CPS110: Intro to processes, threads and concurrency Author: Landon Cox



Intro to processes, threads and concurrency

Author: Landon Cox

Intro to processes

 Decompose activities into separate tasks

 Allow them to run in parallel

 “Independently” ( what does this mean?


 “without dependencies” …

 Key OS abstraction: processes

 Run independently of each other

 Don’t have to know about others

Intro to processes

 Remember, for any area of OS, ask

 What interface does the hardware provide?

 What interface/abstraction does the OS provide?

 What is physical reality?

 Single computer (CPUs + memory)

 Execute instructions from many programs

 What does an application see?

 Each app “thinks” it has its own CPU + memory

Hardware, OS interfaces


Job 1

CPU, Mem


Job 2




Job 3

CPU, Mem

What is a process?

 Informal

 A program in execution

 Running code + things it can read/write

 Process ≠ program

 Formal

 ≥ 1 threads in their own address space

 (soon threads will share an address space)

Parts of a process

 Thread

 Sequence of executing instructions

 Active: does things

 Address space

 Data the process uses as it runs

 Passive: acted upon by threads

Play analogy

 Process is like a play performance

 Program is like the play’s script


What are the threads?

What is the address space?

Address space

What is in the address space?

 Program code

 Instructions, also called “text”

 Data segment

 Global variables, static variables

 Heap (where “new” memory comes from)

 Stack

 Where local variables are stored

Review of the stack

 Each stack frame contains a function’s

 Local variables

 Parameters

 Return address

 Saved values of calling function’s registers

 The stack enables recursion

Example stack


0x8048347 void C () {

A (0);


0x8048354 void B () {

C ();


0x8048361 void A (int tmp){ if (tmp) B ();


0x804838c int main () {

A (1); return 0;






Stack tmp=0

RA=0x8048347 const=0



A main

RA=0x8048361 tmp=1

RA=0x804838c const1=1 const2=0


The stack and recursion

Code Memory


0x8048361 void A (int bnd){ if (bnd)

A (bnd-1);


0x804838c int main () {

A (3); return 0;


How can recursion go wrong?

Can overflow the stack …

Keep adding frame after frame





A bnd=0

RA=0x8048361 bnd=1

RA=0x8048361 bnd=2


A main bnd=3

RA=0x804838c const1=3 const2=0

The stack and buffer overflows

Code Memory Stack void cap (char* b){ for (int i=0; b[i]!=‘\0’; i++) b[i]+=32;


} int main(char*arg) { char wrd[4]; strcpy(arg, wrd); cap (wrd); return 0;




… cap b= 0x00234


What can go wrong?

Can overflow wrd variable …

Overwrite cap’s RA 0x0 main

0x00234 wrd[3] wrd[2] wrd[1] wrd[0] const2=0

What is missing?

 What process state isn’t in the address space?

 Registers

 Program counter (PC)

 General purpose registers

 Review 104 for more details

Multiple threads in an addr space

 Several actors on a single set

 Sometimes they interact (speak, dance)

 Sometimes they are apart (different scenes)

Private vs global thread state

 What state is private to each thread?

 PC (where actor is in his/her script)

 Stack, SP (actor’s mindset)

 What state is shared?

 Global variables, heap

 (props on set)

 Code (like lines of a play)

Looking ahead: concurrency

 Concurrency

 Having multiple threads active at one time

 Thread is the unit of concurrency

 Primary topics

 How threads cooperate on a single task

 How multiple threads can share the CPU

 Subject of Project 1

Looking ahead: address spaces

 Address space

 Unit of “state partitioning”

 Primary topics

 Many addr spaces sharing physical memory

 Efficiency

 Safety (protection)

 Subject of Project 2

Thread independence

 Ideal decomposition of tasks:

 Tasks are completely independent

 Remember our earlier definition of independence

 Is such a pure abstraction really feasible?

 Word saves a pdf, starts acroread, which reads the pdf?

 Running mp3 player, while compiling 110 project?

 Sharing creates dependencies

 Software resources (file, address space)

 Hardware resources (CPU, monitor, keyboard)

True thread independence

 What would pure independence actually look like?

 (system with no shared software, hardware resources)

 Multiple computer systems

 Each running non-interacting programs

 Technically still share the power grid …

 “Pure” independence is infeasible

 Tension between software dependencies,“features”

 Key question: is the thread abstraction still useful?

 Easier to have one thread with multiple responsibilities?

Consider a web server

 One processor

 Multiple disks

 Tasks

 Receives multiple, simultaneous requests

 Reads web pages from disk

 Returns on-disk files to requester

Web server (single thread)

 Option 1: could handle requests serially

Client 1 WS Client 2

R1 arrives

Receive R1

Disk request 1a

R2 arrives

1a completes

R1 completes

Receive R2

 Easy to program, but painfully slow (why?)

Web server (event-driven)

 Option 2: use asynchronous I/O

 Fast, but hard to program (why?)

Client 2 Client 1

Disk request 1a


R1 arrives

Receive R1


Start 1a

R2 arrives

Receive R2

Finish 1a

1a completes

R1 completes

Web server (multi-threaded)

 Option 3: assign one thread per request

Client 1 WS1 WS2 Client 2

R1 arrives

Receive R1

Disk request 1a

R2 arrives

Receive R2

1a completes

R1 completes

 Where is each request’s state stored?

