Partnerships Worksheet Sponsoring Organization Required Documents in this Domain: Partner List (use ESE provided template below) Prompt 1: Provide evidence to demonstrate that preparation at your organization changed as a result of your PK-12 partnerships. 250 words Prompt 2a: Provide evidence to demonstrate that partnerships improve the experience of preparation candidates. 250 words Prompt 2b: Provide evidence to demonstrate that partnerships improve outcomes for PK-12 students. 250 words Prompt 3a: Describe how your organization’s recruitment and enrollment efforts are responsive to districts’ needs. 250 words Educator Preparation Review Resources: Review Toolkit: 1 Partnerships Worksheet Prompt 3b: Provide evidence to demonstrate that these efforts impact candidates’ employment and retention in districts. 250 words Prompt 4: Describe how your organization evaluates the effectiveness of partnerships. 200 words Optional: Provide additional context pertaining to partnerships. 250 words Supplemental Documents Optional: Provide additional documents pertaining to partnerships. Title of Document 50 words each Rationale for Including Educator Preparation Review Resources: Review Toolkit: 2 PK-12 Partner List PK-12 Partner Primary Contact Name Email Educator Preparation Review Nature of partnership 100 words each 3