TitleIII plan

Please return to:
Title III Coordinator
October 31, 2013
Title III Accountability Plan
SY 2013-2014
USD Number
District Name
Superintendent Name
District Address
ELL Director
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Telephone Number
District has not meet AMAOs for: _____ two to three consecutive years
E-mail address
E-mail address
____ four or more consecutive years
Signature of Authorized District Representative
(District signature represents that the plan has been reviewed and approved at the district level.)
The goals of Title III English Language Acquisition are to ensure that all English language learners (ELLs) attain English proficiency
and meet challenging state academic standards. To measure progress in meeting these goals, States receiving funds under Title III
must develop annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) which include three components:
1. Annual increases in the number or percentage of children making progress in learning English
2. Annual increases in the number or percentage of children attaining English proficiency and
3. Meeting performance goals as measured by the cumulative Progress and Performance Index (PPI) for the ELL subgroup as
required in the (Massachusetts) ESEA Flexibility Waiver.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
The first two AMAOs are based on the English Language Proficiency Assessment results. In school year 2012-13, the ACCESS will
be used to measure both progress in and attainment of English proficiency. A district must have at least 101 ELLs in order to be
eligible to receive Title III funding and be held accountable for meeting AMAOs 1 and 2. The third AMAO is cumulative Progress and
Performance Index (PPI) for the ELL and former ELL subgroup. The cumulative PPI incorporates MCAS scores in ELA, math,
science and technology/engineering; growth in ELA and math; graduation rates and dropout rates. Cumulative PPI is calculated
when there is an ELL subgroup of at least 30 in the tested grades in the district. Districts wishing to participate in Title III but not able
to meet the minimum number of ELLs (more than 100) will join a consortium of other districts wishing to receive Title III funding. The
consortium must select a lead agent to receive and manage the grant for the other participating districts. AMAOs 1 and 2 will be
calculated for the consortium as a whole, whereas AMAO 3 will be calculated for individual districts in the consortium.
The State annually determines the targets for each of the AMAOs. Targets for school year 2013-14 are set after the end of school
year 2012-13. Districts must meet all three AMAOs each year in order to meet the Title III accountability requirements. If a Title III
district does not meet all AMAOs for two consecutive years, it is required to develop an improvement plan that addresses the factors
that prevented it from achieving all AMAOs. The plan will be in effect for two years. If the district fails to meet AMAOs for four
consecutive years the state can require the district to modify its curriculum, program, and method of instruction; or determine whether
the district will continue to receive Title III funds related to the failure to meet the AMAOs and require the district to replace
educational personnel relevant to the district’s failure to meet the objectives. [Section 3122(b)(4)]. In an effort to ensure the district is
meeting all AMAOs, and that ELLs have the best opportunities to learn, the district must address all of the items on the following
pages in its improvement plan.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
1) Establish a Team
List the names and contact information for the individuals who will serve on the Title III Improvement Team. Additional rows may be
added to the chart as needed. Team members should include individuals who have expertise in Title III requirements, use of funds,
achievement data, English language acquisition, and cultural or cultural adjustment issues. Examples of possible team members
include District Superintendent, Title III Director/Coordinator, teachers, testing coordinator, family or parent liaison, counselor, Special
Education representative, and budget or fiscal personnel. The Title III Improvement team will provide the expertise needed in order to
address the needs of the district to ensure meeting AMAOs in 2013-14.
Title III Improvement Team
E-mail address
Phone number
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
2) Gather and Organize Data
Check the areas for which data will be gathered in the box below. Gather the qualitative and quantitative data necessary to inform
your goals for realizing your target goals and action plan.
□ Reading
□ Writing
□ Speaking
□ Listening
□ Entering level ELL performance
□ Beginning level ELL performance
□ Developing level ELL performance
□ Expanding level ELL performance
□ Bridging level ELL performance
□ Language of Math
□ Language of Language Arts
□ Language of Social Studies
□ Language of Science
□ Staff Qualifications
□ Other _______________________________
In the box to the
right describe how
data for the areas
checked above will
be gathered. For
example, surveys
(whom did you
survey, what did
you ask),
expense sheets
and budget reports,
development, staff
qualifications or
endorsements, staff
to student ratios,
minutes of
instruction time, etc.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
3) Analyze the Data, Part A
Analyze the data gathered in 2) Gather and Organize Data to determine how and why strengths and challenges exist. Results from
this data analysis process will be used to inform goal setting and action planning.
A. Identify the district’s strengths in helping ELLs acquire English language proficiency and achieve academic success in the
checkboxes below.
