2016 0524DMdescriptions

Deadline for Registration is Monday, May 23, 2016 at 10AM
Annual ABE Directors’ Meeting
May 24, 2016
As a result of a year-long, comprehensive planning process, which drew input from a broad group of
stakeholder the Commonwealth of Massachusetts submitted the required combined state plan to meet
the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This plan meets the
objectives and also reflects the goals and vision that the WIOA core partners have adopted as guiding
principles for the public workforce development system in Massachusetts. The WIOA plan is being
implemented as of July 1, 2017.
The goal of this one-day meeting is to clarify questions regarding WIOA implementation and to provide a
structure for collaborative partners to identify ways to strategize for partnership collaborations.
We look forward to seeing you at the Devens’ Common Center.
Keynote Address
Tuesday, May 24th – 9:15am-10:15am – Devens Grande Ballroom
Jenn James, keynote speaker, is the Director of the Workforce Skills Cabinet at the Executive Office of
Labor and Workforce Development.
In her keynote address, Jennifer will provide an overview of:
key elements of the combined state plan,
how WIOA fits into the Governor’s vision for WIOA implementation, and
how WIOA promotes system alignment.
Workshop Descriptions
Session A
A1 Fulfilling the New ACLS Curriculum Requirements
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Junior Ballroom A
This session will provide an opportunity to learn about the new ACLS curriculum requirements.
Participants will: hear the rationale for the policy; be guided by the three SABES content centers on the
relationship between the scope and sequences, instructional units, and lesson plans; and learn how this
process can result in changes in actual classroom practice. There will be ample time for questions.
Jane Schwerdtfeger, Curriculum Coordinator, ACLS
Tom Mechem, State Chief Examiner-HSE, ACLS
Donna Curry, Director, Math and Adult Numeracy, SABES
Merilee Freeman, Director, English Language Arts, SABES
Dori McCormack, Director, ESOL, SABES
A2 ABE Collaborations with One-Stop Career Centers
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Junior Ballroom B
The Department of Career Services (DCS) oversees the Massachusetts Network of One-Stop Career
Centers that assists businesses in finding qualified workers and provides job seekers with career
guidance as well as referrals to jobs and training. This session will provide an overview of how the OneStop Delivery system is defined within WIOA. Presenters will learn the types of services available in
conjunction with core partners. Presenters will also share how local ABE programs may connect to the
four career pathways goals.
Alice Sweeney, Director, Department of Career Services
Mark Whitmore, Executive Director, North Shore Career Center, Salem
A3 Local Memoranda Of Understanding (MOU): How to Get Started
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Solarium Ballroom
This session will provide an overview of the state MOU and expectations for local MOUs. Participants will
learn the importance of collaboration with WIOA core partners in the development of the local MOUs and
hear current state guidance for local MOU development and implementation. They will also have an
opportunity to ask questions, share what additional supports they need, and engage in a discussion.
Jolanta Conway, ABE State Director, ACLS
Jenn James, Director of the Workforce Skills Cabinet, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce
A4 ABE Collaborations with the Department of Transitional Assistance
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Devens Club A/B
This session will provide an overview of the services provided by the Department of Transitional
Assistance. Recent policy changes will be reviewed and participants will learn how these changes may
impact students in the ABE system. There will be time for questions.
Kimberly Rowe-Cummings, Director of Employment Services Program, Department of
Transitional Assistance
Amy Kershaw, Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Programs, Department of Transitional
A5 Labor Market Information (LMI) 101
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Executive Club A/B
In this session, participants will get a hands-on introduction to the important topic of LMI, including
accessing key websites that present LMI and understanding the basics about industries and occupations
to better assist students to become college and career ready. The session will also include an interactive
review of the new LMI Primer and related materials developed by ESE as tools to support LMI research.
There will be time for questions.
John Niles, Director, Strategic Youth Initiatives & Policy, Commonwealth Corporation
A6 Navigating the ESE Fiscal System for ABE Program Directors
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Hilton Garden Ballroom A
This session will provide an opportunity to learn how to manage ESE/ABE awards and financial activities
properly. The presenter will guide participants through standard ESE procedures to help grant recipients
understand accepted accounting practices and comply with administrative procedures and requirements
for the use of public funds. These practicies include the difference between direct, indirect, and
administrative costs, budget applications and amendments, the process for requesting funds, final
financial reports, audits, data audits, and other fiscal related topics. There will be ample opportunity for
participants to ask questions.
