Multi-programming in THE Landon Cox February 3, 2016

Multi-programming in THE
Landon Cox
February 3, 2016
THE (First SOSP ’67)
SIGOPS Hall of Fame summary
“The first paper to suggest that an operating
system be built in a structured way. That
structure was a series of layers, each a virtual
machine that introduced abstractions built using
the functionality of lower layers. The paper
stimulated a great deal of subsequent work in
building operating systems as structured
Across systems categories
• Many common, important problems
Fault tolerance
Coordination of concurrent activities
Geo. separated but linked data
Large-scale data sets
Protection from mistakes and attacks
Interactions with many people
• All of these problems lead to
• How do we control complexity?
• Build abstractions that hide unimportant details
• Establish conventional interfaces
• Enable composition of simple, well-defined components
• None of these ideas a specific to computer
• These are just principles of good engineering
• Civil engineering, urban planning, mechanical engineering,
aviation and space flight, electrical engineering,
ecology and political science
Dealing with complexity
• How do you impose order on complex programs?
Break functionality into modules
Goal is to “decouple” unrelated functions
Narrow the set of interactions between modules
Hope to make whole system easier to reason about
• How do we specify interactions between code
• Procedure calls
• int foo(char *buf)
• Why do procedure calls reduce complexity?
• They make interface between modules explicit
• They hide implementation details
Dealing with complexity
C(){… y=P(x); …}
• Via what data structure do C and P communicate?
• They communicate via a shared, in-memory stack
• What is on the stack?
• Stack: regs, args, RA, P's vars, maybe args ...
• C: push regs, push args, push PC+1, jmp P, pop args, pop regs, ... R0
• P: push vars, ..., pop vars, mov xx -> R0, pop PC
• The call contract
P returns
P returns to where C said
P restores stack pointer
P doesn't modify stack (or C's other memory)
P doesn't wedge machine (e.g., use up all heap memory)
Dealing with complexity
C(){… y=P(x); …}
• Is the call contract enforced?
• At a low level none of it is enforced
• P can violate all terms of the contract
• Violations due to bugs and attacks
• What about P’s functionality (what it does)? Enforced?
• No. E.g., no guarantee that sqrt() returns the right answer
• Would like a specification (spec) that P is correct
• Can we enforce either the spec or contract?
• We cannot enforce a procedure’s spec (i.e., that it is correct)
• Can only apply testing to convince ourselves that code adheres to spec
• We can enforce the call contract (= enforced modularity)
Dealing with complexity
C(){… y=P(x); …}
• Why can we enforce the call contract?
• Purely mechanical interaction
• Programmer’s intention is clear
• No semantic gap to cross
• Ways that call contracts are enforced?
• Put P and C in different processes (RPC)
• Trusted compiler/runtime transitions between C, P (Java)
• Hardware regulates transitions (kernel, user process)
Dealing with complexity
C(){… y=P(x); …}
• Functions are programming language constructs
• Can you think of a PL construct that shatters modularity?
• goto
• Inspired famous rant by Dijkstra in CACM in 1968
• “Go To Statement Considered Harmful”
"The unbridled use of the goto statement has as an immediate consequence
that it becomes terribly hard to find a meaningful set of coordinates in which to
describe the process progress. ... The goto statement as it stands is just too
primitive, it is too much an invitation to make a mess of one's program.”
Several months earlier … “Structure of THE multi-programming
THE-multiprogramming system
• An operating system is a very complex
Has to manage other processes
Has to handle interrupts
Has to handle I/O devices
Has to handle synchronization primitives
• How THE handles all of this complexity
• Breaks functionality into stacked layers
• Higher layers depend on lower layers
THE-multiprogramming system
• What is a layer?
• A layer is a set of related procedure calls or functionality
• Represents a level in a hierarchy
• How do layers differ from procedure calls w/in a
• Code can only call within layer and into layers below
• Can build a layer without worrying about what happens above
• Why is this additional structure appealing?
Further limits how modules interact
Reduces dependencies between modules
Hopefully reduces complexity and bugs
Do not have to worry about code in Layer 1 calling into Layer 4
THE-multiprogramming system
• Batch system
• Users submit programs
• OS decides what to run
• 5 user processes at a time
• Multi-tasking
• Manage multiple programs concurrently
• Need to switch between programs
• Want more than 1 process in phys memory
• Processes can have same virtual addrs
• Cannot share physical addrs
• Addresses must be translated
• Programs cannot manipulate phys addrs anymore
• Statically: occurs before execution
• Dynamically: occurs during execution
• Protection becomes harder
Static address translation
• Want two processes in memory
• With address independence
• Without translating on-the-fly
• Using static translation
• How to do this?
