TREND DATA • In order to enhance the quality of feedback provided on our new forms and ensure inter-rater reliability and calibration, we developed “WALKTHROUGH FORMS”, based on our four NORMS, that Evaluators would use to collect monthly “trend data” within each of their buildings. • Evaluators use this form to visit as many rooms as they can (3 – 5 minute walk-throughs) when they have a chunk of time available to do so (several times per month.) • This data is turned in to the curriculum office (via a tally sheet) put into a comparative graph, and used as a discussion point once a month at our Leadership Meeting to acknowledge areas of growth within each building, develop strategies for addressing areas which are still in need of improvement, and discuss how this information will be communicated to staff. Informal “Classroom Visit” Form - Northbridge Public Schools Date: _______________ # of Classrooms visited: __________ Well-Structured Lessons OBS N/O Comments: OBS N/O Comments: OBS N/O Comments: OBS N/O Comments: Challenging and measurable standards-based obj. posted and reflected in classroom activities Lesson appropriately paced and sequenced to meet learning goals/objectives Various resources used to enhance the learning experience and maximize student engagement (manipulatives, graphic orgs, diagrams, videos, integrated technology, etc.) Plans using various grouping strategies (i.e. flexible grouping) Adjustments to Practice Teacher previews new content and introduces topic to activate prior knowledge “Success starters” Teachers use a variety of frequent formative assessment strategies to ensure ALL students understand Teacher uses formative assessment data to adjust practice and implement interventions, enhancements and/or modifications Student(s) receive timely and appropriate support from teacher/support staff Student Engagement Teacher recognizes and responds appropriately to students who are not engaged Teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies that provide students with authentic and challenging learning tasks Teacher consistently asks higher order questions to assess the learning and enhance learning experience Students engage in active and collaborative educational discourse Meeting Diverse Needs Teacher uses appropriate strategies (i.e. scaffolding/tiered instruction) to meet the needs and levels of ALL learners Students are assessed frequently and in multiple ways throughout the lesson to check for understanding Teacher and support staff utilize an effective “co-teaching” model Students interests and real-life applications direct development of lessons Week of ___________________ Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. # OBS Total C/R Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. # OBS Total C/R Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. # OBS Total C/R Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. # OBS Total C/R Well-structured lesson plans Adjustments to practice Student engagement Meeting diverse needs Week of ___________________ Well-structured lesson plans Adjustments to practice Student engagement Meeting diverse needs Week of ___________________ Well-structured lesson plans Adjustments to practice Student engagement Meeting diverse needs Week of ___________________ Well-structured lesson plans Adjustments to practice Student engagement Meeting diverse needs Table 1. Northbridge Norms – Balmer Elementary Well - structured lessons Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 48% 78% 78% 80% 77% 59% 66% 83% 70% 65% 76% 78% 66% 51% 68% 91% 75% Adjustments to practice Student engagement 70% Meeting diverse needs 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Well - structured lessons Adjustments to practice 50% Student engagement 40% Meeting diverse needs 30% 20% 10% 0% Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. BALMER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Feb. Table 2. Northbridge Norms – Northbridge Elementary Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Well - structured lessons 65% 78% 78% 80% 90% Adjustments to practice 73% 74% 85% 84% 85% Student engagement 66% 79% 76% 73% 84% Meeting diverse needs 77% 76% 81% 90% 91% 120% 100% 80% Well - structured lessons Adjustments to practice 60% Student engagement Meeting diverse needs 40% 20% 0% Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. NORTHBRIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Feb. Table 3. Northbridge Norms – Northbridge High Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Well - structured lessons 80% 90% 65% 89% 86% Adjustments to practice 70% 90% 65% 50% 57% Student engagement 80% 50% 100% 100% 71% Meeting diverse needs 40% 20% 39% 43% 57% 120% 100% 80% Well - structured lessons Adjustments to practice 60% Student engagement Meeting diverse needs 40% 20% 0% Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. NORTHBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL FOCUS AREA: Meeting Diverse Needs Feb.