QA Time

How much time will my child spend taking PARCC this spring, compared to MCAS?
PARCC test units have specific time limits and can be scheduled in welldefined blocks. In contrast, MCAS tests are untimed, and students can
potentially spend an entire day on an individual test session. After field
testing the assessments and receiving feedback from educators, PARCC
reduced the number of test units and testing time for students.
Students with disabilities whose individualized education programs (IEP) call
for them to have extended time will continue to have extended time on
PARCC, as will English language learners.
A student will spend between 8.25 hours (third grade) and 9.2 hours on
PARCC English language arts and math tests over the course of a school year
in grades 6-8. (The total time for PARCC assessments in grades 9-11 is 9.7
hours. Those tests were not widely used in Massachusetts during 2014-15.)
Approximate PARCC and MCAS
scheduled testing time
for ELA and mathematics
Grade 3
8 hrs
8.25 hrs
Grade 4
12 hrs
8.5 hrs
Grade 5
8 hrs
8.5 hrs
Grade 6
8 hrs
9.2 hrs
Grade 7
12 hrs
9.2 hrs
Grade 8
8 hrs
9.2 hrs
14 hrs
I'm still worried about how much time my child spends on tests.
Annual statewide tests are an important objective measure to help parents, educators and the community understand
where children stand academically and whether schools are helping all students attain the skills they need to be
successful after high school. State assessments represent only a small fraction of the testing done in districts each year.
Many of the assessments schools use are not state-mandated. The state has commissioned a study of districts'
assessment practices and will work with districts to ensure that assessments are meaningful and scheduled in such a
way as to minimize disruption.
Where can I find out more about PARCC?
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education |