Instructions Comments


Instructions for Reviewing and Submitting Comments


WIOA Proposed Regulations

Thank you to program directors and ABE practitioners who attended the regional meetings in May and provided feedback regarding the proposed regulations.

Based on national discussions of ABE state directors, staff of the National Council of State Directors of Adult Education (NCSDAE) prepared recommendations on the proposed regulations . Most of the issues included in the original NCSDAE documents were discussed at our regional meetings in

Massachusetts. However, the attached documents represent a modified version of the NCSDAE recommendations based on our discussions at the regional meetings.

Three Documents

DOL and ED issued three sets of proposed regulations for comment. Each has a Regulatory

Identification Number. You will need this number to submit your comments:

RIN 1205-AB74 -- the Joint Rule (that first part of Title I that laid out the Unified/Combined

Plan, the performance measures and other provisions that apply to all the titles);

RIN 1205-AB73 -- One for the training component of Title I (training, One-Stops, training providers etc); and

RIN 1830-AA22 -- One for Title II, Adult Education

Thus you will find attached three comment reports; one for each of those requests.

Your Tasks

1. Review the discussions and recommendations in each document and select the ones you agree with

2. Edit any to reflect the needs of your state/program

3. Add others that we did not address and you fee are important to comment on

4. Put each of the three documents on your letterhead (when applicable)

Submitting Your Comments

Please submit comments by June 15 th

or earlier if possible.

On the following pages are the instructions for submitting your comments.

Instructions for Submitting Comments:

1. Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal:

It will look like this.

2. Type in the RIN in the Search box and click on “Search”

3. On this screen, click on “Comment Now”

4. On this screen, click on Choose files: this click will take you to the directory on your computer and you will click on the file name.

5. The file will upload (10 MB max)

6. You will be asked for your personal information—complete all required fields.

(NOTE: information entered on the web form may be viewed publicly. These fields are identified by the globe icon.)

7. “Your Preview” screen will appear displaying the publicly viewable information directly on the form under the section titled: “This information will appear on”.

8. To complete your comment, you must first agree to the disclaimer and check the box.

9. This will enable the “Submit Comment” button. Hit it.

10. Upon completion you will receive a Comment Tracking Number for your comment.
