Flying B’s … and what they teach us William T. Ford University of Colorado 21 April 2006 Physics accessed via tB Some history of B lifetime measurements Impact on the CKM matrix Time evolution of B0 decay, B0-B0 mixing measurements CP violation Precision b (sin2b) a, present and prospective g, present and prospective Sensitivity to new physics Global constraints SUSY Overlapping angle measurements: b from bqqs Charged Higgs Ideas for next generation collider 2 SLAC and PEP PEP: 29 GeV (1980-~1986) PEP-II: 10.58 GeV (1999-) MAC Mark II BaBar 3 First B lifetime measurements MAC JADE (1982) <1.4 ps (MAC (1982) 1.4 1.0 ps) MAC (1983) 1.8 0.6 0.4 ps MKII (1983) 1.20+0.45-0.36 0.3 ps High acceptance, low bias (low resolution) Excellent muon acceptance 10-layer drift chamber Differential sense wire pairs (no R-L ambiguity) R(min, max) = (12, 45) cm 4 MAC Collaboration 5 Early 80’s B physics ’s discovered, 1977 |Vub/Vcb| < 0.15 Exclusive decays CLEO Pelectron (GeV/c) Pelectron (GeV/c) Sliverman, LepPho81 Stone, LepPho83 (PRL 50, 881 (1983)) 6 Finding B’s without reconstructing them Thrust axis for e+e-bb approximates the b(b) momentum direction Massive B high-pT lepton Signal is b Xmn, b Xen BG from b c cascades, decay and punch-through MAC muons (b )c m, , K m, fake m bm PRL 50, 2054 (1983) 7 Lepton impact parameter Extrapolate lepton track to POCA to beam center Beam size 400x100 mm Measurement error on d = 500-1000 mm d/tb from b decay ~ 100 mm/ps Measurement depends on sqrt(N) 8 tb from lepton impact parameter fb(m) = 0.72(8), fb(e) = 0.63(7) a = 0.45 (vs 0.15 for c) dc 20 mm, dbg 25 mm From resolution-weighted ave.: m e tb = 1.8 0.6 0.4 ps 9 Mark II tb measurement Large main drift chamber Vertex drift chamber Lepton selection: b: pT > 1 GeV, p> 2 GeV (purity 808%) c: pT < 1 GeV, p> 3 GeV 104 evts b Xln 208 evts c Xln From fit to IP distributions with tb free, tc constrained to WA: control hadrons Xl tb = 1.20+0.45-0.36 0.3 ps 10 Impact on the CKM matrix Quark flavor transmutations t Flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC) occur only indirectly via loops. M. Kobayashi, T. Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 49, 652 (1973) 12 CKM circa 1983 tb surprisingly restricted range for third column/row couplings S. Stone, LepPho83 s3~s2, d g 13 Hierarchical expansion of CKM (1983) phases magnitudes d s d b u u c c t t s b 14 Inclusive B hadron lifetime, 2002 15 Modern B meson, baryon lifetimes 2002 summary 2005 world averages: 16 Vub/Vcb from semileptonic B decays Lepton endpoint in inclusive BXln Trade off theoretical, experimental uncertainties. BaBar Method of Leibovich, Low, and Rothstein – weight method-less shape function dependent mX cut 17 Time evolution of B0 decay, B0-B0 mixing measurements B0 weak eigenstates and time evolution M(B) = 5.28 GeV many decay channels open most not CP eigenstates G2 G1 G 19 First B0-B0 mixing measurements Time-integrated ratio of like/opposite sign lepton pairs With mixture of Bd, Bs, cmeas = fd cd + fs cs x =Dm/G r =G(B B X)/ G(B X) c=r/(1+r) ARGUS: one fullyreconstructed sameflavor event W. Schmidt-Parzefall, LepPho87 20 BaBar detector 1.5T solenoid DIRC (PID) 144 quartz bars 11000 PMs e- (9GeV) Instrumented Flux Return Iron / Resistive Plate Chambers or Limited Streamer Tubes (muon / neutral hadrons) EMC 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals e+ (3.1GeV) Drift Chamber 40 layers Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers, double sided strips 21 B meson pairs from boosted (4S) 0 tag B e - e+ K+ (4S) e+ B B t=0 0 flav final 0 flav D+ Dt K+ + m- n states measure mixing, calibrate tagging 22 Flavor Oscillations mixed asymmetry mixed/unmixed unmixed unmixed maximum mixing ½ period ~ 6 ps ~ 4 B-meson lifetimes Current Dmd measureents Time-dependent results from LEP and asymmetric B factories WA: Dmd = 0.507 0.005ps -1 24 A/s(A) = 