Dave LeBlanc, Director of Audits and Compliance, Department of Elementary and Secondary
A7 Supporting Digital Literacy Behind the Wall
Tuesday, May 24th – 10:30am-12:00pm – Hilton Garden Ballroom B
In this session, participants will have the opportunity to hear from and dialogue with educational pioneers
from Massachusetts county houses of corrections and the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and
Correction about their efforts to support digital literacy (DL) in ABE corrections education. Topics will
include: providing secure internet access, the use of online assessments, computer literacy resources
and curricula, and integrating digital literacy in their program.
Karen DeCoster, Program Specialist, ACLS
Kip Fonsh, Director of Education, Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office
Gloria Granfield, Digital Literacy Instructor, HiSET® Supervisor, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Denise Justice, Superintendent, Ohio Central School System
Jennifer Mason, Digital Literacy Instructor, Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office
Dr. Daniel E. O’Malley, Director of Education, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Session B
B1 Designing Effective Integrated Education and Training Programs
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15 pm-2:45pm – Junior Ballroom A
Integrated Education and Training programs are designed to accelerate student progress along career
pathways that lead to employment in high-demand industries by contextualizing ABE instruction that is
offered concurrently with workforce training. Participants will learn about the essential components of
effective models, including identifying industry sectors, building workforce and higher education
partnerships, engaging employers, and contextualizing curricula. Promising implementation,
management, and evaluation practices will be reviewed to help participants learn how to develop highquality programs through collaboration with workforce partners.
Derek Kalchbrenner, Program Specialist/College and Career Readiness Specialist, ACLS
B2 ABE Collaborations with One-Stop Career Centers
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm – Junior Ballroom B
The Department of Career Services (DCS) oversees the MA Network of One-Stop Career Centers that
assist businesses in finding qualified workers and provide job seekers with career guidance as well as
referrals to jobs and training. This session will provide an overview of how the One-Stop Delivery
system is defined within WIOA. Presenters will learn the types of services available in conjunction with
core partners. Presenters will also share how local ABE programs may connect to the four career
pathways goals.
Alice Sweeney, Director, Department of Career Services
Mark Whitmore, Executive Director, North Shore Career Center, Salem
B3 State Performance Standards Framework
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm - Solarium Ballroom
In this session, participants will learn about the new Massachusetts State Performance Accountability
System including the standards by which adult education programs will be measured in the next five-year
funding cycle. Participants will also learn about data matching and follow-up measures used to track
student outcomes.
Toby Maguire, Assistant Administrator, ACLS
Brian Newquist, Senior Data Analyst, ACLS
Cheryl Russo, Team Leader, ACLS
Dana Varzan-Parker, Program Specialist/Assessment Coordinator, ACLS
B4 Understanding the WIOA Youth Title I Program and Opportunities to Coordinate Services with
the ABE Title II System
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm – Devens Club A/B
This session will provide an overview of the major changes to the WIOA Title I Youth Program. The
session will also focus on strategies to help out-of-school youth (16-24) navigate between the ABE and
workforce systems. Participants who attend this session will have the opportunity to learn how WIOA
Title I Youth services and ABE services can be coordinated to support successful outcomes for young
Sacha Stadhard, Grants Management Specialist III, Department of Career Services, Executive
Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Cathleen DeSimone, Adult Basic Education Program Director, Bristol Community College
Attleboro Campus
B5 Integrating Digital Literacy in the Classroom: Preparing Students for 21st Century Skills
Through Academics
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm – Executive Club A/B
This session will highlight ways to incorporate digital literacy into curriculum and instruction. The use of
technology to enhance academic rigor will prepare students for success in careers and postsecondary
education. Participants will hear from a panel of program staff with expertise integrating digital literacy
skills in ESOL and ABE instruction. In addition, panelists will share successes and challenges from their
experiences. There will be time for questions.
Cathy O’Keefe, Advisor and DL Coach, Methuen Public Schools
Johnetta Hudson, Teacher, Methuen Public Schools
Jessica Cardin, Teacher, North Shore Community Action Program
Jana Pickard-Richardson, Teacher, Cambridge Community Learning Center
Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Program Specialist/Digital Literacy Coordinator, ACLS
B6 ABE Collaborations with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission and the
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm – Hilton Garden Ballroom A
This session will provide an overview of the services provided by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation
Commission and the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind. Each presentation will include an
overview of the services provided and the eligibility requirements for clients. Participants will learn what
requirements ABE students need to meet to qualify for services and how the systems can collaborate.
