UNB Intramural Sport Code of Conduct The University of New Brunswick is a community of faculty, staff, students and administrators involved in teaching, learning, research and related activities. The University assumes that students come to the University for a serious purpose and accept responsibilities as members of the University community. UNB Recreation Services’ mission is to improve the quality of life for students, members of the university community and where possible, the community at large by encouraging a physically active lifestyle. This is achieved through involvement as a voluntary participant or organizer in the program's spectrum of recreational, competitive sport, fitness, free play, and non-credit sessions. This program regularly considers the needs of clients as well as societal trends and research findings to ensure that its activities are appropriate. In accordance with the commitment set out in the University's Mission Statement to provide an environment conducive to the development of the whole person, all members of the University community - staff, faculty, students and administrators - have the right to work and/or study in an environment which affords them respect and dignity, and is free from danger, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and behaviour which is destructive, disruptive, or unlawful. The University recognizes students' freedom to manage their personal lives, behaviour and interpersonal relations in a manner consistent with the above principles, with the laws of Canada and New Brunswick, and with University regulations. In exercising their entitlement to participate in University programs and activities, students are expected to: 1. abide by University regulations; 2. respect the integrity of University programs and activities; 3. acknowledge the diversity of the University community and the freedom of all members to participate in University programs and activities; 4. promote the peaceful and safe enjoyment of University facilities by other members of the University and public; 5. conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will reflect credit on themselves and the University. The University has defined standards of student behaviour and made provisions for student discipline when they engage in conduct that is inconsistent with the foregoing principles. Individuals participating in the UNB Recreation Services Intramural Sport Program are fully expected to abide by all University rules and regulations in addition to the rules and regulations included in the UNB Intramural Sport Code of Conduct. This Code was created to give participants a means to engage in self-discipline as well as to have a clear set of rules, regulations and expectations. Participants are expected to abide by and be accountable to this Code of Conduct. As the types of misconduct are occasionally stated in general terms, participants are advised to familiarize themselves in greater depth with University regulations, and to consult with University officials where they have any doubt about the propriety of an intended action or behaviour. The Process A. The incident is reported and recorded by a UNB Recreation Service Staff Member. B. Based on recorded information, the League Convener will recommend discipline consistent with the Intramural Sport Discipline Guidelines. The I.M. Disciplinary Committee will then impose the approved disciplinary action. C. Team Captains, and where possible, individuals involved in the incident, will be notified via email, and where not possible, via phone, of the incident and the immediate consequences and procedure. It is the team captain’s responsibility to make sure that all necessary information involving their teammates is relayed to the appropriate parties. E. Team Captains, and where possible individuals involved in the incident, will be notified via email of the decision. Once again, it is the team captain’s responsibility to pass the information onto the appropriate parties. F. After serving the necessary disciplinary consequence, the team or player my resume participation in the Intramural Sport Program unless otherwise stated. Other requirements may include being reinstated into the league by the Intramural Sport Office. G. All incidents are kept on file and can affect future disciplinary actions taken by UNB Recreation Services. Appeal Timeline All appeals must be made in writing and delivered to Intramural Sport Office (room 2-05) within 48 hours of the disciplinary notice being sent out. The Appeal Form is available on the Recreation Service’s Intramural website. If the event falls on a Friday or a weekend, the appeal must be received prior to 4:30PM on Tuesday unless Tuesday is a holiday in which case the deadline will be extended to the first business day following the holiday. Please note: appeals against an official's call and suspensions less than three games will not be reviewed. UNB Intramural Sport Code of Conduct-Offences Level 1 – Minor Offence, Inappropriate action