Threads are useful

 It cannot provide total independence

 But it is still a useful abstraction!

 Threads make concurrent programming easier

 Thread system manages sharing the CPU

 (unlike in event-driven case)

 Apps can encapsulate task state w/i a thread

 (e.g. web request state)

Where are threads used?

 When a resource is slow, don’t want to wait on it

 Windowing system

 One thread per window, waiting for window input

 What is slow?

 Human input, mouse, keyboard

 Network file/web/DB server

 One thread per incoming request

 What is slow?

 Network, disk, remote user (e.g. ATM bank customer)

Where are threads used?

 When a resource is slow, don’t want to wait on it

 Operating system kernel

 One thread waits for keyboard input

 One thread waits for mouse input

 One thread writes to the display

 One thread writes to the printer

 One thread receives data from the network card

 One thread per disk …

 Just about everything except the CPU is slow

Cooperating threads

 Assume each thread has its own CPU

 We will relax this assumption later


Thread A Thread B


 CPUs run at unpredictable speeds

 Source of non-determinism

Thread C


Non-determinism and ordering

Thread A

Thread B

Thread C

Global ordering

Why do we care about the global ordering?

Might have dependencies between events

Different orderings can produce different results

Why is this ordering unpredictable?

Can’t predict how fast processors will run


Non-determinism example 1

 Thread A : cout << “ABC”;

 Thread B : cout << “123”;

 Possible outputs?

 “A1BC23”, “ABC123”, …

 Impossible outputs? Why?

 “321CBA”, “B12C3A”, …

 What is shared between threads?

 Screen, maybe the output buffer

Non-determinism example 2

 y=10;

 Thread A : int x = y+1;

 Thread B : y = y*2;

 Possible results?

A goes first: x = 11 and y = 20

B goes first: y = 20 and x = 21

 What is shared between threads?

 Variable y

Non-determinism example 3

 x=0;

 Thread A : x = 1;

 Thread B : x = 2;

 Possible results?

 B goes first: x = 1

 A goes first: x = 2

 Is x = 3 possible?

Example 3, continued

 What if “ x = <int>; ” is implemented as

 x := x & 0

 x := x | <int>

 Consider this schedule

 Thread A: x := x & 0

 Thread B: x := x & 0

 Thread B: x := x | 1

 Thread A: x := x | 2

Atomic operations

 Must know what operations are atomic

 before we can reason about cooperation

 Atomic

 Indivisible

 Happens without interruption

 Between start and end of atomic action

 No events from other threads can occur

Review of examples

 Print example (ABC, 123)

 What did we assume was atomic?

 What if “print” is atomic?

 What if printing a char was not atomic?

 Arithmetic example ( x=y+1 , y=y*2 )

 What did we assume was atomic?

Atomicity in practice

 On most machines

 Memory assignment/reference is atomic

 E.g.: a=1 , a=b

 Many other instructions are not atomic

 E.g.: double-precision floating point store

 (often involves two memory operations)

Virtual/physical interfaces

Applications SW atomic operations

If you don’t have atomic operations, you can’t make one.


HW atomic operations


Another example

 Two threads (A and B)

 A tries to increment i

 B tries to decrement i

Thread A: i = o; while (i < 10){ i++;

} print “A done.”

Thread B: i = o; while (i > -10){ i--;

} print “B done.”

Example continued

 Who wins?

 Does someone have to win?

Thread A: i = o; while (i < 10){ i++;

} print “A done.”

Thread B: i = o; while (i > -10){ i--;

} print “B done.”

Example continued

 Will it go on forever if both threads

 Start at about the same time

 And execute at exactly the same speed?

 Yes, if each C statement is atomic.

Thread A: i = o; while (i < 10){ i++;

} print “A done.”

Thread B: i = o; while (i > -10){ i--;

} print “B done.”

Example continued

 What if i++/i-are not atomic?

 tmp := i+1

 i := tmp

 ( tmp is private to A and B)

Example continued

 Non-atomic i++/i--

 If A starts ½ statement ahead, B can win

 How?

Thread A: tmpA := i + 1 // tmpA == 1

Thread B: tmpB := i - 1 // tmpB == -1

Thread A: i := tmpA // i == 1

Thread B: i := tmpB // i == -1

Example continued

 Non-atomic i++/i--

 If A starts ½ statement ahead, B can win

 How?

 Do you need to worry about this?

 Yes!!! No matter how unlikely

Debugging non-determinism

 Requires worst-case reasoning

 Eliminate all ways for program to break

 Debugging is hard

 Can’t test all possible interleavings

 Bugs may only happen sometimes

 Heisenbug

 Re-running program may make the bug disappear

 Doesn’t mean it isn’t still there!

Constraining concurrency

 Synchronization

 Controlling thread interleavings

 Some events are independent

 No shared state

 Relative order of these events don’t matter

 Other events are dependent

 Output of one can be input to another

 Their order can affect program results

Goals of synchronization


All interleavings must give correct result

 Correct concurrent program

 Works no matter how fast threads run

 Important for your projects!


Constrain program as little as possible

 Why?

 Constraints slow program down

 Constraints create complexity


 Next class: more cooperation

 “How do actors interact on stage?”

 Start Project 0

 Simple, designed to help you with C++
