Southeastern Institute of Research VDOT Omnibus Study Wave I: December 2004 January 6, 2005 Pulsar Advertising G Pulsar Advertising 1 Southeastern Institute of Research Objectives & Methodology Pulsar Advertising 2 Southeastern Institute of Research Objectives • Understand citizens’ expectations and perceptions of VDOT on critical issues across all Divisions. • Provide guidance for VDOT’s outreach communications program across all Divisions. • Establish a benchmark for monitoring perceptions of VDOT across all Divisions. Pulsar Advertising 3 Southeastern Institute of Research Methodology • Telephone survey using SIR’s Virginia Pulse Quarterly study • Interview included 5 questions written specifically for VDOT and 7 standard demographic questions • 1,200 random households in 4 geographic regions: – Northern Virginia (Virginia portion of Metro DC market) – Central (Richmond/Petersburg) – Eastern (Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Hampton/Newport News) – Western (Roanoke/Lynchburg/Danville/Martinsville) • 300 interviews conducted in each region • Interviews conducted Dec. 13-30 (no holiday interviewing) Pulsar Advertising 4 Southeastern Institute of Research Questions Customized for VDOT Questions asked in all four regions: • • • • • In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Which of the tasks I just mentioned do you think should be VDOT’s biggest priority? How well does VDOT perform on (BIGGEST TASK)? Two additional questions asked in Western Virginia: • • Are you aware that motorists stopped and ticketed for speeding on a section of Interstate 81 near Roanoke, known as the Highway Safety Corridor, may have to pay significantly increased fines? If you have driven that part of I-81, how has your driving behavior been affected? Pulsar Advertising 5 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Findings & Implications Pulsar Advertising 6 Southeastern Institute of Research VDOT Is Ubiquitous: More than 9 of 10 Virginians Have Had Contact with VDOT in the Past Year Yes 92% No 8% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 7 Southeastern Institute of Research This High Level Of Contact With VDOT Is Consistent Across All Regions Western 92% 8% Yes 93% Central No 7% Eastern 92% 8% Northern 92% 8% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 8 Southeastern Institute of Research Residents Interact with VDOT in a Variety of Ways, But Tend Not To Initiate That Contact Read or heard about VDOT in news 69% VDOT road crews 69% 62% Electronic message boards 56% Visited Virginia Interstate rest area Searched VDOT website 11% Received mail from VDOT 11% Called VDOT 11% Visited a VDOT office 10% Sent email to VDOT 3% Attended VDOT public meeting 2% Sent a letter to VDOT 2% 0% 20% This pattern is fairly consistent across all regions of the state, with one exception. In Northern Virginia, 16% have searched the VDOT website and 18% have received mail from VDOT. 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 9 Southeastern Institute of Research Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: VDOT “touches” almost all resident constituents frequently and in a variety of ways. This contact takes numerous forms. Contact that is not typically defined as “communications” – or at least not typically controlled by VDOT – (media, road crews, rest areas) are dramatically more visible and pervasive than VDOT’s own controlled communication channels (direct mail, website, etc.). Implication: Recognize these non-traditional “communications” as opportunities to communicate with state residents. Take advantage of all “touch points” to communicate in ways that build and enhance the image and reputation of VDOT. All VDOT employees who have contact with residents are contributors to VDOT’s imagery and reputation. Even those for whom contact is indirect – such as those who develop messages for electronic message boards and transport those boards or road crews – have potential to influence the perceptions of residents. Pulsar Advertising 10 Southeastern Institute of Research 6 Out of 10 Residents Are Satisfied With Their Contact With VDOT But, there is opportunity for VDOT to improve. 38% of residents cannot be classified as “satisfied.” Very dissatisfied 4% Don't know 8% Somewhat dissatisfied 6% Very satisfied 26% Neither 20% Somewhat satisfied 36% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 11 Southeastern Institute of Research Greatest Opportunity to Improve VDOT’s Contact Satisfaction Rating Is in Eastern Virginia Somewhat satisfied Western 39% 27% 32% Eastern 21% 36% Northern 0% 20% 71% 32% 36% Central 23% 40% Very satisfied 63% 53% 59% 60% 80% 100% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 12 Southeastern Institute of Research Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: State residents rate VDOT only moderately well in terms of their contact with VDOT. Residents of Eastern Virginia – Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Hampton and Newport News – are least satisfied. Implication: Continue to work to improve communications and interaction with Virginia residents, focusing specifically on Eastern Virginia where the need to improve is greatest. Pulsar Advertising 13 Southeastern Institute of Research VDOT Is Associated with Road Maintenance Most Frequently Road maintenance 59% New road construction 19% Traffic management 7% Incident response 4% Plan for future transportation needs 3% Providing traffic & travel information 2% Something else 1% Don’t' know 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Pulsar Advertising 14 Southeastern Institute of Research Residents of Eastern Virginia Have Different Expectations of VDOT Than The Residents In Other Regions of The State Residents of Eastern Virginia are more likely to associate VDOT with new road construction than residents in the other regions. They are less likely to associate VDOT with road maintenance. Western 2% Central 8% 7% 4% 0% Traffic management 45% Incident response 58% 17% 20% Road maintenance New road construction 26% 9% 8% Northern 65% 19% 3% 3% Eastern 66% 13% 40% 60% Only most frequent mentions are shown. 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 15 Southeastern Institute of Research Overall, Residents Believe VDOT’s First Priority Should Be Road Maintenance Road maintenance 51% New road construction 21% Planning for future transportation needs Half of residents believe road maintenance should be VDOT’s biggest priority. 10% Traffic management 8% Incident response 3% Something else 1% Providing traffic & travel information 1% Don’t' know 0% 4% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which of the tasks I just mentioned do you think should be VDOT’s biggest priority? Pulsar Advertising 16 Southeastern Institute of Research Priorities in Eastern and Northern Virginia differ from the Central and Western regions. These areas place less emphasis on road maintenance and more on construction. Northern Virginia also places more emphasis on planning and traffic management. New Road Construction Is A Greater Priority For Residents in Eastern Virginia Western 8% 6% Central 5% Eastern 8% 58% 17% 63% 15% 43% 31% 7% 7% Road maintenance New road construction Northern 13% 0% 18% 20% 23% 38% Planning for future needs Traffic management 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which of the tasks I just mentioned do you think should be VDOT’s biggest priority? Pulsar Advertising 17 Southeastern Institute of Research Overall, 5 Out of 10 Rate VDOT Favorably On Its Performance On Its “Biggest Priority” VDOT’s performance rating on “biggest priority” among residents who say any of the tasks are the biggest priority. Don't know 4% Half rate VDOT favorably Excellent 10% Poor 14% Good 41% Fair 32% Question: How well does VDOT perform on “biggest priority”? Would you say they are … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 18 Southeastern Institute of Research Over One-half Rate VDOT Favorably for Road Maintenance VDOT’s performance rating on “biggest priority” among residents who say “road maintenance” is the biggest priority. Poor 10% Don't know 1% Excellent 11% Fair 30% Good 47% Question: How well does VDOT perform on “biggest priority”? Would you say they are … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 19 Southeastern Institute of Research About 4 of 10 Rate VDOT Favorably on New Road Construction Don't know 2% VDOT’s performance rating on “biggest priority” among residents who say “new road construction” is the biggest priority. Excellent 10% Poor 21% Good 34% Fair 33% Question: How well does VDOT perform on “biggest priority”? Would you say they are … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 20 Southeastern Institute of Research 4 of 10 Rate VDOT as “Excellent” or “Good” in Terms of Traffic Management Poor 23% VDOT’s performance rating on “biggest priority” among residents who say “traffic management” is the biggest priority. Don't know 3% Excellent 8% Fair 33% Good 33% Question: How well does VDOT perform on “biggest priority”? Would you say they are … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 21 Southeastern Institute of Research VDOT Receives Its Poorest Rating for Planning for the Future VDOT’s performance rating on “biggest priority” among residents who say “planning