Alice programming

Alice programming
Technology-Grade 8
Start Date:
End Date :
Mrs.A 8
Unit Preparation
Essential Question
Unit Goals
Materials/Integrated Technology
How can we create 3D virtual worlds SWAT:
Alice software download:
programming environment that makes * build an interactive story or game
it easy to create animations for either as the presentation.
story telling or interactive games?
Virtual world
NJ_Core_Curriculum_Content_Standards - Technology (2009) - 5,6,7,8
Standard 8.1.8 All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and
collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.
Strand 8.1.8.B Creativity and Innovation
Content Statement The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge.
NJ_Core_Curriculum_Content_Standards - Technology (2009) - 9,10,11,12
Standard 8.1.12 All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and
collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.
Content Statement The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge.
Cumulative Progress Indicator 8.1.12.B.1 Design and pilot a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to one or more
content areas or a real world situation.
Alice Programming Introduction Week 1
A. Program basics
Alice programming - Page 1 of 2
A. Program basics
1. Analyze program
2. Create new world
Tutorial on Alice -create own version of
Alice programming
Technology-Grade 8
Start Date:
End Date :
Mrs.A 8
Alice programming Introduction Week 2,3
A. Program basics
Program Basics
A. Objects
B. Scenes
C. New methods
D. Camera control
E. Events
Integrated Technology
Alice programming - Page 2 of 2
A. Program basics
1. Add characters
2. Scene set up
Alice tutorial (Kangaroo)-
A. Objects
1. add objects to Alice world
B. Scenes
1. Add scenes
C. New methods
1. Create new methods
D. Camera control
1. Experiment with camera control
E. Events
1. Create events
Tutorial Princess and Dragon Introduction to
Alice-tell a story
make an interactive game
create a video that you can share online
Teacher Notes