Annual Report (SAR/Title II Worksheet)

Annual Report (SAR/Title II Worksheet)
Annual Report
 Section 1: Program
Information (SAR)
 Section 2: Goals and
 Section 3: Statement
and Designation as Lowperforming
 Section 4: Use of
 Section 5: Teacher
 Section 6:
Section 1: (SAR) –
Data submitted in this report refers to two Annual Reporting requirements: the Massachusetts
State Annual Report (SAR), which is collected pursuant to the regulations for Educator Licensure
and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.00); and the Title II Report, which is collected
pursuant to Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act.
This worksheet was created to help Sponsoring Organizations with the collection and organization
of their programmatic data. You may wish to input your data on the worksheet and use it as the
source for data entry into the online survey. This approach tends to minimize on-line navigation
problems and data errors. It should be noted that the worksheet does not visually represent what
the survey screen will look like, however the content of the questions is identical.
Directions: Follow prompts to enter data into all areas that are shaded orange. Do not leave
anything blank.
Important NOTE: The system does not accept non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g. decimal point, percentage
sign, forward/backward slashes). If entered, you will receive an error message.
(A1) For each element listed below, indicate if it is required for ADMISSION into any of your Initial licensure program(s) at either the
undergraduate (UG-Initial) or post-baccalaureate (PB-Initial) level, and if it is required for ANY of your educator preparation programs at either
the undergraduate (UG-all progs) or post-baccalaureate (PB-all progs) level. (§205(a)(1)(c)(i)) Choose N/A if this element does not apply to your
The drop-down menu in each cell will require that you choose one
of three values, Yes, No, or N/A. Choose Yes if is required, no if is
not, and N/A if you do not offer those types of programs.
Cells with no drop-down option (star/bolded elements) require a
*numerical value
UG-All Prep
PB-All Prep
Fingerprint Check
Background Check
Minimum number of course/credits/semester hours completed
*What is the median GPA of students at admission to the program?
Minimum GPA
*What is the minimum required GPA for entry into the program?
Minimum GPA in content area coursework
Minimum GPA in professional education coursework
Minimum ACT score
Minimum SAT score
Minimum basic skills test score
Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification
Essay or personal statement
(A2)For each element listed below, indicate if it is required for EXIT from any of your Initial licensure program(s) at either the undergraduate (UGInitial) or post-baccalaureate (PB-Initial) level, and if it is required for ANY of your educator preparation programs at either the undergraduate
(UG-all progs) or post-baccalaureate (PB-all progs) level. (§205(a)(1)(c)(i))Choose N/A if this element does not apply to your program(s).
The drop-down menu in each cell will require that you choose one
of three values, Yes, No, or N/A. Choose Yes if is required, no if is
not, and N/A if you do not offer those types of programs.
Cells with no drop-down option (star/bolded elements) require a
numerical value
UG-All Prep
PB-All Prep
Fingerprint Check
Background Check
Minimum number of course/credits/semester hours completed
*What is the median GPA of students exiting the program?
Minimum GPA
*What is the minimum required GPA for exit from the program?
Minimum GPA in content area coursework
Minimum GPA in professional education coursework
Minimum ACT Score
Minimum SAT score
Minimum basic skills test score
Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification
Essay or personal statement
(B) Provide the number of candidates ENROLLED in the preparation program in the following categories. Note that you must report on the
number of students by ethnicity and race separately. Individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino will be reported in one of the race categories. Also
note that individuals can belong to one or more racial groups, so the sum of the members of each racial category may not necessarily add up to
the total number of students enrolled.
Insert numerical value in each column
Enrollment by Gender
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
Total number of students enrolled
Unduplicated number of males enrolled
Unduplicated number of females enrolled
Number of students who opted not to disclose gender
Number of students per faculty member
Enrollment by Ethnicity
Insert numerical value in each column
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
Ethnicity undisclosed by student
Hispanic/Latino of any race
Enrollment by Race
Insert numerical value in each column
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Race undisclosed by student
(C) Provide the number of FACULTY AND STAFF in the preparation program in the following categories. Note that you must report on the
number of faculty by ethnicity and race separately. Individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino will be reported in one of the race categories. Also
note that individuals can belong to one or more racial groups, so the sum of the members of each racial category may not necessarily add up to
the total number of faculty enrolled.
Insert numerical value in each column
Faculty and Staff by Gender
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
Total full-time equivalent of faculty and staff
Unduplicated number of males faculty and staff
Unduplicated number of females faculty and staff
Number of faculty who opted not to disclose gender
Faculty and Staff by Ethnicity
Insert numerical value in each column
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
Ethnicity undisclosed by faculty
Hispanic/Latino of any race
Faculty and Staff by Race
Insert numerical value in each column
Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Only
All Educator Preparation Programs
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Race undisclosed by faculty
(D) Provide the following information about SUPERVISED CLINICAL EXPERIENCE (Field-Based Experiences).
Insert numerical value in each column
Initial Teacher Licensure All Educator
Programs Only
Preparation Programs
Average number of clock hours required by your program prior to the practicum (i.e., Prepracticum hours in a classroom setting).
Average number of clock hours required by your program for the practicum (i.e. Practicum
or Practicum Equivalent)
Number of full-time equivalent faculty in supervising clinical experience during this
academic year
Number of full-time equivalent adjunct faculty in supervising clinical experience during this
academic year (IHE and PreK-12 staff, including the Program Supervisor)
Number of students in supervised clinical experience during this academic year (including
both Practicum and Practicum Equivalent and Pre-practicum
Average hours/week practicum
Average number of weeks for practicum
Average number of clock hours required for mentoring/induction support
Please provide any additional information about or description of the SUPERVISED CLINICAL EXPERIENCE. Insert text below
Goals: Describe your organization’s progress on 2015-16’s goals.
Describe up to THREE GOALS for the upcoming year (2016-17). Indicate with which Domain the goal is most closely aligned.
Next year you will be asked to report on your progress toward each goal.
Insert text below
Describe your organization’s progress on prior year’s goal #1
To view your 2015 goals:
Go to ESE's public profiles page
Select “Ed Prep Provider (EPPP)”
Select your Sponsoring Organization
On the left side of the screen- click “Annual Goals”
Describe your organization’s progress on prior year’s goal #2
Describe your organization’s progress on prior year’s goal #3
Upcoming year goal #1: Identify an improvement goal for your
organization’s educator preparation programs and indicate with which
Domain it is most closely aligned.
Upcoming year goal #2: Identify an improvement goal for your
organization’s educator preparation programs and indicate with which
Domain it is most closely aligned.
Upcoming year goal #3: Identify an improvement goal for your
organization’s educator preparation programs and indicate with which
Domain it is most closely aligned.
Domain (select one):
Continuous Improvement
Field-Based Experiences
Domain (select one):
Continuous Improvement
Field-Based Experiences
Domain (select one):
Continuous Improvement
Field-Based Experiences
Insert numerical value in each column (Write N/A if appropriate)
Program and Practicum Completion
Initial, PostBaccalaureate
Teacher, Initial
Average number of courses required
for program completion
Average number of practicum hours
required for program completion
Substantial Changes: Describe up to three substantial changes to your educator preparation programs over the past year. Select the change
category that best describes each change
Change Category is a drop down list
 Change in practicum or pre-practicum requirement
 Change in control or ownership of the organization
 Change in faculty or administration
 Change in finances/budget
 Change in coursework requirements or offerings
 Change in program delivery method
 Addition or closing of satellite or off-site location
 Addition or removal of program
 Other
Select category from above list
Select category from above list
Select category from above list
Progress on formal review findings (if applicable): If your SO was formally reviewed during 2014-15 and issued any findings, please provide a
brief update on your progress towards addressing each finding below.
When completing the survey, you will be asked to go to the Ed Prep- SAR/Title II report in ELAR (report will be available when survey is open) to
review the program data below. The data is based on your Sponsoring Organization’s data entry into Early ID. If the data within the report is
inaccurate, you may correct those errors by making necessary changes in Early ID. If changes are made in Early ID, they will update automatically
and be reflected the next time you run the Ed Prep- SAR/Title II report.
Number of
This data will be pre-populated from Early ID and will be
different for each Sponsoring Organization.
If you’d like to review the specific candidates reported as enrolled, non-practicum coursework completers, and program completers for the
reporting year (2014-15), you may do so by running Edwin report 801.
Log onto the Security Portal
Click on Edwin Analytics
On the Edwin Analytics home page, click the top right tab for Educator Prep
Click on Candidate List with up to 5 Years of License and MA Public Employment (801)
Select 2014-15 for program year 14-15 and status year
Select your organization
Select the program
Select Enrolled, Completed Coursework, and/or Completed Program (as necessary)
The resulting report shows the data (as reported by your Sponsoring Organization) at that time. If you find an error, you must fix it in Early ID.
By checking this box, you are verifying the program data in the Ed PrepSAR/Title II report is accurate. (Enter today’s date)
Sections 2-6 of the Annual Report only need to be completed by SOs reporting on Initial teacher licensure programs for
Title II. If your SO is not approved to offer Initial teacher licensure programs you do not need to complete this section.
Section 2: – Goals and Assurances
Institution/Program Type
Select Program Type from drop-down menu - [Traditional (IHE-based) ~Alternative (not
Indicate if your institution is a member of a Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant:
TQP grant name or grant number, if applicable: ( insert text below max characters 128 )
What percentage of students is formally admitted into your Initial teaching licensure program(s)? (Use whole numerals only, totaling no more
than 100%) (Baccalaureate Programs only)
insert numerical value
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
Indicate when students are formally admitted into your Initial Post-Baccalaureate licensure programs:
( insert text below max characters 128 )
Do your Initial teacher licensure programs conditionally admit students?