3.5; probability of fluctuation ~0.5% G. Gomez-Ceballos, FPCP06 25 The Unitarity Triangle V is a complex unitary matrix: determined by 4 real parameters • sine of Cabibbo angle 0.22 • b c transition (in units of 2) A 0.83 • 2 coordinates of the apex of the Unitarity Triangle ~24o Unitarity Triangle ~62o UT determination from sides, CPV in K0S Vub, Vcb from semileptonic B decays Vtd from B0-B0 mixing Theory errors cancel in Dmd/Dms 27 CP violation 29 Decay to a CP eigenstate 0 tag B e- t=0 e+ K+ (4S) e - + 0 CP B K S0 Dt J/ + mm+ CP eigenstate 30 31 B0-B0 mixing factor in CPV 32 33 Tagging and Dt resolution tagging vertex errors efficiency ~ 97% ~1.5 ps σ(Δz) [cm] Δt resolution function B0 tag B0 tag shape from signal MC, parameters from data effective efficiency 30% measured on data (Δtmeas-Δttrue)/σ(Δt) 34 w,Dw =mistag rate, B-B difference resolution 35 A Precision Measurement PRL 94, 161803 (2005), (hep-ex/0408127) 36 History of sin2b measurements Present WA Present CKM fit BABAR 0.722±0.040±0.023 Belle 0.652±0.039±0.020 37 Measurement of a: CPV in charmless modes Interference of suppressed b u tree decay with mixing ( , ) G(b u n ) CPV in B 0 , , , a = 2 g = 3 (0, 0) W B -B mixing b = 1 t B and G( b c n ) 3rd component: sizable Penguin diagram 0 b B0 d b d b d B0 (1, 0) d u B d 0 0 u W u ,c ,t g d W t t W b d u u + d 38 - + B0 Taming the Penguins: Isospin Analysis Gronau and London, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 3381 (1990) The decays B +-,+0,00 are related by SU(2) (similarly for ) Isospin relations between amplitudes A+-, A+0, A00 Central observation is that states can have I = 2 or 0, but gluonic penguins only contribute to I = 0 (DI = ½ rule) +0 is pure I = 2, so only tree amplitude |A+0| = |A-0| = 2(aeff - a ) Need to measure: C+-, C00, A00, A+0 An effective isospin 00 analysis requires A ~ 00 and A very large, or very small! 39 Measuring a in B → Best mode for a: ~100% longitudinally polarized • quasi-two-body approx Ok • no → ignore interference 2 • null search for 00 d N f L cos 2 1 cos 2 2 + 14 (1 - f L ) sin 2 1 sin 2 2 d cos1d cos 2 while 00 is of order 30% of +00 is smaller than 4% of +- (90%CL) With reasonable theoretical assumptions this mode provides the present best constraints on a BABAR, PRL 94, 131801 (2005) a=100°13° 79°< a <123° @ 90% CL PRL 95, 041805 (2005) 40 Summary of constraints on a BABAR only Mirror solutions disfavored From combined , , results: +10 a = 103 -9 o CKM indirect constraint o + 13 fit: a = 98 -19 A good example of new analysis ideas emerging with data in hand 41 Projections for a measurement With a 1 ab-1 sample: o Will improve errors on S and C from B o Should observe B 00 o Confirm that “mirror solution” in B is disfavored by Dalitz analysis in B π Projection 2 ab -1 3 scenarios for 00 BF o Expected value o +1s o -1s 42 Measurement of g ( , ) Given by the phase a = 2 g = 3 (0, 0) b = 1 difference between Vub and Vcb (1, 0) u look for interference between bc and b u B DK, D*K, DK*, with D, D common final state: D(*)CP (GLW) D, D K+- (ADS) D, D Ks Dalitz (GGSW) b W B u - B W- u s c u b - - K (*) - D (*)0 u (*)0 cD s (*) K u 43 Dalitz plot analysis for gamma Idea: Increase B decay interference through D decay Dalitz plot Method first shown by Belle From combined analysis: o +23 g = 51 -18 B + D (*)0 KS0 + - K + Indirect constraint: o +7 g = 57 -13 Needs good Dalitz model: CLEOc 44 Projections for g measurement (deg) Error on g Example of impact of value for rB on the error on g, using the Dalitz method in BABAR Error as a function of integrated luminosity for rB=0.1 • GGSZ • GGSZ + GLW • GGSZ + GLW + ADS rB = 0.1 BABAR 2008 BABAR+ Belle 2008 projected systematic error Error as a function of rB Luminosity (ab-1) 45 Summary of CP violation in B0(B0) 2008: ~2% 2008: 10o a sin2b g 2008: 5-10o cos2b 46 Angle measurements only Comparable UT precision