
Distributed Systems
Jeff Chase
Duke University
Challenge: Coordination
• The solution to availability and scalability is to decentralize and
replicate functions and data…but how do we coordinate the
data consistency
update propagation
mutual exclusion
consistent global states
group membership
group communication
event ordering
distributed consensus
quorum consensus
• The problem of failures
• The fundamental challenge of consensus
• General impossibility of consensus
– in asynchronous networks (e.g., the Internet)
– safety vs. liveness: “CAP theorem”
• Manifestations
– NFS cache consistency
– Transaction commit
– Master election in Google File System
Properties of nodes
• Essential properties typically assumed by model:
– Private state
• Distributed memory: model sharing as messages
– Executes a sequence of state transitions
• Some transitions are reactions to messages
• May have internal concurrency, but hide that
– Unique identity
– Local clocks with bounded drift
Node failures
• Fail-stop. Nodes/actors may fail by stopping.
• Byzantine. Nodes/actors may fail without stopping.
– Arbitrary, erratic, unexpected behavior
– May be malicious and disruptive
• Unfaithful behavior
– Actors may behave unfaithfully from selfinterest.
– If it is rational, is it Byzantine?
– If it is rational, then it is expected.
– If it is expected, then we can control it.
– Design in incentives for faithful behavior, or
disincentives for unfaithful behavior.
Example: DNS
generic TLDs
fr country-code
DNS roots
What can go wrong if a DNS server fails?
How much damage can result from a server failure?
Can it compromise the availability or integrity of the entire DNS system?
DNS Service 101
WWW server for
“www.nhc.noaa.gov is”
DNS server for
“lookup www.nhc.noaa.gov”
DNS server
– client-side resolvers
• typically in a library
• gethostbyname,
– cooperating servers
• query-answer-referral
• forward queries among
• server-to-server may use
TCP (“zone transfers”)
Node recovery
• Fail-stopped nodes may revive/restart.
– Retain identity
– Lose messages sent to them while failed
– Arbitrary time to restart…or maybe never
• Restarted node may recover state at time of failure.
– Lose state in volatile (primary) memory.
– Restore state in non-volatile (secondary) memory.
– Writes to non-volatile memory are expensive.
– Design problem: recover complete states reliably,
with minimal write cost.
Distributed System Models
• Synchronous model
– Message delay is bounded and the bound is known.
– E.g., delivery before next tick of a global clock.
– Simplifies distributed algorithms
• “learn just by watching the clock”
• absence of a message conveys information.
• Asynchronous model
– Message delays are finite, but unbounded/unknown
– More realistic/general than synchronous model.
• “Beware of any model with stronger assumptions.” - Burrows
– Strictly harder/weaker than synchronous model.
• Consensus is not always possible
Messaging properties
• Other possible properties of the messaging model:
– Messages may be lost.
– Messages may be delivered out of order.
– Messages may be duplicated.
• Do we need to consider these in our distributed
system model?
• Or, can we solve them within the asynchronous model,
without affecting its foundational properties?
Network File System (NFS)
syscall layer
user programs
syscall layer
NFS Protocol
• NFS is a network protocol layered above TCP/IP.
– Original implementations (and some today) use UDP
datagram transport.
• Maximum IP datagram size was increased to
match FS block size, to allow send/receive of
entire file blocks.
• Newer implementations use TCP as a transport.
– The NFS protocol is a set of message formats and
types for request/response (RPC) messaging.
NFS: From Concept to
• Now that we understand the basics, how do we make
it work in a real system?
– How do we make it fast?
• Answer: caching, read-ahead, and write-behind.
– How do we make it reliable? What if a message is
dropped? What if the server crashes?
• Answer: client retransmits request until it
receives a response.
– How do we preserve the failure/atomicity model?
• Answer: well...
NFS as a “Stateless” Service
• The NFS server maintains no transient information
about its clients.
– The only “hard state” is the FS data on disk.
– Hard state: must be preserved for correctness.
– Soft state: an optimization, can discard safely.
• “Statelessness makes failure recovery simple and
– If the server fails client retransmits pending
requests until it gets a response (or gives up).
