TEACHER: Mrs. Martin LESSON PLAN SCHOOL: Phoebus High School SUBJECT: ___Intro to Video Gaming_____ DATE: ______Sept 10, 2008____________ DAY: BLUE 1 BLOCK: SEMESTER: GOLD 2 S1 3 4 S2 STUDENTS WILL ENGAGE IN: independent activities pairing cooperative learning hands-on peer tutoring project visuals lecture simulations centers technology integration OTHER: industry certification preparation VA CTE SOL’S: Computer Technology 9-12.5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of technologies that support collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. CO-CURRICULAR SOL’S: Mathematics COM.6 (038), Mathematics COM.8 (036) The student will design and implement the input phase of a program, which will include designing screen layout and getting information into the program by way of user interaction, data statements, and/or file input. The student will design and implement computer graphics, which will include topics appropriate for the available programming environment as well as student background. TASK COMPETENCIES: Programming, 6640 012Identify the development environment for the specific language being covered. 036Code an application program to display graphics. 038Code a program to animate objects. OBJECTIVES: MATERIALS NEEDED: TSW identify 25 items within the Alice IDE with 80% or > accuracy. TSW create (instantiate), animate (method creation), and display (run) a complete program. TIME *Vacation Tickets *Computers *Internet Access *Smart Board *Jolly Ranchers *Ch 1 Student notes & master *Scavenger handout & Key *Tutorial Binders *Ch 1 Vocab w/s PROCEDURES MATERIALS/TEXT REFERENCES ANTICIPATORY SET: 5 minutes Hand out a “vacation ticket” to each student as they enter the classroom. (Each ticket is to be a different place in the world) Have students write down: 1.) What kind of things would they need to know about before going to their vacation? 2.) Places they would like to visit at their vacation destination. 3.) What kind of things they would like to know more about at their spot? Ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class Explain the correlation with visiting a spot in the world to learning about a new software (Alice). GUIDED PRACTICE: 20 - 25 minutes Guided notes for chapter 1 Do together as classIntro to Using Alice PowerPoint Tutorial *Vacation Tickets *Ch 1 student notes w/s *Ch 1 Master Notes *“Learning to Program with Alice” text CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: 5 minutes Verbal reviewcall out questions to class Students are not allowed to blurt out answers, they must raise their hand. *Jolly Ranchers INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: 30-40 minutes Alice Scavenger Hunt Handout “Getting Started with Alice” tutorial Ch 1 Vocabulary Terms & Definitions worksheet to be completed using their guided notes. **If any students finish early they can visit the Quia sites that correlate to Chapter 1 information (Vocab Quiz, Battleship game) Ch 1 Vocab Quiz http://www.quia.com/quiz/1423410.html Ch 1 Battleship Game http://www.quia.com/ba/184517.html *Scavenger handout & Key *Tutorial Binder *Ch 1 Vocabulary w/s CLOSURE: 10 minutes Circle, Triangle, Square Reflection CircleWhat is still “circling around in your mind” that is not quite understood? TriangleHow can you apply what you have learned today to other areas? (Personal or academic areas) SquareWhat concepts covered today are “squared away?” Ask if there is anyone willing to share their answers. *Students use their own notebook paper HOMEWORK: Students need to complete the vocabulary terms & definitions to hand in at beginning of next class for completion grade (they will be used for doing a crossword puzzle for vocabulary reinforcement). TEACHER REFLECTION: What worked with this lesson? What did not work? Why? Did any concepts/explanations create confusion or problems for students? Readjustments/changes for this lesson?