from CPV in B decays alone 47 Summary of Unitarity Triangle constraints Overconstrained. Search for New Physics as correction to CKM 48 Sensitivity to new physics Search for New Physics with Heavy Flavor How much room does the UT now allow for (any) new physics? ( DMBd ) = CBd ( DMBd ) SM UT team: L. Silvestrini, LP05 ACP (J / KS0 ) = sin 2 ( b + Bd ) SM solution CBd=1 & Bd=0 Non –SM solution now excluded by Semileptonic asymmetry (Asl) from BaBar & D0 •New sources of CP violation in bd & sd are strongly constrained. •The bs transitions are much less constrained- possible probes: •Gluonic penguins bsg :: rates, direct CPV, “the sin2bpenguin” test • Bs mixing: Dms, DGs, •EW radiative bsg ::rates, direct CPV, photon polarization. •EW radiative bsll :: rates, direct CPV, AFB(q2), polarization effects,.. 50 SUSY effective couplings superCKM basis: diagonal in flavors and quark masses But off-diagonal squark masses induced FCNC terms (“mass insertion” approximation): B Factory LHC Squark mass matrix (d sector) Take ~ 350 GeV 51 SUSY in bs decays bs (23) couplings in time- (d ) d bs hk e.g., (d ) d 23 RL dependence S, C parameters: DS = S – sin2b bsqq 52 CP Violation in “s-Penguin” Modes Reference mode: Tree dominance b 0 B c c s d W- d J/ 0 K s d d s t,c,u K0 Penguin dominance W- b B s g g u, d internal penguin s s s u, d b B K u, d t,c,u s s W- K u, d flavor-singlet penguin 53 T-D Analyses in ’Ks and KsKsKs 804±40 signal events take advantage of the small beam size in the transverse plane 88±10 signal events 54 55 sin2b consistency measurements bqqs Naïve ave. of s- penguin modes 2.4s below precision value from b ccs modes No evidence here yet for direct CPV New physics may affect different modes in different ways Use the pattern of deviations to go beyond the naïve average 56 Deviations from Standard Model Projected errors as a function of time Significance of deviation from Standard Model expectation K*g as a function of luminosity f 0K S (assuming fluctuations around 0 KSπ present central values) KS ’KS BABAR+Belle in 2008 KKKS 0.40 Error on sine amplitude 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.05 Theory errors Jul-09 Jan-09 Jul-08 Jan-08 Jul-07 Jan-07 Jul-06 Jan-06 Jul-05 Jan-05 Jul-04 Jan-04 Jul-03 Jan-03 0.00 Number of standard deviations 0.10 integrated luminosity (/fb) Discriminating Among NP Models SM Wilson coefficients: Six NP scenarios Exploit the pattern of deviations DS in the various modes to discriminate among different models Buchalla, Hiller, Nir, Raz (hep-ph/0503151) Three NP models, six scenarios: • NP only in the Z0-penguin coupling • NP in chromo-magnetic operator S Exclusion vs luminosity • NP in Kaluza-Klein gluon excitations FCNC: b → s g The transition b s γ has been heavily studied by CLEO then by BABAR and Belle in a variety of ways • fully inclusive • exclusive (B → K*g) • semi-inclusive So far all measurements are consistent with SM predictions (typical errors: 10%) photon energy (semi-inclusive analysis) expect improvements towards 5% error by 2008 this mainly constrains “LR” mass insertions 59 Search for B+t+nt ~10-4 in SM B decay constant Helicity suppressed (much more for e,m) e+ BB-X For B Xnknown EB, mB, small pB small error for missing mass (mn=0) (4S) B+ nt ne nt B+t+nt, t+e+nent Reconstruct one B (Btag) in semileptonic or hadronic b c mode Select candidates for 6 tau decay modes (81% of Gtot) Any unassigned calorimeter energy (Eextra) comes mostly from combinatorial background 60 B+t+nt (BaBar, preliminary) enn mnn n 232 106 B pairs Data Background MC Signal MC mislep n a1 n BtagD*ln Find 150 evts/130.9 expected bkg BF(B+t+nt) = (1.28+1.15-1.08)10-4 (<2.8 10-4, 90% CL) Combine with previous Btag hadronic, BF(B+t+nt) = (1.28+0.95-0.90)10-4 (<2.6 10-4, 90% CL) fB < 0.34 GeV, 90% CL, (lattice prediction is fB=0.200.03 GeV) 61 B+t+nt (Belle, preliminary, FPCP06) 447 