CPS 196.03: Information Management and Mining First programming project

CPS 196.03: Information Management
and Mining
First programming project
First Programming Project
Individual project, 15 Points in final grade
Sales(customer_id, item_id, item_group, item_price, purchase_date)
Task 1: 5 Points
Interface to enter MIN_SUPPORT (% of customers)
Find frequent itemsets using Apriori (set of item_id’s)
Task 2: 5 Points (Section 5.5 in the textbook)
Will be provided as a file during demo and for generating performance
numbers for project report
Interface to enter two constraint types (e.g., SUM(item_price) op const)
Use the constraints in Apriori as effectively as possible, study and
demonstrate performance improvement
Task 3: 5 Points
Extension of your choice. Examples include (i) association rules, (ii)
complex constraints, (iii) sequential patterns, (iv) variants of apriori, (v)
First Programming Project: Milestones
Feb 3: Project announced
Feb 17: Mid-project report due
Describe progress and planned extensions
Describe detailed algorithms for all three tasks
Feb 17: Sample data file will be provided for
generating performance results for project report
March 2: Submit code, README file to run code,
code documentation, and final project report
March 2-4: Project demos (random assignment)
March 6: Spring break. Second project announced
Finalized Grading Criteria for Class
Homeworks: 15 points
Programming projects: 40 points
Midterm: 20 points
Note: Midterm is on Feb 19 (Thu) in class
Final: 25 Points