Changes in the spatial patterns of human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) in Europe 1990-2006 Christoph Plutzar, Christine Kroisleitner, Helmut Haberl, Tamara Fetzel, Claudia Bulgheroni, Tim Beringer, Patrick Hostert, Thomas Kastner, Tobias Kuemmerle, Christian Lauk, Christian Levers, Marcus Lindner, Dietmar Moser, Daniel Müller, Maria Niedertscheider, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Sibyll Schaphoff, Peter H. Verburg, Pieter J. Verkerk, and Karl-Heinz Erb Supplementary Information Content 1. Abbreviations 3 2. Methods 3 3. 4. 2.1. Data on census statistics 3 2.2. Construction of the land use layers 4 2.3. Assessment of biomass flows 7 2.4. Spatial allocation of crop yields 7 2.5. Classification of regions 9 Results at the spatial resolution of 1 km 10 3.1. HANPP patterns 1990 10 3.2. HANPP patterns 2000 11 3.3. HANPP patterns 2006 12 3.4. HANPP change patterns 1990 – 2000, 2000 – 2006 13 Results at the NUTS2 level 14 4.1. HANPP patterns 1990 14 4.2. HANPP patterns 2000 15 4.3. HANPP patterns 2000 16 4.4. HANPP change patterns 1990 – 2000, 2000 – 2006 17 4.5. Spatial and Temporal HANPP change patterns 1990 - 2006 18 5. HANPP results by country 18 6. References 21 1 Figures Figure S 1. Regional aggregation of countries ......................................................................................... 9 Figure S 2. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 1990. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. ........................................................................................................................... 10 Figure S 3. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2000. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. ........................................................................................................................... 11 Figure S 4. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2006. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. ........................................................................................................................... 12 Figure S 5. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2000 and 2000 and 2006. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel 13 Figure S 6. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 1990, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. .................................................................................................. 14 Figure S 7. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2000, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. .................................................................................................. 15 Figure S 8. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2006, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. .................................................................................................. 16 Figure S 9. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2000, Nuts2 level. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel ...................... 17 Figure S 10. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 2000 and 2006, Nuts2 level. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel ................. 17 Figure S 7 Spatial and temporal patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2006. Change in a) HANPP and b) HANPPluc between 1990 and 2006 in % change per 1 km² pixel. Patterns of change in c) HANPP and d) HANPPluc. Period 1: 1990 – 2000, period 2: 2000-2006. Changes smaller than 5% were classified as stagnation................................................................................................................. 18 Tables Tabelle S 1. Aggregation of CORINE Land cover for the construction of a consistent and comprehensive land-use dataset ............................................................................................................ 5 Tabelle S 2. Aggregation of CAPRI items on cropland to the aggregates used in this study................... 8 Table S 3. HANPP results per country, year 1990.................................................................................. 19 Table S 4. HANPP results per country, year 2000.................................................................................. 20 Table S 5. HANPP results per country, year 2006.................................................................................. 21 For datasets and GIS layers see 2 1. Abbreviations CAPRI: Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Assessment (Model) CLC: Corine Land Cover CORINE: Coordination of information on the environment Dynaspat: DYNAmic and SPATial dimension HANPP: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production HANPPharv: HANPP due to harvest HANPPluc: HANPP due to land use and land conversions HSMU: Homogeneous Spatial Mapping Units LUCAS: Land Use/Cover Area frame Statistical Survey NPP: Net Primary Production NPPact: NPP of the actual vegetation NPPeco: NPP remaining in ecosystems after harvest NPPpot: NPP of the potential natural vegetation NUTS: Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics NUTS2: level of basic regions (Nuts0: nation state; NUTS1: major socioeconomic groups, NUTS3: small regions) SoEF: State of Europe’s Forests UK: United Kingdom WQI: Wilderness Quality Index 2. Methods 2.1. Data on census statistics Data on cropland as well as grazing area and yields were provided by the CAPRI (Common agricultural Policy Regional Impact) model, which is a widely used tool for impact assessment of agricultural policies with a focus on the EU (Leip et al., 2008), on national and subnational (NUTS-2) level. The economic core of CAPRI links sequentially non-linear regional programming models with a global agricultural trade model (Britz and Witzke, 2008; Leip et al., 2008). CAPRI’s general layout is to generate a consistent and complete data set across regional scales (Britz et al., 2011). The modelling system is fed as far as possible with data from the Eurostat database which is regularly updated and mostly centralized (area statistics, farm and market balances, yields, agricultural prices). If not available, other well-documented, official and harmonised data are used from FAOSTAT, OECD or from the Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN) (Britz and Witzke, 2008). Due to a lack of data in the EUROSTAT data base some NUTS-2 regions, in all cases cities, were missing (Vienna, Hamburg, Berlin, London, Bremen, Brussels). 3 Numbers on forest area and yields on regional scale (NUTS1/NUTS2/NUTS3, depending on country) were taken from Levers et al., 2014, who used the State of European Forest Report (SoEF; FOREST EUROPE et al., 2011) as basis. Other wooded land areas were taken from SoEF FOREST EUROPE et al., 2011 using national numbers. 2.2. Construction of the land use layers The ‘Coordination of information on the environment’ (CORINE) land cover datasets (hereafter CLC; Copernicus Programme, 2014) was used as central dataset for the spatial pattern of land use. This dataset contains spatially-explicit datasets at the resolution of 100 x 100m, for the years 1990, 2000 and 2006). The CLC dataset for the year 2000 is the most comprehensive one, whereas for the years 1990 and 2006 serious data-gaps prevailed (e.g. data for Greece missing for the year 2000, data for Great Britain, Sweden, and Finland missing for 1990). These data-gaps were closed by using the basic pattern from the CORINE 2000 map for these countries. (Afterwards, these basic patterns were modified by reconciling gridded and census data, see below). The general pattern of unproductive areas, cropland, pastures and meadows, forest areas and inland water bodies was derived from the CLC dataset (see Table S1.). In a first step, the 100 x 100m grid in Boolean representation was used to calculate the fraction cover of each land use type in a 1 x 1 km grid. The allocation principle follows the approach described in Erb et al. (“subtractive approach”; Erb et al., 2007): it subtracts consecutively an individual land-use layer from a basis grid, and adjusts it to regional sum at the census level by conserving the relative pattern of the individual layers and avoiding gridcells to surpass 100% fractional cover. The area remaining in a gridcell after this procedure forms the new basis grid for the next layer. The following sequence of land-use allocation was chosen: 1) inland water bodies, unproductive and wilderness, 2) infrastructure, 3) cropland, 4) forest, 5) other wooded land, 6) grazing (meadows & pastures). The area in each gridcell that was not allocated yet after this procedures was labelled “other land may be grazed” and added to the grazing land layer, assuming that lands that are used but not for agriculture and forestry are subject to sporadic grazing. 4 Tabelle S 1. Aggregation of CORINE Land cover for the construction of a consistent and comprehensive land-use dataset CLC_CODE 111 112 121 122 123 124 131 132 133 141 142 211 212 213 221 222 223 231 241 242 243 244 311 312 313 321 322 323 324 331 332 333 334 335 411 412 421 422 423 511 512 521 522 523 999 CORINE class Continuous urban fabric Discontinuous urban fabric Industrial or commercial units Road and rail networks and associated land Port areas Airports Mineral extraction sites Dump sites Construction sites Green urban areas Sport and leisure facilities Non-irrigated arable land Permanently irrigated land Rice fields Vineyards Fruit trees and berry plantations Olive groves Pastures Annual crops associated with permanent crops Complex cultivation patterns Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation Agro-forestry areas Broad-leaved forest Coniferous forest Mixed forest Natural grasslands Moors and heathland Sclerophyllous vegetation Transitional woodland-shrub Beaches, dunes, sands Bare rocks Sparsely vegetated areas Burnt areas Glaciers and perpetual snow Inland marshes Peat bogs Salt marshes Salines Intertidal flats Water courses Water bodies Coastal lagoons Estuaries Sea and ocean NODATA Land-use class Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Grassland Not used cropland cropland cropland cropland cropland cropland grassland cropland cropland cropland forest forest forest forest grassland grassland grassland grassland unproductive unproductive Not used (see text) unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive unproductive Not used For unproductive land, the spatial extent and pattern was taken from CLC, whereas for cropland, forestry and grazing land, the spatial pattern was reconciled with census statistics at the NUTS2 level (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics; EUROSTAT, 2014). The extent of wilderness areas was calculated by delineating the 2% area with the highest wilderness continuum values of a European wilderness map provided by the Wildland Research Institute (Fisher et al., 2010). The area of wilderness was kept constant for all years. 5 The infrastructure layer was constructed by using a map of soil sealing (Kopecky and Kahabka 2009). We intersected this map with the CLC in order to derive the share of vegetated and sealed areas for each of the classes on artificial surfaces (ranging from urban fabric to artificial non-agricultural, but vegetated areas such as sport facilities) of the CLC for the year 2006. Data gaps due to cloud cover in the soil sealing map were filled using CLC information and the vegetation fractions were applied to the other artificial surface areas of the CLC maps for 1990 and 2000. In a next step of the subtractive approach we allocated cropland to the remaining areas. While we regarded the CLC layers as authoritative for the spatial extent of cropland areas, we used the CAPRIDynaspat ( data for defining the patterns. Dynaspat is – in principle –consistent with CAPRI at NUTS2, but shows small deviations with CLC. It discerns 13 cropland commodity groups (cereals, rice, wine, oilseeds, olives, roots & tubers, fibres, fodder crops, pulses, sugar beet, vegetables & others, fallow) which we allocated to the grid following the above mentioned procedure. CAPRI-Dynaspat areas outside of extend the extent of CLC cropland were clipped. Cropland areas in CLC without Capri Dynaspat information (a minority of gridcells) were addressed by allocating information of neighbouring gridcells by Euclidian allocation. In some regions (e.g. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) CAPRI numbers on cropland areas were unreasonably high, in these cases we truncated the amount using numbers derived from the CLC data set. Priority was given to the CAPRI dataset over CLC. For a comparison between CLC results and CAPRI see, pg.29, and pg.81. Forest area was allocated using patterns of the CLC forest layers (3.x.x, see Table S1) and area totals from regional census statistics provided by Levers et al. (Levers et al., 2014). This dataset contains data on forest areas and harvest at the NUTS2 and NUTS3 level, based on data from the State of European Forests report (SoEF; FOREST EUROPE et al., 2011. The spatial extent of other wooded land was not available in these statistics and thuswas taken from national statistics, provided by SoEF (FOREST EUROPE et al., 2011), UNECE (UN, 2000), and FAO (FAOSTAT, 2014). These areas were allocated to the NUTS2 level the following way: We assumed other wooded land to prevail in several CLC layers (class 1.4.