which warrants disciplinary action. Level 2 – Serious incident with longer lasting consequences than a level one incident, it guarantees immediate disciplinary action. Level 3 – Very serious incident which results in a (minimum) year long Intramural suspension (Sport specific), and possible referral to other UNB Disciplinary Systems. Level 4 – Extreme incident which results in an Intramural wide lifetime ban as well as referral to other UNB disciplinary systems. Please Note: All incidents are reviewed by the Recreation Service’s Discipline Committee. The Recreation Services Discipline Committee will investigate all incidents and if the incident is severe enough to warrant a suspension, the Committee will inform the team captain, the team manager and the player being suspended. If noted by the Discipline Committee, a player may be required to meet with Recreation Service’s Intramural staff to discuss their actions before returning from a suspension. It is the responsibility of the participant to arrange this meeting. Classification of Incidents * IMPORTANT * Any incident UNB Recreation Services believes is severe enough may be referred to other UNB Disciplinary Systems. *The referee/official has authority over every call made during the game/match. *Incidents listed below are intended to be used as general guidelines. The I.M. Sport Office has the responsibility of classifying individual incidents and is done on a case to case basis. *Classification and penalties will depend upon the severity of the offence. *Note* - Once a team has lost both of their default cheques, the team will be automatically eliminated from the league. Loss of Default Cheque: Ineligible player Fighting or attempting to fight Spectators (fans) being uncontrollable (UNB Security may be called as well) Other major team infractions Level 1 Incidents (1 game suspension) Participant ejected from a game Excessive arguing and profanity towards participants, officials, or UNB Recreation Services staff Roughness and excessive aggression while participating towards participants, officials, or UNB Recreation Services staff Continuous unsportsmanlike conduct Intentional striking of a participant (not to the head) Verbal abuse, arguing or profanity directed towards officials, participants or Recreation Service Staff Throwing an object on the playing surface in protest Players getting into verbal confrontations with spectators Taunting/provoking other player, including (but not limited to): squirting a water bottle at another participant, throwing/shooting a ball at another player maliciously Level 2 Incidents (3 - 5 game suspension) Major penalties Second or subsequent Level 1 offence Extreme cases of intimidation, or harassment of an official Leaving the bench or sideline with the purpose of getting involved in an altercation (Without fighting) Intentionally shooting object at a participant (with ball, puck, etc.) 2- 10 minute misconducts Playing as an ineligible player Level 3 Incidents (Season suspension) Intentional striking to the head of a participant with ones body Second or subsequent Level 2 offence Two separate cases of intimidation and harassment of an official Use of racial, sexually degrading or threatening language Two major penalties in a season 3- 10 minute misconducts Fighting between two participants Leaving the penalty box with purpose of getting involved in altercation Playing while suspended (a player in bad standing) Level 4 Incidents (Indefinite ban from Recreation Services-at the discretion Recreation Services- and referral to other disciplinary systems) Intentional striking to the head of a participant – with stick Returning after being ejected with purpose of getting involved in altercation Intent to injure a participant Striking an official or Recreation Services Staff Spitting on a participant, official, or Recreation Services Staff Participants may apply to have this ban lifted *Note* The University of New Brunswick has rules and regulations regarding the use of fake IDs, vandalism, drinking, being intoxicated, and drug use at University events and on campus. Refer to the University Student Disciplinary Code to learn about the consequences associated with these occurrences. Campus Security will be alerted when these events do occur. Student Disciplinary Code: 1. OFFENCE: Students who, in a public place, or in an area of a residence building not authorized for alcohol, consume alcoholic beverages, or are in possession of open liquor as defined by the Liquor Control Act, other than in accordance with the provisions of the Liquor Control Act, are guilty of an offence. 