ELA CompanionDoc


Companion Document for ELA Lesson Plan Template

This document provides additional clarification for the components of the ELA Lesson Plan Template.

(The ELA Lesson Plan Template is located on the ACLS Curriculum and Instruction Resources web page, under the header, “ELA,” at http://www.doe.mass.edu/acls/frameworks/resources.html

). The format of the lesson plan may be adapted as long as the components in the template are used. Questions? Contact

Jane Schwerdtfeger at ACLS at janes@doe.mass.edu

or Merilee Freeman at SABES PD Center for ELA at mfreeman@qcc.mass.edu


NOTE: This document will be revised to add additional information and to address practitioners’ ongoing questions. Look for it on the ACLS Curriculum and Instruction Resources webpage , under the header,

“ELA,” or under ACLS Curriculum and Instruction News .


 Lesson Number: The number is to indicate where this lesson falls in the instruction unit. It might be helpful to identify the total number of lessons.

 Class Level: Enter the identifying information that will make sense to teachers using this lesson plan.

Stage One – Planning for Desired Results

 Prior Knowledge Needed: Consider how this lesson connects to previous work in class or future work (e.g., an upcoming unit in the ELA scope and sequence for this class level). What will the teacher do to make those connections for students?

 CCR Standards: “For instructional practice to be Common Core aligned, the content must be aligned and be featured at the center of the lesson. Aligned instructional practice can be observed when the content and teacher’s instructional choices allow students to get to the full intent of the Standards.” (From the Achieve the Core Lesson Planning Tool.)

Stage Two – Evidence of Learning

 Ways my students and I will know the extent to which objectives have been met (e.g. performance task, exit tickets, journal jottings, etc.) These formative assessments are

contributing to the students’ ability to successfully complete the culminating unit assessment.

Stage Three – Action

 The three documents listed at the bottom of page two on the ELA Lesson Plan Template give excellent guidance on how the lesson should reflect the CCR Standards for ELA/Literacy and their three Instructional Shifts: o “ Standards-Aligned Classroom ” o Instructional Planning Guide for ELA o [ELA] “ Three Key Shifts ”

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Adult and Community Learning Services, 2016 1
