Guidelines for the Candidate Assessment of Performance Assessment of Teacher Candidates June 2015 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906 Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370 Table of Contents PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 CONTEXT................................................................................................................................................................ 3 BACKGROUND ...............................................................................................................................................................3 DEVELOPING CAP ..........................................................................................................................................................4 OVERVIEW OF CAP ................................................................................................................................................. 5 PREPARATION CONTEXT CONSIDERED IN CAP .....................................................................................................................5 SHIFTS IN ASSESSMENT: FROM PPA TO CAP.......................................................................................................................6 CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE (CAP) .............................................................................................. 7 CAP CONTENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 CAP’S SIX ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS .......................................................................................................................................8 CAP RUBRIC OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................................................10 Quality, Scope & Consistency .............................................................................................................................11 Readiness Thresholds .........................................................................................................................................12 CAP PROCESS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 CAP 5-STEP CYCLE OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................12 CAP 5-STEP CYCLE: STEP-BY-STEP ..................................................................................................................................14 CAP 5-STEP CYCLE: SCHEDULING ...................................................................................................................................17 CATEGORIES OF EVIDENCE .............................................................................................................................................18 Observations ......................................................................................................................................................18 Measure of Student Learning .............................................................................................................................18 Student Feedback ...............................................................................................................................................18 Candidate Artifacts ............................................................................................................................................19 EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH ESSENTIAL ELEMENT...................................................................................................19 THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................................................20 The Role of Professional Judgment ....................................................................................................................20 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................21 Sponsoring Organizations: .................................................................................................................................21 PK-12 Schools and District Partners ...................................................................................................................22 Program Supervisor ............................................................................................................................................22 Supervising Practitioner .....................................................................................................................................23 Candidate ...........................................................................................................................................................23 APPENDICES......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Audio Deep Dive Throughout the CAP Guidelines be on the lookout for the Audio Deep Dive icon. Click to hear an ESE team member provide more detailed information about the topic. Candidate Assessment of Performance 2 Purpose The Massachusetts Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) is designed to assess the overall readiness of teacher candidates. By demonstrating readiness through CAP, Massachusetts will be able to ensure that teacher candidates enter classrooms prepared to be impactful with students on day one. CAP is the culminating assessment required for program completion in the Commonwealth and in this way creates an intentional bridge from training to practice by aligning expectations with the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework. Through CAP, Sponsoring Organizations are able to ensure that teacher candidates have the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective teachers in Massachusetts. The goals of CAP are: To ensure teacher candidates are ready to make impact with students day one; To measure teacher candidates’ practice on key indicators as outlined in the Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs); and To support teachers in improving their practice based on targeted feedback and performance evaluations. In support of this, these Guidelines are designed to: 1) outline expectations for the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) and 2) support Sponsoring Organizations (SO), Program Supervisors, Supervising Practitioners, and candidates as they work together to ensure successful demonstration of the Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs)1. Context Background Over the last five years, Massachusetts has engaged in a significant effort to increase the rigor and quality of educator preparation in the Commonwealth. Most significantly, in June 2012 the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved changes to the Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.03) which raised expectations for preparation across the board through a variety of strategies, including: Increasing practicum hour requirements Requiring Supervising Practitioners to be rated proficient or higher on their most recent summative evaluation in order to serve in the role Updating the Program Approval Standards to emphasize a provider’s ability to meet the needs of schools/districts and engage in data-driven continuous improvement Collecting and publicly reporting additional outcome measures associated with the quality of preparation These guidelines apply to all initial licensure teacher candidates except the following specialist licenses: Academically Advanced, Reading, and Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders teachers. It is the expectation of ESE that programs endorsing in license areas not covered by CAP develop and implement a performance assessment appropriate for the license. 1 Candidate Assessment of Performance 3 As an extension of these regulatory changes, in January of 2014 BESE passed updated Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs) which align expectations for teacher preparation candidates with those for in-service teachers as outlined in the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework. The PSTs define the pedagogical and other professional knowledge and skills required of all teachers. These PSTs and indicators are used by Sponsoring Organizations in designing their teacher preparation programs and in preparing their teacher candidates. Developing CAP Following the adoption of the 2014 PSTs, ESE convened a Teacher Preparation Performance Assessment Task Force made up of stakeholders working in PK-12 schools and preparation programs across the state to provide a recommendation on the adoption or development of a new assessment instrument. Both ESE and the Task Force recognized that the Pre-Service Performance Assessment (PPA) that had been in use since 2003 needed to be replaced. We recognized that the Commonwealth needed a more robust instrument to assess candidates’ performance and needed to do so in a way that was consistent with current evaluation practices in the state. The Task Force investigated all commercially available products (e.g., edTPA), reviewed all available research, discussed best practice and ultimately, crafted a set of considerations that led ESE to the decision to build a state-specific instrument. Members of this Task Force continued to consult on the development of CAP during the 2014-2015 academic year through an advisory committee. Below is a timeline of activities associated with the development of CAP. February 2014: Teacher Preparation Assessment Task Force convened and met six times between February and May. June 2014: Task Force recommendations were presented to the Commissioner. September 2014: ESE issued a contract to bring on a vendor to support the development of the new assessment instrument. December 2014: Development work began December 2014 – February 2015: ESE together with vendor conducted interviews and focus groups with external stakeholders February 2015: Advisory Committee convened. Committee included members of the original Task Force as well as several additional stakeholders. The Advisory Committee met three times between January and June. June 2015: CAP Guidelines released Adopting PSTs that are the same as the Standards of Effective Teaching Practice (those used in the MA Educator Evaluation Framework) was a first step in aligning preparation with the expectations for teachers upon employment; using CAP to assess candidate readiness solidifies the notion of a career continuum that systematically supports educators in continuously improving their practice. Candidate Assessment of Performance 4 Overview of CAP CAP has been built to mirror the experience of educators engaged in the MA Educator Evaluation Framework. Components of the evaluation experience have been modified so that they are appropriate for the context of preparation and focused on essential elements of practice for novice teachers. Aspects of the MA Educator Evaluation Framework that are evident in CAP include: A 5-step cycle that includes self-assessment, goal setting, plan implementation, formative assessment and a summative evaluation. The use of Elements and performance descriptors from the Model Teacher Rubric Assessing performance using multiple measures, including: o Evidence of growth in student learning o Feedback from students o Announced and unannounced observations This intentional alignment exemplifies the cohesion Massachusetts is building across the educator career continuum through our complementary educator effectiveness policies. For a detailed explanation of the parallels between CAP and the MA Educator Evaluation Framework see Appendix H. Preparation Context Considered in CAP It was crucial in building CAP that the system of assessment be appropriately tailored to the context in which the evaluation of the candidate will occur; in this case a practicum or practicum equivalent. There are several considerations that ESE accounted for in modifying the Educator Evaluation Framework for use in preparation: Time: In most cases, teachers engage in the 5-step cycle over the course of an entire school-year or two; in preparation, CAP will need to be executed in as few as 300 hours. Practicums/practicum equivalents range significantly in the number of hours, days and weeks included in the experience. Some candidates participate in a year-long residency while others spend as few as eight weeks in a practicum. As is the case with the practicum experience itself, CAP is intended to be intensive. The level of focused and concentrated examination of practice required Audio Deep Dive: by CAP is necessary for an effective assessment of CAP in Split Practicums candidate readiness. Ownership/Responsibility: Unless already employed as a teacher-of-record2, candidates will be assessed on their skills while working in classrooms that are not their own. It can be challenging in these situations to determine the readiness of a candidate independent from the context in which they are completing the practicum. That being said, it is the expectation that candidates be provided opportunities to demonstrate 2 Candidates that are employed as teachers-of-record are still required to undergo the CAP assessment for program completion. Alignment between the Educator Evaluation Framework and CAP may be leveraged by the candidate and the Sponsoring Organization to reduce duplication of efforts. Ratings on the Educator Evaluation rubric provided by a school/district evaluator do not replace/substitute CAP ratings. Ratings may differ; proficiency on one does not necessitate proficiency on the other. In these cases, ESE encourages Sponsoring Organizations and schools/districts to communicate around expectations for performance. Candidate Assessment of Performance 5 their own skills and abilities within this context. This will require concerted effort from the Supervising Practitioner and the Program Supervisor to coordinate authentic experiences for the candidate during engagement in CAP. Role of Evaluator: Many evaluations under the Educator Evaluation Framework are conducted and concluded by a single evaluator, whereas, ratings provided in CAP are the calibrated and summative judgments of both a Supervising Practitioner and a Program Supervisor. Developmental Progression of Practice: ESE acknowledges that teaching is a profession in which individuals will grow in their expertise and skill-indeed, our collective educator effectiveness policies are dedicated to supporting continuous improvement through the career continuum. We are clear, however, that in order to make an impact with students, teachers must meet a standard for readiness on the first day in the classroom. To that end, with the help of advisory groups and external experts, CAP focuses on assessing elements that are deemed essential to novice teachers being immediately impactful in Massachusetts classrooms. While districts or individual schools may choose to emphasize different elements within their evaluation processes, in the case of CAP, ESE has prescribed the key skills on which readiness will be based. Shifts in Assessment: From PPA to CAP With the 2003 Pre-Service Performance Assessment (PPA), Massachusetts was one of the first states in the nation to implement a standard assessment of candidate performance and require it for program completion across all Sponsoring Organizations. This history is important as Massachusetts embarks on the implementation of CAP, which is similarly a first of its kind endeavor for a state. While the practice of assessment in preparation may not be new for Massachusetts Sponsoring Organizations, there are significant differences in the approach to measuring performance in CAP than what occurred under the PPA. Namely, CAP: Includes a rubric with descriptors for various levels of performance Focuses assessment on six essential elements Uses multiple measures, which have been outlined by ESE, to determine performance Embeds expectations regarding subject-matter (previously gauged through licensespecific questions) within the application of the PSTs; CAP does not include contentbased questions Places the responsibility of evidence collection for judgments on the Program Supervisors/Supervising Practitioners Emphasizes targeted feedback and creates structures (e.g., observation protocol forms) to document improvement in practice Ratings have a direct correlation to performance once employed (as measured by the Educator Evaluation ratings); serving as a source of validation and check and balance on the system Data will be collected by ESE and considered, along with other outcome measures, in program approval Candidate Assessment of Performance 6 These changes continue to emphasize ESE’s desire to support Sponsoring Organizations in strengthening the field-based experiences of teacher preparation candidates and to support their continuous improvement. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) The Candidate Assessment of Performance assesses a candidate’s readiness to positively impact students’ learning. There are two facets of the assessment system: the content and the process. Evidence is collected throughout the 5-Step Cycle (process) in service of measuring whether a candidate has demonstrated skills at a certain level (content). In each section that follows we describe the details of how the content and process individually and collectively contribute to measuring candidate readiness. CAP Content: Six Essential Elements Rubric Overview o Quality, Scope, Consistency o Readiness Thresholds CAP Process: 5-Step Cycle Overview 5-Sep Cycle – Step by Step Categories of Evidence Summative Assessments Roles & Responsibilities CAP Content CAP has been built to measure performance relative to the Professional Standards for Teachers. While these are the same as the Standards of Effective Teaching Practice used in the Educator Evaluation Framework, the construct of the assessment needed to be altered based on the context of preparation. To that end, the first set of decisions considered in the development of CAP was to determine exactly what the assessment needed to measure. The sections that follow detail the decisions made to include or exclude content in a way that maintained the core language and expectations of practice articulated in the Educator Evaluation Framework while adapting it for use in CAP. Candidate Assessment of Performance 7 CAP’s Six Essential Elements CAP assesses candidate performance on six elements. In order to understand the decision to narrow the focus of the assessment to these six elements, you must first understand the structure of the MA Model Teacher Rubric in relation to the PSTs: Standards: Standards are the broad categories of knowledge, skills, and performance of effective practice detailed in the Regulations. There are four Professional Standards for Teachers: 1) Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment Audio Deep Dive: Professional Standards for Teachers 2) Teaching All Students 3) Family and Community Engagement 4) Professional Culture Indicators: Indicators are detailed in PST Guidelines and describe specific knowledge, skills, and performance for each Standard. For each Indicator, there is a corresponding level of practice expectation (introduction, practice, demonstrate). As a result, the expectations for individual Indicators are differentiated. Elements: The elements are more specific descriptions of actions and behaviors. The elements further break down the Indicators into more specific aspects of educator practice. Overall, there are 23 PST Indicators, 13 of which were designated at the “demonstrate” level of practice. The graphic below shows how these Indicators were narrowed into the essential elements. In order to reduce the scope of the assessment, ESE worked with external consultants, internal experts, and the advisory committee to select elements that were considered essential. Candidate Assessment of Performance 8 Elements were deemed essential if: The absence of a teacher’s competency in the skill was likely to put students at risk The element could serve as an umbrella for skills outlined in other elements, in most cases other elements were pre-requisite skills to those outlined in the essential element. See Appendix F for the crosswalk of coverage. ESE is committed to monitoring the efficacy of the choices made in selecting the essential elements and will revise/update CAP as appropriate in the coming years. The following were selected as Essential Elements: Standard 1: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment 2: Teaching All Students 4: Professional Culture Element Proficient Descriptor* 1.A.4: WellDevelops well-structured lessons with challenging, Structured Lessons measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping. 1.B.2: Adjustment Organizes and analyzes results from a variety of to Practice assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for students. 2.A.3: Meeting Uses appropriate practices, including tiered Diverse Needs instruction and scaffolds, to accommodate differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness, including those of students with disabilities and English language learners. 2.B.1: Safe Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that Learning create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual Environment environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented. 2.D.2: High Effectively models and reinforces ways that students Expectations can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability. 4.A.1: Reflective Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, Practice units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. *Proficient Descriptor is included here to provide a sense of the expectation outlined in the element. Specifics about the expectations of demonstrated competency for preparation candidates is outlined further in the Rubric Overview section below. Overall, we believe that the combined performance on these elements will be representative of candidates’ readiness to be impactful on day one. Again, ESE plans to collect data to assess the extent to which these elements are predictive of performance once employed. Candidate Assessment of Performance 9 While ESE has identified essential elements for purposes of CAP, Sponsoring Organizations and candidates should keep the following in mind: CAP is a program completion requirement, not a licensure requirement. It is embedded as a program requirement because there are other indicators and expectations of readiness, both outlined by ESE and upon an individual Sponsoring Organizations’ discretion. Sponsoring Organizations may choose to include additional elements and have the authority as an approved Sponsoring Organization to consider other factors in determinations about readiness and ultimately endorsement for licensure. It is important to note that the levels of practice established in the PST Guidelines do not suggest a hierarchy or priority of skills. Rather, candidates should experience thoughtful exposure to each Indicator and have appropriate opportunities to practice or demonstrate the Indicators at the intended level. A key purpose of CAP is to provide teacher candidates with targeted feedback to inform their growth and ensure that candidates meet a threshold of performance expectations. Targeted, detailed feedback requires fine-grained descriptions of educator practice. The detailed descriptors of each element allow teacher candidates and assessors to prioritize specific areas for evidence-gathering, feedback, and assessment. The result is a more transparent and manageable process. CAP Rubric Overview As is the case with the MA Model Teacher Rubric, the CAP Rubric is designed to help candidates and assessors: 1) develop a consistent, shared understanding of what performance looks like in practice, 2) develop a common terminology and structure to organize evidence, and 3) make informed professional judgments about performance ratings. In support of these goals, the CAP Rubric serves as the content anchor throughout the process and as a result is used in each step of the 5-Step Cycle. The CAP Rubric has several features that, relative to the MA Model Teacher Rubric, are unique. It is important to note, that while the CAP Rubric looks different than the MA Model Rubric for Teachers it varies in form only. The CAP Rubric uses the exact language of performance descriptors outlined in the MA Model Teacher Rubric; this helps maintain alignment and consistency. The major difference between the two rubrics is that the CAP Rubric unpacks the performance descriptors and sets varying thresholds for performance within an element. Candidate performance in an element is assessed across three dimensions: Quality, Scope, and Consistency Candidate Assessment of Performance 10 Below is a graphic illustrating the main features of the CAP Rubric. Quality, Scope & Consistency The performance descriptors presented in the MA Model Teacher Rubric are constructed in relation to these three dimensions: Quality, Scope, and Consistency. The extent to which a teachers’ performance varies within an element (from Unsatisfactory to Exemplary) is directly related to the Quality, Scope, and Consistency that is demonstrated relative to that skill or behavior. Therefore, in pulling out these aspects of performance we are deconstructing the Rubric, not changing it. By considering performance across these dimensions we are also able to further differentiate appropriate expectations for novice teachers. Assessors and candidates should consider the following explanations in rating performance in each dimension: Quality: ability to perform the skill, action or behavior as described in the proficient performance descriptor Consistency: the frequency (e.g., all the time, sometimes, once) that the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Scope: the scale of impact (e.g., one student, subset of children, all students) to which the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Assessors rate a teacher candidate on the Quality, Scope and Consistency of their practice on the six essential elements. Audio Deep Dive: Quality, Scope & Consistency The rubric sets an expectation for teacher candidates to meet a minimum threshold in exhibiting Quality, Scope and Consistency on a particular element. A teacher candidate must meet the minimum threshold established for each element of the CAP. Candidate Assessment of Performance 11 Readiness Thresholds ESE expects candidates to be ready to make a positive impact on day one, which does not necessarily equate to full proficiency. ESE has established minimum thresholds in each dimension of readiness. These are highlighted and noted with a star in the rubric. Candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiency for all elements in the dimension of Quality. As you can see from both the bold line in the CAP Rubric itself as well as from the dimension explanations above, achieving the threshold in Quality is a precursor to be rated for Consistency and Scope. In this way, the Quality rating serves as a gatekeeper. Throughout the Rubric, ESE has established consistent thresholds for all elements: Quality Proficient Consistency Needs Improvement Scope Needs Improvement These minimum thresholds may change as additional research on CAP is completed. Sponsoring Organizations may establish higher thresholds if they choose. Candidates must meet all readiness thresholds. CAP Process Like the translation of content from the Educator Evaluation Framework to CAP, the CAP process similarly parallels the Framework in terms of process. There are, however, key differences. The Educator Evaluation Framework focuses on driving the professional growth and continuous improvement of an educator; whereas in CAP, the primary purpose is to assess baseline readiness for entry into the profession. This difference in purpose necessitated several structural adjustments to the Educator Evaluation Framework for application in CAP. CAP 5-Step Cycle Overview In the MA Educator Evaluation Framework, the goal of the 5-Step Cycle is to provide educators with a continuous opportunity for professional growth and development through self-directed analysis and reflection, planning, action steps, and collaboration. While these goals remain present in CAP, they are secondary to the primary goal of assessing candidate readiness. To this end, the 5-Step Cycle used in CAP has been modified to meet the needs of candidates, Program Supervisors, and Supervising Practitioners, but retains the same core architecture of the cycle included in the Educator Evaluation Framework: Step 1: Self-Assessment Step 2: Goal-Setting and Plan Development Step 3: Plan Implementation Step 4: Formative Assessment Step 5: Summative Evaluation The following graphic represents the CAP 5-Step Cycle, with pre-and post-cycle events included. Candidate Assessment of Performance 12 Candidate Assessment of Performance 13 CAP 5-Step Cycle: Step-by-Step The descriptions that follow outline the CAP 5-Step Cycle step-by-step. In each step we have provided details of the events that are expected to occur as well as an anticipated timeframe. For each item we have provided a link to the required form and/or a supporting resource. Audio Deep Dive: Pre-Cycle Pre-Cycle Announced Obs. #1 Pre-Conference: Teacher candidate and the Program Supervisor meet in Pre-Conference for announced observation #1. Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Pre-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) Announced Obs. #1: The Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner conduct the first observation. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D) Establish Student Impact Rating Scale: The Supervising Practitioner, with support from the Program Supervisor as needed, determines which assessment(s) will be used for measuring teacher candidate impact on student learning. Resource: Measuring Candidate Impact on Student Learning (Appendix G) Announced Obs. # 1 Calibration: The Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner discuss the evidence collected during the observation and calibrate on the feedback to be provided to the teacher candidate; including initial ratings on the CAP Rubric. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D); Resource: Model Observation Protocol: After the Observation (Appendix D) WHAT WHEN Within the first three weeks of the beginning of the practicum. Step 1: Self-Assessment WHAT WHEN Complete Self-Assessment: The teacher candidate completes a Self-Assessment. Candidates should be completing the Self-Assessment based on prior experiences in pre-practicum and coursework to assess current skill set. Required: Self-Assessment Summary Form (Appendix B). Draft Preliminary Goals: The teacher candidate uses information from the SelfAssessment to draft a preliminary professional practice goal. Required: Preliminary Goal-Setting & Plan Development Form (Appendix B) Share Self-Assessment & Preliminary Goals: The teacher candidate shares the SelfAssessment form and the draft goals with the Supervising Practitioner and the Program Supervisor prior to the first Three-Way Meeting. Within the first three weeks of the beginning of the practicum. After Announced Observation #1 and before the post-conference and first Three-Way Meeting. Candidate Assessment of Performance 14 Step 2: Goal Setting and Plan Development WHAT First Three-Way Meeting: During the first Three-Way Meeting the Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner: Conduct a post-conference for Announced Observation #1. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D), Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) Share baseline ratings on the CAP Rubric and discuss based on the candidate’s Self-Assessment. Resource: CAP Rubric and Form (Appendix A) Work with the candidate to finalize the goals and outline a plan for implementing those goals. Resource: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Form (Appendix C) Required: CAP Form and Rubric Section 1 & 3 (Appendix A), Resources: Three-Way Meeting Checklist (Appendix E) WHEN Within 2-5 days after Announced Observation #1 Step 3: Plan Implementation Unannounced Obs. #1: The Supervising Practitioner will conduct Unannounced Observation #1. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D) Unannounced Obs. #1 Post-Conference: The Supervising Practitioner and the teacher candidate will meet for a post-conference after Unannounced Observation #1. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D). Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) Collect Student Feedback: The teacher candidate administers student feedback surveys, using the Model Student Feedback Surveys. Announced Obs. #2: Pre-Conference: The teacher candidate and the Program Supervisor hold a Pre-Conference for Announced Observation #2. Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Pre-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) Announced Obs. #2: The Program Supervisor will conduct the second Announced Observation #2. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D) Announced Obs. #2 Post-Conference: Conduct a post-conference for Announced Observation #2. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D), Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) WHAT WHEN Unannounced Observation #1: About one-third of the way through the practicum. At least one week after the 1st Three-Way meeting. Administer Student Feedback & Announced Observation #2: Half-way through practicum. Candidate Assessment of Performance 15 More Observations as Needed Step 4: Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Calibration: The Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner should discuss the evidence collected thus far (including observations and results from student feedback) and calibrate on the feedback to be provided to the teacher candidate; including formative ratings on the CAP Rubric. Required: CAP Form & Rubric (Appendix A) 2nd Three-Way Meeting: During the second Three-Way Meeting the Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner: Share formative ratings on the CAP Rubric and discuss. Required: CAP Form & Rubric (Appendix A) Revisit candidate goal(s) and plan; adjust accordingly (including potentially modifying the goal, increasing supports, adding additional observations, etc.). Resource: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Form (Appendix C) WHAT Required: CAP Form and Rubric Section 2 & 3 (Appendix A), Resources: Three-Way Meeting Checklist (Appendix E) WHEN Half-way through practicum. After Announced Observation #2. More Observations as Needed Step 5: Summative Assessment Unannounced Obs. #2: The Supervising Practitioner will conduct Unannounced Observation #2. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D) Unannounced Obs. #2 Post-Conference: The Supervising Practitioner and the teacher candidate will meet for a post-conference after Unannounced Observation #2. Program Supervisor is optional for post-conference and observation. Required: Observation Forms (Appendix D). Resource: Model Observation Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form (Appendix D) Summative Assessment Calibration: The Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner should discuss the entire body of evidence collected (including observations, results from student feedback, candidate artifacts and measures of student impact) and calibrate on the assessment to be provided to the teacher candidate; including summative ratings on the CAP Rubric. Required: CAP Form & Rubric (Appendix A) WHAT Candidate Assessment of Performance 16 Final Three-Way Meeting: During the final Three-Way Meeting the Program Supervisor and the Supervising Practitioner: Share summative ratings on the CAP Rubric and discuss. Required: CAP Form & Rubric (Appendix A) Complete CAP Form with the candidate. Required: Required: CAP Form & Rubric (Appendix A) Resources: Three-Way Meeting Checklist (Appendix E) WHEN Unannounced Observation #2: About two-thirds of the way through the practicum. At least one-week after the 2nd Three-Way Meeting. Final Three-Way Meeting: Within the final two weeks of the practicum Post-Cycle WHAT WHEN Develop Professional Practice Goal: The teacher candidate will establish a preliminary professional practice goal based on the results of the summative assessment, which can be used to support the transition into his/her first year of employment. Resource: Preliminary Goal-Setting & Plan Development Form & MA Model Teacher Rubric After the Summative Assessment. CAP 5-Step Cycle: Scheduling ESE recognizes that the length of practicum experiences can vary widely according to the educator preparation programs in which teacher candidates are enrolled. Because of these variances, a prescriptive timeline for completing the CAP cannot be strictly identified. As you can see from the timeframe estimates above, each step is presented is relation to the context of the length of the practicum. SOs should modify this schedule accordingly. When planning and scheduling, it is recommended that: • each of the four observations (two announced, two unannounced) be equally spaced apart, and • post-conferences happen within two to five days following observations to ensure timely, useful feedback to candidates. Candidate Assessment of Performance 17 Categories of Evidence The assessment of candidate readiness through CAP is made using multiple measures. There are four major categories of evidence required in CAP: observations, impact on student learning, student feedback, and candidate artifacts. In addition to these required categories of evidence, SOs may identify other sources of evidence or more narrowly specify the evidence required in each category. Observations Teacher candidates are observed in at least two announced and two unannounced observations during their practicums. Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners actively collect evidence during the observation and then synthesize the key evidence to provide focused feedback to candidates. Each observation is documented using the Observation Forms available in Appendix D. It is important to note that observations are part of an assessment. To this end, assessors should be cautious to not dramatically influence or interfere with the candidate’s performance. Full guidance and support for collecting evidence through observations can be found in Observation Forms and Model Protocol (Appendix D). Measure of Student Learning Working together with the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner, candidates will be expected to develop a student learning goal. Assessment(s) for measuring a teacher candidate’s impact on student learning will be finalized during the first Three-Way Meeting. The Supervising Practitioner should identify at least one measure of student learning, growth, or achievement that assesses a meaningful sample of the content the teacher candidate is primarily responsible for teaching. The Supervising Practitioner will set clear expectations for how and when the measure will be administered and scored. In addition, the Supervising Practitioner will rely on his/her professional experience with the identified measure(s) and understanding of the specific learning context, to set parameters for a range of expected learning, growth, or achievement (see ESE’s Implementation Brief on Audio Deep Dive: Measure of Student Learning Scoring and Parameter Setting for more information about this process). Full guidance and support for collecting evidence of candidate impact on student learning can be found in Measuring Candidate Impact on Student Learning (Appendix G). Student Feedback Feedback from students plays a key role in teaching and learning in the Commonwealth and can be a critical source of evidence in understanding candidate performance. Student feedback must be collected using model ESE Student Feedback Surveys. These surveys have been carefully crafted for alignment to the Standards for Effective Teaching practice and items have been validated for use in the Educator Evaluation Framework.3 3 More information about the development and statistical properties of the surveys please visit: Candidate Assessment of Performance 18 Teacher candidates (or their Supervising Practitioner) may administer the short form of the student feedback surveys; although, ESE encourages the administration of the standard form as it provides more substantial information about teaching practice and students’ perceptions of the teacher candidate. Audio Deep Dive: Student Feedback Surveys ESE Model Feedback Surveys have been validated for use in grades 3-12. For candidates in PreK-2 placements, the Supervising Practitioner may solicit feedback from students using the K-2 Discussion Prompts & Administration Protocol. Due to the time-consuming nature of conducting interviews of Pre-K-2 students, Supervising Practitioners may solicit feedback from a representative sample of students. Candidate Artifacts Additional artifacts may be submitted as evidence to support the assessment of candidates. These artifacts may include, but are not limited to: • unit and/or lesson plans • examples of students’ work • behavior plans/ behavior data • audio/video recordings • reflection logs One candidate artifact that is required to be collected is the Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting Forms (Appendix B). Assessors should use evidence from these forms to assess candidate’s readiness on the 4.A.1 Reflective Practice element. Evidence Requirements for Each Essential Element CAP has been designed to generate and collect evidence for each of the essential elements. Each component of the process has been developed to strategically support the assessors and candidates in providing sufficient evidence that the thresholds for each element are being met. The table below outlines the types of evidence that are, at a minimum, required to be used in assessing each element. As you can see, each element has at least two required sources of evidence. Evidence collection is not limited to the minimum requirements. Candidate Assessment of Performance 19 The Summative Assessment Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners are responsible for conducting a summative assessment with each candidate at the conclusion of CAP. Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners jointly determine the overall ratings based on their collective professional judgment and a thorough examination of evidence that demonstrate the candidate has met all readiness thresholds and is prepared to have positive impact on students. The Role of Professional Judgment How does an assessor know how to rate a specific element? How does this translate into an overall determination of readiness? There are no numbers or percentages that dictate ratings on elements or the summative readiness determination for an individual candidate. This approach to assessment is modeled on the underlying tenets of the Educator Evaluation Framework. Consider the following excerpt from educator evaluation guidance on the Summative Performance Rating: Rather than adopt a more mechanistic, one-size-fits all approach to supervision and evaluation, the Massachusetts evaluation framework encourages evaluators to look for trends and patterns in practice across multiple types of evidence and apply their professional judgment based on this evidence when evaluating an educator.4 The role of evidence and professional judgment in the determination of ratings on performance Standards and an overall Summative Performance Rating is paramount in this process. Formulaic or numerical processes that calculate outcome ratings and preclude the application of professional judgment are inconsistent with the letter and the spirit of the evaluation framework. The use of professional judgment based on multiple types of evidence promotes a more holistic and comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators are also encouraged to take into account how educators respond to or apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to individual educator performance, such as: school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one Standard; an educator’s number of goals; experience level and/or leadership opportunities; and contextual variables that may impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas. That said, professional judgment does not equate to a “black box” from which evaluators can determine a performance rating. Evaluators must be well versed in and follow three regulatory requirements in the application of professional judgment to an educator’s practice: 4 “…[T]he evaluator determines an overall rating of educator performance based on the evaluator's professional judgment and an examination of evidence that demonstrates the educator's performance against Performance Standards and evidence of the attainment of the Educator Plan goals” (603 CMR 35.06(6); see also ESE Model Teacher & Caseload Educator Contract, Section 14(b)); “The professional judgment of the primary evaluator shall determine the overall summative rating that the Educator receives” (ESE Model Teacher & Caseload Educator Contract, Section 14(c)). Candidate Assessment of Performance 20 Inclusion of three Categories of Evidence (organized and analyzed using a performance rubric) Audio Deep Dive: Assessment of Goal Attainment Summative Ratings Minimum Threshold Requirements This same line of thinking is applied to decision-making in CAP. The figure below illustrates the entire process by which an assessor determines a Summative Performance Rating. Based on evidence from four distinct categories of evidence, the assessor applies his/her professional judgment to (1) an evaluation of the candidate’s practice within each of the six essential elements, and (2) an assessment of the degree to which the candidate met his/her professional practice goal(s). Roles & Responsibilities There are several stakeholders involved in the effective implementation of field-based experiences and the assessment of candidate readiness through CAP. Below we have detailed the essential responsibilities for: Sponsoring Organizations, PK-12 Schools and District Partners, Program Supervisors, Supervising Practitioners and candidates. The functions that follow are critical to both candidate preparedness and the effective assessment of practice. Ultimately, it will be the combined effort of all parties involved to ensure that candidates are indeed ready to make impact on day one. Sponsoring Organizations: Work to serve the needs of PK-12 partners; involve partners in the design and execution of field-based experiences; and engage in partnerships that improve the experience for preparation candidates and outcomes for PK-12 students. Design, implement and evaluate the quality of field-based experiences ensuring that they begin Candidate Assessment of Performance 21 early in preparation, cover a range of time periods within the school year, are in settings with diverse learners and build to candidate readiness for the licensure role. Identify candidates throughout the program who may be at-risk of not meeting standards and provide necessary supports and guidance to guide improvement or exit. Identify Supervising Practitioners that meet all regulatory requirements, including being rated as proficient or higher on their most recent summative evaluation, and monitor their efficacy in impacting candidate performance. Provide training, support, and development to Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners that impacts candidate effectiveness. Ensure that all candidates receive consistent guidance, support and high-quality feedback during field-based experiences with the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner. Oversee CAP as the culminating assessment of performance and ensure that it serves to document the evidence of candidate readiness (or not) for the licensure