EarthScope Short Course 2015: Pick Repository Team Picks 4.0 Tiku Ravat (Kentucky) Yenjoe Tan (Columbia) Stefanie Whittaker (Alaska) Yao Yao (Utah) What is a pick and repository? Stage 4: Finally picking Stage 1:finished Figuring out picking program Stage 2: First round of picking Stage 3: Fixing first rounds of picks Why a Pick Repository? 1. Reduce redundancy of picking the same phases of the same events for different studies 2. Understand what data goes into results e.g. event locations, tomography… 3. Help people who are unfamiliar with waveforms do seismology research 4. Better interface for accessing picks connect to waveforms/events Pick data • • • • • • • • • Pick time Polarity (if available) Phase (P, pP, S, SKS, etc.) Station code Station channel Network code Filter used before picking IRIS Event id (Origin time, Magnitude) Author of picks (so we can give credit) Repository Format • csv text format: comma, space, pipe • Name files by event time YYYYMMDD”T”HHMMSS • Header: earthquake location, magnitude – Dual events occurring at same time • Sumatra instead of Fiji • Use picks when you already have waveforms – mseed2sac – import picks from text file into sac header (python) Code for transferring data to txt and csv formats - Matlab driver for translating submissions to standardized pick format for distribution - Sample output file format - distribution Translate picks between catalogs Code: 1. Search for an event from Catalog A 2. Get the matched event from Catalog B 3. Enter your picks from Catalog A that are in relative time 4. Output: picks translated to Catalog B Output -> Select an event or select an area Select an event: Select an event or select an area Select an area: Bottlenecks • Getting people to put their picks online – Give credit in papers when you use their picks • Format conversion – Need to provide programs to convert from antelope to csv, SAC to csv, AQMS to csv, etc. Conclusion • We came up with this idea and found out IRIS is looking to implement something like this but not research picks.