Select Yes, No or N/A from Drop-down menu
Provide a link to your website where additional information about admissions requirements can be found:
(insert text below max characters 128 )
Please provide any additional information about or exceptions to the admissions information provided above:
(insert text below max characters 256)
Annual Goals
All Sponsoring Organizations that enroll students receiving Federal assistance under this Act (Title II), including traditional IHE-based programs,
and those that offer any ongoing professional development or alternative routes to state licensure, shall set Annual Quantifiable Goals for
increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Secretary or by the state educational agency,
including mathematics, science, special education, and instruction of limited English proficient students. Sponsoring Organizations that do not
have a teacher preparation program in one or more of the areas listed below can enter N/A for the area(s) in which the SO does not have that
Teacher shortage areas
(current year)
Goal for
number of
Choose, Yes,
No, or N/A
from dropdown
Goal met
insert text below
Description of strategies used to
achieve goal ( max characters 128 )
insert text below
Description of steps to improve
performance in meeting goal or lessons
learned in meeting goal ( max characters
256 )
Special Education
-Moderate Disabilities
-Severe Disabilities
-Early Childhood (PreK-2)
-Speech / Language /
Hearing Disorders
Mathematics (Total)
Modern Foreign
Languages (Total)
-Latin and/or Classical
Science (Total)
All Sponsoring Organizations that enroll students receiving Federal assistance under this Act (Title II), including traditional IHE-based programs,
and those that offer any ongoing professional development or alternative routes to state licensure, shall set Annual Quantifiable Goals for
increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Secretary or by the state educational agency,
including mathematics, science, special education, and instruction of limited English proficient students. Sponsoring Organizations that do not
have a teacher preparation program in one or more of the areas listed below can enter N/A for the area(s) in which the SO does not have that
Teacher shortage areas
(current year)
Goal for
number of
Choose, Yes,
No, or N/A
from dropdown
Goal met
insert text below
Description of strategies used to
achieve goal ( max characters 128 )
insert text below
Description of steps to improve
performance in meeting goal or lessons
learned in meeting goal ( max characters
256 )
-Earth Science
-General Science
Language Arts (Total)
-English/Language Arts
ELL/TBE (Total)
Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below ( max characters 256 )
Select Yes, No, or N/A from Drop-down menu
Select yes, no or N/A for each statement certifying that your institution is in compliance with the following assurances.
Training provided to prospective teachers responds to the identified needs of the local educational agencies or States where the
institution's graduates are likely to teach, based on past hiring and recruitment trends
Training provided to prospective teachers is closely linked with the needs of schools and the instructional decisions new teachers
face in the classroom
Prospective special education teachers are prepared in core academic subjects and to instruct in core academic subjects
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to children with disabilities
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to limited English proficient students
General education teachers receive training are prepared to provide instruction to children from low-income families
Select yes, no or N/A for each statement certifying that your institution is in compliance with the following assurances.
Prospective teachers are prepared to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable
Describe your institution's most successful strategies in meeting the assurances listed above (insert text below max characters 256 )
Section 3: Statement and Designation as Low-Performing
Provide the following information about the approval or accreditation of your teacher preparation program.
(A) Is your teacher preparation program currently approved or accredited?
Select Yes, No, or N/A from Drop-down menu
If yes, please specify the organization(s) that approved or accredited your program:
Select Yes, No, or N/A from Drop-down menu
(B) Is your teacher preparation program currently under a designation as low-performing by the state?
Select Yes, No, or N/A from Drop-down menu
Section 4: Use of Technology
Does your program prepare teachers to:
Select Yes or No from Drop-down menu
(A) integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction
(B) Use technology effectively to collect data to improve teaching and learning
(C) Use technology effectively to manage data to improve teaching and learning
(D) Use technology effectively to analyze data to improve teaching and learning
Provide a description of how your program prepares teachers to INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY effectively into curricula and instruction, and to use
technology effectively to collect, manage, and analyze data in order to improve teaching and learning for the purpose of increasing student
academic achievement. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of the four elements listed above are not currently in place.
Technology (insert text below max characters 256)
Section 5: Teacher Training
Does your program prepare GENERAL EDUCATION teachers to:
Select Yes, No, or N/A from Drop-down menus
(A) teach students with disabilities effectively
(B) participate as a member of individualized education program teams
(C) teach students who are limited English proficient effectively
Does your program prepare SPECIAL EDUCATION teachers to:
(D) teach students with disabilities effectively
(E) participate as a member of individualized education program teams
(F) teach students who are limited English proficient effectively
Our organization does not prepare special education teachers
Provide a description of how you program prepares GENERAL EDUCATION teachers to teach students with disabilities effectively, including
training related to participation as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, and to effectively teach students who are limited English proficient. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of
the six elements listed above are not currently in place.
(insert text below max characters 256)
Provide a description of how your program prepares SPECIAL EDUCATION teachers to teach students with disabilities effectively, including
training related to participation as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, and to effectively teach students who are limited English proficient. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of
the six elements listed above are not currently in place.
(insert text below max characters 256)
Section 6: Certification
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this report is accurate and complete and conforms to the definitions and
instructions used in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title II and regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval
(603 CMR 7.00).
Name and title of responsible representative for teacher preparation program
Name of President/Chief Executive (or designee)
Title (insert text below max characters 128 )