The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3700 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 May 11, 2006 Robert Sullivan Superintendent of Schools West Bridgewater Public Schools 2 Spring Street West Bridgewater, MA 02379 Re: Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report Dear Superintendent Sullivan: Enclosed is the Department of Education's Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report. This report contains findings based on onsite monitoring conducted to verify the implementation and effectiveness of corrective action approved by the Department to address findings of noncompliance included in the West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Report issued on May 2, 2003. The Mid-cycle Report also contains findings based on onsite monitoring of special education compliance criteria that have been newly created or substantially changed in response to IDEA 2004. As you know, another component of the Department’s Mid-cycle Review is the review of your school district or charter school's self-assessment in the area of English learner education (ELE). (In the remainder of this letter, please read “district” as meaning “school district or charter school.”) The purpose of this review is to determine whether your district is implementing the significant changes in M.G.L. Chapter 71A, governing the education of limited English proficient students, that were adopted by voters by means of Question 2 in 2002. The Department has reviewed your district’s ELE self-assessment documents and, based solely on that self-assessment, is providing you in this report with comments on your ELE program and, where necessary, corrective action to be implemented. Your district is urged to request technical assistance in relation to any of these comments or prescribed corrective action. To secure assistance, you may consult with your Mid-cycle Review Chairperson or call Robyn Dowling-Grant in Program Quality Assurance Services at 781-338-3732. You may also consult with staff in the Department’s Office of Language Acquisition and Achievement at 781-338-3534 and obtain additional ELE guidance documents through the Department’s web site at While the Department of Education found your district to have resolved certain noncompliance issues, the Department’s onsite team identified new issues of noncompliance, either noncompliance with special education criteria added or substantially changed in response to IDEA 2004, noncompliance with ELE criteria, or other new noncompliance. In all instances where noncompliance has been found, the Department has prescribed corrective action for the district that must be implemented without delay. You will find these requirements for corrective action included in the attached report, along with requirements for progress reporting. Please provide the Department with your written assurance that all of the Department's requirements for corrective action will be implemented by your school district within the timelines specified. Your statement of assurance must be submitted to the Mid-cycle Review Chairperson by May 19, 2006. Your staff's cooperation throughout these follow-up monitoring activities is appreciated. Should you like clarification of any part of our report, please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Hicks at 781-338-3714. Sincerely, Nancy Hicks, Mid-cycle Review Chairperson Program Quality Assurance Services Darlene Lynch, Director Program Quality Assurance Services c: David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education Kathleen Grant, School Committee Chairperson Linda Naimey, District Program Review Follow-up Coordinator Encl.: Mid-cycle Coordinated Program Review Report 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MID-CYCLE COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW REPORT West Bridgewater Public Schools ONSITE VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR IDENTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL NONCOMPLIANCE REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION Date of Coordinated Program Review (CPR): April 28, 2003-May 2, 2003 Date of Coordinated Program Review Corrective Action Plan Approval: December 1, 2003 Dates of Corrective Action Plan Progress Reports: February 23, 2004 Dates of this Mid-cycle Review Onsite Visit: March 21-23, 2006 Date of this Report: May 11, 2006 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS REPORT IS IN SEVERAL SECTIONS West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-Cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 1 of 10 Criterion Number and Topic Criterion Implemented Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Criterion was Implemented Record review, documentation and interviews The district has policies and procedures consistent with regulations. They have a form that is used to document the plan for transition services. The district makes Chapter 688 referrals as appropriate. The record review indicated that IEP Teams have the required members in attendance. The district has developed a form to document the parent’s agreement to excuse a Team member. All Team meetings have an individual present with the authority to commit district resources. (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Special Education Criteria created or revised in response to IDEA-2004 SE 6 Determination of Transition Services SE 8 IEP Team composition and attendance SE 12 Frequency of re-evaluation Partial Partial Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews The district conducts re-evaluations before finding a student no longer eligible for special education or a related service. Criterion Determined to be Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Partial Partial Basis of Determination that Criterion was Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting The district invites students to team meetings at age 15 but the vision statements did not always reflect the students’ preferences. By June 30, 2006 provide copies of the vision statement from five IEPs of students age 15 or older. The record review indicated that reevaluations were not always completed and Team meetings were not always scheduled within three years of the previous evaluation. The district must develop procedures to ensure that timeline requirements are met. By June 30, 2006 provide a copy of the procedures and the agenda of any related training that took place. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 2 of 10 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) SE 13 Progress Reports and content Criterion Implemented Method(s) of Verification Record review, documentation and interviews Basis of Determination that Criterion was Implemented Criterion Determined to be Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Basis of Determination that Criterion was Partially Implemented or Not Implemented The record review indicated that progress reports indicate the progress on IEP goals and indicate if the progress is sufficient for the student to achieve the goal by the end of the IEP period. There is a new requirement in IDEA 2004 for providing exiting students with a summary of performance. By June 30, 2006 provide a copy of a student summary of academic achievement and functional performance that was provided to a student whose services were terminated because of receiving a diploma or reaching the age of 22. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 3 of 10 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs SE 25B Resolution of disputes SE 30 Notice of procedural safeguards SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities more than 10 days Criterion Implemented Partial Method(s) of Verification Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews Basis of Determination that Criterion was Implemented The district meets annually to review and revise each student’s IEP. Criterion Determined to be Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Partial Basis of Determination that Criterion was Partially Implemented or Not Implemented Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting The record review indicated that the district did not always meet before the anniversary date of the implementation of the IEP. The district must develop procedures to ensure that timeline requirements are met. By June 30, 2006 provide a copy of the procedures and the agenda of any training that took place to address this requirement. The district has not had any recent disputes that were resolved by the BSEA. They were aware, however, of the requirement for a resolution session prior to a hearing unless the district and parent agree to waive this session or they agree to use mediation. The notice of procedural safeguards contains all required elements in the most current version and is provided to parents as required. The district has policies and procedures that meet the requirements of the regulations when disciplining students with disabilities. Interviews indicate that staff members could benefit from a review of these requirements especially regarding the use of the functional behavior assessment. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 4 of 10 Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance Civil Rights (MOA) and Other General Education Requirements MOA 10 MOA 17 A Documentation Review Record review, documentation and interviews Documentation indicates that the district informs the public that it does not discriminate and that all groups are identified in their statement of nondiscrimination. The district has conducted training and a sufficient number of staff members in each school have had restraint training. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 5 of 10 Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Requirements Criterion Number and Topic (Refer to full text of 20052006 CPR requirements) Approved Corrective Action Determined to be Implemented and Effective Method(s) of Verification Basis of Determination that Corrective Action was Implemented and has been Effective Corrective Action Determined Not to have been Implemented or Not to have been Effective Or New Issues Identified Basis of Determination that Implementation of Corrective Action was Incomplete or Ineffective Or Basis of Finding of New Noncompliance Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting Requirements Other Regulated Programs Addressed During this Mid-cycle Review SE 18 A IEP Development Partial SE 18 B Provision of IEP SE 7 Age of Majority Partial Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews Record review, documentation and interviews The record review indicated that IEPs contain required elements. There was at least one person at each Team meeting with the authority to commit the resources of the district. N1 forms are issued as required. Documentation indicates that the parent is provided with a copy of the IEP immediately following the Team meeting. The record review indicated that the district sends out letters informing the parent and student of the transfer of rights at the age of 18. IEPs contain a blanket statement under Additional Information regarding the transfer of rights. Partial Partial The guiding questions were not included on page 2 of the N1 and the questions were not all always addressed. Provide copies of five N1 forms that were issued when proposing an IEP by June 30, 2006. The IEPs did not always contain documentation that the age of majority discussion took place at the Team meeting the year before the student was to turn 18. By June 30, 2006, provide copies of the documentation of the age of majority discussion from five IEPs. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 6 of 10 West Bridgewater Public Schools English Learner Education (ELE) Requirements Mid-Cycle Review Comments and Corrective Action Based on the Department’s Review Of Local Self-Assessments (Please refer to full text of 2005-2006 CPR-ELE legal requirements and related implementation guidance at ) ELE Criterion Number and Topic Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting ELE 1 Annual Assessment The district has trained staff able administer the state required assessments. Documentation indicates that during the 20052006 school year, the required assessments were administered to LEP students. ELE 2 MCAS Participation All LEP students participate in MCAS as required but there was no evidence that the allowed bilingual dictionaries would be available for the students. Provide a copy of procedures that include the provision of the allowed word-toword bilingual dictionaries for MCAS participation by June 30, 2006. ELE 3 Initial Identification These are plans to administer a home language survey but it has not been translated into other languages. The district’s procedures indicate that the survey would be given to all students and thereafter to new students at registration. A parent, however, must fill out the survey. The district’s procedures do not indicate that all students who are identified through the home language survey as having a first language other than English would be assessed for English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening, using the English proficiency criteria set by the district. Additional information on identifying LEP students is available at Provide amended procedures by June 30, 2006. ELE 4 Waiver Procedures ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure The district has waiver procedures in place that are consistent with regulations. The teachers providing content instruction for LEP students have had training in SEI. Teachers who will have the students next year will also receive training. LEP students are all receiving English language development instruction based on English Proficiency Benchmarks and Outcomes. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 7 of 10 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 6 Program Exit and Readiness ELE 7 Parent Involvement ELE 8 Declining Entry to a Program Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting The district has not yet developed program exit procedures. Provide a copy of the district’s exit procedures by June 30, 2006. The district does not have methods in place other than those provided for all students to reach out to parents of LEP students. The district must develop mechanisms for including parents or guardians of LEP students in their children’s education. Provide procedures by June 30, 2006. The district has procedures in place consistent with the regulations. ELE 9 Instructional Grouping LEP students are grouped appropriately. ELE 10 Parental Notification The parent notice did not contain all required elements. ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services LEP students have access to all programs and services. ELE 12 Equal Access to Nonacademic and Extracurricular Programs LEP students take part in extra curricular activities. Supports were provided to help a student prepare to try out for a school play. The district must provide a copy of a notice containing all required elements that would be sent to parents upon their child’s placement in an ELE program by June 30, 2006. West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 8 of 10 ELE Criterion Number and Topic ELE 13 Comments Based on the Department’s Review of Local ELE Self-Assessment Required Corrective Action, Timelines for Implementation, and Progress Reporting The district has not yet developed procedures to monitor students who have exited from an English learner program. The district must provide a copy of the procedures that will be used to monitor students who have exited from an ELL program by June 30, 2006. ELE 14 Licensure and Fluency Requirements The teacher who is providing English language development instruction to LEP students is a certified teacher who had had training in ESL and is under the supervision of a certified ESL teacher, however, she herself is not certified in ESL. The district must explain how an individual who holds appropriate license or a current waiver will provide English language instruction by June 30, 2006. ELE 15 Professional Development Requirements Teachers providing SEI have completed professional development in at least one of the four training categories. Follow-up Support ELE 16 Equitable Facilities (To be reviewed during next CPR visit) ELE 17 DOE Data Submission Requirements and Program Evaluation Data submitted to the Department have been found to be incorrect and have been corrected for the March 1, 2006 report. ELE 18 Records of LEP Students(To be reviewed during next CPR visit.) West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 9 of 10 Mid-cycle Cover Letter and Report Format 2006.doc Rev. 3/1/06 West Bridgewater Public Schools Coordinated Program Review Mid-cycle Report May 11, 2006 Page 10 of 10