fc405 qa

Career/Vocational Technical Education (CVTE)
FY16 Career and Technical Education Partnerships Request for Proposals
(RFP) – Fund Code 405
Questions and Answers (Q&A)
UPDATED 6/13/2016
This is a running list of all questions asked to date. NEW questions received between
5/31/2016 – 6/8/2016 are located at bottom in red.
This document will be updated periodically, through June 8, 2016. As of that date, no
additional questions will be accepted.
April 5, 2016
What are the grade levels to be served?
The students that can be served are grades 7–14. The caller was referred to the Priorities
section of RFP.
April 7, 2016
Can our private, for-profit, company be the lead entity on the grant?
No, a private, for-profit, company cannot be the lead entity on the grant. The caller was
referred to the Eligibility section of RFP.
April 13, 2016
When will the Bidders’ Conference be held?
The Bidders’ Conference information will be posted in the Commissioners Update once a
date has been identified.
April 27, 2016
Can a collaborative act as lead agency for grant?
Yes, a collaborative can act as lead agency for the grant. The caller was referred to the
Eligibility section of the 405 RFP.
April 28, 2016
What is required for the intent to apply email?
The caller was referred to the Required Prior to Grant Submission section of RFP.
April 29, 2016
We are a public school within a district. Can we submit the intent to apply as a sole
No, applicants must apply as part of a school district.
May 5, 2016
Will the Bidders’ Conference be recorded and accessible afterward for people who cannot
We will not be recording the webinar, but the Power Point will be posted on the OCVTE
WebPages at www.doe.mass.edu/cte as soon as possible post webinar.
Can an organization submit more than one application, or may it be a partner in one
application and the lead on a second?
Given the limited amount of money involved and the way the RFP reads
under Funding: “Eligible applicants may apply for up to $10,000 for one (1) planning
grant.” any eligible applicant may apply for only one planning grant. However, there is no
such limit stated for engaging in multiple partnerships. If for any reason this
interpretation changes, it will be posted on the OCVTE website at:
It was stated in the webinar that it is grades 7-14. Is grade 14 anyone in postsecondary
education? Is there any age limit?
The 7th –14th grade range is consistent with the eligibility allowed under the Perkins Act.
There is no age limit under the grant. The Perkins law allows service to anyone within
those grade levels. The 14th grade level under Perkins is interpreted as postsecondary
education up to the end of the second year of college.
Can our city apply for a grant for one of our comprehensive high schools to develop a
specific program with a major employer and a separate grant for our city vocational high
school to develop a different program? So, our city would apply for two different grants.
Would you accept both but only fund one or would you, possibly, fund both?
Based on the language in the RFP, we are only accepting one planning grant from a
qualifying lead agency. A school department or other qualifying lead agency can only
submit one planning grant application.
Is there a link to the Power Point used during the Bidders’ Conference and any other
attachments that you can send us please?
We will post slides on our website as soon as possible. The webinar Power Point will be
posted on the OCVTE WebPages at www.doe.mass.edu/cte.
Are the slides going to be posted somewhere?
We will post slides on our website as soon as possible. The webinar Power Point will be
posted on the OCVTE WebPages at www.doe.mass.edu/cte.
Can we submit more than one to be the project lead? Or must there only be one lead
Per the RFP, there can only be one lead applicant.
Please clarify the example of innovative models: The creation of a half-day split schedule
so students can spend half a day in their CTE courses/programs and the other half in
other coursework. Is the goal of this to create a half-day CTE program in a high school that
does not have a Chapter 74 program?
The intent is to expand CTE options regardless of Chapter-74 status. Thinking outside the
box is encouraged.
If these funds supplement existing Perkins programs, does that require that the lead
already receive Perkins funds?
There is no requirement that grantees must already receive Perkins funds. Funds can be
used to expand existing CTE programs and/or develop new programs, as well.
Are we to use double spaced or single space?
Single space allows for greater flexibility in content.
Can we apply for more than one planning grant?
Applicants can apply for one planning grant only.
Can we fax/email our application and/or supporting documentation?
Fax/email submissions are not allowable and will be rejected.
What is the anticipated timeframe for implementation grant?
The Phase 2 implementation grant project duration is upon approval through August 31,
Will the Power Point be posted online?
Yes, the webinar Power Point will be posted on the OCVTE WebPages at
Can the planning grant address multiple innovations from one district?