□ Reading
□ Writing
□ Speaking
□ Listening
□ Entering level ELL performance
□ Beginning level ELL performance
□ Developing level ELL performance
□ Expanding level ELL performance
□ Bridging level ELL performance
□ Language of Math
□ Language of Language Arts
□ Language of Social Studies
□ Language of Science
□ Staff Qualifications
□ Other _______________________________
Describe the
reasons for the
success identified
above as
determined by the
data analysis.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
3) Analyze the Data, Part B
B. Identify the district’s challenges in helping ELLs acquire English language proficiency and achieve academic success in the
checkboxes below.
□ Reading
□ Writing
□ Speaking
□ Listening
□ Entering level ELL performance
□ Beginning level ELL performance
□ Developing level ELL performance
□ Expanding level ELL performance
□ Bridging level ELL performance
□ Language of Math
□ Language of Language Arts
□ Language of Social Studies
□ Language of Science
□ Staff Qualifications
□ Other _______________________________
Describe the
reasons, as
determined by the
data analysis, for
the lack of success
in the areas
identified in the
check boxes.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
4) Set the Target
Based on the district’s data analysis, check the areas in the box below that will be addressed in order to meet AMAOs. Next, write a
goal for meeting each of the AMAOs.
□ Reading
□ Writing
□ Speaking
□ Listening
□ Entering level ELL performance
□ Beginning level ELL performance
□ Developing level ELL performance
□ Expanding level ELL performance
□ Bridging level ELL performance
□ Language of Math
□ Language of Language Arts
□ Language of Social Studies
□ Language of Science
□ Staff Qualifications
□ Other _______________________________
In the box to the
right, state the
target the district
will set in order to
meet AMAO 1.
In the box to the
right, state the
target the district
will set to meet
In the box to the
right, state the
target the district
will set in order to
meet AMAO 3.
AMAO 1 Goal
Reduce the gap between the percentage of ELLs in the district who make progress and the goal set by the State
by __% by __________ (date).
Keep in mind what the district’s challenges are in meeting this goal and what the Title III requirements are for
districts missing AMAOs for more than two years.
AMAO 2 Goal
Reduce the gap between the percentage of ELLs who attain English proficiency in the district and the goal set
by the State by__% by __________ (date).
Keep in mind what the district’s challenges are in meeting this goal and what the Title III requirements are for
districts missing AMAOs for more than two years.
AMAO 3 Goal
Reduce the proficiency gap for ELLs by __% by __________ (date).
Keep in mind what the district’s challenges are in meeting this goal and what the Title III requirements are for
districts missing AMAOs for more than two years.
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
5) Action Plan
Describe the action steps to be taken in order to address the areas checked below and the AMAO goals. Rows may be added or
deleted as needed.
□ Reading
□ Writing
□ Speaking
□ Listening
□ Entering level ELL performance
□ Beginning level ELL performance
□ Developing level ELL performance
□ Expanding level ELL performance
□ Bridging level ELL performance
□ Language of Math
□ Language of Language Arts
□ Language of Social Studies
□ Language of Science
□ Staff Qualifications
□ Other _______________________________
AMAO 1 goal: Reduce the gap between the percentage of ELLs in the district who make progress and the goal set by the
State by __% by __________ (date).
AMAO 2 goal: Reduce the gap between the percentage of ELLs in the district who attain English proficiency and the goal set
by the State by__% by __________ (date).
AMAO 3 goal: Reduce the proficiency gap for ELLs by __% by __________ (date).
For each of the
areas checked,
describe in the
space to the right:
Action: Describe
what action steps
will be implemented
in order to ensure
accomplishment of
the goals and what
indicators of
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
success will be
Who is responsible:
The name of the
person who will be
responsible for
ensuring the action
steps are
Timeline: When will
the action steps be
started and what is
the expected
completion date?
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Area in need of improvement:
Narrative description of action plan and indicators of success:
Person responsible:
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
6) Monitoring
Gather the team together periodically to review the data used to set the goals and any new data that have been gathered as relate to
completing the goals. List the action steps that will be monitored, and who will be responsible for checking that the action steps are
being implemented as intended. List the processes and tools used to complete the action steps to ensure goals are being met on
time and with the attention needed to ensure success of the plan. Also indicate the frequency with which monitoring of the action
steps will take place. Determine whether any changes need to be made in order to ensure success of the plan. Rows may be added
as needed.
Person responsible
and their role:
Identify who will be
responsible for
evaluating the
progress of the
plan, and for which
Action steps to be
Describe which
action steps will be
monitored by the
person listed in the
Process/tools used:
Describe the
process used to
evaluate the
success of the
action steps taken.
Describe how
frequently the team
will review the
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Title III Accountability Plan 2013-2014
action steps to
ensure the plan is
on track for
Changes needed:
Describe any
adjustment to
action steps that
may be necessary
in order to realize
the goals and
success of the plan.
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed:
Action steps to be monitored:
Person responsible and their role:
Process/tools used:
Changes needed: