IB Learner Profiles in an Alice World Level II (7th), Level III (8th) This lesson is a culmination activity for the summer reading assignments and a review of the Learner Profile traits. It is a blended learning lesson and includes collaboration with the media specialist and Language A teachers. This lesson can easily be adapted for other types of character traits and/or reading assignments. Estimated time: Three blocks. Overview: Students will use the Alice program to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of one or more of the IB Learner Profile traits. The Alice Worlds may be based on the students’ original stories or adapted from an event in one of their summer reading selections. Summer reading selections by grade level: http://iss.schoolwires.com/Page/37772 Materials: Computers, data projector, screen, story board sheets, copies of books, Learner Profile strips, and internet access. Day 1: Review Review the Learner Profiles with students before activity. Place strips of paper with the profile traits printed on each strip into a bowl or jar. Divide students into small groups and have each group select a trait. Have students discuss the meaning of the select trait and write down key words and/or an example and post to shared document on Google Drive. Learner Profiles: http://iss.schoolwires.com/domain/1236 Optional Presentation: Each group will present their post to the class. Day 2: Model: Teacher will show demonstration of Alice World on the Open-minded trait and answer any questions concerning assignment. Students will create story boards of their stories using the trait of their choice and begin work on an Alice World. Alice Resources: http://iss.schoolwires.com/Page/44473 Day 3: Students present Alice Worlds to class. Write reflections on their projects.