Joint Comments from New York, Missouri and Massachusetts Our comments in this section track the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act— Participant Individual Record Layout (ETA 2015-00007-0009). Priority concerns with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) No. 100 - Unique Individual Identifier Is it required that all partners use the same unique identifying number for the same client? No. 202 - Individual with a Disability Would learning disabilities meet this definition? We would expect that it would. No. 704 - Low Levels of Literacy What would determine problems concerning levels of proficiency in terms of functioning on the job for those who don’t have a job? If they have a job, is it assumed that they have the necessary level of proficiency? No. 705 - Cultural Barriers Adult education providers will need guidance on how to identify these participants. For instance, what counts as a “practice”? No. 500 - Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Many migrant fruit pickers go back to their home country in the off-season. Will that action still comply with the definition? Status No. 601 - Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) How will Title II recipients access this data? No. 704 - Single Parent How is primary responsibility for dependent children determined? If it is the legal determination, how is that data Page 1 of 12 accessible? No. 410 - Highest School Grade Completed Are there foreign country equivalents to some of these categories that would be counted? While many countries issue HS diplomas, they are not equivalent to a US diploma. Are they counted regardless? No. 411 - School Status at Participation Are there foreign country equivalents to some of these categories? No. 803 - Basic Skills Deficient For part (b): What would determine problems concerning levels of proficiency in terms of functioning on the job for those who don’t have a job? If they have a job, is it assumed that they have the necessary level of proficiency? When the limit of 8th grade equivalent is indicated, does that include 8.0 through 8.9? No. 900 - Date of Program Entry Within 677.150 it says, “For the AEFLA program, reportable individuals who have been determined eligible and who have completed at least 12 contact hours in an adult education and literacy activity under AEFLA would be considered participants and, thus, be included in performance calculations. Does this mean that programs will have to determine the specific date by which a participant had reached his/her 12th hour of attendance? No. 971 - Exclusionary Reasons Should “98 = Retirement” be added to the list of Code Values? The Data Element Definitions/ Instructions for this item speak of retirement only in terms of an exit Page 2 of 12 reason. Will programs now be required to collect information related to exit reason on every participant? If so, what should programs do to collect and report this information in cases where participants do not provide their exit reason prior to ceasing their use of the services? The statement “Record 00 if the participant exited for a reason other than one of the conditions listed above” implies that the code values correspond only to exit reasons. Should participant records for those who have not exited services because the services they received were offered within correctional settings receive code values of 01? No. 1200 - Received Training While training may lead to a credential, to be counted in this category, does the participant have to achieve the credential? No. 1300 - Date Enrolled in Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment During the Program What criteria determine a “Recognized Postsecondary Credential”? No. 1301 - Enrolled in Secondary Education Program Does the student’s assessment gauge the enrollment into Secondary Education Programing (9.0 – 12.9) for adult education students? No. 1501 - Type of Employment Match 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter This mentions, “If participants are not found in the wage records, grantees may then use supplemental data sources.” This corresponds to a code value of 6. However, there seems to be a contradiction since the Data Element Specifications document mentions for Report Items #14, 16, 17, 19, 27, & 29 that in lieu of wage records only “5 = Other Administrative Wage Records” Page 3 of 12 can be used to count employment for those outcomes. No. 1700 - Type of Recognized Credential Clarification is needed on what constitutes a certificate. Is this a state decision? No. 1802 Date of Most Recent Adult educational programs offering Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary/Post- instruction at the secondary level do not Secondary Transcript/Report Card typically issue transcripts or report cards. Could anything else be used in lieu of the date related to a transcript or report card for the purposes of recording the value related to this data element? No. 1802 Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Training Milestone No. 1803 - Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Skills Progression No. 1804 - Date of Most Recent Career Service Where will adult education programs receive this information? How will training providers notify Adult education programs when participants achieve training milestones? From where and how do adult education programs collect this information? Page 4 of 12 Our comments in this section track Data Element Specifications ETA-2015-0007-0006. Priority concerns