Static address translation
• Adjust loads/stores when put in memory
• This is called a linker-loader
• Assume memory starts at 0
load $1, $base + offset
• Adds 0x20000 to offsets for P2
Similar to linking phase of compile
(high memory)
OS kernel
User process 2
User process 1
(low memory)
Layer 4
User programs
Layer 3
I/O devices
Layer 2
Layer 1
Layer 0
Layer 0
• Primary responsibilities of Layer 0
• Ensure efficient, fair allocation of processor (government)
• Hide number of processors (abstraction layer)
• How did the scheduler ensure fair allocation?
• Handled all transitions between processes
• Some were voluntary transitions (synchronization calls)
• Some were involuntary transitions (timer interrupts)
• Could Layer 0 code be swapped out?
• No, timer-interrupt handler always has to be in memory
Layer 1
• Primary responsibilities of Layer 1
• Ensure efficient, fair allocation of memory (government)
• Hide drum addresses (abstraction layer)
• What were a segment, core page, and drum page?
• Segment = coarse-grained unit of data, visible to program
• Core page = in-memory container for a segment
• Drum page = on-disk container for a segment
Layer 1
• How were processes isolated?
No hardware support for virtual memory
Relied on language and compiler
Programs written in Algol used private segment identifiers
Like the static address translation discussed last time
• Could Layer 1 code be swapped out?
• No, memory manager always has to be in memory
• Otherwise have a serious bootstrapping problem
Layer 1
• How did paging work without hardware support?
• Similar to way compiler handles procedure calls
• Compiler needed to know which segments to be accessed
• Compiler could insert calls into layer 1 to page-in segments
• Was any of this enforced?
• No, just like procedure-call contract is not enforced
• At the lowest-level, could easily corrupt other processes
• Bugs and attacks could crash the whole system
Coordination of processes
• “A society of harmonious sequential
• Each layer implemented as a process
• To move between layers, need way to transition
• What primitives provided safe switching?
• Semaphores: Up (V) and Down (P)
• Down (may) block the calling process
• Up (may) allow another process to be scheduled
• First defined by Dijkstra for THE
• Two operations: up and down
// aka “V” (“verhogen”)
up () {
// begin atomic
// end atomic
What is going on
Can value ever be < 0?
// aka “P” (“proberen”)
down () {
do {
// begin atomic
if (value > 0) {
// end atomic
} while (1)
More semaphores
• Key state of a semaphore is its value
• Initial value determines semaphore’s behavior
• Value cannot be accessed outside semaphore
• (i.e., there is no semaphore.getValue() call)
• Semaphores can be both synchronization
• Mutual exclusion (like locks)
• Ordering constraints (like monitors)
Semaphore mutual exclusion
• Ensure that 1 (or < N) thread is in critical section
s.down ();
// critical section
s.up ();
• How do we make a semaphore act like a lock?
Set initial value to 1 (or N)
Like lock/unlock, but more general
(could allow 2 threads in critical section if initial value = 2)
Lock is equivalent to a binary semaphore
Semaphore ordering constraints
• Thread A waits for B before proceeding
// Thread A
s.down ();
// continue
// Thread B
// do task
s.up ();
• How to make a semaphore behave like a monitor?
• Set initial value of semaphore to 0
• A is guaranteed to wait for B to finish
• Doesn’t matter if A or B run first
• Like a CV in which condition is “sem.value==0”
• Can think of as a “prefab” condition variable
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
• Same before-after constraints
• If buffer empty, consumer waits for producer
• If buffer full, producer waits for consumer
• Semaphore assignments
• mutex (binary semaphore)
• fullBuffers (counts number of full slots)
• emptyBuffers (counts number of empty slots)
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
• Initial semaphore values?
• Mutual exclusion
• sem mutex (?)
• Machine is initially empty
• sem fullBuffers (?)
• sem emptyBuffers (?)
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
• Initial semaphore values?
• Mutual exclusion
• sem mutex (1)
• Machine is initially empty
• sem fullBuffers (0)
• sem emptyBuffers (MaxSodas)
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
Semaphore mutex(1),fullBuffers(0),emptyBuffers(MaxSodas)
consumer () {
down (fullBuffers)
producer () {
down (emptyBuffers)
down (mutex)
down (mutex)
take soda out
put soda in
up (mutex)
up (mutex)
up (emptyBuffers)
up (fullBuffers)
Use one semaphore for fullBuffers and emptyBuffers?
Remember semaphores are like prefab CVs.
