SPRING 2017 COURSES FOR WHICH THE PASS/FAIL OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE The following categories of curricular offerings are not eligible to be taken Pass/Fail: * FIRST YEAR REQUIRED CURRICULUM, including first year and second year evening electives. * PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY COURSES, including American Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility; Professional Responsibility and Small Firm Practice: How to Start and Build a Law Firm; Professional Responsibility and the Future of the Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility for Tax Lawyers; Professional Responsibility: A Case Study Approach; Professional Responsibility: Ethics in Public Interest Practice; Professional Responsibility: From Model Rules to Role Models - The Theory and Practice of Legal Ethics; Professional Responsibility: How and Why Lawyers Get Into Trouble; Professional Responsibility: Lawyers’ Ethics in an Adversary System; Professional Responsibility: Problems from Practice; and The American Legal Profession in the 21st Century: Alternative Service Delivery Models, Emerging Practice Technologies, and New Regulatory Challenges. * WRITING REQUIREMENT (“WR”) SEMINARS * SUPERVISED RESEARCH PROJECTS * CLINICS * EXTERNSHIP SEMINARS * ALL COURSES THAT BEGIN WITH THE PREFIX “LAWG” CRN 31214 10313 10312 SUBJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ CRS # 046 032 029 SECT 09 07 08 31224 LAWJ 036 05 31270 LAWJ 036 08 10925 LAWJ 537 06 27616 LAWJ 1175 08 30493 LAWJ 1372 05 30494 LAWJ 1372 09 17607 LAWJ 090 09 COURSE TITLE Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar Advanced Criminal Procedure Advanced Environmental Law: Climate Change (PROJECT-BASED PRACTICUM) Advanced Legal Writing and Practice for Judicial Clerks and Civil Litigators Advanced Legal Writing: Legal Writing as a Discipline Applied Legal Composition Borders, Banishment, and Beyond Seminar Business Essentials: A Mini-MBA for Lawyers Business Essentials: A Mini-MBA for Lawyers Capital Punishment Seminar 1 PROFESSOR(s) Solum, Lawrence B. Biros, Mark J. Arroyo, Vicki A./ Pacyniak, Gabriel S. Hickman, Johanna M. Butler, Charles J. DeLaurentis, Frances C. McLeod, Allegra Hills, Stephen P. Hills, Stephen P. Bessler, John 10775 LAWJ 286 09 Church-State Law Seminar 10326 LAWJ 060 01 Civil Litigation Practice 27605 LAWJ 060 07 Civil Litigation Practice 29390 31232 10840 10461 062 379 757 363 05 08 08 05 10395 LAWJ 215 07 17360 LAWJ 215 09 29529 LAWJ 1101 05 31230 LAWJ 622 29477 LAWJ 110 10638 LAWJ 848 08 97 11 Civil Rights Commercial Law: Sales & Leases Comparative Tax Law Conflict Management Systems Design Seminar Constitutional Law II: Individual Rights and Liberties Constitutional Law II: Individual Rights and Liberties Consumer Advocacy: Public Health Regulation of Tobacco and PersonalCare Products (FIELDWORK PRACTICUM) Consumer Finance Copyright Law Corporate Income Tax Law I 31239 LAWJ 1267 05 31334 LAWJ 1409 05 10361 LAWJ 134 10366 LAWJ 160 05 05 10399 LAWJ 219 07 29450 LAWJ 3011 11 29523 LAWJ 150 27636 LAWJ 1290 01 05 17650 LAWJ 656 08 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ Corporate Legal Department Practicum (FIELDWORK PRACTICUM) Cybercrime and Technological Insecurity: Emerging Legal, Policy, and Operational Challenges Decedents' Estates Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Documents: Contracts, Loan Documents, and Leases Seminar Emerging Growth Companies and Their Venture Capital Financing Seminar: Principles and Practice Employee Benefits Practicum Employment Discrimination Energy and Environment Seminar: Hydraulic Fracturing Entrepreneurship and the Law: Evaluating Client Business Plans and Growth Strategies 2 Chopko, Mark/ Hollman, K. Hollyn Bird, Coleman/ Russell-Hunter, Peregrine Rock, Jimmy/ Yong, Esther C. Abernathy, Charles F. Levitin, Adam J. Smiley, Stafford Costantino, Cathy A. Shulman, Jeffrey I. Bloch, Susan L. Page, Joseph A./ Cluderay, Thomas E./ Greenwold, Mark Levitin, Adam J. Burger, James