the only Workbook that can be used to file amendments.
To begin the amendment process, download the approved Perkins Allocation Grant 2015-2016
Budget Workbook from the ESE Security Portal. As you open the file, a dialog box may appear
stating that ‘the workbook you are opening contains macros.’ Click on ‘Enable Macros’ to begin.
Save the file to your computer using “Save As”. Be sure to keep the exact filename as
designated by the Department (ESE).
B. Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages
Make Line Item changes on the actual Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages, which are accessed
by clicking on the gray tab labeled ‘Budget Pages’ – each Line Item is linked to the Form AM-1
(Amendment Request Form) by formulas. Update the ‘Notes Page’ as needed.
C. Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form)
1. To access Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form), click on the gray tab labeled
‘Amendment’ at the bottom of the screen.
2. On the Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form), complete the yellow highlighted areas only:
Part 1:G - Project Number (if available); Part I:I - Name, Title, and Phone Number of person
who completed the Form; Part II – Justification; and Part III - Authorized signature, etc.
Important note: Do not try to enter information in Part III – Columns A, B, C, and D; the cells
are linked to the Project Expenditure (Budget) Pages and are password protected.
3. Do not use the individual Amendment Form (AM 1) on the ESE Grants Information website. All
amendments must be submitted using the method detailed above.
D. Submitting the Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form)
When Form AM-1 (Amendment Request Form) is ready for submission, UPLOAD one copy of the
entire Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook to the ESE Security
Portal. Be sure to maintain the same file name that the ESE has designated.
Mail one copy of the revised budget worksheets and one copy of the Form AM-1 (Amendment
Request Form) with an original signature in Part III to:
Margie Roberts
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4096
E. Approved Form AM – 1 (Amendment Request Form)
1. Once Form AM – 1 (Amendment Request Form) has been approved, a signed hard copy will
be mailed back to the contact person listed on Form AM – 1 (Amendment Request Form).
2. A revised Perkins Secondary Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook will be posted back
into the ESE Security Portal. The name of the Workbook will change slightly with each Form
AM – 1 (Amendment Request Form) approved. After the first Form AM – 1 (Amendment
Request Form) is approved, the file name will become FY16 Perkins 400_leacode_AM1, then
with each subsequent Form AM – 1 (Amendment Request Form), the last part of the file name
will change, e.g., AM2, AM3, etc. Remember to use the most current Perkins Secondary
Allocation Grant 2015-2016 Budget Workbook when filing a Form AM – 1 (Amendment
Request Form).