UNB Program Proposal Form for Terminated Programs


Information Requirements for Terminated Programs



Approved by F Senate 26 May 2014

Approved by SJ Senate 26 May 2014


This document provides a common structure for developing acceptable and complete proposals for the termination of academic programs. The guidelines provided herein should optimize the chance of success of Faculty(ies)’ submissions to the appropriate Senate Curriculum Committee, Senate Academic Planning

Committee (UNBF), Senate Academic Planning and Resources Committee (UNBSJ), both Senates, and, eventually, Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC) submission. The MPHEC is responsible for continuous quality improvement of programs and teaching at post-secondary institutions and, in particular, at universities in the Maritime Provinces. This is achieved through review of program proposals prior to implementation, and through monitoring institutional quality assurance policies and procedures.

When developing a program proposal, liaise with the University Secretariat to assist in the development of the proposal and coordination of the approval process ( secretariat@unb.ca

). It is important that the academic planning procedures in place are helpful in moving revised programs along in a timely fashion, with full disclosure of information to inform the decision process. Every department and Faculty should be aware of the chain of events that must take place, the questions they must have considered and documented, and the office that can (and those that cannot) handle events along the path to full approval.


Universities are required to submit to MPHEC, prior to implementation, a proposal for any new, modified or terminated university-level program (which includes degrees, diplomas and certificates) that meets any of the following criteria:

 leads to an exit credential; or

 is the equivalent of 30 credits (or one full year) or more of study at the undergraduate level

(regardless of whether it leads to an exit credential); or

 is a type to be tracked as per MPHEC decision (which may change from time to time).

The Atlantic Advisory Committee on Health Human Resources (AACHHR) is mandated to review all proposed new health programs and health programs in which significant change is planned, as initiated by institutions, and programs resulting from discussions with the institutions which would support a plan to meet the health human resources needs of Maritime and/or Atlantic Canada.

Proposals intended for implementation at the beginning of the Fall term must be completed and submitted to the University Secretariat no later than August 31 of the preceding year. Approval may take up to eighteen months from the date of submission.

The guidelines explain the information required for each section of the accompanying Program

Proposal. Completed proposals go through an approval process at the appropriate Senate, the

Board, and the MPHEC. Some of the required information is subsequently used during MPHEC quality assurance processes. Please contact the University Secretariat should you have any questions.

Information Requirements for Terminated Programs


The purpose of these Information Requirements is to outline the information required to allow an external reader to assess that the proposed program termination appears warranted.

A proposal for a program termination should be submitted when the university intends to no longer admit students and to remove the program from its offerings. A proposal should also be submitted when a program has become inactive: that is, the institution(s) has (have) not admitted and/or graduated a student in the program for a period of four years (or the normal timeframe through which one cohort could complete the program).

Please note that should a program be terminated as a result of the introduction of a new program, and to avoid the need to submit a separate proposal for its termination, the program proposal for the new program should include information on the transition from the existing to the new program, including a phase-out plan for the program being terminated.

If you are unable to complete all sections of the information requirements listed below, please note these areas and include an explanation.



1.1 Submitting Institution

University of New Brunswick

1.2 Faculty(ies)

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item.

1.3 School(s)

Choose an item.

1.4 Department(s)

Click here to enter text.

1.5 Program Name

Click here to enter text.

1.6 Program type (e.g., bachelor’s degree, post-baccalaureate certificate)

Choose an item.

Other: Click here to enter text.

1.7 Credential(s) granted (where applicable, former and proposed)

Click here to enter text.

1.8 Proposed termination date: Click here to enter a date.

Information Requirements for Terminated Programs

1.9 Institutional program code(s) for the existing program(s), as stored in the post-secondary institution’s administrative files, that is reported under PSIS (Post-Secondary Student

Information System) (element IP 2000)

Click here to enter text.

(Contact the Registrars’ Office should you have questions regarding

PSIS codes)

1.10 Date(s) of Senate Approval: Fredericton Click here to enter a date.

Date of Board Approval:

Saint John Click here to enter a date.

Click here to enter a date.

1.11 Contact Person:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.


2.1 Rational for the program termination.

Click here to enter text.

2.2 Description of the timeframe/phase-out plan for the existing program and students.

Click here to enter text.

2.2.1 Date new registrations will no longer be permitted/accepted:

Click here to enter a date.

2.2.2 Anticipated date of completion of last student:

Click here to enter a date.

2.2.3 Alternative programs for existing students, if any:

Click here to enter text.

2.3 Describe the impact the termination of this program will have on existing programs at the

University (e.g., a reduction in required courses, elective offerings or cross-listed courses) and how this will be addressed.

Click here to enter text.

2.4 In the case of professional, semi-professional, articulated, other collaborative, and programs requiring a work placement, other stakeholders and/or partners may be involved. Stakeholders may play a role in many ways, for example, in program delivery, accreditation, or student placements, and, in some instances, be responsible for the supply side of graduates from particular programs (e.g., teacher education programs, health and health-related programs, law, social work, criminology, foods and nutrition programs, articulated programs). In general for these types of programs, or other programs which directly involve other stakeholders, institutions must provide:

2.4.1 Evidence that other institutions and stakeholders involved have been consulted:

Click here to enter text.

Information Requirements for Terminated Programs

2.4.2 Verification/confirmation from stakeholders that planned program terminations are known and agreed upon. (This could include governments, public and private institutions, community colleges, other universities.)

Click here to enter text.


3.1 Any other information that the institution feels will assist the MPHEC in its understanding of the proposed termination. Reports of internal or external reviews would be helpful.

Click here to enter text.

Information Requirements for Terminated Programs


Please ensure that each of the following are appended/included, as applicable, when submitting a completed program proposal:

A list of appendices to the program proposal

Reports from internal or external assessments

Letters of support for the proposed termination from other involved partners

Letter of AACHHR support (for health-related programs)


All of the information requirements have been addressed.

All relevant appendices are attached

Phase-out plan has been provided

Institutional program codes have been provided

Side-by-side comparisons are complete

Any additional information to help the MPHEC in its understanding of the proposed program termination

☐ Signature (or appended letter) confirming the collaborative submission, and principal applicant, where applicable

☐ The proposal has been submitted to the Senate Curriculum and Academic Planning and/or

Academic Planning and Resources Committees
