2016 Massachusetts-Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) Accommodations and Accessibility Data Collection and Update Status1 Column Letter Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE2? PARCC Definitions and Notes Expected Values Administration Considerations (Features available to all students and not limited to students with disabilities or English learners.) AX Frequent Breaks Not collected in 2016 1 No Student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session. Y = Yes Blank Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations AY AZ BA BB Separate/Alternate Location Not collected in 2016 4 Small Testing Group Not collected in 2016 3/5 Specialized Equipment or Furniture Not collected in 2016 n/a Specified Area or Setting Not collected in 2016 6 No Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations Y = Yes Blank No No Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations Y = Yes Check individual state policies on the maximum number of students that are allowed in a small testing group. Blank Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations Y = Yes Blank No Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations Y = Yes Blank 1 The Department created this condensed version the PARCC Spring 2016 Student Registration/ Personal Needs Profile Field Definitions to assist users in identifying the Massachusetts-specific collection status of accommodations and accessibility features in the SR/PNP file. The original PARCC document, which includes all variables and file import instructions, is located in the Support>>Documentation pages in PearsonAccessnext. 2 Disability status was pre-populated for grades 3-8 based on October 2015 SIMS; accommodations and accessibility features being collected in 2016 were prepopulated for students in grades 4-8 based on their spring 2015 assessment (MCAS or PARCC); features not collected were not pre-populated. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 1 of 12 Column Letter BC Field Name and Test Mode Time Of Day SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE2? Not collected in 2016 2 No PARCC Definitions and Notes Proctor/School Provided Administration Considerations Expected Values Y = Yes Blank Accessibility Features Identified in Advance (Features available to all students and not limited to students with disabilities or English learners.) BD BF Answer Masking Color Contrast Not collected in 2016 13 Required for CBT test form n/a No No For Computer-based Testing: Used to assign this accessibility feature for computer-based testing. For Paper-based Testing: Specifies as part of an Assessment Personal Needs Profile the type of masks the student is able to use to cover answers until needed. For Computer-based Testing: The interface launches a pre-selected alternate color combination for the text (foreground) and background colors. This is available to ALL students testing computer-based and is available on all test forms. If expected value equals “01”–“06”; then the student must have Test Format populated with "O" in the student registration record or record will error. For Paper-based Testing: Colored overlays for background color. Font color cannot be changed. Proctor/School-provided Accommodation If expected value equals “07”; then the student must have Test Format populated with "P" in the student registration record or record will error. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Y = Yes Blank 01 = black font on cream background 02 = black font on light blue background 03 = black font on light magenta background 04 = white font on black background 05 = yellow font on blue background 06 = low contrast color, dark gray font on pale green background 07 = locally provided color overlay for the student to place over their paper test Page 2 of 12 Column Letter Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? PARCC Definitions and Notes Expected Values Presentation Accommodations for Students with Disabilities with an IEP or 504 Plan BG ASL Video Required for CBT test form 17 ELA/Math or 27 ELA only Yes Used to assign the form administered for computer-based testing. American Sign Language content is provided to the student by a human signer through a video. Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Students With Disability populated with either “504” OR “IEP”, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, Closed Captioning for ELA/L must be left blank, Translation of the Mathematics Assessment must be left blank, Text-to-Speech must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. BH Assistive Technology - Screen Reader (for students who are blind or visually impaired) Required for CBT test form 12 for Braille; and/ avail. with prior Dept. approval Yes Used to assign the form administered for computer-based testing. Y = Yes Screen Reader Application used to deliver computer-based test form for ELA/L and Math. Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Students With Disability populated with either “504” OR “IEP”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, Closed Captioning for ELA/L must be left blank, Translation of the Mathematics Assessment must be left blank, Text-to-Speech must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. Note: If Assistive Technology - Screen Reader value equals “Y” then a Tactile Graphics supplement booklet will be shipped automatically if the specific computer-based test images or graphics must be represented by tactile graphics. If a student is enrolled for Assistive Technology - Screen Reader after the enrollment window closes, then an additional order must be submitted. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 3 of 12 Column Letter BI Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# Assistive Technology – Non Screen Reader Required for CBT test form #25 avail. with prior Dept. approval PrePopulated by DESE? Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes Used to assign the form administered for computer-based testing when an assistive technology application is needed for students without visual impairments. Expected Values Y = Yes Blank Assistive technology that provides magnification or word prediction assistive technology support that requires security pass through to interact with TestNav. If expected value equals “Y”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Students With Disability populated with either “504” or “IEP”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Closed Captioning for ELA/L must be left blank, Translation of the Mathematics Assessment must be left blank, Text-to-Speech must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. BJ Closed Captioning for ELA/L Required for CBT test form n/a Yes Used to assign the form administered for computer-based testing. Closed captioning and subtitling are both processes of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information. Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Students With Disability populated with either “504” or “IEP”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, Translation of the Mathematics Assessment must be left blank, Text-to-Speech must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 4 of 12 Column Letter BK BL Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Refreshable Braille Display for ELA/L Required for CBT test form 12 Yes Alternate Representation – Paper Test Collected in 2016 n/a Yes Large Print Collected in 2016 Braille with Tactile Graphics Collected in 2016 If expected value equals “Y”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Test Code must be populated with an ELA/L Subject, Students With Disability populated with either “504” or “IEP”, and Assistive Technology - Screen Reader populated with “Y”. Student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation. Y = Yes Blank Y = Yes Blank 11 Yes A Large Print test booklet is provided with text increased 150% to an 18 point font. Y = Yes Blank PARCC to provide Large Print Booklet for student to read. Test Booklet/Answer Document will be the standard edition so that a Proctor can transcribe the student’s responses. Required for Large Print BN Used to assign a computer-based form for Braille in conjunction with Screen Reader OR other Assistive Technology (AT) Application. Student uses external device which converts the text from the Screen Reader into Braille. Expected Values If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Test Format field populated with "P" and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. Required for Paper Test BM PARCC Definitions and Notes 12 Required for Braille Test Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Yes If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Test Format field populated with "P" and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. A hard copy Braille test booklet is provided with embedded tactile graphics. The student responds and responses are transcribed. If expected value equals “02”; then the student must have Test Format field populated with "P" and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. 02 = EBAE/English Braille American Edition Blank Page 5 of 12 Column Letter BO Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Him/Herself Not collected in 2016 21 No PARCC Definitions and Notes The student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting. Expected Values Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. BP Human Signer for TEST DIRECTIONS Not collected in 2016 10 No A human signer will sign the test directions to a student. The student may need to be tested in a small group or separate setting. Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. Response Accommodations for Students with Disabilities with an IEP or 504 Plan BQ Answers Recorded in Test Book Not collected in 2016 24 No Grades 4-8, the student records answers directly in the test book. Responses must be transcribed verbatim in an answer document. Responses that have not been transcribed will not be scored. Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Test Format field populated with "P" and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. BR Braille Response Collected in 2016 23 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Yes A student is blind or visually impaired and their responses are captured by 01 = Braille Writer a Braille Writer or Notetaker. 02 = Braille Notetaker If expected value equals “01” OR “02”; then the student must have Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP”. Blank Page 6 of 12 Column Letter BS Field Name and Test Mode Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Collected in 2016 30 Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes The student is allowed to use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items in test sections designated as non-calculator sections. In addition, an arithmetic table (including addition/ subtraction and/or multiplication/division charts), and/or manipulatives may be used. Expected Values Y = Yes Blank Proctor/School Provided Accommodation BT BU ELA/L Constructed Response—Human Scribe, Signer, or Speech-to-Text ELA/L Selected Response—Human Scribe, Signer, or Speech-to-Text Collected in 2016 29 Yes If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject in the student registration record and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Constructed Response item types. Proctor/School Provided Accommodation Collected in 2016 19 Yes If expected value equals “01”-“04”; then the student must have Test Code populated with an ELA/L Subject and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. The student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced items types. Proctor/School Provided Accommodation If expected value equals “01”-“04”; then the student must have Test Code populated with an ELA/L Subject and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 01 = Speech-to-Text 02 = Human Scribe 03 = Human Signer 04 = External AT Device Blank 01 = Speech-to-Text 02 = Human Scribe 03 = Human Signer 04 = External AT Device Blank Page 7 of 12 Column Letter BV Field Name and Test Mode Mathematics Response—Human Scribe, Signer, or Speech-to-Text SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Collected in 2016 19 Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer. Proctor/School Provided Accommodation If expected value equals “01”-“04”; then the student must have Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject and Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. BW Monitor Test Response Not collected in 2016 14/22 No The test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors proper placement of student responses on a test book/answer sheet or within a computer based test. The test examiner or assigned accommodator cannot assist the student with changing a response. Expected Values 01 = Speech-toText 02 = Human Scribe 03 = Human Signer 04 = External AT Device Blank Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have the Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 8 of 12 Column Letter BX Field Name and Test Mode Word Prediction SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Collected in 2016 31 Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes The student uses a word prediction external device that provides a bank of frequently -or recently -used words as a result of the student entering the first few letters of a word. Expected Values Y = Yes Blank Proctor/School Provided Accommodation If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have the Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” or record will error. Accommodations for English Learners BY BZ Administration Directions Clarified in Student’s Native Language Not collected in 2016 n/a General Administration Directions Read Not collected in 2016 n/a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education No No The test administrator clarifies general administration instructions only. Y = Yes If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have the EL Accommodation field populated with “Y” or record will error. Blank The test administrator reads aloud, and repeats as needed, test directions in the students’ native language. ARA = Arabic CHI = Chinese (Mandarin) HAT =Haitian Creole NAV = Navajo POL = Polish POR = Portuguese RUS = Russian SPA = Spanish URD = Urdu VIE = Vietnamese HT = Human Translator Blank If expected value equals: “ARA”, “CHI”, “HAT”, “NAV”, “POL”, “POR”, “RUS”, “SPA”, “URD”, “VIE” , OR “HT”; then the student must have the EL Accommodation field populated with “Y” or record will error. Page 9 of 12 Column Letter CA Field Name and Test Mode SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Mathematics Response–EL (Scribe) Collected in 2016 n/a Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes Expected Values A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device or Human Scribe. 01 = Speech-to-Text 02 = Human Scribe Proctor/School Provided Accommodation Blank If expected value equals “01” OR “02”; then the student must have the Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject and the EL Accommodation field populated with “Y” or record will error. CB CC Translation of the Mathematics Assessment (not allowed for grades 3-8) Not allowed in grades 3-8 in MA Word-to-Word Dictionary Not collected in 2016 n/a No Used to assign the form administered for computer-based testing based on another language other than English. SPA = Spanish Blank Note: Not allowed in Massachusetts for grades 3-8. If expected value equals “SPA”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject, EL Accommodation field populated with “Y”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, n/a No Student uses a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary. Y = Yes If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have the EL Accommodation field populated with “Y” or record will error. Blank Other Accessibility Features and Accommodations Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 10 of 12 Column Letter CD CE Field Name and Test Mode Text-to-Speech Human Reader or Human Signer SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# Required for CBT test 18 Math 28 ELA Required for CBT and PBT PrePopulated by DESE? 16 &17-Math 26 & 27 - ELA Yes Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes Mathematic Tests If expected value equals “01” OR “02”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. ELA/L Tests (Text Only, “01”, option not available with ELA/L Tests) If expected value equals “02”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: Test Format populated with "O", Test Code populated with an ELA/L Subject, Students With Disability populated with either “504” OR “IEP”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, Closed Captioning for ELA/L must be left blank, Refreshable Braille Display for ELA/L must be left blank, and Human Reader or Human Signer must be left blank. If expected value equals “01” OR “02”; then the following criteria must be met or record will error: For Mathematic Tests: Test Code populated with a Mathematics Subject, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, and Text-to-Speech must be left blank. Expected Values 01 = Text Only 02 = Text and Graphics Blank 01 = Human Signer 02 = Human ReadAloud Blank For ELA/L Tests: Test Code populated with an ELA/L Subject, Students With Disability populated with either “504” OR “IEP”, ASL Video must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Screen Reader must be left blank, Assistive Technology - Non-Screen Reader must be left blank, Closed Captioning for ELA/L must be left blank, Refreshable Braille Display for ELA/L must be left blank, and Text-to-Speech must be left blank. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Page 11 of 12 Column Letter CF Field Name and Test Mode Unique Accommodation SR/PNP Collection Status MCAS Accom# PrePopulated by DESE? Collected in 2016 25 or 32 Yes PARCC Definitions and Notes Unique accommodations must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to testing to allow adequate time for the state to determine a final decision. Expected Values Y = Yes Blank If expected value equals “Y”; then the student must have the Students With Disability field populated with either “504” OR “IEP” AND/OR the EL Accommodation field populated with "Y" or record will error. CG Emergency Accommodation Not collected 2016 n/a No An emergency accommodation for a student who incurs a temporary disabling condition that interferes with test performance shortly before or during the PARCC assessment window. 01 = Human Scribe 99 = Other Blank Timing and Scheduling Accommodations for English Learners and Students with Disabilities CH Extended Time Not collected in 2016 n/a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education No Extended Time is provided to the student. Proctor/School Provided Accommodation EL IEP504 Both Blank Page 12 of 12