role. Maintain all required CAP forms on file at the Sponsoring Organization. Develop programs of study that ensure candidates are prepared to demonstrate readiness in their practicum placements. Use formative and summative assessment data to target areas of candidate need. Use data from CAP to inform strategic decisions that have a positive impact on programs, candidates and employing PK-12 partners. PK-12 Schools and District Partners Engage in the design, implementation and evaluation of field-based experiences. Provide Sponsoring Organizations with a list of potential Supervising Practitioners that meet regulatory requirements, including being rated as proficient or higher on their most recent summative evaluation. Support teachers serving in the role as Supervising Practitioners; monitor their efficacy in impacting candidate effectiveness; and recognize individuals’ contributions to the profession. Coordinate with Sponsoring Organizations to implement field-based experiences that cover a range of time periods and are in settings with diverse learners. When appropriate, calibrate observations and feedback with Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner to ensure teachers are receiving consistent messages about their practice. Program Supervisor Provide candidates with consistent guidance, support and high-quality feedback during field based experiences that improves their practice. Use CAP as outlined in these guidelines to assess and document evidence of candidate readiness for the licensure role. Coordinate the CAP process in collaboration with the Supervising Practitioner and candidate; stay on top of timelines, facilitate meetings; calibrate with the Supervising Practitioner; submit all forms. Actively collect evidence during observations, synthesize and analyze the evidence to provide focused feedback to the candidate about their performance. Conduct at least two observations of the candidate; review information from all observations; Candidate Assessment of Performance 22 support the Supervising Practitioner in conducting observations. Submit data on candidate performance on CAP. Supervising Practitioner Use CAP as outlined in these guidelines to assess Audio Deep Dive: and document evidence of candidate readiness Supervising Practitioners for the licensure role. Conduct at least two observations of the candidate; review information from all observations; support the Program Supervisor in conducting observations. Actively collect evidence during observations, synthesize and analyze the evidence to provide focused feedback to the candidate about their performance. Identify and set the measures of student learning to be used in CAP prior to the first Three-Way Meeting, support Program Supervisor in interpreting candidate performance relative to the parameters that were set. Administer, or support the candidate in administering, the student feedback surveys. Candidate Participate in CAP as outlined in these guidelines including attending Three-Way Meetings; being available for additional observations, and collecting evidence of candidate artifacts. Engage in early field-based experiences and activities in coursework that provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate readiness for the licensure role. Demonstrate competency at all threshold levels; attain growth on professional practice goal; have a moderate or high impact on student learning. Administer, or support the Supervising Practitioner in administering, the student feedback surveys. Provide feedback to your Sponsoring Organization about your experience in your preparation program. Candidate Assessment of Performance 23 Appendices APPENDIX A: CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE (CAP) FORM AND RUBRIC ....................................... 25 APPENDIX B: CANDIDATE SELF-ASSESSMENT & GOAL-SETTING ........................................................................... 34 CANDIDATE SELF-ASSESSMENT & GOAL-SETTING: AN OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... 35 Self-Assessment ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Goal-Setting & Plan Development ..................................................................................................................... 36 CANDIDATE SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM ............................................................................................................................. 37 APPENDIX C: FINALIZED GOAL & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FORM....................................................................... 42 APPENDIX D: OBSERVATION FORMS & MODEL PROTOCOL ................................................................................ 44 OBSERVATION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Announced Observation #1 ............................................................................................................................... 51 Unnnounced Observation #1 ............................................................................................................................. 53 Announced Observation #2 ............................................................................................................................... 54 Unannounced Observation #2 ........................................................................................................................... 54 ESE MODEL OBSERVATION PROTOCOL ........................................................................................................................... 51 Before the Observation ..................................................................................................................................... 51 During the Observation ..................................................................................................................................... 53 After the Observation ........................................................................................................................................ 54 APPENDIX E: THREE-WAY MEETING CHECKLISTS ................................................................................................. 62 APPENDIX F: CROSSWALK FOR THE SIX ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF CAP AND PST GUIDELINES .............................. 65 APPENDIX G: MEASURING CANDIDATE IMPACT ON STUDENT LEARNING ........................................................... 68 APPENDIX H: CAP & THE EDUCATOR EVALUATION FRAMEWORK ........................................................................ 70 APPENDIX I: 603 CMR 7.00 REGULATIONS FOR EDUCATOR LICENSURE AND PROGRAM APPROVAL .................... 73 Candidate Assessment of Performance 24 Appendix A: Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form and Rubric The following appendix includes three sections to be completed: Section 1: General information should be completed by the teacher candidate and the Program Supervisor Section 2: Rubrics should be completed by the Supervising Practitioner and the Program Supervisor Section 3: Summary and Signatures will need to be completed by the Supervising Practitioner, the Program Supervisor, and the teacher candidate. All sections of the form must be retained on file at the Sponsoring Organization. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric Candidate Assessment of Performance Form and Rubric Section 1: General Information (to be completed by the Candidate) Candidate Information First Name: Last Name: Street Address: City/Town: State: Zip: MEPID #: Massachusetts license number(if applicable): Program Information Sponsoring Organization: Program Area & Grade Level: Have any components of the approved program been waived? 603 CMR 7.03(1)(b) Practicum Information Yes Practicum Practicum/Equivalent Course Number: No Practicum Equivalent Credit hours: Practicum/Equivalent Seminar Course Title: Practicum/Equivalent Site: Grade Level(s) of Students: Total Number of Practicum Hours: Number of hours assumed full responsibility in the role: Supervising Practitioner Information (to be completed by the Program Supervisor) Name: School District: Position: License Field(s): MEPID or License # # of years experience under license: Initial Professional Yes No To the best of my knowledge (per the Supervising Practitioner’s Principal/Evaluator), the Supervising Practitioner has received a summative evaluation rating of proficient or higher in his most recent evaluation. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric Section 2: CAP Rubric (to be completed by the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner ) I.A.4: Well-Structure Lessons Unsatisfactory I-A-4. WellStructured Lessons Develops lessons with inappropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and/or grouping for the intended outcome or for the students in the class. Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Develops lessons with only some elements of appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and grouping. Develops well-structured lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping. Develops well-structured and highly engaging lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping to attend to every student’s needs. Is able to model this element. Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric I.B.2: Adjustment to Practice Unsatisfactory Makes few adjustments to practice based on formal and informal assessments. Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary May organize and analyze some assessment results but only occasionally adjusts practice or modifies future instruction based on the findings. Organizes and analyzes results from a variety of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for students. Organizes and analyzes results from a comprehensive system of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and frequently uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for individuals and groups of students and appropriate modifications of lessons and units. Is able to model this element. I-B-2. Adjustment to Practice Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric II.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs II-A-3. Meeting Diverse Needs Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Uses limited and/or inappropriate practices to accommodate differences. May use some appropriate practices to accommodate differences, but fails to address an adequate range of differences. Uses appropriate practices, including tiered instruction and scaffolds, to accommodate differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness, including those of students with disabilities and English learners. Uses a varied repertoire of practices to create structured opportunities for each student to meet or exceed state standards/local curriculum and behavioral expectations. Is able to model this element. Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric II.B.1: Safe Learning Environment II-B-1. Safe Learning Environment Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Maintains a physical environment that is unsafe or does not support student learning. Uses inappropriate or ineffective rituals, routines, and/or responses to reinforce positive behavior or respond to behaviors that interfere with students’ learning. May create and maintain a safe physical environment but inconsistently maintains rituals, routines, and responses needed to prevent and/or stop behaviors that interfere with all students’ learning. Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented. Uses rituals, routines, and proactive responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and play an active role—individually and collectively—in preventing behaviors that interfere with learning. Is able to model this element. Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric II.D.2: High Expectations II-D-2. High Expectations Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Gives up on some students or communicates that some cannot master challenging material. May tell students that the subject or assignment is challenging and that they need to work hard but does little to counteract student misconceptions about innate ability. Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability. Exemplary Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can consistently master challenging material through effective effort. Successfully challenges students’ misconceptions about innate ability. Is able to model this element. * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: Proficient * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric IV.A.1: Reflective Practice Unsatisfactory IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. Needs Improvement May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Formative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: Exemplary Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element. * * * Summative Assessment Quality Scope Consistency Evidence: Proficient * * * Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric Candidate Assessment of Performance Form and Rubric Section 3: Summary and Signatures Three-Way Meetings 1st Three-Way Meeting Candidate Supervising Practitioner Date: 2nd Three-Way Meeting Program Supervisor Candidate Supervising Practitioner Date: Final Three-Way Meeting Program Supervisor Candidate Supervising Practitioner Date: Program Supervisor Summary Ratings Element 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 1.B.2: Adjustment to Practice 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment 2.D.2: High Expectations 4.A.1: Reflective Practice Quality Based on the candidate’s performance as measured on the CAP Rubric, we have determined this candidate to be: Consistency Ready to Teach Scope Readiness Thresholds Met? Not Yet Ready Supervising Practitioner Date: Program Supervisor Date: Mediator (if necessary see: 603 CMR 7.04(4)) Date: Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Form & Rubric Appendix B: Candidate Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting This section provides an overview of expectations for the candidate in conducting a Self-Assessment and developing preliminary goals and a plan for improvement. Included are: Overview of the Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting processes Candidate Self-Assessment Form Preliminary Goal-Setting and Plan Development Form As a companion to these documents, please see Appendix C which includes the form to record the finalized goals and implementation plan. Candidate Assessment of Performance 34 Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting Candidate Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting: An Overview One of the most important characteristics of the MA Educator Evaluation Framework is that it is designed to provide each educator with significant agency over his/her evaluation experience. That starts with the SelfAssessment, during which educators reflect on their practice, review data, and identify areas of focus for his/her goals. Likewise, the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) positions candidates to play a lead role in maximizing their practicum experiences through the inclusion of self-assessment and goal setting activities. With support from the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner, the candidate evaluates his/her practice and develops a professional practice goal that will help guide action steps, resources/support and feedback throughout the 5-Step Cycle. The forms that follow were developed to guide candidates through the self-assessment and goal-setting processes. The Self-Assessment and draft goal are shared with the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner in advance of the first Three-Way Meeting and will be used as a source of evidence for the 4.A.1 Reflective Practice essential element. Self-Assessment In conducting the Self-Assessment, candidates are asked to consider