– “Failed server is indistinguishable from a slow
server or a slow network.”
Drawbacks of a Stateless Service
• Classical NFS has some key drawbacks:
– ONC RPC has execute-mostly-once semantics
(“send and pray”).
– So operations must be designed to be idempotent.
• Executing it again does not change the effect.
• Does not support file appends, exclusive name
creation, etc.
– Server writes updates to disk synchronously.
• Slowww…
– Does not preserve local single-copy semantics.
• Open files may be removed.
• Server cannot help in client cache consistency.
File Cache Consistency
• Caching is a key technique in distributed systems.
– The cache consistency problem: cached data may become
stale if cached data is updated elsewhere in the network.
• Solutions:
– Timestamp invalidation (NFS-Classic).
• Timestamp each cache entry, and periodically query the
server: “has this file changed since time t?”; invalidate
cache if stale.
– Callback invalidation (AFS).
• Request notification (callback) from the server if the file
changes; invalidate cache on callback.
– Delegation “leases” [Gray&Cheriton89, NQ-NFS, NFSv4]
Timestamp Validation in NFS [1985]
• NFSv2/v3 uses a form of timestamp validation.
– Timestamp cached data at file grain.
– Maintain per-file expiration time (TTL)
– Refresh/revalidate if TTL expires.
• NFS Get Attributes (getattr)
• Similar approach used in HTTP
– Piggyback file attributes on each response.
• What happens on server failure? Client failure?
• What TTL to use?
Delegations or “Leases”
• In NQ-NFS, a client obtains a lease on the file that
permits the client’s desired read/write activity.
• “A lease is a ticket permitting an activity; the
lease is valid until some expiration time.”
– A read-caching lease allows the client to cache
clean data.
• Guarantee: no other client is modifying the file.
– A write-caching lease allows the client to buffer
modified data for the file.
• Guarantee: no other client has the file cached.
• Allows delayed writes: client may delay issuing
writes to improve write performance (i.e., client
has a writeback cache).
Using Delegations/Leases
1. Client NFS piggybacks lease requests for a given file
on I/O operation requests (e.g., read/write).
– NQ-NFS leases are implicit and distinct from file locking.
2. The server determines if it can safely grant the
request, i.e., does it conflict with a lease held by
another client.
– read leases may be granted simultaneously to multiple clients
– write leases are granted exclusively to a single client
3. If a conflict exists, the server may send an eviction
notice to the holder.
– Evicted from a write lease? Write back.
– Grace period: server grants extensions while client writes.
– Client sends vacated notice when all writes are complete.
• Challenge:
– File accesses complete if the server is up.
– All clients “agree” on “current” file contents.
– Leases are not broken (mutual exclusion)
• What if a client fails while holding a lease?
• What if the server fails?
• How can any node know that any other node has
Step 1
Step 2
Generalizes to N nodes/processes.
Properties for Correct Consensus
• Termination: All correct processes eventually decide.
• Agreement: All correct processes select the same di.
• Or…(stronger) all processes that do decide
select the same di, even if they later fail.
• Called uniform consensus: “Uniform consensus is
harder then consensus.”
• Integrity: All deciding processes select the “right”
– As specified for the variants of the consensus
Properties of Distributed Algorithms
• Agreement is a safety property.
– Every possible state of the system has this
property in all possible executions.
– I.e., either they have not agreed yet, or they all
agreed on the same value.
• Termination is a liveness property.
– Some state of the system has this property in all
possible executions.
– The property is stable: once some state of an
execution has the property, all subsequent states
also have it.
Variant I: Consensus (C)
di = v k
Pi selects di from {v0, …, vN-1}.
All Pi select di as the same vk .
If all Pi propose the same v, then di = v, else di is arbitrary.
Coulouris and Dollimore
Variant II: Command Consensus
leader or
subordinate or
di = vleader
Pi selects di = vleader proposed by designated leader node Pleader if
the leader is correct, else the selected value is arbitrary.
As used in the Byzantine generals problem.
Also called attacking armies.
Coulouris and Dollimore
Variant III: Interactive
Consistency (IC)
di = [v0 , …, vN-1]
Pi selects di = [v0 , …, vN-1] vector reflecting the values
proposed by all correct participants.
