June 2010 Small Area Plan Rezoning Package Checklist Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations: 24VAC30-155-40.C A COVER SHEET containing: Contact Information for the Locality, Developer (or owner), if applicable; Site Information Rezoning location, Highways adjacent to the site, Parcel number or numbers; Proposal Summary with the Development’s name, Size (acreage), Proposed zoning, and Proposed types of land uses, including maximum number of lots or maximum business square feet. A TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS STUDY prepared according to 24VAC30-155-60. A LETTER THAT INCLUDES STATEMENTS CERTIFYING THAT: The assumptions made in the traffic impact study prepared for the small area plan remain generally valid; The rezoning proposal is in substantial conformance with the adopted small area plan. (A rezoning can have a deviation in density of 10 percent or less and remain in substantial conformance with the small area plan.); The character and volume of the trip generation by the proposed uses are similar to those proposed by the small area plan; and All other assumptions made in the traffic impact study prepared for the small area plan remain generally valid. ANY PROFFERED CONDITIONS submitted by the applicant. FEES - None