Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-4906 Telephone: (781) 338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370 Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D. Commissioner MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner September 11, 2015 Charter Schools – Actions Regarding Lowell Collegiate Charter School The charter school regulations permit the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) or the Commissioner to impose conditions on a school's charter for “violations of law or failure to make progress with student achievement, failure to adhere to and enhance its recruitment and retention plan, failure to comply with the terms of its charter, or failure to remain viable” 603 CMR 1.12(1). On June 3, 2015, I notified the Board that I intended to place conditions on the charter of Lowell Collegiate Charter School (LCCS). Because no Board member requested that this matter be brought to the full Board for review, I am now notifying the Board that I have placed conditions on the charter of LCCS. Summary information regarding this school is provided in this memorandum. The charter school will be operated in accordance with the provisions of G.L. c. 71, § 89; 603 CMR 1.00; and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations and such additional conditions as the Commissioner or the Board may establish, all of which shall be deemed conditions of the charter. Lowell Collegiate Charter School Type of Charter (Commonwealth or Horace Mann) Commonwealth Location Lowell, MA Districts in Region N/A Regional or Non-Regional Non-Regional Year Opened 2013 Maximum Enrollment 1,200 Current Enrollment 350 Chartered Grade Span K-12 Current Grade Span K-4 Students on Waitlist 42 Current Age of School 2 Years of Operation (if applicable) Year(s) Renewed (if applicable) N/A Mission Statement The mission of the Lowell Collegiate Charter School (LCCS) is to be a provider of top-quality education to a highly diverse student body. LCCS will prepare all students for success in college, equip them with the ability and desire for lifelong learning, and strengthen their civic, ethical, and moral values. LCCS will maintain high standards of efficiency and accountability throughout its operation. Based upon the evidence summarized in the June 3, 2015 memorandum, I imposed the following conditions on the school’s charter: 1. Beginning in July 2015, and until further notice, LCCS will submit to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department), at, board meeting agendas, materials, and minutes prior to each board meeting at the same time that these items are sent to the school's board members. Additionally, if board materials do not already include this information, the school must also submit monthly financial statements. 2. By July 31, 2015, LCCS will submit for Department approval a revised enrollment policy that clearly outlines an enrollment growth plan that reflects the school’s expected grades and numbers of students served each year until it reaches its maximum enrollment. Such revised enrollment policy will conform to Department criteria. 3. By December 31, 2015, the board of trustees of LCCS will engage in a comprehensive self-evaluation of its own capacity and recruit additional members who have needed expertise where identified. 4. By February 28, 2016, the board of trustees of LCCS will engage in training, conducted by an external consultant, accepted and approved in advance by the Department, on the roles and responsibilities of a public charter school board of trustees and on the roles as outlined in the school’s organizational chart. I notified the school on June 19, 2015, that I had imposed these conditions on the school’s charter. The LCCS board members and school staff have begun to address the conditions. I will report to the Board in 2016 on the school’s progress in meeting the conditions. ********************** If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Cliff Chuang, Associate Commissioner, at 781-338-3222; Jeff Wulfson, Deputy Commissioner, at 781-338-6500; or me. 2