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.3.4, 4.1.2). A forest cover map by Schuck et al. (2002) was used to derive the spatial pattern of this land cover type. Forest areas in census statistics that could not be allocated to the grid layer were added to the class ‘other wooded land’. We used fractions of the EFI forest map (ref) in suitable CORINE classes for the allocation of ‘other wooded land’ areas. Eventually, grazing land was allocated. In a first step, we delineated the class “meadows & pastures” from CAPRI with the extent of the CLC class 2.3.1 (pastures), but excluded the class ‘Sparsely vegetated areas’. CAPRI reports significantly larger pasture areas in all NUTS2 regions than these CLC classes would contain. Thus, the remaining grassland areas were assigned to the class ‘other grazing land’. ‘Urban grassland areas’ from CAPRI were allocated to the CLC class 1.4. (‘artificial, nonagricultural vegetated areas’). Summing up all land use classes at the grid level showed that in many cases 100% coverage was not reached. We defined the remaining areas (i.e. the difference of the already allocated land-use classes and total grid-cell area) as “other land, maybe grazed” and added this to the grazing land layer, assuming that these lands are under sporadic land uses, mostly dominated by grazing (see, e.g. Erb et al., 2007; IIASA and FAO, 2012). 6 2.3. Assessment of biomass flows Basis for the HANPP assessment is the calculation of NPPpot (NPP of the potential vegetation), NPPact (prevailing NPP of current land-use systems) and HANPPharv (biomass harvested by humans). NPPact on forest land is assumed to be equal to NPPpot (NPPact = NPPpot). For the calculation of NPPact on grazing land we apply two approaches: 1) on natural grasslands (based on a potential vegetation map from Ramankutty and Foley, 1999) NPPact is assumed to equal NPPpot, and 2) on potential forest sites NPPact is assumed to be 80% of NPPpot (NPPact = 0.8*NPPpot; Haberl et al., 2007; Erb et al., 2009). In cases where HANPPharv on grazing land surpassed NPPact, NPPact was adjusted upwards, taking into account that grazing harvest canmake use of NPPact a maximum of 75% of NPPact (Haberl et al., 2007). We used data from Krausmann et al. (2008) to generate appropriate factors. NPPact on cropland was extrapolated from HANPPharv on cropland using factors that account for non-harvested plant parts and productivity losses during plant growth (so-called pre-harvest losses; Haberl et al., 2007; Krausmann et al., 2008; Ciais et al., 2010). NPPact on infrastructure land was assessed in line with the global HANPP assessment by Haberl et al. (2007): due to the lack of data, we assumed infrastructure areas being covered on 1/3 of the surface by vegetation. The productivity of this vegetated fraction was assumed to have a productivity equal to NPPpot, based on the considerations that these areas are tended intensively (e.g. irrigation, fertilization, labour-intensive pest management). HANPPharv on cropland was calculated from CAPRI data on cropland harvest. Values were reported in fresh weight and were converted into dry matter units using crop specific water content factors derived by standard tables of the FAO (FAOSTAT, 2014). We created 12 aggregates (e.g. cereals, oil crops, sugar crops) from the 36 available items (Table S2). To estimate harvest residues or other byproducts not included in statistics (e.g. straw), as well as belowground productivity, we used cropspecific factors derived from earlier studies (Krausmann et al., 2008). Statistics on forest harvest volumes were collected from national forestry reports, statistical yearbooks and databases, and national experts and were calibrated to match national-level statistics according to Forest Europe et al. (2011; see also Levers et al., 2014, and Verkerk et al., in prep.). Factors from Krausmann et al. (2008) and UNECE (UN, 2000) were used to estimate the amount of unrecovered bark and felling losses such as branches, stumps, roots and foliage left in forests. All belowground biomass on cropland and in forests