with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – Data Element Specifications In addition to the specific concerns enumerated below, we want to express one overarching concern: The phrase “Report period” appears throughout the Data Elements Specifications but is not defined anywhere in the document. The document should be revised to include dates that show the beginning and end of the Report period. No. 10 - Percent Co-Enrolled How would our state’s adult education data system identify Funding Stream? No. 12 - Participants Served Will adult education students have to meet a certain threshold of attended hours, for example >=12, and if so, do those hours need to be instruction or any services? No. 13 Participants Exited (Current PY) The term “Funding stream” is not defined in the Participant Individual Record Layout. The document should clarify that “Funding Stream” means each Title. Nos. 14-19 Employment Rate Numerators, Denominators, and Rates We agree with not including “not in the labor force” in all employment rates. Plain Text should indicate “excepting those ‘not in the labor force.’” The median earnings calculation should Page 5 of 12 No. 26 - Median Earnings not include participants who are “not in the labor force” because doing so might artificially deflate median earnings, if such data exist. We suggest adding wording to the Plain Text to read “excepting those not in the labor force.” We also suggest changing the technical specifications to read: “The value of 2nd quarter after exit wage that is the midpoint between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the Unique Records where (Funding Stream) and (Employment Status at Program Entry is < 3) AND (Date of Program Entry is not null) AND the Date of Exit is within the reporting period) and (Exclusionary Reasons is null or …” We believe that if a participant is deemed to be “not in the labor force” and is not used for employment measures, he/she should not be used for the median earnings measure. This raises a technical question: If the Exclusionary Reasons for a participant fall into one of the categories corresponding to those included for this measure (is null, 00 or 98) but the data match does not yield a wage for the second quarter, should the income be considered as “missing” or be recorded as 0? No. 27 Credential Rate Numerator It appears as though the parentheses do not correctly indicate the order of operations regarding the technical specification but they are critical to understanding the meaning of the formulas. We cannot comment until this is corrected or clarified. ENROLLED IN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT OR ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM is Page 6 of 12 mentioned in two places. In one of them, a code value of 1 or 2 is specified, however, this element does not have a corresponding code value within the PIRL. Are the code values for this element incorrectly stated in one or both of these places? It appears to need to be changed to field 1200 – Received Training which has “1” and “2” options, but if so, “2” is not considered a “credential.” We cannot comment on the technical specifications or the comparison to the Plain Text until a full description is available. Another Technical specification issue: we believe the Highest School Grade Completed should be < 13 not 12. Thirteen (13) is the high school diploma. If we exclude high school seniors we will be eliminating important participants. We believe this should read Highest School Grade Completed > 8 and < 13 or use 1302 – Enrolled in Secondary Education Program. Would ABE participation in classes at 9th Grade Level Equivalent or Higher count as ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION? Would the DATE ATTAINED DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE OR CREDENTIAL if within the dates of participation have to be within the reporting period to be counted or would a date value from this variable such as one from several years back still count if within the participation period? Two examples where this clarification is needed: Example: A student earned their high school equivalency during their participation in an adult education program in 2007. This same Page 7 of 12 student left and then came back to the program in 2012 receiving ESOL instruction and then exits in 2017. Can we count the outcome of credential attainment for this student during the 2017 federal report if they were employed in one of the four quarters following their program exit? Second example: A student exits in May 2017 but had not yet earned their high school equivalency. This student attained employment during the first quarter following their exit and shows wages for that quarter but then loses that job in August 2017 and shows no wages for the second, third, or fourth quarters. This student receives their high school equivalency in December 2017 but never goes back to work. Will their high school equivalency outcome count? No. 28 - Credential Rate Denominator ENROLLED IN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT OR ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM is mentioned in two places. In one of them, a code value of “1” or “2” is specified. However, this element does not have a corresponding code value within the PIRL. Are the code values for this element incorrectly stated in one or both of these places? Would ABE participation in classes at 9th Grade Level Equivalent or Higher count for this? If the answer is yes, is the level determined by the