Browne, Patrick/ Levine, Scott M. Cohen, Barry E. Cooper, Aaron R./ Dantiki, Sumon S. O'Brien, Raymond C. Bregman, Douglas M. Krisko, Ken/ Velli, Aaron J. Eickelberg, Henry C./ Paliga, John/ Wagner, Martha J. Williams, Jamillah B. Sussman, Robert Sherman, Andrew J. 10372 11796 29496 23850 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 165 165 173 174 05 07 05 05 10613 LAWJ 722 08 25665 LAWJ 1166 05 27552 LAWJ 2040 10 17666 LAWJ 769 09 27685 LAWJ 1298 31273 LAWJ 726 23836 LAWJ 1028 08 20 08 10636 LAWJ 845 08 31312 LAWJ 311 08 29530 LAWJ 216 27678 LAWJ 034 09 08 29435 LAWJ 3014 09 31242 LAWJ 1032 08 29567 LAWJ 3021 09 10670 LAWJ 914 08 25691 LAWJ 240 28791 LAWJ 1260 09 05 31215 LAWJ 227 21849 LAWJ 1010 08 08 10408 LAWJ 240 31275 LAWJ 691 10658 LAWJ 898 07 09 08 10415 LAWJ 264 05 Evidence Evidence Family Law I: Marriage and Divorce Family Law II: Child, Parent, and the State Federal Limitations on State and Local Taxation Federal Litigation Practice: Litigating Challenges to Federal Agency Decisions Financial Derivatives Taxation Financial Products in a New Regulatory Environment Global Anti-Corruption Seminar Global Competition Law and Policy Health Care Fraud and Abuse Seminar Rothstein, Paul F. Vargason, James B. Mihalik, Theresa M. King, Patricia A. Capino, Richard A./ Tatarowicz, Philip M. Firestone, Nancy/ Jones, Sheila D. Bedell, Dennis P./ Cubeta, David B. Ambler, Diane E. Luskin, Robert D. Graubert, John D. Levy, Joshua A./ Ogrosky, Kirk Hedge Funds, Private Equity Funds Barbash, Barry/ and Other Similar Investment Vehicles Silk, James G. Higher Education and the Law Lawrence, Frederick Seminar M. Historic Preservation Seminar Boasberg, Tersh Human Rights Fact-Finding Gomez-Lugo, Fanny (PROJECT-BASED PRACTICUM) ICSID Arbitration: Jurisdiction and Le Cannu, Paul Jean/ Procedural Aspects Marzal, Sara In-House Counsel: Law and Practice Stevenson, Russell B./ Krebs, Frederick J. International Arbitration and the New van den Berg, Albert York Convention Jan International Banking in the United Bellini, Christopher J. States International Business Negotiations Finkelstein, Jay G. International Economic Law Hillman, Jennifer/ Practicum (PROJECT-BASED Pauwelyn, Joost PRACTICUM) International Human Rights Stromseth, Jane International Law in Domestic Courts Stewart, David P. Seminar International Negotiations Seminar Harr, Timothy A. International Trade and Health McGrady, Benn D. International Trade Remedies and the Byers, Bonnie B./ WTO Ettinger, Stacy Labor Law: Union Organization, Silberman, Laurence 3 Collective Bargaining, and Unfair Labor Practices Legislative Process Seminar 29466 LAWJ 1336 05 25707 LAWJ 1169 05 29381 LAWJ 2012 09 10777 LAWJ 322 25841 LAWJ 372 05 09 10674 LAWJ 922 08 10639 LAWJ 849 08 23839 25854 31282 10435 09 08 05 09 National Security Investigations and Litigation National Security Law National Security Lawyering Seminar Natural Resources Law Negotiations and Mediation Seminar 19680 LAWJ 317 03 Negotiations Seminar 17358 10434 25776 10868 05 07 17 05 Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Non-Profit Organizations 25799 LAWJ 1209 05 31292 LAWJ 387 07 O’Neill Institute Practicum: Health and Human Rights (PROJECTBASED PRACTICUM) Patent Prosecution Practice 23950 LAWJ 334 05 Patent Trial Practice 10454 LAWJ 358 28798 LAWJ 1315 05 05 25739 LAWJ 1183 05 Presentation Skills for Lawyers Privacy Legislation: Law and Technology (PROJECT-BASED PRACTICUM) Problem Solving Justice: Developments in Treatment, LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 972 1151 1205 317 317 317 317 326 Litigating at Regulatory Agencies: Roles, Skills and Strategies (PROJECT-BASED PRACTICUM) Litigation of Individual Income Tax Issues Workshop Mediation Seminar Music Law Seminar: Changing Landscapes in the Music Industry and the Law that Governs It National Security and the Law of Sea 4 McMahon, Susan A./ Griffin, Ayo Hempling, Scott Pomerance, Robert S./ Panuthos, Peter J. Costantino, Cathy A. Ross, Julia L./ Huppe, Michael Hipfel, Steven J./ Oliver, John