their prior experiences and generate an authentic assessment of where their strengths lie and where there are areas in need of improvement. Analysis of prior and existing practice is grounded in the CAP Rubric. Candidates should reflect on the following in completing the Self-Assessment: Skills acquired in coursework Experiences in pre-practicum Targeted feedback they have received about their practice Evidence of impact with students Reflection on performance in Announced Observation #1 In the Self-Assessment, as in the CAP Rubric, candidates are asked to consider aspects of their knowledge and skill across three dimensions: Quality: ability to perform the skill, action or behavior as described in the proficient performance descriptor Consistency: the frequency (e.g., all the time, sometimes, once) that the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Scope: the scale of impact (e.g., one student, subset of children, all students) to which the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality By considering performance across these dimensions candidates are able to identify discrete and specific areas of strength and areas for growth. The self-assessment form does not, however, include the thresholds present in the CAP Rubric to ensure that the inclusion of the established expectations for performance do not unintentionally hinder candidates’ ability to provide an authentic assessment of his/her performance. Candidates should complete the Self-Assessment within the first three weeks of the practicum placement. Candidates will be asked to share the completed Self-Assessment with the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner. 35 Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting Goal-Setting & Plan Development Candidates are required to draft a professional practice goal as part of the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP). Professional practice goals are driven by the needs of the individual educator in relation to the four Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs). Professional practice goals should be closely aligned to the CAP Rubric and support the learning and development of the candidate, with the intent of helping him/her improve his/her practice. Unlike in the Educator Evaluation Framework, candidates are not required to draft a student learning goal while engaging in CAP as this is measure is set for them by the Supervising Practitioner. Through the goal-setting form, candidates are guided to craft a S.M.A.R.T goal, consistent with practices expected of educators under the Educator Evaluation Framework. The S.M.A.R.T goal framework is useful in helping individual create effective goals and action plans. Key characteristics of S.M.A.R.T goals are: S = Specific and Strategic – Goals should be specific so that at the end of the evaluation cycle educators and evaluators can determine whether they have been achieved. Goals should also be strategic, i.e., serve an important purpose for students, the school, and/or the district. M = Measurable – Goals should be measurable so that progress toward a goal can be evaluated and managed. A = Action Oriented – Goals have active, not passive verbs. The action steps attached to the goals indicate who is doing what. R = Rigorous, Realistic, and Results Focused (the 3 Rs) – Goals should make clear what will be different as a result of achieving the goal. A goal needs to describe a realistic yet ambitious result. It needs to stretch the educator, team, school, or district toward improvement, but it should not be out of reach. T = Timed and Tracked – A goal needs to have a final deadline, as well as interim deadlines by when key actions will be completed and benchmarks will be achieved. Tracking the progress on both action steps and outcome benchmarks is important, as they help educators know whether they are on track to achieve the goal, and give educators information they need to make midcourse corrections. Candidates’ professional practices goals should be derived from the Self-Assessment, and target specific areas they identified as opportunities for growth. Goals will be finalized during the first Three-Way Meeting. 36 Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment Form Candidate Self-Assessment Form Directions: Independently, reflect on your performance in each dimension of an element. Use the performance descriptors from the CAP Rubric to help ground your assessment. Authenticity is encouraged. Consider the following in rating your current level of performance (as applicable): Skills acquired in coursework Experiences in pre-practicum Targeted feedback you have received about your practice Evidence of impact with students Reflection on performance in Announced Observation #1 Unsatisfactory I-A-4. WellStructured Lessons Develops lessons with inappropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and/or grouping for the intended outcome or for the students in the class. I.A.4: Well-Structure Lessons Needs Improvement Proficient Develops lessons with only some elements of appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and grouping. Develops well-structured lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping. Exemplary Develops well-structured and highly engaging lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping to attend to every student’s needs. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency I.B.2: Adjustment to Practice I-B-2. Adjustment to Practice Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Makes few adjustments to practice based on formal and informal assessments. May organize and analyze some assessment results but only occasionally adjusts practice or modifies future instruction based on the findings. Organizes and analyzes results from a variety of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for students. Organizes and analyzes results from a comprehensive system of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and frequently uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for individuals and groups of students and appropriate modifications of lessons and units. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency Dimensions of Readiness: Quality: ability to perform the skill, action or behavior; Consistency: the frequency (e.g., all the time, sometimes, once) that the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality; Scope: the scale of impact (e.g., one student, subset of children, all students) to which the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment Form II.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs II-A-3. Meeting Diverse Needs Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Uses limited and/or inappropriate practices to accommodate differences. May use some appropriate practices to accommodate differences, but fails to address an adequate range of differences. Uses appropriate practices, including tiered instruction and scaffolds, to accommodate differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness, including those of students with disabilities and English learners. Uses a varied repertoire of practices to create structured opportunities for each student to meet or exceed state standards/local curriculum and behavioral expectations. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency II.B.1: Safe Learning Environment II-B-1. Safe Learning Environment Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Maintains a physical environment that is unsafe or does not support student learning. Uses inappropriate or ineffective rituals, routines, and/or responses to reinforce positive behavior or respond to behaviors that interfere with students’ learning. May create and maintain a safe physical environment but inconsistently maintains rituals, routines, and responses needed to prevent and/or stop behaviors that interfere with all students’ learning. Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented. Uses rituals, routines, and proactive responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and play an active role—individually and collectively—in preventing behaviors that interfere with learning. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency Dimensions of Readiness: Quality: ability to perform the skill, action or behavior; Consistency: the frequency (e.g., all the time, sometimes, once) that the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality; Scope: the scale of impact (e.g., one student, subset of children, all students) to which the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment Form II.D.2: High Expectations II-D-2. High Expectations Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Gives up on some students or communicates that some cannot master challenging material. May tell students that the subject or assignment is challenging and that they need to work hard but does little to counteract student misconceptions about innate ability. Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability. Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can consistently master challenging material through effective effort. Successfully challenges students’ misconceptions about innate ability. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency IV.A.1: Reflective Practice IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element. Quality Scope Consistency Dimensions of Readiness: Quality: ability to perform the skill, action or behavior; Consistency: the frequency (e.g., all the time, sometimes, once) that the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality; Scope: the scale of impact (e.g., one student, subset of children, all students) to which the skill, action or behavior is demonstrated with quality Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Self-Assessment Form Candidate Self-Assessment: Summary Sheet Name: Date: Directions: In the table below, please record the rating for each element. Use the following key: Exemplary (E), Proficient (P), Needs Improvement (NI), Unsatisfactory (U) Element 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 1.B.2: Adjustment to Practice 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment 2.D.2: High Expectations 4.A.1: Reflective Practice Self-Assessment Summary Quality Consistency Scope Based on your Self-Assessment, briefly summarize your areas of strength and high-priority areas for growth. Area(s) of Strength Evidence/Rationale Element/Dimension Area(s) for Growth Evidence/Rationale Element/Dimension Please share your Self-Assessment Summary as well as the Goal Setting & Plan Development Forms with your Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner at least three days in advance of the initial Three-Way Meeting, or earlier upon request. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Goal-Setting & Plan Development Preliminary Goal-Setting & Plan Development Name: Date: Prompt: Identify/Clarify a Focus or Goal Topic (Essential Element, See Self-Assessment Form) Strategic Prompt: Why is this topic/focus area important? Objective: Specific, Rigorous, Results-Focused Prompt: What skills, knowledge, or practice will I acquire or develop through achieving this goal? Realistic, Timed Prompt: When will I achieve this goal? Action-Oriented, Tracked Prompt: How will I demonstrate progress toward this goal? Measured Prompt: How will I know the goal has been achieved? Draft Professional Practice Goal: What actions will you take to achieve the goal? What actions/supports/resources will you need from your Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner? Appendix C: Finalized Goal & Implementation Plan Form The form that follows may be used in documenting the candidate’s finalized professional practice goal and the agreed upon implementation plan. This form is optional; Sponsoring Organizations and assessors may adopt or adapt. Candidate Assessment of Performance 42 Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Candidate Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Candidate Professional Practice Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Name: Date: Goal(s): Based on the candidate’s self-assessment and the baseline ratings determined by the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner, the candidate has set the following S.M.A.R.T goal(s): Essential Element CAP Professional Practice Goal(s) Implementation Plan: In support of attaining the goal(s), the candidate, Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner agree on the following actions (add more rows as needed): Action Supports/Resources from Timeline/Frequency Measure of Student Learning: In addition to attaining the professional practice goal, the candidate will also be assessed based in part on their impact on student learning. The Supervising Practitioner, in coordination with the Program Supervisor, has set the following measures of student learning. Measure of Student Learning Impact Rating High Moderate Low Parameters Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms & Model Protocol Appendix D: Observation Forms & Model Protocol This section provides a model protocol that Sponsoring Organizations may choose to use or modify according to their needs. The use of this protocol is optional, but is highly recommended. The protocol and forms include: An overview of the observation expectations Required Observation Forms: Observation forms for each of the four observations (including a blank form to be used as needed for additional observations). o Announced Observation #1 Form o Unannounced Observation #1 Form o Announced Observation #2 Form o Unannounced Observation #2 Form o Blank Observation Form Optional Model Observation Protocol: A detailed, step-by-step outlined of the Model Observation Protocol of what should occur before, during, and after each observation, including: o Pre-Conference Planning Form o Post-Conference Planning Form o Candidate Observation Self-Reflection form Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms & Model Protocol Observation Overview Observations are one of the most critical sources of evidence collected by assessors in the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP). The protocol and forms that follow are designed to support candidates and assessors in engaging in observations that: 1) Collect and document evidence of performance for the six Essential Elements 2) Provide focused, actionable feedback to candidates about their performance Under CAP, assessors are required to conduct a minimum of four observations, two announced and two unannounced. Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners are encouraged to conduct additional observations; Sponsoring Organization may set additional requirements for the context of their programs that exceed the minimum number of observations required. It is the expectation that each (announced and unannounced) observation include all of the following: Active evidence collection during the observation (see below for more information) Analysis and synthesis of the evidence by the Program Supervisor/Supervising Practitioner following the observations; linking evidence to the six essential elements and identifying strengths and areas for improvement Self-reflection by the candidate Targeted feedback to the candidate that will improve his/her practice Announced observations must include all of the above and the following: Review of candidate’s lesson materials (e.g., plan, assessment goals, relevant student artifacts) by Program Supervisor/ Supervising Practitioner in advance Conversation prior to the observation about goals for the lesson and areas of focus for evidence collection and feedback (driven by candidate’s goals and Essential Elements) The forms that follow are designed to document implementation of the observations according to the expectations outlined above. These forms must be retained in candidate files. As is the case throughout CAP, Sponsoring Organizations may add additional components or expectations for documentation. Note on Active Evidence Collection: ESE expects that the assessor conducting the observation actively collect evidence during the observation; including teacher moves/behaviors and student actions/behaviors. It is important to note that assessors should avoid making judgments about performance DURING the observation. Active evidence collection should serve solely to document what happens during the observation. After the observation, assessors should refer to the evidence to support claims about candidate performance. There are several methods that may be deployed in order to accomplish this including; time-stamped scripting, videotaping, audio recording, etc. It is recommended that Sponsoring Organizations require and train Program Supervisors/ Supervising Practitioners in a particular method of evidence collection as this will help to calibrate the consistency of feedback provided to candidates. ESE is not collecting documentation of active evidence collection, the forms that follow, however, will serve as indication that it has in fact occurred. In addition to the observation forms, ESE has also provided a model protocol. The Model Observation Protocol is designed to be supportive of Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners as they facilitate all aspects of the observation process including: preparing for the pre-conference; conducting the pre-conference; selecting refinement and reinforcement objectives; and conducting a post-conference. The model is provided as a resource only; Sponsoring Organizations and assessors may adopt or adapt the model protocol to meet their needs, or use something else entirely. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Form Observation Form What: How: Who: Focus Elements: Focus Elements: Pre-Observation Conference Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and categorized below. Element 1.A.4 1.B.2 2.A.3 2.B.1 2.D.2 4.A.1 Focused Feedback Reinforcement Area/Action: (strengths) Refinement Area/Action: (areas for improvement) Evidence Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms CAP Observation Form: Announced Observation #1 What: Who: Observation # 1 How: Announced Program Supervisor & Supervising Practitioner 1.A.4 Well-Structured Lessons; 2.D.2 High Expectations Focus Elements: Note: As this is the first observation, assessors should attempt to collect evidence for all elements in order to provide a baseline for future observations Pre-Observation Conference Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and categorized below. Element* Evidence** 1.A.4* 1.B.2 2.A.3 2.B.1 2.D.2* 4.A.1 Focused Feedback Reinforcement Area/Action: (strengths) Refinement Area/Action: (areas for improvement) * Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus elements are highlighted. ** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms CAP Observation Form: Unannounced Observation #1 What: Who: Observation # 1 How: Unannounced Supervising Practitioner Focus Elements: 1.A.4: Well Structured Lessons; 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and categorized below. Element* Evidence** 1.A.4* 1.B.2 2.A.3 2.B.1* 2.D.2 4.A.1 Focused Feedback Reinforcement Area/Action: (strengths) Refinement Area/Action: (areas for improvement) * Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus elements are highlighted. ** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms CAP Observation Form: Announced Observation #2 What: Who: Observation # 2 How: Announced Program Supervisor Focus Elements: 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice; 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs Pre-Observation Conference Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and categorized below. Element* Evidence** 1.A.4 1.B.2* 2.A.3* 2.B.1 2.D.2 4.A.1 Focused Feedback Reinforcement Area/Action: (strengths) Refinement Area/Action: (areas for improvement) * Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus elements are highlighted. ** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation Forms Observation Form: Unannounced Observation #2 What: Who: Observation # 2 How: Unannounced Supervising Practitioner & Program Supervisor Focus Elements: 1.B.2: Adjustment to Practice & Others as identified during the Formative Assessment Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and categorized below. Element* Evidence** 1.A.4 1.B.2* 2.A.3 2.B.1 2.D.2 4.A.1 Focused Feedback Reinforcement Area/Action: (strengths) Refinement Area/Action: (areas for improvement) * Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus elements are highlighted. ** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol ESE Model Observation Protocol The model protocol was developed with support and expertise from the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) and is based in great part on NIET’s extensive experience conducting evidence-based observations and meaningful evaluation conversations that lead to improved practice. Future training and support provided by ESE on CAP will focus on the approach to observation outlined in this model protocol. The Model Observation Protocol is provided as a resource and suggested framework; Sponsoring Organizations may choose to adopt or adapt the model protocol to meet their needs, or use their own protocol for observation that best suits their organization. The Model Observation Protocol guides assessors through several steps: 1) Before the Observation: Preparing for the pre-conference Conducting the pre-conference 2) During the Observation: Actively collecting evidence 3) After the Observation: Analyzing the evidence Preparing for the post-conference Identifying reinforcement/refinement objectives Conducting the post-conference Implementation of each step will, of course, vary depending on the type observation (announced v. unannounced) and whether one assessor or multiple assessors are participating. The assessor will use a given protocol, the Observation Form, and the CAP Rubric (Appendix A) to successfully complete each observation. At the end of the observation, the assessor will be able to rate the candidate on the essential elements that are being observed for Quality, Scope, and Consistency, and will be able to provide evidence to support the chosen ratings. Before the Observation Work done prior to the observation focuses around conducting a pre-conference. Therefore, these steps are only likely to be applicable for an announced observation as they require advance notification to the candidate of the upcoming observation. The pre-conference can be an important opportunity to build rapport with the teacher candidate, establish a coaching relationship, and begin to collect evidence for the upcoming observation. Ideally, the pre-conference occurs one to two days prior to the observation and lasts between 15-20 minutes. Preparing for the Pre-Conference Begin by gathering/reviewing evidence, including: Lesson Plan Lesson materials (e.g., assessment, handouts, etc.) Prior observations and feedback provided to candidate Review the lesson plan and associated materials for evidence of each of the six essential elements. The PreConference Planning Form can guide this evidence collection. It is important to note that this observation is part of an assessment. To this end, assessors should be cautious prior to the lesson to not dramatically influence or alter the candidate’s plan. Assessors should refrain from Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol providing substantial feedback on the lesson plan prior to the observation. Reviewing the lesson plan and materials in advance serves only to better position the assessors in collecting focused evidence and providing quality feedback after the observation. The planning form also prompts the assessor to draft a set of questions to aid in the conversation that occurs in the pre-conference. The assessor should create questions that are likely to: 1) Generate additional evidence in support of the essential elements 2) Address any aspects of the lesson that may negatively impact of observation The pre-conference is short; to keep the conversation focused assessors should prepare 2-3 questions keeping in mind the goals mentioned above. The following are examples of questions the assessor may plan to ask in a preconference: General Questions Tell me about the lesson I will observe. What do you expect students to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson? What kind of background do the students need to have for this lesson? Tell me about any challenges or specific areas of the rubric that you are currently working to strengthen. Is there anything else you would like me to know before the lesson? Standards/Objectives How will you check for student mastery in the lesson? How will the learning objective be communicated to students? How do you plan to connect the lesson to previous learning? What type(s) of thinking will be evident in the lesson? How will students apply this thinking during the lesson? Lesson Structure and Pacing Talk about the lesson structure (beginning, middle, and end). Talk about classroom procedures. How is the lesson structured for students that may progress at different learning rates? Talk about any anticipated learning difficulties that may occur during the lesson. Activities and Materials How do the activities relate to the objective? How will you make the lesson relevant to students? Talk about the grouping that will be used in the lesson to maximize student learning. Talk about the strategies that will be used during the lesson to maximize student understanding. If the observation is being conducted jointly between the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner, the preparation should also be coordinated to ensure that the two observers have a unified focus and set of expectations for the observation. Conducting the Pre-conference Ideally, the pre-conference occurs one to two days prior to the observation and lasts between 15-20 minutes. While conducting the pre-conference face-to-face may be preferable, assessors may consider taking advantage of other methods of engaging in pre-conference, such as Skype, Facetime, Google Hangout, etc. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol A pre-conference should include the following: an introduction, a discussion based on the review of lesson materials, and a summary of next steps. Pre-conference Introduction (2 min) The introduction helps to set the tone and purpose of the pre-conference. While it may appear overly formal it can be valuable in establishing routines that help to keep the conversation focused and brief. Below is an example of one approach to the introduction of a pre-conference: Greeting: “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I’m really looking forward to coming into your class on _________” Time: “This discussion should take us about 20 minutes” Set Purpose: “The purpose of our conversation is for you to help me to know what I can expect to see happen during the observation and for you to know what things I am specifically looking for.” Discussion of the Lesson (15 min) Following the brief introduction, the assessor should transition quickly into probing further on the candidate’s intentions and plans for the lesson being observed. It is most productive when the assessor has reviewed the lesson plan prior to this conversation and can ask specific, probing questions about the lesson. The candidate should be doing the majority of the talking during this portion of the pre-conference. The assessors should be capturing notes on the conversation. Below is an example of one approach to the discussion about the lesson: Reference review of materials: “I reviewed the materials you sent me in advance and think I have a clear sense of the lesson but was hoping you could elaborate on a few points to be sure I understand your plan.” Ask questions: see pre-conference preparation section for examples Pre-conference Closure (3 min) Assessors should leave time at the end of the conference to summarize any takeaways from the conversation as well as align expectations for the upcoming observation. Below is an example of one approach to preconference closure: Revisit prior feedback: “After our second observation, we agreed that you would work to [fill in] so I will be looking for evidence of that in the upcoming observation.” Review the focus Essential Elements: “Also, because this is the third observation, I will also be collecting evidence specifically for element 1.B. 2.” Summarize takeaways from the conversation: “Based on what you shared with me during our conversation, it sounds like you are also looking for feedback on your transitions so I will be sure to make note of those as well.” During the Observation The primary goal of the assessor during the observation is to actively collect evidence. Active evidence collection should capturing both teacher and student behavior/actions. Active evidence collection does not include making judgments or inferences during the observation; this occurs after when the assessors is analyzing and synthesizing the evidence. Evidence should reflect exactly what happens in the classroom. Evidence collected should include a balance of both summary statements as well as direct quotes. There are various tools assessors may use to collect evidence during the lesson. This could include scripting, videotaping, audio-recording, or using other commercially available applications that aid in observing specific classroom interactions. Evidence collected during the observation is solely to aid the assessor in identifying trends and selecting illustrative examples of aspects of performance. It is not designed to be shared directly with the candidate nor is Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol it collected by ESE. Individual providers may, however, decide to collect this information from assessors for training or documentation purposes. After the Observation After an observation, assessors review evidence collected and begin to analyze it as a measure of candidate performance and then strategically plan for a post-conference in which candidates are provided with targeted feedback. Ideally, post-conferences occur one to two days following the observation and last between 20-30 minutes. Post-conferences should not occur immediately after the lesson as this does not allow for sufficient time for the assessors to synthesize evidence and feedback or for the candidate to adequately reflect. Sponsoring Organizations may also consider having the candidate submit a written reflection to the assessor(s) prior to the post-conference. See the Candidate Self-Reflection Form. If adding this step, assessors should plan to complete their analysis prior to reviewing the candidate self-reflection. Analyzing & Categorizing the Evidence Following the observation, the assessors should review the evidence collected during the lesson and begin to fill in the evidence chart located in the appropriate Observation Form. When categorizing evidence, assessors should consider the following: Not every piece of evidence collected during the observation needs to be sorted into the evidence chart. Evidence may demonstrate that one or more of the dimensions (Quality, Consistency, Scope) of an element are being met OR that performance is not yet at the expected threshold. It is recommended that you consult the CAP Rubric when categorizing evidence. Evidence statements should not simply reiterate or restate the performance descriptors present in the CAP Rubric; the evidence should explain what happened in the observation that shows/does not show that a skill has been demonstrated. Assessors might consider “tagging” evidence that gets included in the Observation Forms by dimension (quality, scope, consistency) so that it can easily be referred to when making summative judgments. Preparing for the Post-Conference The primary purpose of the post-conference is to provide candidates feedback about their performance during the observation. After categorizing evidence according to the elements, assessors should work to identify specific areas of strength (reinforcement) and areas for improvement (refinement). The Post-Conference Planning Form can guide the development of this feedback. Begin by gathering/reviewing evidence, including: Lesson Plan & Pre-Conference Planning Form Notes from Pre-Conference Observation Form that contains categorized evidence Candidate Self-Reflection Form (if required) For observations that are conducted jointly, the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner should calibrate on the evidence categorized as well as the identification of areas for reinforcement/refinement. This must be done prior to meeting with the candidate to ensure that the candidate receives consistent, calibrated feedback about their performance. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol Identifying Reinforcement and Refinement Areas Assessors are asked to identify for the candidate areas of strength and areas for improvement. This does not preclude the candidate from self-identifying areas as well. Areas of reinforcement and refinement should be tied directly to the six Essential Elements. Reinforcement: The area of reinforcement should identify the candidate’s instructional strength in a way that encourages the continuation of effective practices in the future. The area of reinforcement should be deep rooted in student-based evidence that demonstrates successful positive impact on student learning. Refinement: The area of refinement should identify the areas in need of instructional improvement. In reflecting on the analysis of the evidence, assessors should select one to two (but no more than three) reinforcement and refinement areas. Assessors are encouraged to select the reinforcement and refinement areas that are most likely to improve candidate practice and have a positive impact on student learning. The refinement/reinforcement objectives can focus on the Quality, Consistency or Scope dimension of an element. However, assessors should not set refinement or reinforcement goals around Consistency or Scope until the candidate has successfully met the Quality threshold. There are several guiding questions and considerations that can support the identification of the effective reinforcement/refinement areas: Which areas on the CAP rubric received the highest ratings (reinforcements) and the lowest ratings (refinements)? Which of these areas would have the greatest impact on student achievement? Which of these areas would have the greatest impact on other areas of the rubric? In which area does the candidate have the most potential for growth? Make sure that the reinforcement is not directly related to the refinement. It is important that candidates see their area of strength as separate from their area needing improvement. Choose a refinement area for which you have sufficient and specific evidence from the lesson to support why the teacher needs to work in this area. Select refinement topics around which you are prepared to provide specific support. There is nothing worse than telling a teacher they need to alter their practice and then not being able to provide specific examples for how this can be done. Understand the teacher’s capacity when identifying an area of refinement. In other words, where will you get the biggest bang for your buck? Remember—reinforcements should be only to strengthen the candidate’s performance. Do not hedge this part of the post-conference with qualifying statements such as “it could have been even better if,” or “next time you could also do…” Teachers need to hear what they are effective at, and have it be left at that. When developing the post-conference plan, consider identifying the area of refinement first. This will ensure that the reinforcement and refinement do not overlap. Once you have identified the areas of refinement/reinforcement fill them in at the bottom of the Observation Form. Conducting the Post-Conference Ideally, the post-conference occurs one to two days prior to the observation and lasts between 20-30 minutes. While conducting the post-conference face-to-face may be preferable, assessors may consider taking advantage Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol of other methods of engaging in pre-conference, such as Skype, Facetime, Google Hangout, etc. Postconferences should not occur immediately after the lesson as this does not allow for sufficient time for the assessors to synthesize evidence and feedback or for the candidate to adequately reflect. A post-conference should include the following: an introduction, a discussion of reinforcement/refinement areas, and a summary of next steps. Post-conference Introduction (5 min) The introduction helps to set the tone and purpose of the post-conference. While it may appear overly formal it can be valuable in establishing routines that help to keep the conversation focused and brief. Below is an example of one approach to the introduction of a post-conference: Greeting: “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I’m really looking forward to our discussion on the lesson I was able to see in action. ” Time: “This discussion should take us about 30 minutes” Set Purpose: “The purpose of our conversation is for us to identify both strengths and areas of improvement in your practice” Probe for self-reflection: “What are your thoughts about how the students responded to the lesson?” OR if the candidate already completed the self-reflection form, “I saw from your reflection that…” Discussion of Reinforcement/Refinement Areas (20 min) The discussion about strengths and areas for improvement should begin with outlining the areas of reinforcement and then transition to the areas of refinement. The assessor should provide specific examples from the observation as evidence of the area of refinement or reinforcement. Below is an example of one approach to the discussion: Share areas of Reinforcement: o Provide evidence from observation: “There were several instances throughout the lesson where you asked a variety of questions to check for student understanding. For example, after showing the pictograph you…” o State impact on students: “In doing so, students were required to justify their thinking and it allowed you to quickly identify misconceptions in students understanding.” o Provide recommended action: “Continue to…” Share areas of Refinement: o Ask self-reflection question: Ask a specific question to prompt the teacher to talk about what you want him or her to improve. Utilize a question that includes specific language from the rubric, which can lead the teacher to reflect on the indicator you have identified as his/her area of refinement as it relates to the lesson. Example: “When developing lessons, how do you decide on the pacing of the lesson so sufficient time is allocated for each segment?” o Share evidence from observation: “You mentioned earlier that you wanted students to be able to work in groups and then report their findings. However, there was not sufficient time for this to occur during the lesson. According to the observation log, the first 6 minutes was spent organizing materials and transiting students; the next 23 minutes was spent with you modeling the objective at the board with some questions and answer time built in.” o Provide concrete suggestions for how to improve: “As you modeled how to analyze a pictograph, students could have worked with their group members to answer your questions prior to your providing the answer, then they could have reported to the class their findings. This would have still allowed you to model, but would have also allowed students to work together to Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Model Protocol o o analyze the pictograph. Students who may not have required this review could have worked independently in a group to analyze their own pictograph while the rest of the class participated in your modeling. This would have also allowed you to differentiate the pacing of the lesson to provide for students who progress at different learning rates. This lesson could also have been segmented into two different lessons.” Provide recommended action: “Moving forward…” Share resource/support: “As you work to further refine this skill, I think it might be helpful if you go and observe Mrs. Blank in 3rd grade who is highly-skilled in this area. I’ve already spoken with her and she has agreed to an observation and debrief next week.” Post-conference Closure (5 min) Evaluators should leave time at the end of the conference to summarize any takeaways from the conversation. Below is an example of one approach to post-conference closure: Share Observation Form: “I’ve categorized the evidence from observation as well as recorded the reinforcement and refinement areas and actions here” (Alternatively, you may have the candidate fill in the refinement/reinforcement goals based on the discussion. Evaluators should, however, be sure that it is an accurate reflection of the intended objectives for refinement/reinforcement.) Leave time for questions: “Do you have any other questions?” Confirm next steps in process: “The next formal observation will be unannounced and conducted by your Supervising Practitioner. Because it is the second observation she will be focusing evidence collection on the refinement goals we discussed today as well as essential elements 1.A.4 and 2.B.1.” CAP Model Protocol: Pre-Conference Planning Form Model Observation Protocol: Pre-Conference Planning Form Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Whole Group Small Group Element 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment 2.D.2: High Expectations 4.A.1: Reflective Practice Refinement areas previously identified Questions to ask in pre-conference One-on-One Evidence Other CAP Model Protocol: Candidate Self-Reflection Form Model Observation Protocol: Candidate Self-Reflection Form Directions: Following an announced or an unannounced observation, please use the form below to reflect on the lesson. Submit the form to your Supervising Practitioner/Program Supervisor within 24 hours of the observation. Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/ Lesson Objective: Type of Observation: Announced Unannounced Observed by: Supervising Practitioner Program Supervisor Reflection Prompt: What do you think went particularly well? How did this strength impact your students’ learning? Reflection Prompt: If you could teach this lesson again, is there anything you would do differently? How would this have impacted your students’ learning? Essential Element 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment 2.D.2: High Expectations Evidence: Where possible, provide one piece of evidence that you believe demonstrates your performance relative to the quality, consistency or scope of each element. CAP Model Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form Model Observation Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form Observation Details Date: Time (start/end): Content Topic/Lesson Objective: Refinement Area #1 1.A.4: Well Structured Lessons 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.D.2 High Expectations 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 4.A.1 Reflective Practice 1.A.4: Well Structured Lessons 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.D.2 High Expectations 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 4.A.1 Reflective Practice Self-Reflection Question(s) to prompt candidate Evidence from Observation Recommended Action Potential Resources/Guided Practice/Training to support Refinement Area #2 Self-Reflection Question(s) to prompt candidate Evidence from Observation Recommended Action Potential Resources/Guided Practice/Training to support CAP Model Protocol: Post-Conference Planning Form Reinforcement Area #1 1.A.4: Well Structured Lessons 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.D.2 High Expectations 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 4.A.1 Reflective Practice 1.A.4: Well Structured Lessons 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 1.B.2: Adjustments to Practice 2.D.2 High Expectations 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs 4.A.1 Reflective Practice Evidence from Observation Recommended Action Reinforcement Area #2 Evidence from Observation Recommended Action Upcoming Steps in the CAP Process Type of Next Observation: Focus of Next Observation: Date/topic of next three-way meeting: Other: Appendix E: Three-Way Meeting Checklists The purpose of the following resource is to support Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners in executing Three-Way Meetings. Please refer to the appropriate appendices for more details on each topic. Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Three-Way Meeting Checklist Announced Observation #1 (PS & SP) SP and PS TC First Three-Way Meeting (occurs within first three weeks) Before Complete Self-Assessment & GoalSetting Forms Share with PS/SP Conduct a Post-Conference for Announced Obs. #1 Calibrate feedback from Announced Obs. #1 Share baseline ratings Finalize professional practice goal(s) Review Candidate Self-Assessment & Goal-Setting Form Prepare to share baseline ratings on CAP Rubric Required: Observation Form: Announced Forms During 45- 60 min Observation #1 Candidate Self-Assessment & GoalSetting Form Optional: Model Observation Protocol: Post Agree on implementation plan Sign-off at conclusion of meeting Required: Observation Form: Announced After Share goals and plan with practicum seminar instructor Act on commitments made in implementation plan Optional: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Observation #1 CAP Rubric & Form ((Section 1 & 3) Plan Form Optional: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Form Conference Planning Form Candidate Self-Assessment & Goal Setting Form (used by SP/PS to prepare baseline) Unannounced Observation #1 (SP) and Announced Observation #2 (PS) TC Second Three-Way Meeting (occurs half-way through) Before Administer Student Feedback Surveys Share results with PS/SP SP and PS Review all available evidence During 30-45 min Share formative ratings and discuss Revisit candidate goals and implementation plan; adjust accordingly (including potentially (including observations, student feedback, measures of student learning, self-reflections forms etc.). Individually assess candidate performance using the CAP Rubric Calibrate formative assessment ratings modifying the goal, increasing supports, adding additional observations, etc.) Sign-off at conclusion of meeting After Share formative assessment and updated goals and plan with practicum seminar instructor Schedule/conduct additional observations Act on commitments made in implementation plan Forms Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Three-Way Meeting Checklist Required: CAP Rubric & Form (Section 2: Formative Assessment) Required: CAP Rubric & Form (Section 3) Optional: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Form Optional: Finalized Goal(s) & Implementation Plan Form Unannounced Observation #2 (SP – PS optional but encouraged) Forms SP and PS TC Final Three-Way Meeting (in final two weeks) Before Share evidence of performance including, but not limited to: candidate artifacts, measures of student learning, student feedback Review all available evidence Individually assess candidate performance using the CAP Rubric During 30-45 min Share summative ratings and discuss Sign-off at conclusion of meeting Calibrate summative assessment ratings Required: CAP Rubric & Form (Section 2: Summative Assessment &, Section 3) Required: CAP Rubric & Form (section 3) After Draft a professional practice goal to use during first (or next) year of employment Ensure all documents are retained in candidate files Submit summative assessment data Appendix F: Crosswalk for the Six Essential Elements of CAP and PST Guidelines The