for future needs” is the biggest priority. Don't know 12% Poor 17% Excellent 4% Good 25% Fair 42% Question: How well does VDOT perform on “biggest priority”? Would you say they are … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 22 Southeastern Institute of Research Satisfaction with VDOT Contact Does Not Vary by What Residents Believe VDOT’s Biggest Priority Should Be Road maintenance 59% New road construction 59% Planning for future needs 56% Traffic management 54% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 23 Southeastern Institute of Research Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: Overall, state residents believe road maintenance should be VDOT’s biggest priority. However, views vary by region. Eastern Virginia, in particular, and Northern Virginia, secondarily, express different expectations than other areas in the state. In Eastern Virginia, new road construction is relatively more important to residents than in other areas. In Northern Virginia, new road construction and planning are relatively more important. Implication: Develop messages that reflect the needs and expectations of residents. Overall, messages about road maintenance are important. To be most effective, however, messages should be tailored to individual markets. Messages to Eastern Virginia – where satisfaction with contact is lowest – should highlight new road construction rather than simply road maintenance. In Northern Virginia, talk about planning and new road construction. Pulsar Advertising 24 Southeastern Institute of Research Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: Satisfaction with contact with VDOT does not vary by what residents believe VDOT’s top priority should be. However, VDOT’s performance is rated least favorably for planning for future transportation needs. Implication: Take advantage of the opportunity communications provide by emphasizing VDOT’s planning successes and its expertise in this area. This opportunity is greatest in Northern Virginia where residents place greater emphasis on planning than residents in other regions in Virginia. Pulsar Advertising 25 Southeastern Institute of Research About Half in the Western Region Are Aware of the Highway Safety Corridor Yes 50% No 49% Don't know Question asked only of respondents in western region. 1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Are you aware that motorists stopped and ticketed for speeding on a section of Interstate 81 near Roanoke, known as the Highway Safety Corridor, may have to pay significantly increased fines? Pulsar Advertising 26 Southeastern Institute of Research Over One-third of Those Aware of the Increased Fine Are Driving More Safely Drive safer and pay closer attention to the posted speed limits 37% It has had no affect, as have always driven the posted speed limits 34% It has had no affect; continue to drive as always have 15% Question asked only of respondents in western region who were aware of increased fine. 12% Don't drive the Highway Safety Corridor 2% Don't know 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: If you have driven that part of I-81, how has your driving behavior been affected? Would you say … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 27 Southeastern Institute of Research Proportions shown are based to audience members who potentially could change behavior for safer driving. Those who do not drive in Highway Safety Corridor or “have always driven within the speed limits” are excluded. Two-thirds of Those Whose Driving Could Be Affected by the Program Report that Their Driving Has Improved Drive safer and pay closer attention to the posted speed limits 68% It has had no affect; continue to drive as always have 28% Question asked only of respondents in western region who were aware of increased fine. 4% Don't know 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: If you have driven that part of I-81, how has your driving behavior been affected? Would you say … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 28 Southeastern Institute of Research Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: About one-half of residents in Western Virginia are aware of the Highway Safety Corridor, and one-third of these have improved their driving behavior. Among those who are aware of it, the Highway Safety Corridor program works! Implication: VDOT can double the impact of this program by continuing to build awareness as 49% are still unaware. Continue the outreach communications campaign. Tell area residents about the Highway Safety Corridor – to continue to improve driving habits and to tell the good news about safety improvements