Coulouris and Dollimore
Equivalence of Consensus Variants
• If any of the consensus variants has a solution, then all of them
have a solution.
• Proof is by reduction.
– IC from BG. Run BG N times, one with each Pi as leader.
– C from IC. Run IC, then select from the vector.
– BG from C.
• Step 1: leader proposes to all subordinates.
• Step 2: subordinates run C to agree on the proposed
– IC from C? BG from IC? Etc.
Fischer-Lynch-Patterson (1985)
• No consensus can be guaranteed in an asynchronous
communication system in the presence of any
• Intuition: a “failed” process may just be slow, and can
rise from the dead at exactly the wrong time.
• Consensus may occur recognizably, rarely or often.
• e.g., if no inconveniently delayed messages
• FLP implies that no agreement can be guaranteed in
an asynchronous system with Byzantine failures
either. (More on that later.)
Consensus in Practice I
• What do these results mean in an asynchronous world?
– Unfortunately, the Internet is asynchronous, even if we
believe that all faults are eventually repaired.
– Synchronized clocks and predictable execution times
don’t change this essential fact.
• Even a single faulty process can prevent consensus.
• Consensus is a practical necessity, so what are we to do?
Consensus in Practice II
• We can use some tricks to apply synchronous algorithms:
– Fault masking: assume that failed processes always
recover, and reintegrate them into the group.
• If you haven’t heard from a process, wait longer…
• A round terminates when every expected message is
– Failure detectors: construct a failure detector that can
determine if a process has failed.
• Use a failure detector that is live but not accurate.
• Assume bounded delay.
• Declare slow nodes dead and fence them off.
• But: protocols may block in pathological scenarios, and they
may misbehave if a failure detector is wrong.
Fault Masking with a
Session Verifier
“Do A for me.”
“OK, my verifier is x.”
S, x
“OK, my verifier is y.”
“A and B”
S´, y
What if y == x?
How to guarantee that y != x?
What is the implication of re-executing A and B, and after C?
Some uses: NFS V3 write commitment, RPC sessions, NFS V4 and DAFS (client).
Delegation/Lease Recovery
• Key point: the bounded lease term simplifies
– Before a lease expires, the client must renew the lease.
• Else client is deemed to have “failed”.
– What if a client fails while holding a lease?
• Server waits until the lease expires, then unilaterally
reclaims the lease; client forgets all about it.
• If a client fails while writing on an eviction, server waits
for write slack time before granting conflicting lease.
– What if the server fails while there are outstanding leases?
• Wait for lease period + clock skew before issuing new
– Recovering server must absorb lease renewal requests
and/or writes for vacated leases.
Failure Detectors
• How to detect that a member has failed?
– pings, timeouts, beacons, heartbeats
– recovery notifications
• “I was gone for awhile, but now I’m back.”
• Is the failure detector accurate?
• Is the failure detector live (complete)?
• In an asynchronous system, it is possible for a failure detector
to be accurate or live, but not both.
– FLP tells us that it is impossible for an asynchronous system
to agree on anything with accuracy and liveness!
Failure Detectors in Real Systems
• Use a detector that is live but not accurate.
– Assume bounded processing delays and delivery times.
– Timeout with multiple retries detects failure accurately
with high probability. Tune it to observed latencies.
– If a “failed” site turns out to be alive, then restore it or
kill it (fencing, fail-silent).
– Example: leases and leased locks
• What do we assume about communication failures? How
much pinging is enough? What about network partitions?
Variant II: Command Consensus
leader or
subordinate or
di = vleader
Pi selects di = vleader proposed by designated leader node Pleader if
the leader is correct, else the selected value is arbitrary.
As used in the Byzantine generals problem.
Also called attacking armies.
Coulouris and Dollimore
A network partition
Fox&Brewer “CAP Theorem”:
C-A-P: choose two.
CA: available, and consistent,
unless there is a partition.
Claim: every distributed
system is on one side of the
CP: always consistent, even in a
partition, but a reachable replica may
deny service without agreement of the
others (e.g., quorum).