106 B pairs BtagD(*)[,,a1,Ds(*)] 680k tags, 55% pure. 5 t decay modes Find 21.2+6.7-57 net signal events from fit to a sample of 54 events. + o.18 -4 BF( B + t + n t ) = 1.06 +-00..34 10 28- 0.16 4.2s significance + 0.020 f B = 0.176+-00..028 023- 0.018 GeV Hep-ex/0604018 62 B+t+nt Or given CKM, constrain SUSY parameters Β( B tn ) 2.6 10-4 @ 90%C.L. -4 -4 1.8 10 +0.18 @ 90%C.L. = 1.06+0.34 10 -0.28 -0.16 Β( B tn ) / DM Bd constrains Vub 2 V td 2 tanb = ratio of VEVs in 2 Higgs doublet model 63 Novel ideas for e+e- super-B factory @ 1036 – J. Seeman P. Raimondi Requirements: 1) Asymmetric energies (4.5x6.2) (4x7) (3.5x8) (3 x 9) 2) Small energy spread at the IP (<10 MeV) 3) Low power consumption: ~100 MW 4) Control beam-beam blowup to avoid long 1.5 GeV Linac 2 GeV Linac 1.5 GeV Linac damping times Damping Rings 2 GeV At least 4 different schemes are being considered Workable parameter set contains: - ILC damping ring, - ILC bunch compressor, - ILC Final Focus e- Gun e+ Gun Linac Linac Several workshop has been dedicated to the design and more on the way 64 Conclusions The B lifetime revealed a striking hierarchy of quark weak couplings Because time evolution is measurable we have established the incorporation of CPV into the theory of universal weak interaction Heavy flavor decays provide a window complementary to the energy frontier in the detection and characterization of new physics Large improvements can be anticipated in these measurements 65 Backup slides 67 68 MAC event display An e+e-qq event with a muon 69 MAC tracking event display 10-layer drift chamber Differential sense wire pairs (no R-L ambiguity) R(min, max) = (12, 45) cm 70 Bs Mixing -Dms b Vtb W t d(s) Vtb 2 GF2 mW2 S (mt2 / mW2 ) 2 * Dmq = mBq f Bq BBq VtqVtb 2 6 b t Vtd W Vtd(s) d(s) Dms mBs f BBs = Dmd mBd f BBd Vtd 2 Bs 2 Bd Vts 2 2 = Vts mBs 2 mBd Vtd A key element of the CKM test, as well as searches for New Physics Up until a few weeks ago limits: Δms> 14.4 ps-1 SM prediction from UT fits: Δms = 18.3 + 6.5 -1.5 ps-1 Interpretation power dominated by accuracy of LQCD input: With Dmd / Dms SM value & = 1.21 0.04 0.05 = |Vts|/|Vtd| at ~5 % theoretical uncertainty, With Dmd = 0.509 0.004 ps-1 @ ~1% & fBd2 BBd = (228 30 10 MeV)2 from LQCD |Vtd| only at 15% accuracy- all theory limited 71 2 2 Measuring Dms::News from TEVATRON D0: Reconstructs BsD(*)sln& tags its initial flavor using the other Bmwith eD2 ~ 2.4% 3.8% (5% ) probability for Dms = & 15% probability for Dms=19 ps-1 72 Measuring Dms: CDF See J. Pierda With opposite side tagging eD2 1.5 % & st ~87-200 fs Now have added same side tagging with eD2 = 4.0+0.9-1.2 % Can not use Bd to evaluate and validate performance. Other approaches used For a total of eD2 5.5% 73 An MSSM analysis of b->s observables- ( L. Silvestrini- LP2005) - 74 75 SUSY in bd, bs decays B0-B0 mixing (d ) d bs hk e.g., (d ) d 23 RL Mixing effect would appear in the generic NP analysis bs (23) couplings in timedependence S, C parameters: DS = S – sin2b bsqq 76 Mixing and b bounds on SUSY ( (d13d )LL ) Constraints from Dmd sin2b sin2b&cos2b All B physics is sensitive to small SUSY contribution: (d13d )LL 1 Ciuchini et al., hep-ph/0512141 77 Two examples of constraints on the parameter space for specific NP models Limits on m(H+) in the MSSM from Br( B tn ) H+ 90% Upper Limit on BR( B t n ) B t n : Sensitivity to NP Models B tn Luminosity (fb-1) Limits on the m(H+)-tanb plane in 2HDM (of type II) from Br( B tn ) and Br( b s g ) 78 A vision for the longer-term future? Strong physics case for a 1036 facility Raimondi, Seeman Transport E+ source Positrons Make up DE Gun Electrons 3 GeV IP 3 GeV 5 GeV 1 GeV DR Dump o Significant technical overlap with ILC (damping rings, acceleration sections, final focus, …) o Appears to be possible to reach 1036 with substantially smaller backgrounds, allowing (re-)use of existing detectors 79