table crosswalks the coverage of indicators identified at the “demonstrate” level of practice in the PST Guidelines by the essential elements assessed in CAP. Candidate Assessment of Performance 65 CAP Crosswalk: Coverage of PSTs through the Essential Elements (1) Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an on-going basis, and continuously refining learning objectives. Indicator Essential Element in CAP (a) Curriculum and Planning indicator: Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child development and how students learn, and designs 1.A.4 Well-Structured Lessons effective and rigorous standards-based units of instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes. (b) Assessment indicator: Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessment to measure student learning, growth, and understanding, develop 1.B.2 Adjustment to Practice differentiated and enhanced learning experiences, and improve future instruction. SEI (a) Uses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that support students 1.A.4 Well-Structured Lessons of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, strengths, and challenges. SEI (c) Demonstrates knowledge of the difference 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment between social and academic language and the importance of this difference in planning, 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs differentiating and delivering effective instruction for English language learners at various levels of English 2.D.2 High Expectations language proficiency and literacy. (2) Teaching All Students standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency. Indicator (a) Instruction indicator: Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations regarding content and quality of effort and work, engage all students, and are personalized to accommodate diverse learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness. (b) Learning Environment indicator: Creates and maintains a safe and collaborative learning environment that values diversity and motivates students to take academic risks, challenge themselves, and claim ownership of their learning. (c) Cultural Proficiency indicator: Actively creates and maintains an environment in which students' diverse backgrounds, identities, strengths, and challenges are respected. Essential Element in CAP 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs 2.D.2 High Expectations 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment CAP Crosswalk: Coverage of PSTs through the Essential Elements (d) Expectations indicator: Plans and implements lessons that set clear and high expectations and make knowledge accessible for all students. (f) Classroom Management Indicator: Employs a variety of classroom management strategies to monitor, modify, and motivate positive student behavior and to establish and maintain consistent routines and procedures. SEI (b) Uses effective strategies and techniques for making content accessible to English language learners. 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs 2.D.2 High Expectations 1.A.4: Well-Structured Lessons 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs SEI (d) Creates and maintains a safe collaborative learning environment that values diversity and 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs motivates students to meet high standards of conduct, effort, and performance. (4) Professional Culture standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative practice. Indicator Essential Element in CAP (a) Reflection indicator: Demonstrates the capacity to reflect on and improve the educator's own practice, using informal means as well as meetings with teams and work groups to gather information, analyze data, examine issues, set meaningful goals, and develop new approaches in order to improve teaching and learning. 4.A.1 Reflective Practice 1.A.4 Well-Structured Lessons: 1.B.2 Adjustment to Practice (f) Professional Responsibilities indicator: Is ethical and reliable, and meets routine responsibilities consistently. 2.A.3 Meeting Diverse Needs 2.B.1 Safe Learning Environment 2.D.2 High Expectations 4.A.1 Reflective Practice Appendix G: Measuring Candidate Impact on Student Learning The guidance that follows outlines how Supervising Practitioners should identify student learning measures and set parameters for impact. Candidate Assessment of Performance 68 CAP: Guidance for Measuring Candidate Impact on Student Learning The Supervising Practitioner should identify at least one measure of student learning, growth, or achievement that assesses a meaningful sample of the content the teacher candidate is primarily responsible for teaching. The Supervising Practitioner will set clear expectations for how and when the measure will be administered and scored. In addition, relying on his/her professional experience with the identified measure(s) and his/her understanding of the specific learning context, the Supervising Practitioner will set parameters for a range of expected learning, growth, or achievement (see ESE’s Implementation Brief on Scoring and Parameter Setting for more information about this process). Student outcomes below that range will be considered lower than expected and outcomes above that range will be considered higher than expected. For example, if the teacher candidate is responsible for teaching a math unit, the Supervising Practitioner may choose the end of unit assessment as the measure of student learning to include in the CAP. If over the past four units the average end-of-unit assessment scores were 84, 89, 81, and 83, the Supervising Practitioner may determine that a class average between 80 and 90 represents expected achievement, less than 80 represents lower than expected achievement and more than 90 represents higher than expected achievement. The candidate will administer the identified measure(s) of student learning, growth, or achievement. Administration does not need to occur at the end of the practicum, but rather at the instructionally appropriate time during the practicum. After the measure is scored, the candidate should analyze the results and compare them to the parameters set by the Supervising Practitioner. Did all students achieve the expected outcomes? If not, were there patterns in performance that might indicate why some students made higher or lower than expected gains? Wherever possible, measures of student growth should be used. As stated in Technical Guide B, “Student growth scores provide greater insight into student learning than is possible through the sole use of single-point-in-time student achievement measures. This is because students do not enter a classroom with the same level of knowledge, skills, and readiness. Achievement scores provide valuable feedback to educators about student attainment against standards, but taken by themselves may not be a sufficient reflection of student progress.” Growth measures allow students of all abilities an opportunity to demonstrate how much they have learned and in many ways provide a fuller picture of the impact of instruction. The experience of administering, scoring, and analyzing a measure of student learning, growth, or achievement is a crucial component of CAP. It is an essential skill of every effective teacher to be able to draw conclusions about his/her practice from student outcome data. Therefore, it is important to gauge a candidate’s aptitude to develop this skill. It is important to note that a measure of student learning, growth, or achievement is not a complete measure of a candidate’s impact on student learning. In the educator evaluation framework, multiple measures over multiple years are used to inform conclusions about educator impact. Given the abbreviated classroom experience associated with CAP, it is impossible to generate enough data to draw a conclusion about the candidate’s impact on student learning. It is possible, however, to assess the candidate’s ability to reflect on student outcomes and make connections to his/her practice. Candidate Assessment of Performance 69 Appendix H: CAP & the Educator Evaluation Framework This section highlights the important parallels between CAP’s 5-step Cycle and the 5-step Cycle used as part of the Educator Evaluation Framework. Candidate Assessment of Performance 70 CAP & the Educator Evaluation Framework The CAP measures a candidate’s readiness to be effective on day one of his/her teaching career. It is aligned to the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework, which outlines a comprehensive process for continuous educator growth and development use by all school districts statewide. This intentional alignment exemplifies the cohesion Massachusetts is building across the educator career continuum through our complementary educator effectiveness policies. The CAP is designed to promote honest reflection about candidate performance and keep student learning at the center of a candidate’s practicum experience. Like the evaluation framework, inquiry into practice and impact is grounded in a 5-Step Cycle. The 5-Step Cycle used in CAP has been modified to meet the needs of candidates, Program Supervisors, and Supervising Practitioners, but retains the same core architecture of the cycle included in the evaluation framework: Step 1: Self-Assessment Step 2: Goal-Setting and Plan Development Step 3: Plan Implementation Step 4: Formative Assessment Step 5: Summative Evaluation One of the most important characteristics of the educator evaluation framework is the design to provide each educator with significant agency over his/her evaluation experience. That starts with the Self-Assessment, during which educators reflect on their practice, review data, and identify areas of focus for his/her goals. Likewise, the CAP positions candidates to play a lead role in maximizing their practicum experiences through the inclusion of self-assessment and goal setting activities. With support from the Program Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner, the candidate evaluates his/her practice and develops a professional practice goal that will form the backbone of his/her plan throughout CAP. Another point of alignment is visible in Step 3: Plan Implementation. The CAP, like the educator evaluation framework, requires the collection of multiple forms of evidence to evaluate educator practice and progress toward goals. Announced and unannounced observations, artifacts of practice, student feedback, and measures of student learning are all part of the evidentiary bases of both the CAP and the evaluation framework. This deliberate congruity will help candidates successfully transition to the educator workforce. The CAP’s inclusion of a formative assessment prior to the summative evaluation is also borrowed from the educator evaluation framework. The evaluation framework is founded on educator growth and development, so it is fitting that “no surprises” has emerged as a mantra in many districts. It is vitally important that educators receive consistent, timely, and actionable feedback throughout the duration of their plans. However, the formative assessment provides an opportunity for a more thorough mid-point check. Evaluators and educators sit down to review evidence of the educator’s practice as it relates to their performance rubric and the educator’s goals. If there are concerns, the evaluator may adjust the educator’s plan to provide more targeted support. The formative assessment plays a similar role in the CAP. Here, Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners meet with candidates to review the evidence collected so far and decide what supports or interventions, such as additional observations, might be needed. Candidates in jeopardy of not meeting CAP expectations should be put on notice during the formative assessment and be provided strategies for improvement prior to the summative assessment. Finally, following the CAP’s summative assessment, passing candidates use the feedback received to develop a draft professional practice goal for their first year of teaching. Since this assessment is firmly aligned to the Candidate Assessment of Performance 71 educator evaluation framework, candidates placed in Massachusetts districts will enter with a high degree of familiarity and comfort with the 5-Step Cycle and be prepared with a draft professional practice informed by the authentic evaluation experience provided by the CAP. In support of the alignment between these two systems, Sponsoring Organizations should make use of the significant resources materials available through the educator evaluation website. In particular: Training Modules and Workshops for Evaluators and Teachers. Including a few spotlighted below: o For Evaluators (to be adapted for use with Supervising Practitioners and Program Supervisors) Module 5: Gathering Evidence Module 6: Observations & Feedback o For Teachers (to be adapted for use with candidates) Workshop 2: Self-Assessment Workshop 4: Gathering Evidence Evidence Collection Toolkit: Designed to support districts to establish clear and consistent expectations for evidence collection and promote a meaningful process for the collection, analysis, and sharing of high quality artifacts. Includes: brief guidance, examples of district strategies, a worksheet for district decision-making, and a handout of Evidence Collection Tips for Educators. Student Feedback Surveys, including: o Resources to highlight the value and importance of this measure in understanding and improve teaching practice. o Technical Report outlining the process of developing and validating the surveys. o The Model Feedback Surveys and Administration Protocols Guidance on measuring student impact, including example assessments and Implementation briefs issued to support the work around developing District-Determined Measures (DDMs) Quick Reference Guides that provide helpful overviews. Including a few spotlighted below: o Connection between Educator Evaluation & Professional Development o Connection between Educator Evaluation & the MA Curriculum Frameworks Candidate Assessment of Performance 72 Appendix I: 603 CMR 7.00 Regulations for Educator Licensure and Program Approval This section excerpts regulations from 603 CMR 7.00 outlining the requirements relevant to the execution of these guidelines. Candidate Assessment of Performance 73 The Massachusetts Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.03) require an assessment of a candidate’s performance in a practicum or practicum equivalent using guidelines developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) for all programs that are approved to endorse candidates for an Initial teacher license5 as well as the Performance Review Program for Initial Licensure (603 CMR 7.05(4)(c) and 7.08(1)). 603 CMR 7.08(1) Professional Standards for Teachers (1) Application. The Professional Standards for Teachers define the pedagogical and other professional knowledge and skills required of all teachers. These standards and indicators referred to in 603 CMR 7.08 (2) and (3) are used by Sponsoring Organizations in designing their teacher preparation programs and in preparing their candidates. The standards and indicators are also used by the Department in reviewing programs seeking state approval, and as the basis of performance assessments of candidates. Candidates shall demonstrate that they meet the Professional Standards and Indicators referred to in 603 CMR 7.08 (2) and (3) by passing a Performance Assessment for Initial License using Department guidelines. 5 These guidelines apply to all initial licensure teacher candidates except the following specialist licenses: Academically Advanced, Reading, and Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders teachers. It is the expectation of ESE that programs endorsing in license areas not covered by CAP develop and implement a performance assessment appropriate for the license. Candidate Assessment of Performance 74