AP: a reachable replica provides
service even in a partition, but may
be inconsistent if there is a failure.
Two Generals in practice
How do banks solve this problem?
Keith Marzullo
Careful ordering is limited
 Transfer $100 from Melissa’s account to mine
1. Deduct $100 from Melissa’s account
2. Add $100 to my account
 Crash between 1 and 2, we lose $100
 Could reverse the ordering
1. Add $100 to my account
2. Deduct $100 from Melissa’s account
 Crash between 1 and 2, we gain $100
 What does this remind you of?
 Fundamental to databases
 (except MySQL, until recently)
 Several important properties
 “ACID” (atomicity, consistent, isolated, durable)
 We only care about atomicity (all or nothing)
Called “committing” the
disk write 1
disk write n
Transactions: logging
Begin transaction
Append info about modifications to a log
Append “commit” to log to end x-action
Write new data to normal database
Single-sector write commits x-action (3)
Transaction Complete
Invariant: append new data to log before applying to DB
Called “write-ahead logging”
Transactions: logging
Begin transaction
Append info about modifications to a log
Append “commit” to log to end x-action
Write new data to normal database
Single-sector write commits x-action (3)
What if we crash here (between 3,4)?
On reboot, reapply committed updates in log order.
Transactions: logging
Begin transaction
Append info about modifications to a log
Append “commit” to log to end x-action
Write new data to normal database
Single-sector write commits x-action (3)
What if we crash here?
On reboot, discard uncommitted updates.
Committing Distributed Transactions
• Transactions may touch data at more than one site.
• Problem: any site may fail or disconnect while a
commit for transaction T is in progress.
– Atomicity says that T does not “partly commit”,
i.e., commit at some site and abort at another.
– Individual sites cannot unilaterally choose to abort
T without the agreement of the other sites.
– If T holds locks at a site S, then S cannot release
them until it knows if T committed or aborted.
– If T has pending updates to data at a site S, then
S cannot expose the data until T commits/aborts.
Commit is a Consensus Problem
• If there is more than one site, then the sites must
agree to commit or abort.
• Sites (Resource Managers or RMs) manage their own
data, but coordinate commit/abort with other sites.
– “Log locally, commit globally.”
• We need a protocol for distributed commit.
– It must be safe, even if FLP tells us it might not
• Each transaction commit is led by a coordinator
(Transaction Manager or TM).
Two-Phase Commit (2PC)
If unanimous to commit
decide to commit
else decide to abort
“commit or abort?”
“here’s my vote”
or prepare
RMs validate Tx and
prepare by logging their
local updates and
TM logs commit/abort
(commit point)
Handling Failures in 2PC
How to ensure consensus if a site fails during the 2PC
1. A participant P fails before preparing.
Either P recovers and votes to abort, or C times
out and aborts.
2. Each P votes to commit, but C fails before committing.
• Participants wait until C recovers and notifies
them of the decision to abort. The outcome is
uncertain until C recovers.
Handling Failures in 2PC,
P or C fails during phase 2, after the outcome is
• Carry out the decision by reinitiating the protocol
on recovery.
• Again, if C fails, the outcome is uncertain until C
Fox&Brewer “CAP Theorem”:
C-A-P: choose two.
CA: available, and consistent,
unless there is a partition.
Claim: every distributed
system is on one side of the
CP: always consistent, even in a
partition, but a reachable replica may
deny service without agreement of the
others (e.g., quorum).
AP: a reachable replica provides
service even in a partition, but may
be inconsistent.
Parallel File Systems 101
 Manage data sharing in large data stores
• E.g., PVFS2, Lustre, High Road
• E.g., GPFS, Polyserve
[Renu Tewari, IBM]
Parallel NFS (pNFS)
NFSv4+ Server
Block (FC) /
Object (OSD) /
File (NFS)
[David Black, SNIA]
pNFS architecture
NFSv4+ Server
Block (FC) /
Object (OSD) /
File (NFS)
Only this is covered by the pNFS protocol
Client-to-storage data path and server-to-storage control path are
specified elsewhere, e.g.