was assumed to be destroyed during harvest and was thus included in HANPPharv, whereas roots on grazing areas were not included. The amount of grazed biomass was derived from the CAPRI database. In the light of large uncertainties related to grazing land we applied a plausibility cross-check using a grazing gap approach, contrasting extrapolation of total feed demand of livestock with market feed and residues fed to livestock to approximate grazing volumes (Wirsenius, 2003; Krausmann et al., 2008). As this comparison yielded satisfactory results, data from CAPRI were used. Harvest on infrastructure and built-up areas was – due to the absence of data - arbitrarily set to 50% of the NPPact in order to account for management (i.e. gardening) on these areas. The used factor is consistent with the factors used in global and national assessments (Haberl et al., 2007; Niedertscheider et al., 2012, 2014; Fetzel et al., 2014; Niedertscheider and Erb, 2014). 2.4. Spatial allocation of crop yields For the allocation of crop yields, we calculated suitability maps using a maximum entropy approach (Phillips et al., 2006). As presence data we used the LUCAS point survey information (Tóth et al., 2013) and aggregated this information to 12 crop types matching the CAPRI Dynaspat crop classes 7 (see Table S2). As predictors we used climatic variables (BIOCLIM, Hijmans et al., 2005), in particularly the bioclim variables 6, 7, 10, 17 and 18, which we adjusted from the original year 2000 also to the other years 1990 and 2006. We also used soil data (Panagos et al., 2012) from the European soil data base and a terrain ruggedness index (Riley et al., 1999), which we derived from the SRTM30 digital elevation model (Jarvis et al., 2008). Tabelle S 2. Aggregation of CAPRI items on cropland to the aggregates used in this study Capri_item Barley Durum wheat Grain Maize Oats Other cereals Rye and Meslin Soft wheat Apples Pears and Peaches Citrus Fruits Other Fruits Flax and hemp Fodder maize Fodder other on arable land Fodder root crops Olives for oil Table Olives Other oils Rape Soya Sunflower Pulses Paddy rice Potatoes Sugar Beet Flowers New energy crops (ligneous) Nurseries Other arable crops Other crops Other industrial crops Other Vegetables Tobacco Tomatoes Vegetables and Permanent crops Table Grapes Wine HANPP - Aggregates Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Fruits Fruits Fruits Fiber Fodder Fodder Fodder Olives Olives Oilseeds Oilseeds Oilseeds Oilseeds Pulses Rice Roots & Tubers Sugar Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Vegetables & Other Fruits Wine Wine 8 2.5. Classification of regions The classification of regions follows the UN definition on “Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings” (, with the exception of the region “UK and Ireland”, that was separated from the Northern Europe regions due to its marked differences in land use and land cover (e.g. grazing dominated, forestry plays a small role). Northern Europe UK and Ireland Southern Europe Eastern Europe Western Europe Not considered Figure S 1. Regional aggregation of countries 9 3. Results at the spatial resolution of 1 km 3.1. HANPP patterns 1990 Figure S 2. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 1990. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 10 3.2. HANPP patterns 2000 Figure S 3. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2000. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 11 3.3. HANPP patterns 2006 Figure S 4. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2006. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 12 3.4. HANPP change patterns 1990 – 2000, 2000 – 2006 Figure S 5. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2000 and 2000 and 2006. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel 13 4. Results at the NUTS2 level 4.1. HANPP patterns 1990 Figure S 6. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 1990, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 14 4.2. HANPP patterns 2000 Figure S 7. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2000, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 15 4.3. HANPP patterns 2000 Figure S 8. Pattern of HANPP, HANPPluc and HANPPharv in 2006, Nuts2 level. Left column: flows in gC/m2/yr, right column in % of NPPpot. 16 4.4. HANPP change patterns 1990 – 2000, 2000 – 2006 Figure S 9. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2000, Nuts2 level. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel Figure S 10. Spatial patterns of HANPP change between 2000 and 2006, Nuts2 level. Left column (a, c): change in HANPP; right column (b, d): change in HANPPluc, in % change per 1km pixel 17 4.5. Spatial and Temporal HANPP change patterns 1990 - 2006 Figure S 11 Spatial and temporal patterns of HANPP change between 1990 and 2006. Change in a) HANPP and b) HANPPluc between 1990 and 2006 in % change per 1 km² pixel. Patterns of change in c) HANPP and d) HANPPluc. Period 1: 1990 – 2000, period 2: 2000-2006. Changes smaller than 5% were classified as stagnation. 5. HANPP results by country 18 Table S 3. HANPP results per country, year 1990 1990 Country Region Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Total W W E E N N N W W S E BI S N N W W E S E E S S N BI [MtC/y] NPPpot 55.75 19.99 60.37 47.72 24.78 22.61 181.80 330.07 217.25 65.94 46.56 44.05 182.43 35.93 37.50 1.73 20.94 174.97 51.78 137.92 30.48 14.37 277.51 241.86 135.99 2460.32 [MtC/y] NPPact 51.89 19.83 52.84 45.88 24.39 18.11 171.78 304.27 218.25 53.67 43.91 37.61 142.79 29.17 29.07 1.55 23.91 155.02 41.57 106.76 24.89 13.65 230.26 228.45 117.91 2187.41 [MtC/y] NPPeco 34.14 8.05 34.33 20.23 7.66 13.93 150.11 154.96 96.75 43.40 15.89 22.23 97.98 22.16 15.37 0.68 7.10 77.40 32.96 63.26 15.15 10.15 179.96 198.90 54.74 1377.50 19 [MtC/y] HANPPluc 3.87 0.17 7.53 1.84 0.39 4.50 10.02 25.80 -1.00 12.27 2.65 6.44 39.64 6.76 8.43 0.17 -2.96 19.96 10.21 31.15 5.60 0.72 47.25 13.42 18.07 272.91 [MtC/y] HANPPharv 17.75 11.77 18.50 25.65 16.72 4.18 21.67 149.30 121.50 10.27 28.02 15.38 44.81 7.02 13.70 0.87 16.81 77.61 8.62 43.51 9.73 3.50 50.30 29.55 63.17 809.92 [MtC/y] HANPP 21.62 11.94 26.04 27.49 17.11 8.68 31.69 175.10 120.50 22.54 30.67 21.82 84.45 13.78 22.13 1.05 13.84 97.57 18.82 74.66 15.33 4.22 97.55 42.97 81.25 1082.82 Table S 4. HANPP results per country, year 2000 2000 Country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Total W W E E N N N W W S E BI S N N W W E S E E S S N BI [MtC/y] NPPpot 59.34 19.88 55.32 53.62 28.21 25.48 180.58 366.22 228.50 69.89 51.72 42.33 172.96 37.76 39.78 1.74 20.95 197.64 53.29 136.76 32.94 15.24 280.29 258.01 134.17 2562.61 [MtC/y] NPPact 54.54 21.40 45.20 44.36 26.07 19.81 170.98 351.05 232.34 57.01 42.07 36.92 148.59 30.88 28.75 1.57 24.47 159.47 46.00 100.29 25.58 14.24 242.36 242.97 119.85 2286.77 [MtC/y] NPPeco 36.34 7.92 40.61 26.33 9.59 15.56 143.79 182.49 89.79 47.11 22.00 19.58 107.73 20.15 16.99 0.88 7.30 95.66 34.48 86.08 18.50 11.45 192.63 205.21 57.80 1495.98 20 [MtC/y] HANPPluc 4.80 -1.52 10.12 9.26 2.13 5.67 9.60 15.16 -3.84 12.87 9.65 5.40 24.37 6.88 11.03 0.17 -3.52 38.17 7.29 36.47 7.36 1.00 37.93 15.04 14.33 275.84 [MtC/y] HANPPharv 18.20 13.48 4.58 18.03 16.48 4.25 27.19 168.57 142.55 9.90 20.07 17.34 40.86 10.73 11.76 0.69 17.17 63.81 11.52 14.21 7.08 2.80 49.73 37.76 62.05 790.78 [MtC/y] HANPP 22.99 11.96 14.71 27.30 18.61 9.92 36.79 183.73 138.71 22.78 29.71 22.74 65.23 17.61 22.79 0.86 13.65 101.98 18.81 50.68 14.44 3.79 87.66 52.80 76.37 1066.62 Table S 5. HANPP results per country, year 2006 2006 Country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Total W W E E N N N W W S E BI S N N W W E S E E S S N BI [MtC/y] NPPpot 60.68 20.42 63.08 55.48 26.34 25.64 179.43 361.92 234.08 71.08 54.58 43.78 183.14 39.49 41.87 1.83 21.08 192.30 54.81 162.13 34.14 15.63 286.08 256.02 140.10 2625.14 [MtC/y] NPPact 55.27 21.32 53.90 47.42 25.99 20.73 168.74 339.05 235.77 57.36 49.22 37.67 155.61 31.90 28.53 1.61 22.79 157.99 47.41 123.95 28.39 14.45 243.96 240.63 125.57 2335.23 [MtC/y] NPPeco 36.34 7.92 40.61 26.33 9.59 15.56 143.79 182.49 89.79 47.11 22.00 19.58 107.73 20.15 16.99 0.88 7.30 95.66 34.48 86.08 18.50 11.45 192.63 205.21 57.80 1495.98 [MtC/y] HANPPluc 5.41 -0.90 9.18 8.07 0.35 4.91 10.69 22.87 -1.69 13.72 5.36 6.11 27.53 7.59 13.34 0.23 -1.71 34.31 7.40 38.17 5.75 1.19 42.12 15.39 14.53 289.90 [MtC/y] HANPPharv 18.92 13.40 13.28 21.09 16.39 5.17 24.96 156.56 145.98 10.25 27.22 18.09 47.88 11.75 11.54 0.72 15.49 62.33 12.93 37.87 9.89 3.00 51.33 35.42 67.77 839.25 [MtC/y] HANPP 24.33 12.50 22.47 29.16 16.75 10.08 35.65 179.43 144.29 23.97 32.58 24.20 75.41 19.34 24.88 0.95 13.77 96.64 20.33 76.04 15.64 4.19 93.45 50.81 82.30 1129.15 6. 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