2. SANCTIONS: To include one or more of: a. fine up to a maximum of 6 percent; b. restriction of such student social privileges as the Committee may determine; c. community service; d. counseling; e. performance bond; f. letter(s) of apology. ________________________________________ 1. OFFENCE: Students who at any event sponsored by the University, or any of its duly constituted or recognized bodies: a. are in possession of, or consume alcoholic beverages where such event is designated to be a "dry" event; b. are in possession of, or consume alcoholic beverages following upon an order to the contrary by an on-duty CP or Security; c. are in possession of, or consume alcoholic beverages while not in possession of an authorization stamp; d. being of any age, knowingly furnish alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 19 years; e. being under the age of 19 years, are in possession of, consume, or attempt to purchase for consumption or otherwise, any alcoholic beverage; f. are intoxicated in a public place; g. being engaged as a bartender: i. knowingly serve alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 19 years; ii. serve alcoholic beverages following upon an order to the contrary made by an on-duty CP or Security; iii. fail to comply with the reasonable directions of CP or Security with regard to the control or supervision of the sponsored event; h. being Sponsor of the said event: i. knowingly permit violation by a student of subsections a)-f); ii. knowingly permit violation by a student of subsections a)-f); iii. fail to comply with the reasonable directions of a CP or Security with regard to the control or supervision of the sponsored event; Are guilty of an offence. 2. SANCTIONS: to include one or more of: a. fine up to a maximum of 6 percent; b. restriction of such student social privileges as the Committee may determine; c. community service; d. counseling; e. performance bond; Student Disciplinary Code: 1. OFFENCE: Students who: a. knowingly allow their ID to be used by another; b. wrongfully use an ID; c. falsify an ID; Are guilty of an offence. 2. SANCTIONS: To include one or more of: a. recommendation to the President for suspension (but not expulsion) from UNB; b. fine up to a maximum of 12 percent; c. restriction of such student social privileges as the Committee may determine; d. community service; e. counseling; f. performance bond; g. letter(s) of apology Student Disciplinary Code: 1. OFFENCE: Students who unlawfully possess, trespass upon, damage, or misuse: a. property on a UNB campus; b. property at an event to which CP or a University official has been assigned; c. any fire protection equipment; Are guilty of an offence. 2. SANCTIONS: To include one more of: a. recommendation to the President for suspension or expulsion from UNB; b. restitution for the property damage suffered; c. fine up to a maximum of 12 percent; d. restriction of such student social privileges as the Committee may determine; e. community service; f. counseling; g. performance bond; h. letter(s) of apology. *Note* In the event of illegal drug use, Campus Security will be notified. The Rights of UNB Recreation Services Administration Where a question of an ineligible player arises, UNB Recreation Services has the right to go back in past games to determine the extent in which the ineligible player has participated and to take appropriate action. In this instance the review and decision will be referred to the UNB Intramural Sport Discipline Commissioner. Appeal Procedure The party launching the appeal must state the case clearly on the Official Appeal Form, including all necessary facts and information pertaining to the appeal, accompanying this with relevant names of persons involved, phone numbers, email, witnesses and the situation being appealed. It should be noted that it is the sole responsibility of the person launching the appeal to state all necessary facts and then to relay this information to the reviewing party. All appeals must be accompanied by a $30 deposit. $20 will be returned if the appeal is upheld. There are only TWO grounds for an appeal: 1. Player Eligibility 3. Misinterpretation of rules and regulations made by an official The UNB Intramural Sport Discipline Commissioner will be responsible for handling all Appeals in consultation with other administrators. The onus for the truth rests with the individual/team launching the appeal. Once all information has been gathered (within the appropriate time limit) a decision will be made. Appeals of the decision All appeals must be received in writing at the UNB Intramural Office no more than 48 hours after the primary appeal decision has been made public. Appeals to the primary appeal decision will be reviewed by the next appropriate administrator senior to the original decision maker. All appeal letters must include a $30 deposit. $20 will be returned if the protest is upheld. A review and decision on appeals will be made within 24 hours unless all parties involved are informed and in agreement that the timeline be extended to conduct a further investigation. Protesting an Officials' Decisions Officials' decisions made during the course of the game cannot be overturned but will be reviewed by the administration in charge of the official. If necessary, appropriate disciplinary action towards that official will be taken. ________________________________________________________________________