BaBar ventures into the non B-physics world : R from ISR and Pentaquark Searches Nicolas Berger, SLAC For the BaBar Collaboration Outline • Measuring R – – – – Why ? Why use ISR ? Exclusive Analyses Inclusive Analysis • Search for Pentaquarks – Motivation – Q+ pK0S – X5 Xp – X5 LK • NOT shown here: Many More related analyses: – – – – – inclusive Lc, Xc, h, f studies inclusive p,K,p spectra, studies of fragmentation models DsJ, X(3870) Searches for charmed pentaquarks, Q++... and more! Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 2 Hadronic Cross-sections from Initial-state Radiation Motivation(1) : Standard Model Fits • Fit SM parameters using as inputs: – W, Z parameters (MW, GW MZ, GZ, sHad0, Rl, AFB0,l) – Leptonic asymmetries (Al(Pt), Al(SLD)) – Heavy flavors (RX, AX, AFB0,X, X=b,c) – Weak Mixing Angle (sin2qefflept(QFBHad), sin2qW(NuTeV/E158), QW(Cs)) – mt, DaHad(5)(MZ2). low-Q2 data now excluded • Results globally consistent • Can measure mH indirectly (loop effects) F. Teubert, ICHEP 2004 mH 114 69 45 GeV log mH 2.06 0.21 5) D2 (log mH ) D2 (exp) D2 (mt ) D2 (Da (Had ) D2 (a s ) (0.21) 2 All observables except NuTeV (0.12) 2 (0.13) 2 (0.10) 2 (0.04) 2 Not the largest contribution to the error since BES 2002 results but still large! Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 4 Hadronic Contributions to Da • • • a(q2=0) is the most precisely measured constant of nature, but we need a(MZ2) => “Run” a to MZ2 a ( M Z2 ) Hadrons Ward identity: only the vacuum polarization contributes -- Hadronic part ? Had= Had ( s0 ) Had (0) Contour integral (Analyticity): Im s s0 • 4mp2 s0 p 4 mp2 Im Had ( s ) ds s ( s s 0 ) i s (e e Hadrons ) R( s ) s 0 (e e ) Re s Born cross-section 1 d 2 Im Optical theorem (Unitarity): a (0) a (0) 1 Da ( M Z2 ) 1 ( M Z2 ) (0) a R( s) 3 2 aM Z2 R( s ) Da Had ( M ) P ds 4 mp s ( s M 2 ) 3p 2 Z 2 Z Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 5 Motivation(2) : Hadronic Contributions to (g-2) Contributions to the Standard Model (SM) Prediction: Units of 10-10 a SM ( g 2) aQED aW eak ahad.VP aLBL 2 Pure QED Electroweak Corrections Hadronic Vacuum Polarization (LO) e+ett Hadronic VP (HO) Light-by-Light Scattering Kinoshita, Nio hep-ph/0402206 Czarnecki et al. hep-ph/0212229) Davier, Hoecker, Eidelman and Zhang hep-ph/0308213 Hagiwara et al. hep-ph/0312250 Melnikov, Vainshtein hep-hp/0312226 a 11,658,471.9 15.4 696.3 711.0 -9.79 13.6 Da 0.2 0.3 6.2exp 3.6rad 5.0exp 0.8rad 2.8SU(2) 0.09 2.5 Can be expressed as a dispersion integral for R(s) a a 11,614,098 10 10 2p Total SM Prediction for e+e- (hep-ph/0308213): aSM (11 659 180.9 7.2had 3.5LBL 0.4QED+EW ) 1010 BNL 2004 Measurement (hep-ph/0401008): aExp (11 659 208 .0 5.8) 1010 ahad , LO 2.5s discrepency! Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar a 3p 2 4 mp2 2 R( s) m K ( s) ds s s “QED kernel” function (closed form) 6 Experimental Status for R, DaQED and a Da had a R( s ) M Z2 ds (M ) P 2 3p 4 m s s M Z p 2 2 R( s) m a had a K ( s) ds 3p 4 mp2 s s 2 Z 2 s [GeV] •Same integral form for a and DaQED. •low-s region crucial for a. • DaQED sensitive to full accessible range Error due to radiative corrections Hagiwara et al. (2003) Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar Davier et al. (2003) 7 Recent Progress in R Measurements KLOE hep-ex/0407048 • ISR Method • Untagged photons (outside calorimeter) CMD-2 : E. Solodov, Talk at ICHEP 2004 (Variable beam Energy) BES hep-ex/0210042 (Variable beam Energy) Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 8 The BaBar Detector BaBar SVT •5 double-sided Si layers •Vertex Reconstruction, Tracking •Hit resolution 20-40 m BaBar DIRC •Quartz Cherenkov radiator •Covers 80% of solid angle •Particle ID above 600 MeV/c BaBar DCH • 40 layers, axial and stereo wires. • Covers 92% of solid angle • dpt/pt ~ 0.5 -1.5 % • Particle ID up to 600 MeV/c BaBar EMC: • 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals • Covers 91% of solid angle but inner rings degraded by beam background. • E resolution ~2 % at high E. Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 9 BaBar Particle ID Cherenkov Angle (Kaon from D*- D0 p , D0 K- p+ sample) Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar All Events 10 PEP-II Luminosity • PEP-II is an asymmetric e+ecollider with a CM energy of 10.58 GeV. • Peak luminosity = 9.2 1033 cm-2s-1 • Integrated luminosity = 244 fb-1. • Analyses presented here use 89-123 fb-1. Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 11 ISR atU(4S) Energies e+ Hadrons e- s s' Eg 2 s * • Hard photon: Eg* = 3-5.3 GeV at s’ = 0-7 GeV. No beam-gas events •ISR/FSR separation • High event fiduciality with cuts on g polar angle • Hadronic system collimated by recoil. • Harder spectrum better detection efficiency. Reduced dependence on had. model. – FSR contribution is expected to be small, well separated from ISR – Separated with angular analysis. •Mass resolution – Limited by photon E resolution – Exclusive analyses : excellent results from kinematic fits. – Not a problem for Dahad. Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 12 MC Studies s s' ds x ( s, x) W ( s, x).s 0 ( s (1 x)) s dx “Radiator a 1 x 2 1 cosq min W ( s , x ) log ( 1 x ) cos q function” (LO) min p x(1 x) 1 cosq min Born crosssection: KKMC event generator s’<8 GeV 15.3 < qg < 137.3o stotal = 90.2 pb spp = 18.7 pb In 200 fb-1, ds/ds’ [pb/2.5 MeV] 3.8M (pp: 3.5 M) 2.6M 5.7M BES 2002: ~250K events Level 1 Events In 200 fb-1 : Ntotal = 18 million Npp = 3.7 million Level 3 KKMC KKMC Triggering Efficiencies “BG Filter” = Level 4 s’ [GeV] Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar s’ [GeV] 13 Overview of Exclusive Analyses • Common features – Perform kinematic fits with constraints : • In solid boxes presented here , • in dashed boxes in progress . • E,p conservation • Resonance masses – Use fit c2 to discriminate signal and background. – Use particle Identification to select/reject kaons and protons p+p-h p+p- p+p-p0 K+KK0SK0L p+p-p+pp+p-p0p0 fp0 fh K+K-p+pK+K-K+K- J/y DD* K+K-p/h K0Kp Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar pp 14 e+e- p+p-p+p-g • Perform kinematic fits with mg = 0 for 4p, 2K2p, 4K hypotheses c24p – Accept events with good c2. – Reject if good c2 in “neighbor” modes – For 4p mode, c24p < 30 and c22K2p > 10 Non-ISR Background MC • Identify kaons using Cherenkov angle and dE/dx. • Normalize cross-sections w.r.t e+e- +-g Signal MC M4p p+p-p+p- cross-section (89.3 fb-1) Covers entire spectrum (~60K evts) events/0.025 GeV e+e- data Average BG fractions data ISR Background Non-ISR Background MC Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 15 Resonant Structures in e+e- p+p-p+p-g J/Yp+p-p+p- Y(2S)J/Yp+p- a2 r0 r0 y(2S) excluded from these plots M4p = 2.3-3.0 GeV MC Data Mpp (GeV/c2) f2(1270) or f0(1370) ? Assuming PDG values for B(J/Y ), G(J/Y,Y2S) ee): PDG: (4.01.0).10-3 B( J /y p p p p ) (3.61 0.26 0.26) 103 B(y (2S ) J /y ( )p p ) (36.1 1.5 2.8)% Would be interesting to compare with J/Yp0p0 BF from e+e- p+p-p0p0g... Work in progress! Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar PDG: 31.02.8 % 16 e+e- K+K-p+p-g e+e- K+K-p+pcross-section (89.3 fb-1) • Require 1 or 2 Kaon IDs c22K2p < 20, c24p > 30, c24K > 20. • Negligible background • Good agreement with DM1, higher ECM reach. • Systematics: Kaon ID, Efficiency. Assuming PDG value of G(J/Y ee): B( J /y K K p p ) (6.09 0.50 0.53) 103 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar PDG: (7.22.3).10-3 17 e+e- K+K-p+p-g : Resonant Structures •K*(892) Kp dominates •Little K*K* • f,r in K+K- and pp spectra with K*(892) bands excluded •Hint of ff0(980), ff0(600) ? f K*0 r0 Excluding the K*(892) bands f band Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 18 e+e- K+K-K+K-g e+e- K+K-K+Kcross-section (89.3 fb-1) Assuming PDG value of G(J/Y ee): B( J /y K K K K ) (6.7 1.0 1.1) 103 PDG: (7.03.0).10-3 • Require 3 or 4 Kaon IDs c24K < 20, c22K2p > 20 • Negligible background • First measurement ever of the e+e- K+K-K+K-g crosssection. • Dominated by systematics: No large f signal – Particle ID – Luminosity – Tracking efficiency – Acceptance losses Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 19 e+e- J/Yg +-g e+e- +-g •Require E,p balance, 1C fit with mg = 0. •Backgrounds mostly ISR processes, use muon ID. •Get sJ/Y from ratio of peak to continuum events. s~ MeV BABAR 88.4 fb-1 ISR luminosity at s’=m2 Cross-section given by: s J/y (s) 12 p 2 Gee B m s W ( s, x0 ), m2 x0 1 s GJ /y ee BJ /y 0.330 0.008 0.007 keV With PDG values for B(J/Y ) and B(J/Y e+e-): GJ /y ee 5.61 0.20 keV GJ /y 94.7 4.4 keV Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar In agreement with world average + better error. 20 • New results (Summer 2004): – Measurement of 3pi form factor on a wide energy range – Measurement of B(J/Y 3p • 4C fit requiring E,p conservation, p0 mass (using photon angles but not energy) Events/0.01 GeV/c2 e+e- p+p-p0g BaBar 124 fb-1 higher ’s ? • Backgrounds from – e+e- K+K-p0g, e+e- npg – e+e- qq p+p-p0p0 – Background level : • 0.5-1.5% in , f regions • Rises to 15-50% at higher masses • Known to ~25% below 2 GeV • Detection efficiency ~10%, weak dependence on M3p. • Mass resolution: 6, 7, 9 MeV/c2 at , f, J/y masses. Solid: Signal MC Points: data e+e- K+K-p0g e+e- p+p-p0p0 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 21 Structures in e+e- p+p-p0g • Fit the f mass region, including ’ and ’’ • • • f Fix relative phases to • -f : (1637) • - : 180 • - : 0 Assume PDG values for G, Gf. We get: B ee B 3p (6.70 0.06 0.27) 105 PDG: (6.350.11)% Bf ee Bf 3p (4.30 0.08 0.21) 105 fit c2/d.o.f = 146/148 PDG: (4.590.14)% B ' ee B ' 3p (0.82 0.05 0.06) 106 B ' ' ee B ' ' 3p (1.3 0.1 0.1) 106 M ' 1350 20 20 MeV/c 2 PDG: 1400-1450 MeV/c2 G ' 450 70 70 MeV PDG : 180-250 MeV M '' 1660 10 2 MeV/c 2 PDG: 1670 ± 30 MeV/c2 G '' 230 30 20 MeV PDG: 315 ± 35 MeV Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 22 e+e- p+p-p0g: J/y and Cross-Section NJ/y = 92034 From sJ/y, we extract: GJ /y ee BJ /y 3p 0.122 0.005 0.08 keV Using G(J/y ee)= 5.610.20 keV from the e+e- J/Yg +-g results, we have: BJ /y 3p (2.18 0.19) % PDG: (1.500.20)% BES 2003: (2.100.12)% SND BaBar Preliminary Cross-Section: • Overall normalization error ~5% below 2.5 GeV. • Consistent with SND data for M3p < 1.4 GeV. • Inconsistent with DM2 results. DM2 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 23 Inclusive ISR Analysis •Goal : extract DaHad to 3-4 % between 0-7 GeV. •ISR Selection –Require unmatched cluster with ECM > 3 GeV –s’ given by Eg. •Efficiency –Triggering efficiency ~98%, can be calibrated to below 1%. –Photon fiducial detection inefficiency ~10%, can be calibrated to few % level. –Weak dependence on hadronization model. •Luminosity –Extracted from standard U(4S) luminosity using MC prediction for the “radiator function”. –Uncertainty on U(4S) luminosity ~ 1%, and < 1% for MC calculations (KKMC generator). Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 24 • Energy resolution ~3%, affects the spectrum, especially at low s’. • However, we measure integrals of R(s)/s, not R(s)/s itself: had a 4 mp2 R( s ) K ( s ) ds, s s Da had ( M Z2 ) 4 mp2 R( s) 1 s s M Z2 ds Eg [GeV] Energy Resolution effects • Smearing events move in s’; Problem only if weight function is non-uniform. – – OK for DaHad Does not work for a s’ [GeV] Smeared spectrum (Crystal Centers) Smeared spectrum (All Clusters) MC spectrum Smeared spectrum (Crystal centers) Smeared spectrum (All clusters) MC Spectrum x 4 mp2 s’ [GeV2] Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar R ( s ) 1 s s M Z2 ds s’ [GeV2] 25 Event Selection • Remove QED background: tt Before p0 veto – Radiative Bhabhas – e+e- gg, including g e+e– Virtual Compton scattering • Keep e+e- ttg, g, substract MC prediction Signal (KKMC) cc, uds – Must retain high efficiency – Problems for t e modes but branching fractions well known. • Significant backgrounds from e+e- uu,dd p0X and e+e- tt p0X, with p0 faking an ISR photon. Reject using – Explicit p0 veto (if other photon found) – Shower shape cuts (for “merged p0” case) – Event Shape cuts Efficiency Fiducial Efficiency After p0 veto After QED Veto After p0 Veto g ttg Sufficient purity can be obtained up to s’~ 6 GeV with efficiency ~80% of fiducial s’ [GeV] Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar s’ [GeV] 26 Pentaquark Searches Experimental Overview • New, exotic resonances observed: – Q+ : seen nK or pK decays by many experiments – X / X0 : seen by NA49 – Qc : A charmed partner to Q+ seen by HERA Inclusive CLAS Many sightings, but masses don’t agree… NA49 • However, many negative results as well: • Q+ : CDF, HyperCP, E690, HERA-B, Aleph, Delphi… • X : CDF, E690,HERA-B, WA49 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 28 Theory Overview B(Q+ pK0S) = 25% • Several models predict a 10+8 multiplet of SU(3)f for non-charm pentaquarks (doesn’t include HERA’s QC+) • A 27 multiplet also possible (Q++) • Assume J = ½. In red, states covered in this talk. In green, searches not shown here B(X5-- X-p-) < 50%: = S-K-, also Xpp… –50% for pK0/nK+ –50% K0S/K0L Q+ |ududs pK0S N50 |udd(dd,ss) N5+ |uud(dd,ss) LK+ LK0S S5- |dds(dd,ss) N5 may be below LK threshold S50 |uds(dd,ss) Xp- X5- |dss(dd,ss) LK- •BFs to LK depend on 10-8 mixing model-dependent S5+ |uus(dd,ss) pK0S X K+ X5- - |sdsdu •Searches in LK only sensitive to octet states X50 |uss(dd,ss) Xp+ / LK0S Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar X5+ |ususd X0p 29 Hadron Production Rates in e+e• Look at multiplicity of hadrons per spin state in e+e- collision events. • Weak dependence on quark content, spin,… • Strong dependence on mass • Pentaquarks may not be too different from other hadrons. • Normalizing to L(1520) may not be a good idea. Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 30 Search for Q+ pK0S BaBar 123 fb-1 • Proton selection using dE/dx and Cherenkov, clean over wide momentum range. Lc • Use K0S p+p-. • Expected Resolution on Q+ mass ~ 2 MeV, would be most precise so far. • Can also look for S5+. • Large signal for Lc+ pK0S Lc Q+ Better resolution for Q+ since near threshold Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 31 Search for Q+ pK0S (and S5+) G = 1 MeV: s < 183 fb @ 95% c.l. G = 8 MeV: s < 363 fb @ 95% c.l. B(Q+ pK0S) = 25% taken into account Events / 2 MeV/c2 Events / 2 MeV/c2 Q+(1540) Q+(1540) Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar Q+ Events / 2 MeV/c2 3.5 < p* < 4.0 GeV/c 0.0 < p* < 0.5 GeV/c X S5 ? ? ? S5+ pK0S 32 Search for Q+ pK0S : Lc+ Signal • 100K