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
Semaphore mutex(1),fullBuffers(0),emptyBuffers(MaxSodas)
consumer () {
down (mutex)
producer () {
down (mutex)
down (fullBuffers)
down (emptyBuffers)
take soda out
put soda in
up (emptyBuffers)
up (fullBuffers)
up (mutex)
up (mutex)
Does the order of the down calls matter?
Yes. Can cause “deadlock.”
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
Semaphore mutex(1),fullBuffers(0),emptyBuffers(MaxSodas)
consumer () {
down (fullBuffers)
producer () {
down (emptyBuffers)
down (mutex)
down (mutex)
take soda out
put soda in
up (emptyBuffers)
up (fullBuffers)
up (mutex)
up (mutex)
Does the order of the up calls matter?
Not for correctness (possible efficiency issues).
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
Semaphore mutex(1),fullBuffers(0),emptyBuffers(MaxSodas)
consumer () {
down (fullBuffers)
producer () {
down (emptyBuffers)
down (mutex)
down (mutex)
take soda out
put soda in
up (mutex)
up (mutex)
up (emptyBuffers)
up (fullBuffers)
What about multiple consumers and/or producers?
Doesn’t matter; solution stands.
Prod.-cons. with semaphores
Semaphore mtx(1),fullBuffers(1),emptyBuffers(MaxSodas-1)
consumer () {
down (fullBuffers)
producer () {
down (emptyBuffers)
down (mutex)
down (mutex)
take soda out
put soda in
up (mutex)
up (mutex)
up (emptyBuffers)
up (fullBuffers)
What if 1 full buffer and multiple consumers call down?
Only one will see semaphore at 1, rest see at 0.
Monitors vs. semaphores
• Monitors
• Separate mutual exclusion and ordering
• Semaphores
• Provide both with same mechanism
• Semaphores are more “elegant”
• Single mechanism
• Can be harder to program
Monitors vs. semaphores
// Monitors
lock (mutex)
// Semaphores
down (semaphore)
while (condition) {
wait (CV, mutex)
unlock (mutex)
• Where are the conditions in both?
• Which is more flexible?
• Why do monitors need a lock, but not semaphores?
Monitors vs. semaphores
// Monitors
lock (mutex)
// Semaphores
down (semaphore)
while (condition) {
wait (CV, mutex)
unlock (mutex)
• When are semaphores appropriate?
• When shared integer maps naturally to problem at hand
• (i.e., when the condition involves a count of one thing)
Classic synchronization problem
Each barber/stylist is
a thread
Each customer is
a thread
Sofa capacity = 4
Standing room
room capacity
Only 9 customers
in room
at a time.
Stylist(int id) {
Customer () {
Break up into groups of 2 or 3
Try to come up with a solution
We’ll talk about it in 10 minutes…
Salon with semaphores
Semaphore room = 9,
sofa = 4, chair = 3,
customer = 0, cut = 0;
Stylist () {
while (1) {
// cut hair
cut.up ()
Is anything weird
Customer () {
room.down ()
// enter room
sofa.down ()
// sit on sofa
chair.down ()
// sit on chair
sofa.up ()
customer.up ()
cut.down ()
// leave chair
chair.up ()
// leave room
room.up ()
Enter room
Customer () {
lock.acquire ();
while (numInRoom == 9)
roomCV.wait (lock);
while (numOnSofa == 4)
sofaCV.wait (lock);
Sit on sofa
while (findFreeChair () == NONE)
chairCV.wait (lock);
stylist = findFreeChair ();
freeChairs[stylist] = 1;
sofaCV.signal (lock);
Sit in chair
Wake up stylist
customerCVs[stylist].signal (lock);
Wait for cut to
cutCVs[stylist].wait (lock);
freeChairs[stylist] = 0;
chairCV.signal (lock);
roomCV.signal (lock);
lock.release ();
Leave the shop
Stylist(int id) {
lock.acquire ();
while (1) {
while (!freeChairs[id])
customerCVs[id].wait (lock);
cutHair ();
cutCVs[id].signal ();
lock.release ();
Customer () {
lock.acquire ();
while (numInRoom == 9)
roomCV.wait (lock);
while (numOnSofa == 4)
sofaCV.wait (lock);
while (findFreeChair () == NONE)
chairCV.wait (lock);
stylist = findFreeChair ();
freeChairs[stylist] = 1;
sofaCV.signal (lock);
customerCVs[stylist].signal (lock);
cutCVs[stylist].wait (lock);
freeChairs[stylist] = 0;
chairCV.signal (lock);
roomCV.signal (lock);
lock.release ();
Next time
• More history
• Multics
• “Almost every important idea in OS can be found
somewhere in Multics.”
• So complicated and hard to use, it inspired UNIX
• Questions?