SLHC and CMS LHC Upgrades Dan Green US CMS Program Manager Fermilab October 6, 2004 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 1 Outline SLHC – Upgrades and “Reach” CMS and US CMS Collaborations SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 2 LHC Detector Innovations LHC challenges have led to dramatic detector progress LA – “accordion” for high speed operation PbWO4 – fast crystal calorimetry, radiation resistant. Muon Toroids – precision momentum over an enormous volume. All silicon tracking – 200 m2 Silicon pixels at p-p colliders for b tagging. DSM electronics – radiation hard Optical data transfers – fast, hermetic. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 3 Evolution of LHC luminosity Install upgrade here When do you upgrade the LHC and expts? SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 4 Mass Reach vs L - SLHC N=100 Events, Z' Coupling VLHC 2 TeV 10 14 TeV 4 28 TeV LHC MZ'(GeV) 100 TeV 1032 At reach is already 2 TeV Tevatron 10 3 10 32 10 33 10 34 10 35 Luminosity(/cm2sec) In general mass reach is increased by ~ 1.5 TeV for Z’, heavy SUSY squarks or gluinos or extra dimension mass scales. A ~ 20% measurement of the HHH coupling is possible for Higgs masses < 200 GeV. However, to realize these improvements we need to maintain the capabilities of the LHC detectors. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 5 Kinematics 5 TeV 1 TeV d / dy barrel y barrel Heavy States decay at wide angles. For example Z’ of 1 and 5 TeV decaying into light pairs. Therefore, for these states we will concentrate on wide angle detectors. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 6 Higgs Self Coupling Baur, Plehn, Rainwater HH W+ W- W+ W- jj jj Find the Higgs? If the H mass is known, then the SM H potential is completely known HH prediction. If H is found, measure selfcouplings, but ultimately SLHC is needed. The plan is for 10x increase in luminosity ~ 2013. Given the needed R&D time, work on the new detectors needed for the SLHC must start very soon. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 7 Detector Environment LHC s L Ldt SLHC 14 TeV 14 TeV 2 2 1034 /(cm sec) 1035 /(cm sec) 100 fb1 / yr 1000 fb1 / yr Bunch spacing dt 25 ns 12.5 ns N( interactions/x-ing) ~ 12 ~ 62 dNch/d per x-ing Tracker occupancy Pile-up noise Dose central region ~ 75 1 1 1 ~ 375 5 ~2.2 10 Bunch spacing reduced 2x. Interactions/crossing increased 5 x. Pileup noise increased by 2.2x if crossings are time resolvable. Tenfold L increase comes from dt, *, and p/bunch. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 8 Heavy Ion Program In heavy ion (HI) runs the particle density is ~ 5000 for Pb-Pb. Good study for detector “headroom” w.r.t. SLHC. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 9 HI – Tracker Study Efficiency Fakes || < 0.7 The CMS tracker has sufficient headroom to operate in the HI environment. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 10 Tracker – Ionizing Dose The ionizing dose due to charged particles is: ID I c [dE / d ( ' x)]mip /[2 r 2 ] The dose depends only on luminosity, r, and exposure time . For example, at r = 20 cm, the dose is ~3 Mrad/yr – ignoring “loopers”, interactions, …. “naïve” expectation. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 11 Tracker ID vs. Radius 35 10 Ionizing Dose in Tracker for 10 3 1 naive Dose(Mrad) 10 10 10 10 2 L and 1 Year 3 2 1 0 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 r(cm) Define 3 regions. With 10x increase in L, need a ~ 3x change in radius to preserve an existing technology. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 12 Crossing ID: CMS HB Pulse Shape 100 GeV electrons. 25ns bins. Average pulse shape, phased +1ns to LHC clock. Bunch ID at 12.5 nsec OK SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 13 HI - Jet Reconstruction Full jet reconstruction in central Pb-Pb collision HIJING, dNch/dy = 5000 Efficiency, purity SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 Measured jet energy Jet energy resolution 14 ECAL – Shower Dose The dose in ECAL is ~ due to photon showers and is: SD I o [dE / d ( ' x )]mip [ pT / sin Ec ]/[2 r 2 ] ( ID / 2)[ pT / sin Ec ] In the barrel, SD is ~ /[r 2 sin ] . In the endcap, SD ~ /[ z 2 3 ] ~ ( / z 2 )e3 At r = 1.2 m, for Pb with Ec = 7.4 MeV, the dose at y=0 is 3.3 Mrad/yr, at |y|=1.5 it is 7.8 Mrad/yr. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 15 HCAL and ECAL Dose 35 10 Dose in ECAL and HCAL for L = 10 and One Year 3 ecal 10 2 hcal Dose(Mrad) naive 10 10 10 10 1 0 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Barrel doses are not a problem. For the endcaps a technology change may be needed for 2 < |y| < 3 for the CMS HCAL. Switch to quartz fiber as in HF? SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 16 HCAL - Coverage VBF and “tag” jets are important for calorimetry. Reduced forward coverage to compensate for 10x L is not too damaging to “tag jet” efficiency, SD ~ 1/3 ~ e3 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 17 Muons and Shielding There is factor ~ 5 in headroom at design L. With added shielding, dose rates can be kept constant if angular coverage goes from |y|<2.4 to |y|<2. r n /(cm2 sec) r SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 z 18 L1 Trigger at 1035 ? Muons are ~ clean. Issue of low momentum muons from b jets. Jets are ~ clean. ECAL jets are mostly “garbage” need tracker to make big L1 improvements. Rutherford scattering ~ 1/PT3 at low momentum Simply scale thresholds? J Or migrate Tracking into L1 trigger at the SLHC. J*MET SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 L = 1034 L = 1035 20 GeV 40 GeV 5 7.5 250 540 113*70 170*100 19 Summary and Conclusions LHC experiments are designed for discovery at the new energy frontier The detectors are nearing completion and commissioning has begun Discoveries will come early because energy matters. The experiments must be ready on day one. It is not just the quick discovery. With the SLHC the program (new spectroscopy ?) at the energy frontier will span decades. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 20 The CMS Collaboration Belgium Number of Laboratories Member States 59 Non-Member States 56 USA USA Finland CERN France 38 153 Total Bulgaria Austria Germany Greece Russia Hungary Number of Scientists Member States 1005 Non-Member States 528 USA 443 Total 1976 Uzbekistan Ukraine Slovak Republic Georgia Belarus Armenia Italy UK Turkey Serbia Pakistan New-Zealand Associated Institutes Number of Scientists 73 Number of Laboratories 10 April, 05 2004/gm SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 Brazil China, PR Korea China (Taiwan) Ireland Iran Croatia India Estonia Cyprus Poland Portugal Spain Switzerland 1976 Physicists and Engineers 36 Countries 21 153 Institutions CMS – SC and MB SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 22 US CMS – 38 +1 Groups Boston University Physicists - PD + Faculty, 282 Total University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara California Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fairfield University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory University of Florida Florida International University Florida State University Florida Institute of Technology University of Illinois at Chicago University of Iowa Iowa State University Johns Hopkins University University of Kansas Kansas State University University of Maryland Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of NebraskaLincoln Northeastern University Northwestern University SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 University of Notre Dame Ohio State University 23 US CMS Groups SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 24 PMP – L2 Managers SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 25 WBS for US CMS WBS 1. -EMU(UW) WBS -2.HCAL(UM) 1. Endcap Muon Cathode Strip Chambers 2. Hadron Calorimeter full HB, HOB, HE and HF transducers and readout.-HE scint, HF QP fibers WBS 3.Trigger (UW) 3.Endcap muon and calorimeter trigger. DAQ filter DAQ(FNAL) 4. Electromagnetic Calorimeter - barrel transducers, front end electronics, and laser monitor 5. Forward pixels WS 6.