T. Demers, John C./ Wainstein, Kenneth L. Moore, John N. DeRosa, Mary B. Beneke, Patricia J. Berger, Eric/ Rozdeiczer, Lukasz Batson, David/ Sellers, Sandra Kleinman, Kondi J. Altman, Stephen D. Blank, Michael A. Conry, Kevin/ Goodman, Randolph M. Cabrera, Oscar A. Feldstein, Mark J./ Murphy, Amanda K./ Tridico, Anthony C. Altherr, Robert F./ Meeker, Frederic M./ Potenza, Joseph M./ Roth, Christopher B. Wolvin, Andrew D. Vladeck, David C./ Bedoya, Alvaro M. Rohr, Gretchen N. 26929 LAWJ 1244 05 20017 LAWJ 995 09 30638 LAWJ 1319 08 28937 LAWJ 1319 05 30642 LAWJ 1319 09 31247 LAWJ 1390 08 31251 LAWJ 1038 08 31234 LAWJ 260 08 31279 LAWJ 837 10 31209 LAWJ 380 05 19697 LAWJ 396 25792 LAWJ 1085 27721 LAWJ 1314 05 05 05 21797 LAWJ 775 10 25716 LAWJ 1174 05 10508 LAWJ 469 29487 LAWJ 3017 05 09 29379 LAWJ 2097 27587 LAWJ 1276 09 08 29585 19663 10492 29411 11 05 07 05 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 846 421 422 1328 27635 LAWJ 980 09 Diversion, and Community Courts (FIELDWORK PRACTICUM) Prosecuting Sexual Violence: Applying Research to Practice (FIELDWORK PRACTICUM) Public Health and International Investment Law Public Policy (D.C. Advantage Practicum) Public Policy (D.C. Advantage Practicum) Public Policy (D.C. Advantage Practicum) Religion and Law in Global Comparative Perspective Seminar Religion and the Work of a Lawyer Seminar Research Skills in International and Comparative Law Research with Human Subjects: Law, Policy & Ethics Retirement Income: Taxation and Regulation Securities Regulation Sentencing Law and Policy Social Entrepreneurship and the Law Special Topics in State and Local Taxation Supreme Court Institute Judicial Clerkship Practicum (PROJECTBASED PRACTICUM) Supreme Court Litigation Seminar Survey of Employee Benefits Law Takeovers, Mergers, and Acquisitions Tax Law and Public Finance Workshop Tax Treaties Taxation I Taxation II Taxation in the European Union Seminar Taxation of Debt Instruments & 5 Long, Jennifer G./ Whitman-Barr, Charlene Jacinto, Justin M./ McGrady, Benn D. Rubiner, Laurie Rubiner, Laurie Rubiner, Laurie Tew, Yvonne Uelmen, Amelia J. Raisch, Marylin/ Bjork, Charles H. Berkman, Benjamin E. Gaudreau, Russell A. Brummer, Chris Newton, Brent E. Holderness, Chloe / Ng, Jonathan Lipinski Galland, Stephanie A. Bernstein, Dori K. Ayer, Donald B. Elinsky, Peter/ Goldowitz, Israel/ Moran, Anne E./ Paliga, John Chan, Tony Brooks, John R./ Grinberg, Itai De Vos, Lloyd Faulhaber, Lilian Galle, Brian D. Faulhaber, Lilian Keinan, Yoram/ Securitization Transactions I Taxation of Partnerships 17597 LAWJ 362 05 22033 LAWJ 1040 08 31203 LAWJ 1387 08 10624 LAWJ 785 08 Technology, Innovation and Access to the Civil Justice System (PROJECTBASED PRACTICUM) The Constitution and Democracy in the 21st Century Seminar Trade & Integration in America 10449 LAWJ 351 02 Trial Practice 10450 LAWJ 351 05 Trial Practice 25820 LAWJ 351 06 Trial Practice 10452 LAWJ 351 19556 LAWJ 351 07 17 Trial Practice Trial Practice 31217 LAWJ 1025 05 27613 LAWJ 1282 08 27570 LAWJ 986 11 21825 LAWJ 401 08 23873 LAWJ 1075 05 25819 LAWJ 872 11 27643 LAWJ 1104 08 UN Security Council in the Age of Human Rights Urban Laboratory: Land Use Planning Law in Practice U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons in the United States Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Entrepreneurial Transactions Women and Immigration (FIELDWORK PRACTICUM) World Trade Organization: Agreements, Negotiations & Disputes Writing for Law Practice 6 Mayo, Daniel Dance, Glenn E./ Mincey, Glenn/ Rooney, John J. Rostain, Tanina/ Mulcahy, Kevin/ O'Brien, Mark Cole, David Fernandez, Ernesto/ Parga, Cesar/ Umana, Mario Casper, Ari S./ Mitchell, Denis Jones, Michael D./ Williams, Michael F. Blanco, Kenneth A./ Stiglitz, Matthew R. Belcuore, Alfred Duross, Charles E./ Kahn, Daniel/ Koukios, James M. Genser, Jared Byrne, John P. Cousin, Nils/ Shapiro, David H. Ansbacher, Richard I./ Kaden, Alan S. Johnson-Firth, Lisa T./ Ribe, Alexandra Christy, David S./ Townsend, David Lopez, Jeffrey