Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405): BIDDER’S CONFERENCE Gary Gomes, Larry DeSalvatore, Ramona Foster Office of Career/Vocational Technical Education May 5, 2016 AGENDA • Welcome, Overview, Century Link Orientation • Emphasize essential components and priorities of Requests for Proposals - Fund Code 405 • Review required documentation • Discuss application review process 2 • Answer questions Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Overview Governor Baker recently announced new funding and initiatives to connect K-12, higher education, and employers to expand career development. This CTE partnership grant opportunity is part of this larger plan Planning grant - first of two phase process Successful applications - those that have greatest impact on increasing access to CTE through collaborative and innovative programming, maximizing existing resources 3 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Purpose To support regional and local partnerships To expand existing and/or develop new CTE programs and initiatives that increase student access to CTE opportunities To more effectively use and/or integrate existing capacity and resources To supplement currently funded local/state/federal CTE programs Funding Source: Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, P.L.109-270 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 4 Project Duration Planning grant - July 1, 2016 – September 30, 2016 All funds must be obligated/activities completed by September 30, 2016 Final report submitted by October 31, 2016 To provide sufficient time for bidders to respond to the phase 2 implementation grant opportunity, based on the phase 1 final report The phase 2 implementation grant opportunity tentative due date of October 31, 2016 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 5 Applicant Eligibility Eligible Applicants are: school districts, school consortia, collaboratives, or community colleges Project lead must be identified in application Partners - employers, publicly-funded educational institutions, WIBs, or CBOs that provide publicly-funded educational services Partners - cannot include private proprietary or private postsecondary institutions Form Schedule C must be submitted identifying proposed partners Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 6 Funding Priorities Priority will be given to applicants that address the 6 funding priorities: 1. Convene partners to expand existing and/or develop new CTE programs/initiatives to increase student access to CTE: Partnerships (not limited to): vocational/technical /comprehensive high schools, community colleges, adult education institutions, WIBs, businesses, economic development agencies, collaboratives, and CBOs Partnerships should result in opportunities to sustain CTE programming after the funding for planning and implementation Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 7 Funding Priorities (continued) 2. Leverage existing resources - maximize capacity, impact, and sustainability 3. Develop innovative action plans leading to an implementation strategy to increase student seats and access to CTE training for high demand jobs aligned with current labor market data 4. Serve traditionally underserved populations 5. Include sequences of courses leading to technical skill proficiency, industry-recognized credential (IRC), and/or associate's degree 6. Ensure integration of academic and technical content as part of program design Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 8 Funding: Additional Considerations May include grades 7 through 14 May include access to apprenticeship programs May target students on CTE wait lists; facilities reconfiguration/improvement; new program models; include local match Planning grant awardees are not automatically guaranteed implementation grant funding 9 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Funding Availability May apply for up to $10,000 Can submit one application Total available: $100,000 - planning; $710,000 –implementation $150,000 maximum for implementation grant Contingent on funding availability 10 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Fund Use Generally, fund use must: Must support collaborative planning among partners Must develop implementation plan for activities to increase student seats and access to CTE Must address needs of underserved populations Must ensure planning activities are appropriate and consistent with state/federal requirements Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 11 Fund Use (continued) Funds may be used for, but not limited to: Stipends to support planning Consultant/contract fees Planning-related professional development Other costs negotiated with ESE Perkins has specific allowable and unallowable costs - refer to Perkins IV Manual at Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 12 Fund Use: Samples CTE courses/programs at regional/comprehensive schools afterschool hours/weekends Make existing facility available to another school Create half-day split schedule - half day in CTE/half academic Create partnerships - businesses as host sites for CTE Career pathways development Create partnerships - CTE programs and Adult Career Pathway programs Shift programs between schools to increase potential for expanding specialized space (e.g. moving IT program to comprehensive school to expand Advanced Manufacturing program space at a vocational technical school) Create technically-focused schools-within-schools Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 13 Application Requirements Intent to Apply Due: Friday, May 13th Email Non-binding, must include: Name(s) of lead school district, consortia, collaborative, or public postsecondary institution Contact information (name, title, email address, and phone number) for applicant and lead personnel to be included on communications prior to submission of full application Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 14 Application Requirements (continued) Application Due: Wednesday, June 15th Application must address: Lead Applicant must submit description, no more than six (6) pages in total*, of the planning effort, including: Proposed program(s) to be expanded How efforts will add CTE capacity through partnerships Include signed statements of commitment from all partners Narrative responses - Arial 10 point, one (1) inch margins Other material/Budget Pages not subject to page limits *Additional attachments permitted, not factored into final scoring 15 Required Documentation Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page — (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants) Part II — Budget Detail Pages (both pages) Part III — Required Program Information Schedule C — Statement of Participation and Support 16 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Final Report Due: Monday, October 31, 2016 Email Describe how funds were used Include implementation outline describing outcomes of planning process Provide description of strategies to be used to address fund code priorities Identify supports/resources necessary to implement strategies Not to exceed five (5) pages, single-spaced, 10 point Arial Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 17 Selection Process Planning Grant Applications - reviewed and scored by a team from the Department Review Team - assess proposals based upon strength of answers given to criteria specified in Request for Proposal Applicants - notified via email approximately two weeks after submission deadline 18 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) Submission Instructions Submit four (4) sets of completed proposals, each with an original signature of the Superintendent/Executive Director/College President Hard copies of originals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Mail to: Margie Roberts Office for Career/Vocational Technical Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906 Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 19 QUESTIONS? • Questions and answers in webinar will be posted in the CVTE News section of our website at: •Additional questions will be accepted until June 8th and can be submitted to Gary Gomes, Career and Technical Education Partnership Grant (Fund Code 405) 20