GIFT CARD/CERTIFICATE ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT This form must be completed by each recipient of a gift card/certificate. This completed Acceptance Agreement should be maintained by the department with the Gift Card/Certificate Disbursement Log and Authorization Form. A copy of this completed form must be submitted to Accounts Payable. 1. Recipient’s Name (Please Print): _____________________________________________________ 2. Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________ 3. City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________ 4. Telephone/Mobile Number: _________________________________________________________ 5. Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________ 6. University Employee or Student ID# __________________________________________________ 7. Non-Employee or Non-Student’s Last Four Digits of Social Security Number: __________________ 8. Are you an Employee for the University of Maine System? _________________________________ 9. Are you a Nonresident Alien? _______________ 10. Description of Gift Card/Certificate Received: ___________________________________________ 11. Face Value of Gift Card/Certificate Received: $ _________________________________________ Please note: If you are a University of Maine System employee or student, the value of your gift card/certificate is taxable income under IRS regulations. I understand and agree to these terms and conditions. Recipient’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________________