Yes, so long as the application aligns within the parameters of the RFP, including the up to
$10,000 maximum.
Will the Q and A be posted on websites?
Yes, the webinar Power Point will be posted on the OCVTE WebPages at
Do you have the spending dates for implementation phase?
The Phase 2 implementation grant project duration is upon approval through August 31,
Will the slides be available, and if so, where?
Yes, the webinar Power Point will be posted on the OCVTE WebPages at
When is the award of implementation grant and dates of that grant?
The Phase 2 implementation grant project duration is upon approval through August 31,
At what point do you anticipate a new program to be fully up with students enrolled and
The program should be fully operational no later than September 1, 2017.
Can you restate the anticipated amounts of implantation grants?
A total of $710,000 for implementation grants is available, with maximum individual
award amounts for implementation being $150,000 (contingent on funding availability).
Can one school district request funds for multiple innovation models?
Yes, so long as the application aligns within the parameters of the RFP, including the up to
$10,000 maximum.
How important is sustainability after the implementation?
The activity must be sustainable after the implementation. In the grant materials provided
online, Required Forms: Part III outlines the required components of the grant and the
point totals associated with each component. Out of 130 possible points, Sustainability can
earn a maximum of five (5) points. Since competition for the Planning Grants is expected
to be substantial, applicants are cautioned to address each component fully.
Can two vocational schools partner in the planning grant?
Yes, two vocational schools can partner in the planning grant.
Will you be looking at schools that recently received grants and help others that haven’t
received funding in the past two years? How do you determine needs? Will you have
interviews and site visits with schools to determine needs?
Funding decisions will be based solely on the completeness of applications, their eligibility
under the criteria specified in the grant materials, and the score earned on the narrative as
specified in Required Forms: Part III. No other considerations will factor into decisions.
What if planning phase results in a change of our initial idea?
The planning process may reveal that the intended plans, or some components of the plan
are not viable and/or feasible. ESE anticipates and expects that in some cases, the
program plan outlined in an Implementation Grant narrative will differ from the proposed
plan outlined in the Planning Grant narrative. There will be no penalty imposed upon
applicants whose program plans change during the Planning Phase.
During the webinar, there was a comment that made me question what we are thinking
about for our planning grant. Our idea is to add two new CTE programs and house them
at our high school to capitalize on teaching staff and teachers we have there and to have
sustainability. We see that as adding seats, but is this not what is meant by adding seats?
The design is entirely up to the school district, but adding additional seats is an extremely
important criterion in this RFP. The Program Design section requires “an absolute
increase in the availability of career and technical education for prospective students who
would otherwise not be served (15 points).” This stipulation will present an obstacle to any
school or program where the number of students is fixed. In those cases, a new program
simply involves the movement of students from one program to another but no increase in
total seats. Proposals that propose new or expanded programs where students who
otherwise would not have access to career and technical education are as a result gaining
access DO increase seats and meet the criterion. Districts should also ensure all other
elements of the RFP are also clearly described.
Somewhere in the Power Point it states “letters of support” (or something along those
lines) from partners. Is that the Schedule C or in addition to Schedule C?
The Schedule C lists the partners in the grant. The letters of support are from the partners
in the grant and should be signed letters from the partners identifying that they will be
participating in the grants and how they will be participating in the planning process.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Is there a rubric for scoring of the planning grant? When will the Q&A be posted on the
Yes, all applications will be assessed and scored by an ESE team using a common rubric.
And, the webinar Power Point will be posted on the OCVTE WebPages at
www.doe.mass.edu/cte, as soon as possible.
May 12, 2016-May 31, 2016
“The student population served through this funding opportunity may include grades 7
through 14, including access to apprenticeship programs.” Do we need to demonstrate
that students are in Grades 13 & 14? Would an adult who is participating in an Adult Basic
Education program qualify as a Grade 13 or 14 student, or does that student need to be
enrolled in a public institution such as a Community College?
A student’s grade level is a local decision. Your School Department would make that
determination, not ESE.
The signed letters of commitment are just letters from partners indicated that they are
committed to be a part of the planning process, correct?
Based on the RFP, under the Section Application Requirements, that should be
Could you clarify the dates for the implementation grant phase 2? The due date for the
implementation grant proposal is tentatively 10/31/2016. When is the expected award
announcement for this phase and when is the expected start and end dates for the grant?
