
MCAS 2.0 High School Testing Workgroup
January 21, 2016
The High School Testing Workgroup will address a number of policies relating to the ELA, mathematics, science, and
history tests to be administered in grades 9-12. These include the specific tests to be offered; whether certain tests will be
mandatory or optional; the sequence of tests required for the competency determination beginning with the class of 2020;
and the schedule for transitioning from the current high school MCAS tests.
Workgroup Meeting Schedule
Thursday, January 14, 2:00 to 4:00
Internal planning session #1 with C&I, SAS, and CCR staff within ESE, and DHE partners
Wednesday, January 20, 3:00 to 5:00
Internal planning session #2 with C&I, SAS, and CCR staff within ESE, and DHE partners
Thursday, January 28, 12:00 to 4:00
Workgroup session #1: Orientation and context. With ESE and DHE staff and external advisors/volunteers
1) Provide context of Ed Reform, MCAS, PARCC, CD, and CCR (broad overview)
2) Walk through MCAS 2.0 project plan, purpose of H.S. Testing Workgroup, and workgroup delivery chart
3) Where we are now: overview and crosswalk activity (what is and what should be)
a. Content standards/curriculum frameworks (ELA, Math, STE, HSS)
b. Claims about HS graduates
i. Current Performance Level Descriptors
ii. CD policy
c. CCR definitions
4) Present current high school testing transition options
5) Review remaining workgroup schedule and next steps
Friday, February 5, 12:00 to 4:00
Workgroup session #2: Focus on what should be. With ESE and DHE staff and external advisors/volunteers
1) Conduct deep-dive breakout sessions focused on:
a. Desired claims of graduates (by discipline; as group):
i. Claims re: CD and/or CCR
ii. What claims may be better measured with PBA?
b. Program uses:
i. Benefits/drawbacks of receiving data every year?
ii. Testing time vs. usefulness of info/data
c. Fairness and equity:
i. What should be provided for retest opportunities?
2) Report out and large-group discussion (preliminary recommendations for RFR; document pros/cons)
Wednesday, February 10, 1:00 to 5:00
Workgroup session #3: Transition and equity. With ESE and DHE staff and external advisors/volunteers
1) Conduct deep-dive breakout sessions focused on fairness and equity: What is a fair transition plan to get from
where we are to where we should be?
a. Transition timing, including test/item format, standard setting/CD expectation, grades tested, etc.
b. Educator and student prior exposure to tests
c. Legal requirements/implications
2) Report out and large-group discussion (finalize recommendations for RFR; document pros/cons)
Thursday, February 18, 9:00 to 1:00
Workgroup session #4: HS to college transitions. With ESE and DHE staff and external advisors/volunteers
1) Discuss implications for Adams/Koplick awards
2) Discuss long-term vision: High school to college transition
3) Tee up possibility of future work for H.S. Testing Workgroup to inform BESE CD/CCR recommendations
4) Review final recommendations and provide tweaks