LC’s in data sample • Resolution 5-7 MeV Lc+ 3.5 < p* < 4.0 GeV/c 0.0 < p* < 0.5 GeV/c M(pK0S) [GeV/c2] Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar M(pK0S) [GeV/c2] 33 Search for X50/-- X-p± Xp, BaBar 123 fb-1 Look for inclusive production of : X*(1530) Xc0 e e X5 X , X5 X p 0 e e X5 X , X50 X p • Apply loose particle ID on proton • Use displaced vertices: Xp, BaBar 123 fb-1 – ct(L) = 7.9 cm, – ct(X-) = 4.9 cm • Select masses near the nominal L and X- masses • Control particles: – – X*0(1530) X-p+ Xc0(2470) X-p+ Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 34 Search for X5-- X-pG = 1 MeV: s < 22.0 fb @ 95% c.l. G = 18 MeV: s < 33.7 fb @ 95% c.l. Limits on s B(X5-- X-p-) Xp, BaBar 123 fb-1 • Exotic channel No features • No sign of the NA49 particle X5—-(1862) Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 35 Search for X50 X-p+ : X50, X*0 and Xc0 Xp, BaBar 123 fb-1 NX* 5000 s=7.3 MeV/c2 X*(1530) 123 fb-1 X50(1862) NXc 2000 s=9.3 MeV/c2 X*(1530) Xc0 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 36 Search for N5/X5 L K • Look at K = K+,K-,K0S • LK only sensitive to octet states, not antidecuplet • Require tight proton selection. • For L and K0S, cut on angle between flight direction and momentum direction. • Backgrounds mostly real L and K • S0K searches also performed for S0 Lg, can probe antidecuplet, but more BG (soft photon). L Mpp [GeV] K0S Mpp [GeV] Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 37 Search for X50 L K0S G = 1 MeV: s < 82.8 fb @ 95% c.l. G = 18 MeV: s < 204.7 fb @ 95% c.l. Limits on s B(X50 LK0S) X50(1862) LK0S 123 fb-1 XC0 X C0 123 fb-1 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar NXc 00 s = 5.9 MeV 38 Search for X5- L KG = 1 MeV: s < 83.6 fb @ 95% c.l. G = 18 MeV: s < 181.0 fb @ 95% c.l. LK 123 fb-1 W 123 fb-1 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar NW 00 s = 3.0 MeV 39 Search for N5+ L K+ We have B(Lc+ L K+) = 6.7 10-4 B(Lc+ L p+p0) = 3.6% B(Lc+ L K+K0) = 0.6% LK 123 fb-1 So modes with particles missing/mis-ID’d can have large contributions. NLc 00 s = 5.3 MeV Lc+ feed-down L c+ L c 123 fb-1 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 40 Searches in S0K Modes no W, below threshold SK+ SKSK0S SK0S SK- SK+ Bottom line: Less clean than LK, same features, no Pentaquarks Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 41 Results in Perspective •Assume –B(Q+ pK0S) = 25% –B(X5-- X-p-) = 50% •Assume pentaquarks from udsc, not bb •No model-independent results for LK, since BFs not known •Limits can be placed with respect to other baryons. •Limits stand below expectations for: – Q5+ by a factor of 8-15 – X5-- by a factor of 4-6 Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 42 Conclusions • Promising prospects for ISR at BaBar – Coverage of wide energy ranges – Advantageous kinematics, radiative corrections situation. • Many Exclusive ISR channels already measured; more in progress (pp, h, h’, pp, KK…). • Inclusive ISR analysis can provide a precise measurement of DaHad. • Several analyses of inclusive hadronic spectra are in progress. • Pentaquark searches have yielded negative results so far. However, they have highlighted potential for study of charmed and non-charmed Baryons. Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 43 Backup Slides e+e- p+p-p+p-g Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 45 e+e- p+p-p+p-g Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 46 2K 2p Structures Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar 47 More 2K 2p Structures All Events Nicolas Berger, Cornell Seminar Events with the other Kp combination in the K* band. 48