If you will look at the RFP under Project Duration, “… The phase 2 implementation
grant opportunity will have a tentative due date of October 31, 2016.” That is all the
information we have at the current time regarding the start date of the Phase 2
implementation grant. The end date of the Implementation Grant will be August 31, 2017.
Is there a limit to how many different ways a school can apply for this grant?
Based on our conversation this morning, I understand that the district wants to propose
two different design ideas under the 405 grant. The RFP
http://www.doe.mass.edu/grants/2016/405/ does not prohibit this, but the district can
only submit one planning grant application.
We discussed this funding opportunity at a meeting this morning, but noticed that a Letter
of Intent was due on May 13th. Can we still submit a Letter of Intent to apply for this grant.
The deadline for the letter of intent was May 13, 2016. The Department cannot accept any
letters of intent after the deadline has passed.
Is there any way to get on an email list for opportunities such as this grant, that come up
in the CVTE Department?
I would recommend that you keep checking the grants page, perhaps once every two
weeks, for new grant opportunities: http://www.doe.mass.edu/Grants/current.html
Should we write the planning grant as if it were the entire program proposal, or just focus
on the phase one planning aspect of the proposal? In other words, are you looking for
budget, etc. that is under $10,000. for planning needs only, or are you looking for a
budget that includes the entire program costs (for phases 1 and 2)?
We are only requesting information only pertaining to the planning grant. Look under
Application Requirements; Funding; and Fund Use on this grant link.
http://www.doe.mass.edu/grants/2016/405/ These sections will provide information on
how to respond to the grant.
Is there a form for the "letter of Commitment" for the Grant that we need to have signed
for the next step in the application?
No; there is no form for the letter of commitment.
May 31, 2016 – June 8, 2016
We just realized that we did not submit the intent to apply on May 13, 2016 and would like
to know if we are still able to apply to this grant competition.
If the school did not submit the intent to apply on May 13, 2016, the school is not eligible
to submit an application for the 405 grant on June 15, 2016.
Do you anticipate hosting this grant competition again next year or in future years?
We have no information on future grant competitions.
We are a community college that is being asked to form a partnership with other local
schools through the 405 grant. The RFP states that programs offered under the RFP must
meet Perkins requirements. For community colleges this has historically meant courses
must be credit-bearing courses. However, we will not be the primary proposal provider,
but would be a partner only. Do the courses we offer as a partner to this grant need to be
credit bearing?
The primary courses offered as a result of the collaboration need to meet Perkins
definitions that would apply to the primary proposing body. If a high school is the lead
agency, the school would need to meet Perkins program requirements for the high school;
if a college is the primary proposer, the programs would need to meet Perkins program
requirements for the college.
Does the 6-page page limit for FC 405 narrative responses include the two pages of
questions, or can we go to 8 pages total for our response?
The following is from the 405 Grant Required Forms section, Part III, Required Program
Sections I through IV of Part III comprise the narrative section of the grant proposal.
Sections I-IV may not exceed six (6) pages in total. All narrative responses must be in Arial
10 point font, with one (1) inch margins. Responses to Section V (Budget) are not included
in the page limit. Applicants are required to provide page numbers on every page of the
proposal, including appendices and material not subject to the page limits. Additional
attachments are permitted but will not factor into scoring.
The directions indicate that Sections I-IV may not exceed six pages in total.
The RFP does not say anything specifically in regards to indirect costs and references the
Perkins manual for allowable and unallowable costs. The manual states, “The United
States Department of Education requires that the combined expenditures proposed
for both indirect and direct administrative costs in a Perkins Title I Grant when
taken together not exceed 5% of the total grant amount.” I am assuming that this means
that we can include 5% in our budget for indirect from this, but am hoping that you can
confirm this.
Yes. You can request indirect costs as part of the 5% maximum allowable for
Administration, as long as the 5% does not exceed your approved indirect rate.
As long as we are a partner and not the lead on the grant and the initiative will provide
students with increased pathways to postsecondary education, the program under
consideration does not have to be for college credit. Is this correct?
The lead agency is responsible for ensuring that the program submitted meets the
definition of a Perkins program—so the program proposed would need to meet Perkins
criteria. Whether the college section must be credit bearing depends on what
the postsecondary component is supposed to provide to the program design.