North Carolina 6-Point Lesson Plan Subject: English Grade: Basic Study skills Teacher: Deirdre Kiernan Topic: common spelling errors Volleyball quiz Date: June, 2012 NC Standard Course of Study Essential Standard: Range of reading and level of Text Complexity Class time: 90 minutes Activity I. Focus and Review (Establish prior knowledge) II. Statement (Inform student of objectives) Description of Activities and Materials and Time Setting Prior lesson focused on common misspelled words, for example, a lot, all right, there, 15 their and they’re ____minutes The objective is to correct spelling errors that result from improper speech and writing 15 ____ minutes III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) Teacher lead lessons 30 Students will take the Alice “Volley ball Quiz” ____ minutes IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance, provide assessment and feedback) Alice Quiz will provide the students with an assessment 30 Teacher will review the quiz with the students ____ minutes V. Independent Practice -- Seatwork and Homework (Retention and transfer) ____minutes VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) ____minutes