Social Policy Relevance Form


University Research Fund Priority Area - Evidence-Based Social Policy Development

With funding provided by a SSHRC Aid to Small Universities Grant in the amount of $30,000 per year for three years (2014-2017), UNB has implemented a coordinated plan to support the direct cost of research that advances social policy development. The university has, consequently, instituted the Evidence-Based Policy Development research priority area as a component of the URF competition. Successful URF applicants whose research aligns with the priority area may be awarded between $3,000 and $7,000 in top-up funding to support policy development research. Top-up funds not awarded in one year will be carried over to the next year.

Social policy development is a multi-faceted endeavor requiring the coordinated engagement of various stakeholders in a well-defined process. The importance of evidence obtained through research emerging from universities can often make the difference between a good policy and a bad policy. In this process, researchers need to be appropriately funded to enable them to participate meaningfully in the process of social policy development by providing their results to policy development stakeholders or for mobilizing knowledge with a particular eye to social policy development. Funding the direct costs of research contributing to the policy development process remains social policy researchers’ primary area of need. Such costs include travel, events administration, fellowships and assistantships, equipment, transcription, and tools and instruments. These resources are critical to researchers’ participation in policy development dialogue.

The expected outcome for funding under this priority area is that funded research and related activities will aim to directly inform/impact the development of identifiable social policies.

Researchers who submit projects for funding under this URF priority area program will include, in addition to the regularly requested materials, a one-page justification to indicate the following:

How their projects align with SSHRC’s subject-matter eligibility (see


How their projects fit into the Evidence-Based Policy Development research priority area.

How their projects will contribute to the expected outcome stipulated under the priority area.

A brief budget justification for the $3,000 to $7,000 additional funds requested.

Projects that identify alignment to this priority area will be assessed for fit during the URF review process. If approved, researchers will be awarded top-up funding, which will supplement the URF grant to support the direct costs of policy-based research. Researchers may be awarded a URF grant only if this priority area is not approved for funding.


URF Priority Area - Evidence-Based Social Policy Development Your Name Here

Use the following headings, and delete red text when complete

[Max. 1 page]

Indicate whether the project is eligible for SSHRC funding based on subject matter:

Enter text here.

Indicate how the project fits into the Evidence-Based Policy Development research priority area:

Enter text here.

Indicate how the project will contribute to the expected outcomes stipulated under the priority area:

Enter text here.

Budget Justification: [Provide an explanation of, and justification for, the budget items requested.]

Enter text here.