– SCSI Block Commands (SBC) over Fibre Channel (FC)
– SCSI Object-based Storage Device (OSD) over iSCSI
– Network File System (NFS)
[David Black, SNIA]
pNFS basic operation
Client gets a layout from the NFS Server
The layout maps the file onto storage devices and addresses
The client uses the layout to perform direct I/O to storage
At any time the server can recall the layout (leases/delegations)
Client commits changes and returns the layout when it’s done
pNFS is optional, the client can always use regular NFSv4 I/O
NFSv4+ Server
[David Black, SNIA]
Google GFS: Assumptions
• Design a Google FS for Google’s distinct needs
• High component failure rates
– Inexpensive commodity components fail often
• “Modest” number of HUGE files
– Just a few million
– Each is 100MB or larger; multi-GB files typical
• Files are write-once, mostly appended to
– Perhaps concurrently
• Large streaming reads
• High sustained throughput favored over low
[Alex Moschuk]
GFS Design Decisions
• Files stored as chunks
– Fixed size (64MB)
• Reliability through replication
– Each chunk replicated across 3+ chunkservers
• Single master to coordinate access, keep metadata
– Simple centralized management
• No data caching
– Little benefit due to large data sets, streaming reads
• Familiar interface, but customize the API
– Simplify the problem; focus on Google apps
– Add snapshot and record append operations
[Alex Moschuk]
GFS Architecture
• Single master
• Mutiple chunkservers
…Can anyone see a potential weakness in this design?
[Alex Moschuk]
Single master
• From distributed systems we know this is a:
– Single point of failure
– Scalability bottleneck
• GFS solutions:
– Shadow masters
– Minimize master involvement
• never move data through it, use only for metadata
– and cache metadata at clients
• large chunk size
• master delegates authority to primary replicas in data
mutations (chunk leases)
• Simple, and good enough!
Fault Tolerance
• High availability
– fast recovery
• master and chunkservers restartable in a few seconds
– chunk replication
• default: 3 replicas.
– shadow masters
• Data integrity
– checksum every 64KB block in each chunk
What is the consensus problem here?
Google Ecosystem
• Google builds and runs services at massive scale.
– More than half a million servers
• Services at massive scale must be robust and
– To complement a robust, adaptive infrastructure
• Writing robust, adaptive distributed services is hard.
• Google Labs works on tools, methodologies, and
infrastructures to make it easier.
– Conceive, design, build
– Promote and transition to practice
– Evaluate under real use
Google Systems
Google File System (GFS) [SOSP 2003]
– Common foundational storage layer
MapReduce for data-intensive cluster computing [OSDI 2004]
– Used for hundreds of google apps
– Open-source: Hadoop (Yahoo)
BigTable [OSDI 2006]
– a spreadsheet-like data/index model layered on GFS
– Execute filter and aggregation scripts on BigTable servers
Chubby [OSDI 2006]
– Foundational lock/consensus/name service for all of the above
– Distributed locks
– The “root” of distributed coordination in Google tool set
What Good is “Chubby”?
• Claim: with a good lock service, lots of distributed
system problems become “easy”.
– Where have we seen this before?
• Chubby encapsulates the algorithms for consensus.
– Where does consensus appear in Chubby?
• Consensus in the real world is imperfect and messy.
– How much of the mess can Chubby hide?
– How is “the rest of the mess” exposed?
• What new problems does such a service create?
Chubby Structure
• Cell with multiple participants (replicas and master)
– replicated membership list
– common DNS name (e.g., DNS-RR)
• Replicas elect one participant to serve as Master
– master renews its Master Lease periodically
– elect a new master if the master fails
– all writes propagate to secondary replicas
• Clients send “master location requests” to any replica
– returns identity of master
• Replace replica after long-term failure (hours)
Master Election/Fail-over
Fox&Brewer “CAP Theorem”:
C-A-P: choose two.
CA: available, and consistent,
unless there is a partition.
Claim: every distributed
system is on one side of the
CP: always consistent, even in a
partition, but a reachable replica may
deny service without agreement of the
others (e.g., quorum).
AP: a reachable replica provides
service even in a partition, but may
be inconsistent.