assessment/curriculum/program level-design? Page 8 of 12 It appears to need to be changed to field 1200 – Received Training which has “1” and “2” options, but if so, “2” is not considered a credential. No. 29 - Credential Rate ENROLLED IN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT OR ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM is mentioned in two places. In one of them, a code value of “1” or “2” is specified. However, this element does not have a corresponding code value within the PIRL. Are the code values for this element incorrectly stated in one or both of these places? Would ABE participation in classes at 9th Grade Level Equivalent or Higher count for this rate? It appears to need to be changed to field 1200 – Received Training which has “1” and “2” options but, if so, “2” is not considered a “credential.” Would the DATE ATTAINED DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE OR CREDENTIAL, if within the dates of participation, have to be within the reporting period to be counted or would a date value from this variable such as one from several years back still count if within the participation period? Furthermore, does the education provider or the participant report the attainment of credential? What documentation, if any is required? No. 30 - Measurable Skill Gains Numerator ENROLLED IN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT OR ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM is mentioned within part of the Technical Specifications, however no value is given after the = sign. Page 9 of 12 Also, should there be an = sign after EMPLOYMENT in the same section and a code value there as well? Also, should the word DATE appear before “ENROLLED IN EDUCATION…” and the words ”DURING THE PROGRAM” at the end of the name for the data element to correspond to what is given in PIRL? Relevant example: A student advances from the “High Intermediate ABE” Educational Functioning Level to “Low Adult Secondary Education” Educational Functioning Level according to pre and post tests during 2017 and thus has a Measureable Skill Gain. This same student shows a pretest score of “High Intermediate ABE” at the beginning of program year 2018. If this student post tests at the “Low Adult Secondary Education” Educational Functioning Level, would a Measurable Skills Gain count for that student in 2018? Although the Plain Text Specifications mention “five types of gains”, only four of them are specified by the data elements appearing within the Technical Specification. Should another data element be included within the Technical Specifications to bring the total number of gain types up to five? Would this additional data element need to be also defined in the PIRL and would it need to specifically account for what is stated as “2) high school diploma or equivalent” Page 10 of 12 within the Plain Text Specifications? No. 30-32 Measurable Skill Gains Denominator Symbols that usually follow data elements such as =, =>, =<, >, or < and code values do not appear following ENROLLED IN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT. These data elements do not have a field reference in the PIRL. The same is true for ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM. We cannot comment on technical specifications or the comparison to the Plain Text until a full description is available. It appears to need to be changed to field 1200 – Received Training which has “1” and “2” options but if so, “2” is not considered a “credential.” No. 33, 34 – Age bracket 14-15 and 16-18 Why is the length of the age range different from the others? No. 50 - Low-income Individuals What is meant by “youth living in a highpoverty area” in the PIRL definition (No: 702)? No. 51 - Individuals With Disabilities, Including Youth Are learning disabilities included in this cohort? What is definition of “mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person’s major life activities”, how is that decision supported? (PIRL No. 202) Does this cohort include developmentally disabled persons? No. 52 - Ex-offenders Data element “Offender” does not align with same name in PIRL. Is this selfreported? No. 53 - Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth Data element “Homeless Individual and/or Page 11 of 12 Runaway Youth” does not have the same exact name shown for it in PIRL No. 55 - English language learners, Low Levels of Literacy, Cultural Barriers Adult education providers request guidance on how to identify Cultural Barriers for these participants. For instance, what counts as a “practice”? For Low Levels of Proficiency: What would determine problems concerning levels of proficiency in terms of functioning on the job for those who don’t have a job? If they have a job, is it assumed that they have the necessary level of proficiency? No. 56 - Migrant and seasonal farmworkers FARMWORKER STATUS from the Technical Specifications does not have the same exact name shown for it in PIRL. No. 58 - Single parents (including single pregnant woman) Within the PIRL definition: How is primary responsibility for dependent children determined? Can the other living parent also in some way be considered to share in that primary responsibility? Documentation needed? Example: An adult education student has sole responsibility for dependent(s) two weekends a month: Does sole responsibility occurring over short term periods such as weekend count in some way as a primary responsibility? Finally, there is no formulation for Employer Satisfaction. Page 12 of 12