-CP (UW,FNAL) WBS 4.ECAL(UMinn) WBS 5.FPIX(NW) 7. Project office WBS 8. -Si Trkr(UCSB) SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 6. Common Projects endcap yoke, barrel cryostat and superconductor 8. Si Tracker – full TOB 26 One Page Summary US CMS Detector Project 180 160 140 AY M$ 120 BCWS BCWP ACWP EAC TPC BA 100 80 60 40 20 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 Sep-05 Sep-04 Sep-03 Sep-02 Sep-01 Sep-00 Sep-99 Sep-98 Sep-97 Sep-96 0 WBS schedule saturates BA – go as fast as possible. Initial contingency level was 43 %. TPC is capped. Lag in work performed (reporting?) and in actuals (delayed invoicing). Close completed tasks after 1 year. 27 HEPAP Survey – Ramp Up US CMS Survey CERN – US CMS # 400 350 300 = faculty + PD Grad Students FTE (total interest not FTE) 250 200 Postdocs Faculty 150 100 50 0 FY03 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 >FY07 28 CMS - USC 55 Delivery estimated for 1 June 2004. Can be accommodated in v34.0 leading to ready for crates on 15 Jul 2005. 3 shifts running underground with up to 200 workers Contractors are anxious to finish pt 5 work asap. 13 April 2004 – USC55 Cavern SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 29 CMS - Experimental Caverns Service : USC55 ready Jan 04 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 Experiment: UXC55 ready July 04 30 CMS – Si Tracker All TIB layers completed: L1, L2, L3 and L4 (F/B). Surveyed TIB layers: L1B and L4F/B. Layer 3 Proto: ready for module integration. Layer 3 Proto ready Layer 4&1 Backward Layer 4&3 Forward SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 31 Dipole Installation Jan., 2004 SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 32 US LHC - IR Quad US involved in next generation (SLHC) low quads SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 33 CMS: 1st Coil Module at CERN-SX5 World’s largest electro-magnet. 4T field. Calorimetry is inside. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 34 SX5 and Pit-head Cover cover complete first closing test later this month. SX5 Jura wall removal this summer SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 35 Mass “Reach” and L The number of Z’ detected in leptonic decays is: N { 2W [ xu( x ) xu ( x )]x M / s }B(ee )[y / 8M 2 ] [ xu( x ) xu ( x )] 0.36 x (1 x )11, For if N = 100 is discovery level then M ~ 5.3 TeV is ~ the mass “reach” in 1 year (M=4 -> 5.3 TeV). The leptons will be sharply limited to low |y| or large angles (“barrel”). SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 36 HI Tracking Match Reconstructed tracks to MC input on a hit by hit basis. || < 0.7 dpT/pT < 1% (Event sample: dn/dy ~3000 + one 100GeV Jet/Event) SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 37 The Algorithm – HI Tracking Adapted from default p+p reconstruction. Based on Kalman Filter (ORCA_6_3_0) Modifications to the p+p Algorithm: 1) Trajectory Seed Generation Three pixel hit combinations compatible with primary event vertex 2) Trajectory Building Special error assignment to merged hits 3) Trajectory cleaning Allow only one track per trajectory seed 4) Trajectory Smoothing Final fit with split stereo layers Code is currently frozen and prepared for release SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 38 HI, dN/dy ~5000 Charged particle spectra can be reconstructed for pT>1GeV (“loopers” are lost) Lower cutoff possible with reduced field SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 39 Preparing for the Physics Test beam work continues – calibration, low momentum Optical alignment, construction constants – databases Trigger and DAQ studies at low and high luminosity. Initial physics run studies with 10 fb-1 - LHC Symposium. Grid Computing – hierarchical structure, Tier 0 – Tier 1 and Tier 2. Core Computing and Software Data Challenges – incremental, DC04 = 25% bandwidth SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 40 US CMS 387 Members from 38 Institutions US is the single largest national group in CMS. US is distributed widely over universities in CMS. There are 50 distinct groups working on US CMS L2 subsystems. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 41 US LHC Construction Projects US CMS - Total Cost and Scheduled Cost 180 160 140 AY(M$) 120 100 Scheduled Total 80 60 40 20 Sep-05 Sep-04 Sep-03 Sep-02 Sep-01 Sep-00 Sep-99 Sep-98 Sep-97 Sep-96 0 The 531 M$ investment in US LHC construction has been wisely used. The Projects are on schedule (for 2005 ~ completion) and on budget. Next step is to use the time before 2007 to prepare for the physics – commissioning and preops in SX5 – more “slice” tests. SLHC, Cornell Oct. 6, 2004 42