and VDOT’s role in bringing about these improvements. Pulsar Advertising 29 Southeastern Institute of Research Additional Details Pulsar Advertising 30 Southeastern Institute of Research Type of Contact: Western Virginia Read or heard about VDOT in news 62% VDOT road crews 71% 55% Electronic message boards 58% Visited Virginia Interstate rest area 10% Searched VDOT website 8% Received mail from VDOT 12% Called VDOT 10% Visited a VDOT office Sent email to VDOT 2% Attended VDOT public meeting 2% Sent a letter to VDOT 1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 31 Southeastern Institute of Research Type of Contact: Central Virginia Read or heard about VDOT in news 75% VDOT road crews 73% 64% Electronic message boards 59% Visited Virginia Interstate rest area Searched VDOT website 11% Received mail from VDOT 10% 12% Called VDOT 8% Visited a VDOT office Sent email to VDOT 3% Attended VDOT public meeting 3% Sent a letter to VDOT 1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 32 Southeastern Institute of Research Type of Contact: Eastern Virginia Read or heard about VDOT in news 73% VDOT road crews 64% Electronic message boards 64% 55% Visited Virginia Interstate rest area Searched VDOT website 9% Received mail from VDOT 8% Called VDOT 8% Visited a VDOT office 9% Sent email to VDOT 3% Attended VDOT public meeting 2% Sent a letter to VDOT 3% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 33 Southeastern Institute of Research Type of Contact: Northern Virginia Read or heard about VDOT in news 69% VDOT road crews 68% 66% Electronic message boards 52% Visited Virginia Interstate rest area 16% Searched VDOT website 18% Received mail from VDOT Called VDOT 10% Visited a VDOT office 11% Sent email to VDOT 5% Attended VDOT public meeting 3% Sent a letter to VDOT 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: In the past year, have you come in contact with the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, in any of the following ways? Pulsar Advertising 34 Southeastern Institute of Research Satisfaction with VDOT Contact: Western Virginia Very dissatisfied 3% Somewhat dissatisfied 4% Don't know 7% Very satisfied 31% Neither 20% Somewhat satisfied 35% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 35 Southeastern Institute of Research Satisfaction with VDOT Contact: Central Virginia Don't know Very dissatisfied 9% 4% Very satisfied 27% Somewhat dissatisfied 4% Neither 20% Somewhat satisfied 36% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 36 Southeastern Institute of Research Satisfaction with VDOT Contact: Eastern Virginia Very dissatisfied 6% Don't know 9% Very satisfied 21% Somewhat dissatisfied 8% Somewhat satisfied 32% Neither 24% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 37 Southeastern Institute of Research Satisfaction with VDOT Contact: Northern Virginia Very dissatisfied 3% Don't know 7% Very satisfied 23% Somewhat dissatisfied 8% Somewhat satisfied 36% Neither 23% Question: How would you rate your satisfaction with your contact with VDOT in the past year? Would you say you were … (Read answers)? Pulsar Advertising 38 Southeastern Institute of Research Tasks Associated with VDOT: Western Virginia Road maintenance 66% New road construction 13% Traffic management 8% Incident response 2% Plan for future transportation needs 2% Providing traffic & travel information 2% Something else 1% Don’t' know 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Pulsar Advertising 39 Southeastern Institute of Research Tasks Associated with VDOT: Central Virginia Road maintenance 65% New road construction 19% Traffic management 3% Incident response 3% Plan for future transportation needs 2% Providing traffic & travel information 2% Something else 2% Don’t' know 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Pulsar Advertising 40 Southeastern Institute of Research Tasks Associated with VDOT: Eastern Virginia Road maintenance 45% New road construction 26% Traffic management 9% Incident response 8% Plan for future transportation needs 2% Providing traffic & travel information 2% Something else 2% Don’t' know 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Pulsar Advertising 41 Southeastern Institute of Research Tasks Associated with VDOT: Northern Virginia Road maintenance 58% New road construction 17% Traffic management 7% Incident response 4% Plan for future transportation needs 6% Providing traffic & travel information Something else 3% 0% Don’t' know 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Question: Which one of the following tasks do you most associate with VDOT? Pulsar Advertising 42 Southeastern Institute of Research