There will be time for questions.
Dino DeBartolomeis, District Director, Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
William Noone, Director of Research and Development, Massachusetts Rehabilitation
Ellen Spencer, Area Director, Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
John Oliveira, Deputy Commissioner, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
B7 Using the Accuplacer in ABE Classrooms to Promote College and Career Readiness
Tuesday, May 24th – 1:15pm-2:45pm – Hilton Garden Ballroom B/C
Like it or not, the Accuplacer and the skills needed to “pass” it are major roadblocks to our students’
postsecondary aspirations. In this session, participants will be introduced to ways that free Accuplacer
units made available by ACLS can be used to assess postsecondary readiness and diagnose academic
strengths and weaknesses. Attention will also be given to what a standards-based curriculum
contextualized to focus on passing both the HiSET® and the Accuplacer would look like.
Tom Mechem, State Chief Examiner-HSE, ACLS
Session C
C1 Designing Effective Integrated Education and Training Programs
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm – Junior Ballroom A
Integrated Education and Training programs are designed to accelerate student progress along career
pathways that lead to employment in high-demand industries by contextualizing ABE instruction that is
offered concurrently with workforce training. Participants will learn about the essential components of
effective models, including identifying industry sectors, building workforce and higher education
partnerships, engaging employers, and contextualizing curricula. Promising implementation,
management, and evaluation practices will be reviewed to help participants learn how to develop highquality programs through collaboration with workforce partners.
Derek Kalchbrenner, Program Specialist/College and Career Readiness Specialist, ACLS
C2 Next Generation High School Equivalency Testing: Preparing Students for College and
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm – Junior Ballroom B
This presentation will provide participants with information on what is happening now with high school
equivalency (HSE) testing in Massachusetts and what the future holds for the next generation of the HSE
assessment. The presenters will provide the best possible timeline and process for moving into 2017
testing as well as what programs need to think about in regards to students’ preparation and readiness
for the next tests.
Ruth Derfler, Director of State HSE Testing and ADP, ACLS
Tom Mechem, State Chief Examiner-HSE, ACLS
C3 State Performance Standards Framework
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm - Solarium Ballroom
In this session, participants will learn about the new Massachusetts State Performance Accountability
System including the standards by which adult education programs will be measured in the next five-year
funding cycle. Participants will also learn about data matching and follow-up measures used to track
student outcomes.
Toby Maguire, Assistant Administrator, ACLS
Brian Newquist, Senior Data Analyst, ACLS
Cheryl Russo, Team Leader, ACLS
Dana Varzan-Parker, Program Specialist/Assessment Coordinator, ACLS
C4 Understanding the WIOA Youth Title I Program and Opportunities to Coordinate Services with
the ABE Title II System
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm – Devens Club A/B
This session will provide an overview of the major changes to the WIOA Title I Youth Program. The
session will also focus on strategies to help out-of-school youth (16-24) navigate between the ABE and
workforce systems. Participants who attend this session will have the opportunity to learn how WIOA
Title I Youth services and ABE services can be coordinated to support successful outcomes for young
Sacha Stadhard, Grants Management Specialist III, Department of Career Services, Executive
Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Cathleen DeSimone, Adult Basic Education Program Director, Bristol Community College
Attleboro Campus
C5 The Next Generation MAPT: Assessing the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm – Executive Club A/B
The MAPT-College and Career Ready (MAPT-CCR) is coming in July 2017. In this workshop, UMass
Center for Educational Assessment staff will provide an update on this next iteration of the MAPT. The
focus will be on test development activities completed and planned, emphasizing alignment of
assessment and curriculum. Opportunities for practitioner involvement will also be discussed.
April L. Zenisky, Ed.D., Research Associate Professor, Center for Educational Assessment,
University of Massachusetts Amherst
C6 Got Families? Family Literacy and WIOA
Tuesday, May 24th – 3:15pm-4:45pm – Hilton Garden Ballroom A
Under WIOA, programs will be working hard to prepare learners for careers that provide familysustaining wages. Much less effort will be paid to supporting learners who are parents and family
members to participate in another WIOA purpose, the educational development of their children. What
policies can be used to help the next generation of learners follow their parents to success in
postsecondary education and training?
Kathy Rodriguez, Team Leader, ACLS