Chincoteague Visitor Transportation Study Draft Presentation November 1998 The Marketing Source, Inc. Study Objective To assess transportation impacts, travel patterns and mobility needs of visitors to Chincoteague and Assateague Islands during the peak tourist season. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 2 Study Components Chincoteague Surveys Assateague Surveys THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 3 Methodology Chincoteague Surveys 310 intercept surveys completed in town Self-administered Tourists only Incentive: Ice cream coupon Conducted August 20-23, 1998 Assateague Surveys 224 surveys completed while visiting Assateague Distributed randomly at toll booths Self-administered Some residents allowed Incentive: $5.00 License plate survey conducted Conducted August 20-23, 1998 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 4 Who was interviewed? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 5 Profile of respondents Gender: 41% men; 59% women Age: Under 30 years Income: 8% 30-39 years 40-49 years 50+ years 30 36 26 Under $35K 14% $35-49K $50-74K $75-100K Over $100K 21 29 17 18 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 6 Who comes to Chincoteague and Assateague Islands? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 7 Many visitors come from Pennsylvania, Eastern Shore, and other parts of Maryland. NJ 8% PA 21% NY 5% MD 23% DE 3% Eastern Shore 22% VA 4% Other States 10% Source: License Plate Survey; Base = 5,150 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 8 Origin points differ by length of visit. State Maryland Pennsylvania Accomack Northhampton Other Eastern Shore New Jersey Virginia New York Delaware Weekday Weekend 21% 25% 7% 3% 10% 8% 5% 6% 2% 27% 21% 6% 1% 17% 7% 3% 4% 4% Source: License Plate Survey; Base = 5,150 9 Three-fourths (76%) of those surveyed had previously visited Chincoteague Island. Among repeat visitors… Repeat Visitors 76% First-time Visitors 24% Question:Is this your first visit to Chincoteague? (Base = 534) • 33% had visited 1-3 times; 67% had visited 4+ times (over past 5 years). • Most stay for a week or more. • Frequent visitors (4+ times in 5 years) are more likely to rate weekend traffic a problem and also rate parking at Assateague Beach a problem. • Repeat visitors are more likely to not want any changes to occur. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 10 First-time visitors First time visitors tend to be… First-time Visitors 24% • more likely to be “stopping by” on their way to another destination. • stay for shorter lengths of time. • less likely to be biking or shopping compared to other tourist types. • less likely to think that traffic or parking is a problem. • more likely to express interest in a trolley system. Repeat Visitors 76% Question:Is this your first visit to Chincoteague? (Base = 534) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 11 Day only visitors. Day only visitors are more likely to be: One day 13% first time visitors also. visiting as a stop off to another destination. Day only visitors are less likely to: participate in outdoor activities. More than one day 87% Question: How long will you be staying in Chincoteague during this visit? (Base = 534) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 12 The majority (71%) of the persons interviewed have at least 3 persons in their party.. Number in Party 30% 5+ 3 to 4 41% 1 to 2 29% 0% Question: How 20% 40% 60% many people, including yourself, are in your party? (Base = 533) Average = 4.2 persons THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 13 Over half (56%) of tourist travel with children under 12 years old. Presence of Children in Party Children 13-16 years 21% Children <12 years 56% No children 37% 0% 20% 40% 60% Question: How many children under 12 years old are in your party? How many children 13-16 years old are in your party? (Base = 531) Those with young children.. • are more active in outdoor activities. • use their car more often. • stay longer. • say they would visit more often with pedestrian friendly downtown. • receptive to proposed enhancements (trolley, additional bike trails/racks, bike lanes, and new interpretive center. • tend to be 30-39 years old. 14 For the majority (89%), Chincoteague Island is the final trip destination. Only 1 in 10 (11%) say it is a stop-off point to another destination. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 15 Major destinations visiting while on this trip include: Williamsburg 11% Ocean City 9% Virginia Beach 7% Washington DC 5% Maryland (unspecified) 12% Virginia (unspecified) 16% Caution: Small sample size; Base =46 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 16 Length of stay is split equally among weekend (33%) visitors and week-long (34%) tourists. 40% 34% 33% 30% 20% 13% 8% 10% 6% 6% Question: nt k k id e Re s e llTi m Pa Lo rt /F u ng er En th a n a tir e W ee W ee nd ke W ee nd ke W ee 26 D ay /L o s ng (m D ay id -w O ee nl y k) 0% How long will you be staying in Chincoteague during this visit? (Base =532) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 17 What are the spending habits? Amount Spent by Length of Stay Length of Stay Day Only Weekend Week (Base) (58)* (156) (162) Less than $300 $300-499 $500-999 $1,000-1,499 $1,500 or more 88% 5 5 2 0 34% 28 29 6 3 8% 14 30 30 18 * Caution: Low sample size Question: What is the approximate total amount of money you will spend while on this trip to the islands? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 18 What do Tourists do while visiting the islands? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 19 The most popular activities among tourists are the beaches and the wildlife. Go to beach 91% Observe wildlife 80% Dining 77% Shopping 74% Nature trails 68% Biking 53% Fishing 39% Boating 29% Camping 18% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Question: What activities have you participated in or plan to participate in while on this visit to the islands? (Base = 534; multiple responses) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 100% 20 Activities by tourist type Activity First-time Visitors With Young Children Day Only Go to beach 88 96 66 Observe wildlife 82 80 66 Dining 73 79 44 Shopping 63 75 41 Nature trails 69 72 39 Biking 44 59 17 Fishing 31 45 14 Boating 19 33 3 Camping 11 20 6 21 Assateague Beach, Main St. attractions and the Wildlife Refuge are the most popular destinations for visitors. % who visit this destination 98% Beach 95% Shopping/dining on Main St. 92% Wildlife Refuge Shopping/dining - other island 83% Shopping/dining on Maddox 95% Visitors' Center 75% Tom's Cove 70% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: During your stay, approximately how many times do you anticipate visiting the following destinations? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 22 The average number of visits to each destination varies by length of visit. Average Visits by Length of Visit Destination Day Only Shopping or dining on Main Street Shopping or dining on Maddox Rd. Shopping or dining at other places on the island Assateague Beach Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Chincoteague Refuge Visitors’ Center Tom’s Cove Visitors’ Center (on beach) Weekend Week 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 6 4 2 2 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 23 How do visitors travel around Chincoteague and Assateague Islands? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 24 Over a third (36%) of the respondents say they will use their car over 11 times during their trip. 40% 36% 30% 26% 22% 20% 14% 10% 2% 0% 0 Question: 1 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 10 11+ By the end of your visit, how many times do you think you will have used your car to travel to destinations within Chincoteague and Assateague Islands? (Base =521) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 25 Over half (57%) of week-long visitors use their vehicles 11 or more times. Length of Visit (Base) Vehicle Use None Day Only Weekend (68) (168) (180) 2% 0% 6% Week 1-2 times 62 12 2 3-5 times 20 38 13 6-10 times 9 34 28 11+ times 3 14 57 By the end of your visit, how many times do you think you will have used your car to travel to destinations within Chincoteague and Assateague Islands? Question: THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 26 Most visitors drive their cars to destinations. % Auto Shopping or dining at other places on the island Assateague Beach Tom’s Cove Visitors’ Center (on beach) Shopping or dining on Maddox Rd. Chincoteague Refuge Visitors’ Center Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge 86% % Walk 6% % Combin- Bike ation 3% 5% 82 9 6 3 75 14 7 4 74 10 7 9 Shopping or dining on Main Street 72 16 4 8 69 23 3 5 64 23 7 6 Question: Please fill in the number of times you anticipate visiting each destination as well as the way you will most often travel there. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 27 Do visitors think that traffic congestion and parking conditions are a problem? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 28 Visitors acknowledge that traffic is more congested on the weekend. However, only about a third say that it is a problem. % “4” and “5” responses 38% Main St. 11% 40% Maddox St. 15% Weekend Weekday 28% Wildlife Refuge 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Question: How would you rate the overall automobile TRAFFIC CONGESTION on the islands both during the week and on the weekend? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” is a big problem and “1” is no problem at all. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 29 Over a third of visitors say weekend parking on Main St. and Maddox is a problem. % “4” and “5” responses 36% Main St. 14% 47% Maddox St. 13% Assateague Beach Weekend 23% 10% Wildlife Refuge Weekday 23% 5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Question: How would you rate the OVERALL PARKING CONDITIONS on the islands both during the week and on the weekend? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” is a big problem and “1” is no problem at all. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 30 What do visitors think about possible improvements? Pedestrian-Friendly Downtown Trolley Service Additional Bike Trails/Racks New Educational/Interpretive Center Visitors’ Input THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 31 Nearly a third (30%) of visitors say they would visit downtown more often if it were more pedestrian-friendly. Reaction to Pedestrian-Friendly Downtown Proposal Would not influence plans Visit downtown more often 53% 30% 18% Visit islands more often Lengthen stay Other 0% Those visitors who support the pedestrianfriendly downtown are more likely to: • visited 1-3 times in the past 5 years. • be visitors with children under 12 years. (36%) 9% 10% 20% 40% 60% Question: A proposed idea is a pedestrian-friendly downtown with wide sidewalks, bike lanes, and a trolley system that would provide central access to shopping and restaurants. Which of the following describe how this pedestrian-friendly downtown might affect your future plans to visit the islands? [Check all that apply] Base = 534 Downtown changes are less likely to influence frequent visitors (4+ times in 5 years). THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 32 About one-third (36%) say they would be “very likely” to use a 15-minute trolley service. Those who support Trolley Service tend to: be first time visitors have children under 12 years be high among tourists that have visited 1-3 times in 5 years Those who Do Not support Trolley Service tend to: be seasoned visitors (4+ times in 5 years) have no children. be older visitors age 50+ THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 33 Support for 30-minute trolley versus 15minute trolley. 30 minute 15 minute 50% 45% 40% 36% 32% 35% 30% 25% 25% 28% 29% 20% 19% 15% 15% 16% 10% 5% 0% Very Likely So mewhat Likely No t Very Likely No t A t A ll likely Question: If trolley service were available every 15 minutes (every 30 minutes) to take you around the 34 island of Chincoteague, how likely would you be to use that service? [Check one] Suggested Trolley Destinations outside of Chincoteague Island Those that responded mentioned: Assateague Beach 42% Assateague Island (unspecified) 34 NASA/Wallops Island 11 Wildlife areas/Refuge 8 Tom’s Cove Visitors’ Center 3 Question: What destinations, other than the Island of Chincoteague, would you like the trolley to go? Base =175 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 35 Nearly half of visitors say they would likely use additional bike trails/racks or bike lanes adjacent to major thoroughfares. 46% "5" Very likely 47% 18% 17% "4" 15% 16% "3" Bike lanes near thoroughfares 8% 7% "2" Additional bike lanes/racks 14% 13% "1" Not at all likely 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Question: To what extent would you use additional bike trails and bike racks around Chincoteague (Base = 525) or bike lanes adjacent to the major thoroughfares in Chincoteague (Base = 520) if they were made available to you? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” is very likely to use and “1” is not at all likely to use. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 36 Over half (57%) say they would visit a new educational/interpretive center. Reaction to Educational/Interpretive Center 57% Would visit center Would not influence plans 37% 16% Visit more often Lengthen stay 7% Other 5% 0% 20% Those visitors who would visit the educational center tend to: • Be visitors with children under the age of 12 years. • Those who were already visiting Assateague Island. Those less likely to visit the center: 40% 60% • Full/part-time residents • Those visitors without children Question: An educational and interpretive center is proposed for the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge to replace the existing small contact center. This center will offer visitors more wildlife education programs, hands-on displays, classrooms, day camps, seminars, and an auditorium. Which of the following describe how this center might affect your future plans to visit the islands? [Check all that apply] Base = 534 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 37 Visitors’ suggested improvements. Do not change anything 14% Better transportation 13 More/better bike trails 12 Improve beach area 6 Better accommodations 2 Question: What improvements would enhance your visit to the islands? Base =534 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 38 What do visitors think about Assateague Island? THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 39 On average, tourists visit Assateague Island about 1.6 times each day. 60% 50% 51% 40% 33% 30% 20% 10% 7% 9% 0% 1 3 2 Average number of visits each day 4+ Question: On average, how many times did you visit Chincoteague Refuge/Assateague Island each day? (Base = 202) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 40 On the days surveyed, over half (56%) of the visitors spent 3-5 hours at the Refuge. 60% 56% 40% 23% 20% 14% 6% 1% 0% < 1 Hour 1-2 Hours 3-5 Hours 6-8 Hours 8+ Hours Question: What was the total length of time you spent at the refuge today? (Base =219) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 41 The majority (68%) of visitors travel to Assateague Island by auto. Auto 68% Bike 15% Walk 1% Combination 16% Question: On average, how did you typically travel there? (Base = 214) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 42 Most (59%) visitors purchase weekly passes and the majority (89%) believe that the pass price is “just right”. Type of pass purchased: Weekly 59% Annual 10 Federal Duck Stamp 9 Golden Age 7 Cyclist/Walk-in 4 Golden Eagle 1 Unsure 9 Reaction to Pass Price Too Too high low 5% 6% Just Right 89% Question: What type of Refuge entrance pass did you use? Base = 220 Question: Do you feel that the price of your entrance pass was too high, too low or just right? Base =213 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 43 “Beaches” and “wildlife observation” are the most frequently stated reasons why tourists come to the Assateague. Beaches 88% Wildlife observation 71% Biking 43% Wildlife photography 19% Wildlife programs 17% Other 27% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Why did you select Assateague as your vacation destination? (Base = 224; multiple responses) THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 44 The beach and area trails are rated the highest among Assateague attractions. Base = Those who responded Beach 31% Trails 42% Wildlife viewing 37% Visitors' Center 36% 94% 63% 45% 87% 82% 45% 36% 72% Good Interpretive programs 35% 0% 20% 36% 40% 60% 71% 80% Excellent 100% Question: How would you rate the following? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where “5” is excellent and “1” is poor. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 45 Why Assateague Beach was chosen over other beaches. Not commercialized 33% Nice beach area 22 Not as crowded 22 Nature/wildlife 20 Close proximity to home 12 Quiet/private/slow pace 10 Beautiful scenery 8 Question: If you checked “Beaches”, why did you choose Assateague Beach over other beaches on the East Coast? Base =198 THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 46 Summary Findings: Points of Origin Assateague tourists are primarily traveling from Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Approximately 10% of weekday visitors and 17% of weekend visitors are residents of the Eastern Shore. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 47 Summary Findings: Visitation About one-quarter (24%) of the tourists are visiting Chincoteague for the first-time. These visitors are more likely to be staying for shorter periods. Three-quarters of the tourists are repeat visitors, with many having been at least 4 times over the past 5 years. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 48 Summary Findings: Length of Visit Close to 10% of the island visitors are stopping off on their way to a primary destination. Only 13% of tourists are visiting for the day only. A third are staying for the weekend and another third are week-long visitors. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 49 Summary Findings: Composition of Tourists Although one-third of tourists are traveling alone or with one other person during their visit, the majority are traveling with children. Families with young children (under 12 years) tend to be participating more in outdoor activities. They also are staying longer. Families with young children would likely use new bike trails, bike lanes and they would use a trolley system if made available. In addition, most families with small children would visit a new educational/interpretive center. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 50 Summary Findings: Activities The beach and observing wildlife are the most popular activities among tourists, followed by shopping and dining out on Main Street and visiting the Wildlife Refuge. Most visitors use their car to travel to these attractions. Biking is most popular to the Wildlife Refuge, to Tom’s Cove and shopping and dining on Maddox Blvd. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 51 Summary Findings: Perceived traffic and parking problems Few people noted problems on the weekday. But about a third categorize traffic congestion as a “problem” on the weekend. A similar pattern was found for perceived parking problems. Respondents particularly noted weekend parking problems on Main St. and Maddox St. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 52 Summary Findings: Perceived traffic and parking problems . Over half of the tourists polled say they would consider using trolley service. Many would like to see the trolley go to Assateague Island, specifically the beach area. Tourists with young children and first time visitors and more likely to use a trolley system, while seasoned visitors (4+times in 5 years) and older visitors are less likely to use a trolley system. About a third say they would visit the downtown area more often if it were pedestrian-friendly. The majority support additional bike trails/racks and bike lanes adjacentTHEtoMARKETING majorSOURCE, thoroughfares. INC. 53 Summary Findings: Perceived traffic and parking problems Most (57%) would visit a new interpretive and educational center. Groups with children under 12 years would be more likely to visit while fulltime/part-time residents were less likely to visit a new center. 54 Summary Findings: Assateague Island Like Chincoteague visitors, Assateague Island tourists are most likely to be repeat visitors. Cars (68%) are the main mode of transportation used by tourists to travel to Assateague. Biking (15%) is the next most popular mode of travel used. Tourists are visiting Assateague Island multiple times each day (1.6 times ). 55 Summary Findings: Assateague Island Over half of Assateague Island visitors spent 3-5 hours at the refuge. Most visitors to Assateague purchase a weekly pass. In addition, most feel that the entrance fee is fairly priced. The beaches , wildlife and biking are the most popular activities on Assateague Island. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 56 Summary Findings: Assateague Island Visitors chose Assateague as their vacation destination over other beaches because the beach was not commercialized and crowded. In addition, they also mentioned that wildlife was an appealing attribute of the island. THE MARKETING SOURCE, INC. 57