Inquiry of the Week Assignment Name: _____________________________ IOWA Due: ___/___/___ Period: _________ Haselbauer Computer Programming is a major part of today’s society, not only in the work world, but in gaming, the internet and many other areas. In the work world, programmers design software to help people get things done or to make life easier. Name four programs that make your life easier? Go to Bungie is the company that made “Halo”. On the top menu bar, click on “Inside Bungie” and choose “meet the team”. Pick four people and tell me what they do: 1. Name: Nickname: Classification: Current Job: 2. Name: Nickname: Classification: Current Job: 3. Name: Nickname: Classification: Current Job: 4. Name: Nickname: Classification: Current Job: Go back to the “Inside Bungie” menu and click on “Job Openings” Look at the jobs that Bungie has right now and pick one. Which job did you pick? Why did you pick that job? What are some of the desired qualifications to get that job? Do you think it’d be fun to work for a video game development company? Why?