only the following questions using no more than ten (10) pages... Name of Grant Program:

Name of Grant Program: Safe and Supportive School Action Plans Grant - Competitive
Fund Code: 335
Districts may apply for only one of three grant categories: Pilot, Expansion or Mentoring. Please answer
the following questions using no more than ten (10) pages not including the budget pages (using Arial 10
point font). Applicants must mail two (2) copies of the complete application (see submission instructions).
District: __________________________________
School(s) that will be the focus of this grant’s work: ____________________________________________
Applying for a (choose one):
Pilot Grant __________________Expansion Grant ___________ Mentoring Grant _______________
Grant Contact Person___________________________
Title __________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Email_________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________
A. Pilot Program-Pilot program applicants are those districts that are in the planning/early
development stages of working toward full implementation of a range of practices that address
behavioral health needs and remove the barriers to learning for all students.
B. Expansion Program-Expansion programs applicants are districts that have some experience in
particular areas, but have identified a need for adapting or expanding previously designed plans.
Please note: Previous 335 grantees are not eligible to apply for pilot program grants.
1. Behavioral Health and Public Schools (BHPS) Self-Assessment Tool and Areas of Focus
Describe plans for completing the BHPS Tool, and include information for each school
participating in this proposal. Identify the roles of a small team of people who will participate in
thinking through and filling in the responses to the web based assessment, and plans for how
and when this will be completed. Also indicate the process that will be used to track who
participates and for how long, to help inform the Department’s understanding of how to use the
Tool effectively.*
Indicate if all sections of the Tool will be completed or one or more sections will be the focus of
this work. Explain the reasoning behind the choice of sections on which to focus. Include
information about previously identified school needs and areas of current strategic focus for the
school and district, and how this work is expected to further improve those areas.
Any districts that have already begun using the BHPS Tool must provide information about this
work, including how this work will be furthered or strengthened through this grant.
* Note that during the initial piloting of the BHPS Tool, teams were asked to commit approximately
3-10 people to work together during 1-2 meetings for a total of 3-5 hours combined. This generally
provided enough time for a few areas of focus, but not for an extensive reflection using all sections
of the Tool. Also note that the Department will provide training in the use of the Tool to all awarded
Name of Grant Program: Safe and Supportive School Action Plans Grant - Competitive
Fund Code: 335
2. Action Plans
Provide information regarding how the following grant participation requirements (outlined below)
will be fulfilled by the participating schools and district, if awarded the grant. Include information
such as who will be responsible for making final decisions regarding the work, who will coordinate
and facilitate the efforts, who will likely be consulted with and involved during the process, how the
team will ensure the plans support, complement, or enhance existing school and district
improvement plans, etc.
Each participating school will be required to develop and implement a focused school action
plan, based on their work with the BHPS Tool. To assist with this process, there are
automatically generated reports in the BHPS Tool that allow schools to view in one place all
areas on which the school team indicated they wish to modify or enhance the current course of
action. There is also a sample planning chart in the BHPS Tool that schools can use or adapt,
for planning and tracking areas to prioritize.
Associated district plans must also be created that explicitly support the work outlined in the
school action plans.
The school and district action plans created through this initiative must explicitly support,
complement, or enhance existing school and district improvement plans.
Copies of the school and district plans must be submitted to the Department at times that will
be communicated to all awarded grantees. These are expected to include late fall 2014 for the
initial plans, late winter for a mid-year update on plans, and summer or fall 2015 for a final
report on implementation of the plans.
3. Fund Use
Describe how the requested funds will be spent, and include the budget and associated budget
narrative forms provided in the Funding Opportunity RFP’s Required Forms section.
Pilot and Expansion grants funds must support planning and development of one or more of the six
sections in the BHPS Framework.
If less funding is needed than originally proposed to focus on one area of the tool, the remaining
funds should be used for creating and implementing associated action plans on additional sections.
4. Project Timeline
Indicate anticipated dates regarding the proposal. Include timeframes for details such as convening
a school team, responding to the questions in the BHPS Tool, determining areas to prioritize for
improvements, finalizing an action plan, implementing the action plan, and assessing progress
regarding the plan.
C. Mentoring Program – districts who have demonstrated success in using the BHPS Tool for the
development and implementation of initiatives that support behavioral health needs; that create
safe, healthy and supportive environments; and that include effective collaboration with families and
community partners, with a focus on one or more of the six BHPS Tool sections. (See the Funding
Opportunities Priorities section for a list of these section topics.)
Name of Grant Program: Safe and Supportive School Action Plans Grant - Competitive
Fund Code: 335
1. BHPS Framework and Self-Assessment Tool
Describe how the BHPS Framework and Self-Assessment Tool was used to determine local
priorities for action plans. Include information on use of other assessment tools if applicable.
Information on how assessment results were used to refine, improve, or strengthen current
programs and collaborations should also be included.
Identify the roles of people who participated in thinking through and filling in the responses to
BHPS Tool. Also note on which specific sections the school focused, and provide information
regarding the amount of time spent responding to the BHPS Tool, spent in generating action
plans on prioritized areas, and spent on making efforts to implement the action plans.
Also provide information regarding ways the district has specifically supported these efforts.
2. Mentoring, Training, and Professional Development (PD)
Provide a rationale with supporting evidence demonstrating exemplary programming and best
practices for safe and supportive schools.
Specify the topics (specifically related at least two of the six BHPS Tool sections) in which the
school has established expertise and indicate how other schools can benefit from mentoring.
Propose methods of mentoring, training, and PD that could be offered to interested schools.
Include details such as timing, method of delivery, locations, intended audience, etc. All
proposed PD must be aligned with the Department’s Standards for PD. Provide specific
information on how the proposed work will assist schools in developing and implementing
strategies to create safe and supportive environments for all students. Describe goals and
objectives. Provide an overview of the areas of focus and a brief description of how districts will
be mentored along with details such as workshop content and services to be provided.
3. Fund Use
Indicate specifically how the requested funds will be spent, and include the budget and associated
budget narrative forms provided in the Funding Opportunity RFP’s Required Forms section.
4. Project Timeline
Indicate anticipated dates for PD, training, and mentoring of other districts. Information on recruiting
of schools/school district personnel must be included.