The Value of Evidence in Examining Practice ESE Spring Convening May 27th and 28th, 2015 Is this what evidence feels like to you? 2 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education POP QUIZ: What is the goal of evidence collection? A. To keep binder companies in business B. To prove you’re good at what you do C. To provide evaluators with a comprehensive picture of practice D. To inform educator practice Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Agenda Finding Meaning in Evidence Collection District Presenters #1 Brockton PS (May 27th) Auburn PS (May 28th) Quick Poll Finding Efficiency in Evidence Collection District Presenters #2 Revere PS (May 27th) West Springfield PS (May 28th) 4 Reflection & Closing Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Finding Meaning in Evidence Three Types of Evidence Products of Practice • Artifacts • Observations Multiples Measures of Student Learning • Assessments (formative, summative, etc.) • Student work, homework, etc. Student and Staff Feedback • ESE Model Feedback Surveys • Focus groups, exit slips, discussion prompts, etc. Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 6 Brockton PS Michele Conners, Educator Evaluation Specialist Yolanda DiFalco, Head Teacher for Educator Evaluation Brockton Public Schools Quality vs. Quantity Workshop Background What led us to this point? Collaborative Development Process How can we help teachers reflect on their practice without getting buried in the process? Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 8 Brockton Public Schools Key Components of the Workshop 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Flashlight vs. Hammer Essential questions to guide reflection Evidence to rubric, NOT rubric to evidence Tell a story Quality, not quantity 9 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education What we’ve learned… We have seen an increase in reflective practice. Conversations between the educator and evaluator are critical when reviewing evidence. We need to gather exemplars to model the practice. Evaluators need support around examining evidence and providing feedback. 10 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Auburn PS Beth Chamberland, Principal Jessica DeStefano, Teacher Auburn Public Schools Making Evidence Meaningful Evidence should demonstrate growth Quality not quantity 3 artifacts for each goal and each standard Identification of evidence that demonstrates growth is an ongoing process Student needs; breadth of practice List of Sample Evidence (starting point) Communication, Collaboration and Transparency Staff to staff Staff to administration 12 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Example of Evidence 13 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Example of Evidence 14 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Example of Evidence Number of Responses Miss DeStefano Student Survey 2014 2015 20 15 Always 10 Sometimes Never 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Question Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Auburn Public Schools How we find meaning in evidence… Conversations are key Growth Mindset Focus on the students (formative, summative, observational, surveys) Importance of Trends and Patterns Multiple sources of evidence Over time… Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 16 Turn & Talk True False Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education QUICK POLL: I have a school- or districtwide system for collecting, organizing and sharing evidence with evaluators. A. Yes B. No Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Quick Poll: Evidence collection in my school or district is focused around predetermined (i.e. “high priority”) Standards/Indicators. A. Yes B. No C. Not sure Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Finding Efficiencies in Evidence Collection Finding Efficiencies in Evidence Collection Prioritize evidence that’s relevant to your work/goals Organize and manage evidence for ease of accessibility and efficiency 21 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Revere PS Nancy Martel, Assistant Principal Brian Stanley, 3rd Grade Teacher Revere Public Schools : Overview 8-10 pieces by summative Begins at the self-assessment Pops up as you go along Online Organizational Platform Organizes evidence for both educator and evaluator Facilitates analysis of multiple types of evidence over time Evidence is only as valuable as the reflection it inspires Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 23 Self-Assessment Determine areas of proficiency as well as improvement for each standard Promotes goal setting through reflection Goals are approved by primary evaluator Primary evaluator may make suggestions based on summative assessment from the year prior 24 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Online Cloud Portal to allow for conversations with primary evaluator based on observations 25 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Online Organizational Platform 4 Standards Goals 26 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Making Evidence Valuable Foster evidence as a means to reflect on practices Not looking for perfection, but growth Allow for evidence to be a way to fine tune for the next cycle 27 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Reflections in Practice 28 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 29 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Revere Public Schools: Takeaway Evidence is only as valuable as the reflection it inspires 30 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education West Springfield PS Michelle Davis - Middle School Math Teacher & Co President of West Springfield Education Association Kate Morneau - Elementary Assistant Principal West Springfield Public Schools ★ Clarity & Transparency Theme: Steamlined - Transparent - Manageable Process in West Springfield ★ Focus Elements Self-Assessment Educator Plan (Goals; Action Plan; Evidence/Artifacts) ★ Directory of Evidence Related to Standards 32 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education West Springfield Public Schools ★ How much? “Common Sense” Approach ★ What evidence articulates progress toward goals? Focus elements? ★ Electronic Binder ★ Addition of Student Feedback/Surveys 33 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Directory of Evidence STANDARD I Curriculum & Planning I-A-1 Subject Matter Knowledge 1. Classroom observations 2. Attending PARCC presentation, Teach One, UMass Boston 3. PARCC planning and implementation I-A-4 Well-Structured Lessons 1. Classroom observations 2. Differentiated Instruction 3. Incorporating Accountable Talks 3. Guided individual practice Assessment I-B-2 Adjustment to Practice 1. Review Benchmarks to review the weaker standards 2. Weekly math content meetings to discuss content and PARCC 3. Continuous updates to the curriculum maps STANDARD II Instruction Indicator II-A-1 Quality of Effort and Work 1. Students' work (artifacts, pictures) 2. Posted agenda 3. Clear expectations 4. Keeping a Portfolio on all students 5. Provide notes to all students who need them (absent from class, IEP's ) 6. Incorporating Projects that revolve around mathematical learning 7. Blue Book on math word problems (portfolio) 8. Pictures of DDM's in Artifacts 34 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Evaluator & Educator Team Meetings (Beginning of Year) Be a part of the conversation when teams are working on their self-assessment and educator plans. 1:1 Meetings (End of Year) Self-evaluate progress toward goals. Does evidence support progress? Does the educator plan reflect positive impact on student learning? If not, what changes are needed? Ask Teacher to self-identify areas of growth. Review Directory of Evidence (IRS model). Ask what Evaluator can do to better support you and students? Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 35 Value in Conversations Commissioner Mitchell Chester highlights the purpose of conversations between educator and evaluator in the April 2015 Educator Evaluation e-Newsletter. 36 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Example Educator Portfolios Art Teacher SPED Teacher Classroom Teacher 37 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Reflection 1 area you could improve efficiency 1 way you could improve the meaningful use of evidence in your district 38 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education ESE Resources Evidence Toolkit Resources for Gathering Evidence for Standard III: Family and Community Engagement Based on Massachusetts Family, School and Community Partnership Fundamentals Alignment between Educator Evaluation Indicators/Elements and Fundamentals Sample of effective practice used to illustrate template for gathering evidence 39 Teacher Workshop: Evidence Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Thank You Claire Johnson Abbott 40 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education